Re: Close books?

2018-03-24 Thread Maf. King
On Saturday, 24 March 2018 22:49:10 GMT . wrote: >How can you prevent further editing or changes (unless you really, >really must) to a credit card account at the end of a year? That is- >lock the credit card account with no further changes possible without >some sort of password o

Re: database problem with invoices to more than one customer

2018-03-24 Thread Maf. King
On Saturday, 24 March 2018 21:05:32 GMT Vario816 wrote: > hi folks, > But after pressing 'ok' then everytime the ever first made entry/name in the > customer database > pops up under 'billing information'. > > Now, I am stuck. I am limited to book invoices for one customer only... > > Can anyone

Re: database problem with invoices to more than one customer

2018-03-25 Thread Maf. King
On Sunday, 25 March 2018 18:52:28 BST Rick Copple wrote: > Try using the customer without the job, or with a new job. Each job is > attached to a specific customer. > > ⁣Rick Copple > +1 on Rick's suggestion. If you already have the job "sales of spare parts" tied to Garden Boyz, then that wil

Re: Fwd: What is the blue line all about?

2018-03-26 Thread Maf. King
On Sunday, 25 March 2018 15:52:43 BST Anita Graves wrote: > Folks, I understand myself now what the blue line is for. I entered the > transaction today 25 March 2018 and the actual transaction date shown on my > bank statement is tomorrow 26 March 2018. Since we have not yet reached > the date of

Re: How to show the accounts in alphabetic sequence on the eguile

2018-03-26 Thread Maf. King
On Sunday, 25 March 2018 17:36:42 BST Anita Graves wrote: > Dear Gnucash folks, > > I would very much appreciate help to know why the eguile report does not > list my sub-accounts in alphabetical order under each parent account. > > For example, I have the checking account with sub-accounts > >

Re: Amend a Typo in Description of Bill

2018-03-26 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 26 March 2018 12:13:25 BST keithwjones wrote: > Adrien Monteleone wrote > > > Unpost the bill, edit it, then repost. Gnucash ’should’ manage to re-apply > > the correct payment automatically. If not, you can assign it manually > > using the context/right-click menu. > > I backed the fi

Re: Running Reports over a Windows 10 Network

2018-03-31 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 30 March 2018 11:45:45 BST Alan Culpitt via gnucash-user wrote: > I am using GNUCash 2.6.19 on 2x Windows 10 PCs networked together to access > our joint financial information stored on my wife's computer. We have a > number of saved reports. If I try to run one of the saved reports i

Re: [GNC] GNC Addition of Mailing List Subject Prefix

2018-04-10 Thread Maf. King
been off line for a few days, +1 here! It seems to me to only add redundant info which clutters the UI; there is enough in the headers to allow a variety of automated filtering schemes and computers (and GC in particular) are supposed to be good at following rules to automate repetitive manua

Re: [GNC] GDPR and data held in GnuCash

2018-04-10 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 10 April 2018 13:24:55 BST Colin Law wrote: > However I believe that any data that is required for 'contractual' > reasons is not covered. When one sells anything there is an implicit > (or explicit) contract so I assume (though I have no qualifications in > this area) that customer d


2018-04-15 Thread Maf. King
On Sunday, 15 April 2018 13:32:12 BST cicko wrote: > Continuing from another thread, this is a separate issue. > On my OpenSuse system, I see no XDG_CONFIG_HOME variable when I do > `printenv`. Echoing the variable itself also displays nothing. > > This would not be a problem on its own but I see

Re: [GNC] Help

2018-04-20 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 20 April 2018 16:32:43 BST Lesley Burton wrote: > Hi > Not sure if you had my previous correspondence as have not heard anything. I > am still not able to open my accounts package and am getting behind. My > oldish laptop is 64 bit not sure if this makes a difference. Lesley > Hi, Ca

Re: [GNC] Online quotes

2018-04-24 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 24 April 2018 09:01:33 BST TFT wrote: > Running Gnucash 2.2.26 and as far as can tell running finance quote 1.47 > Hi, can you double check and confirm the version no. of GC that you are using? 2.2.26 (if it exists) will be very old code by now. I don't have any advice to offer a

