On 2020-09-10 05:09, Chris Green wrote:
> Is there a way to get a simple sequential list of all transactions in
> all accounts?

Tools ยป General Ledger

> I noticed a transaction with an incorrect date (I hadn't "moved it
> back" to the right date when entering the year's figures from a manual
> system) but didn't correct it immediately.  I needed a way to find it
> again which would have been easy if I could have just said "show me
> everything" and then scrolled down to the bottom.
> I tried the Search but it didn't seem to be possible to search for a
> date.

"Date posted" is one of the search criteria.

Bear in mind that Search is essentially a filter applied to whichever
window was open when you initiated the search. If you have
Assets:Automobile open and start a search, you are searching within that
account. If you have General Ledger open, you are searching within all
accounts, but only within the date range of the General Ledger window.
To search _everywhere_ for all dates, have the Accounts tab open before
starting your search.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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