Re: [GNC] Printing Question

2018-04-30 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 30 April 2018 12:07:50 BST Anthony Knyvett via gnucash-user wrote: > Hi > > > > I have recently started using GnuCash and am very impressed but hope you can > help with a question as I have failed to find the answer in the > documentation. I want to print an account report for each o

Re: [GNC] help setting accounts to track contributions

2018-05-04 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 4 May 2018 09:13:57 BST Gio Bacareza wrote: > Hi, > > My partner and I are moving in together and we'd like to share expenses > like groceries, rent, etc. So we'd like to track expenses as well as our > appropriate contributions to make sure that we both are contributing > equally to ho

Re: [GNC] new v3.0 install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

2018-05-14 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 14 May 2018 15:14:13 BST Dennis Powless wrote: > > PREFIX=/home/dennis/.local > > is this the same as: > > PREFIX=$HOME/.local yes, almost certainly, if your username is "dennis" > > > And this: > > /home/dennis/Applications/gnucash-3.1 > > the same as > > ../gnucash-3.1 > >

Re: [GNC] Current windows iteration

2018-05-15 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 15 May 2018 13:57:07 BST Gary Holtum wrote: > Sure don't see a link to 2.6.21 at > Can you be specific? > Gary Hi Gary, on the left hand side of the main page, there is a box titled "Downloads" and in that box, a link "Program". Click that, then scroll down a bit. HTH,

Re: [GNC] Invoice tax rouding issue in 2.x

2018-05-23 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 23 May 2018 02:11:26 BST Matthew Pounsett wrote: > I've got an off-by-a-cent error on an invoice due to the way taxes are > calculated. GnuCash (2.6.21) is calculating the tax on each individual > taxable item, then summing that up, and adding that value to the subtotal. > This cause

Re: [GNC] Reconciling credit card and A/P accounts

2018-05-29 Thread Maf. King
actually recorded is moving a liability from one accoun to another, without incurring it (or paying it off!) HTH, Maf. -- Maf. King PGP Key fingerprint = 8D68 A91F 733B 2C1F 43B7 2B7C E591 E8E1 0DE7 C542 ___ gnucash-user mailing list gnu

Re: [GNC] Fwd: v3.1 error

2018-05-29 Thread Maf. King
tion preferences or to unsubscribe: > > If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see > for more information. - > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies. > You can do t

Re: [GNC] Printing a report splits line of text with page break

2018-05-29 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 17:12:37 BST John Dablin via gnucash-user wrote: > I've created a custom transaction report and I want to print it, but > when I do the bottom line of text on pages after the first is split in > two, with the bottom half of the characters appearing at the top of the > next p

Re: [GNC] Delete a customer

2018-05-29 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 17:18:47 BST Rich Shepard wrote: >Cleaning up the A/R account. I sent an invoice to a client who said he > wanted to hire me, but he refused to pay the invoice. Ergo, he is not a > customer. I deleted the invoice I posted but cannot delete the customer > record. The Guid

Re: [GNC] A/P: invoice not displayed and payment is displayed

2018-05-29 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 21:44:13 BST Rich Shepard wrote: > On Tue, 29 May 2018, Adrien Monteleone wrote: > > If you posted a bill properly, it will be in the A/P register. > > Adrien, > >Yep. That's the expectation. > > > View the bill and make sure it shows as posting to A/P and double chec

Re: [GNC] A/P: invoice not displayed and payment is displayed

2018-05-30 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 30 May 2018 01:15:12 BST Rich Shepard wrote: > On Tue, 29 May 2018, Rich Shepard wrote: > > Please suggest how I can move the bill transactions from that sub-account > > > > to the main A/P account (prior to deleting the sub-account). > >Oh, wait! I need to change each invoice

Re: [GNC] Windows 10 installation very slow opening or saving file

2018-05-30 Thread Maf. King > If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see > for more information. - > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies. > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All. -- Maf. King PGP

Re: [GNC] Finance::Quote

2018-06-06 Thread Maf. King
abble or Gmane, please see > for more information. - > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies. > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All. -- Maf. King PGP Key fingerprint = 8D68 A91F 733B 2C1F 43B7 2B7C E59

Re: [GNC] Autofill with Open Date?

2018-06-06 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 6 June 2018 16:25:15 BST Sensei Tim Rosanelli wrote: > Hi All, > > I am using Gnucash for my business and love it but I have one question. > > Most of my transaction are via credit card. That means that the invoice > open date, line item date, post date, due date, and payment date a

Re: [GNC] Online quotes problem

2018-06-09 Thread Maf. King
On Saturday, 9 June 2018 10:22:19 BST Graham Balin wrote: > Many thanks for the reply, but sadly none of this works. > I tried adding an ".AX" stock as described below but that didn't work > either. > I'm afraid I don't understand the references to API for AlphaVantage - > is that something I need

Re: [GNC] Payroll - How to generate a Paystub

2018-06-11 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 11 June 2018 14:01:54 BST MichaelK wrote: > What do you send your employee(s) along with their paycheck? I have one > employee and pay him twice a month. Ordinarily, a paystub would accompany > the paycheck and list Salary and Withholdings for the pay period along with > Salary and Wit

Re: [GNC] Dock Icon on Mac

2018-06-13 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 13 June 2018 13:54:25 BST Colin Law wrote: > On 13 June 2018 at 13:39, Glen Byram (Gmail) wrote: > > ... > > > > The only other thing I have considered is that I open the App with a data > > file active (my personal finances). Could it be something to do with the > > location of th

Re: [GNC] Gnucash won't open?

2018-06-14 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 14 June 2018 01:11:14 BST Gyle McCollam wrote: > I tried opening gnucash, I have been using for over 2 years, and it tells me > it can’t get a lock. I select open anyway and it shows on the windows 10 > taskbar, show a preview when hovered over the icon, but will not open for > use.

Re: [GNC] 3.2 out and no mention here?

2018-06-25 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 25 June 2018 11:39:16 BST randix wrote: > or has it been out for a while and i'm just not paying attention? > Announced on the list about 8 hours ago by John Ralls. (Thanks John & devs!) Maf. ___ gnucash-user mailing list gnucash-user@gn

Re: [GNC] Forward payments

2018-06-28 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 28 June 2018 07:53:02 BST Tony Vanson wrote: > Hi all, > Hopefully someone can advise me how to treat the following problem which > stumps me. > I am using GNUcash 2.6.18 on Windows 10. > I shall be away for several months and have transferred credit from my > Savings account to my Sta

Re: [GNC] Forward payments

2018-06-28 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 28 June 2018 08:25:51 BST Tony Vanson wrote: > Thank you for your quick response. My Staff account is set up as an Expense > not as an Asset. In this particular case would I need to set up a new > account Current Assets:Staff - as a child account under Current Assets? > Cheers > Hi T

Re: [GNC] Forward payments

2018-06-28 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 28 June 2018 08:46:41 BST Tony Vanson wrote: > Thanks again. Normally the staff salary would be simply paid from my > Current assets:Bank Account to Expenses:Staff as they become due. > Similarly with the other payments from my Current:assets:Bank Account to > the various other expense

Re: [GNC] Forward payments

2018-06-28 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 28 June 2018 11:31:08 BST Tony Vanson wrote: > Thank you for your patience > Yes, I guess, in this instance, it could be considered as a type of > temporary loan for her to pay the bills. However, my thoughts are, that if > I change the current classification of Expenses:Staff to Curre

Re: [GNC] Why duplicate reports in 3.2?

2018-07-11 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 11 July 2018 23:04:47 BST Rich Shepard wrote: >I'm not an accountant so when I saw that a report menu has both Income > Statement and Profit & Loss as reports I looked up the difference in > wikipedia. While there are apparently subtle differences meaningful to those > wearing gre

Re: [GNC] How to move my Windows 10 2.6.17 to a new Windows, 10 machine?

2018-07-13 Thread Maf. King
@echo. > >> popd > >> @if %VERBOSE ge 1 echo on > >> reg export %GKEY "%GFIL" /y > >> @%MYECHO > >> > >> elseiff %ACTION == apply then > >> > >> if %PURGING == 1 gosub PurgeAction > >

Re: [GNC] Reports Showing All Zeros

2018-07-20 Thread Maf. King
er-f1415819.html > ___ > gnucash-user mailing list > > To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: > > If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see

Re: [GNC] Duplicated Scheduled Transactions

2018-07-20 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 20 July 2018 15:18:05 BST Adrien Monteleone wrote: > Do a series of Finds from the CoA based on the info in your SX editor? > > > On Jul 19, 2018, at 6:17 PM, David Carlson > > wrote: > > > > Somehow I have managed to duplicate a whole bunch of scheduled > > transactions > > in variou

Re: [GNC] Finance::Quote still not working with alphavantage

2018-07-23 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 23 July 2018 15:55:01 BST Samantha Payn wrote: >Hello all! > >I see the thread about online currency quotes not working in the >mailing list archive and the helpful replies. However I am not a >coder/programmer so am unable to fathom what I, a mere mortal, should >be

Re: [GNC] opening my accounts after I have saved them

2018-07-24 Thread Maf. King
--- > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies. > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All. -- Maf. King PGP Key fingerprint = 8D68 A91F 733B 2C1F 43B7 2B7C E591 E8E1 0DE7 C542 ___ gnucash-user mailing list gnucas

Re: [GNC] Payroll add-on, module, software?

2018-07-26 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 26 July 2018 12:36:27 BST Mike or Penny Novack wrote: > > Saying that no third party has expressed interest in writing something > that would send a feed to gnucash ignores that gnucash does not have the > capability of (properly) dealing with batch feeds. > > Michael Why do the wo

Re: [GNC] Operating Checking Account in Overdraft

2018-07-31 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 31 July 2018 08:14:14 BST Murray Field wrote: > Hi, > > We have a permanent overdraft with our bank and we operate our account > fluctuating within the overdraft limit approved. > > How should this be classified in gnucash? > > As an asset, a liability or something else? We could n

Re: [GNC] UK specific: any progress on MTD (Making Tax Difficult) ?

2018-08-03 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 3 August 2018 17:17:46 BST Mike Evans wrote: > On Mon, 30 Jul 2018 14:10:46 +0100 > > Alain D D Williams wrote: > > This is the UK government's edict any business with a turnover of more > > than > > £85k/year will *need* to use accounting software and use that to submit > > tax > > re

Re: [GNC] UK specific: any progress on MTD (Making Tax Difficult) ?

2018-08-03 Thread Maf. King
On Saturday, 4 August 2018 06:46:25 BST Maf. King wrote: > On Friday, 3 August 2018 17:17:46 BST Mike Evans wrote: > > On Mon, 30 Jul 2018 14:10:46 +0100 > > > > Alain D D Williams wrote: > > > This is the UK government's edict any business with a turnover of m

Re: [GNC] VAT Reporting

2018-08-07 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 6 August 2018 14:27:29 BST Peter Bruty wrote: > Hi Guys > I am looking at Gnucash to replace my old Quicken accounts system which is > dying. > I run accounts for a local sports club in the UK. We are VAT (Value Added > Tax) registered so need to submit quarterly VAT returns. My quicken

Re: [GNC] Hidden accounts and balances

2018-08-10 Thread Maf. King
n do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All. > > ___ > gnucash-user mailing list > > To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: > > If

Re: [GNC] Production of UK VAT reports

2018-08-11 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 10 August 2018 12:27:12 BST Edacc wrote: > Hi, > > There is documentation on employing a Gnuash account hierarchy to produce > special purpose gl codes for VAT, and that is extremely helpful. I can see > that a report could be then run against them to produce the numbers to go > into th

Re: [GNC] Unable to open new version

2018-08-28 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 28 August 2018 10:58:30 BST Ian Lancaster wrote: > Colin > Thanks for your very quick reply to my problem. > I have tried the File>Open but the new app seems to overrule the > original > program. Hi, what do you mean by this phrase? Does GC pop up any messages or dialo

Re: [GNC] Error importing quicken 2017 qif / qfx

2018-09-17 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 17 September 2018 17:10:10 BST Diogo Maciel wrote: > I think it's a bug in the 3.2 version. Installed the 2.6 version and it > imported without problems > Or, logically, it could be a bug in 2.6.x to allow something bogus into GC (that has been fixed in 3.x)? 0.02 Maf. __

Re: [GNC] confusion over a/p payable - receivable

2018-09-19 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 19 September 2018 01:35:58 BST johneire31 wrote: > Im new to this program and really need a hand. I have read the manual and > tried a good few searches also. > > My issue is to do with billing. > > Ok, I have a set of business accounts up an going. > I have set up vendors > I ente

Re: [GNC] Auto Save Ledger

2018-09-20 Thread Maf. King
:// for more information. - > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies. > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All. -- Maf. King PGP Key fingerprint = 8D68 A91F 733B 2C1F 43B7 2B7C E591 E8E1 0DE7 C542

Re: [GNC] Editing, moving customer lists, possible child lists

2018-10-21 Thread Maf. King
On Sunday, 21 October 2018 23:47:33 BST David Cousens wrote: > > GnuCash automatically produces backupsin the directory in which you store > the books, i.e. on the computer you have GnuCash running on. If that > computer fails, you have a serious problem. In addition you would want to > backup to

Re: [GNC] Accidentally Created .LNK file and now my entire GnuCash file is overwritten and I can't get back to work

2018-11-04 Thread Maf. King
over again and enter absolutely everything all over > again and start from scratch with all my accounts. > > Thank you so much for your compassionate interest and professional guidance! > > Anita! -- Maf. King PGP Key fingerprint = 8D68 A91F 733B 2C1F 43B7 2B7C E591 E8E1 0DE7 C

Re: [GNC] Accidentally Created .LNK file and now my entire GnuCash file is overwritten and I can't get back to work

2018-11-04 Thread Maf. King
estion. > > How can I reverse that superimposition? How can I reverse the lock? -- Maf. King PGP Key fingerprint = 8D68 A91F 733B 2C1F 43B7 2B7C E591 E8E1 0DE7 C542 ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subsc

Re: [GNC] Accidentally Created .LNK file and now my entire GnuCash file is overwritten and I can't get back to work

2018-11-04 Thread Maf. King
do you mean that you click on the "GNUCASH" icon to start GC running (is it in the dock thingie, on your desktop, in a menu somewhere? Is it the same thing as you used to click before you had the system crash?)This is what I mean about being explicit. "Gnu" and "Gnucash" mean different th

Re: [GNC] Accidentally Created .LNK file and now my entire GnuCash file is overwritten and I can't get back to work

2018-11-04 Thread Maf. King
> crazy .LNK file and that file will not let me open the checking account and > if you look in my pdf attachment you can see that there is a window > screenshot in which there are two GnuCash programs open, one on top of the > other. > > Anita > > > On 4 Nov 2018, at 17:39,

Re: [GNC] Accidentally Created .LNK file and now my entire GnuCash file is overwritten and I can't get back to work

2018-11-04 Thread Maf. King
which I am not willing to do now. I really do not want to start this > fiscal year all over again with all that data entry. Anita > > > On 4 Nov 2018, at 18:07, Maf. King wrote: > > > > > > Right. first things first. if GC crashes, it would be expected that a >

Re: [GNC] Accidentally Created .LNK file and now my entire GnuCash file is overwritten and I can't get back to work

2018-11-04 Thread Maf. King
Hi Anita, glad you are back with it! forwarding to the list for reference. Maf. On Sunday, 4 November 2018 16:38:23 GMT you wrote: > Maf, I did what you suggested and deleted the .LNK files that were zero > bytes and now I am back to work! Thank you so very much! > > Have there been any bug

Re: [GNC] Below are my screen shots in .pdf format/previously they were .png files which did not go thru

2018-11-05 Thread Maf. King
Anita said yesterday that she manually deleted the .LCK in her file manager and then GC was back to normal next time she started it. I still don't understand what the problem was and why she had 2 "super-imposed GC windows", but it seems to be solved... I think these emails with screenshots h

Re: [GNC] GNC 3.3 CSV Importer Freezing on MacOS

2018-11-06 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 6 November 2018 17:37:30 GMT btrib wrote: > Autosave simply updates the log file whereas closing the program updates the > main file, correct? > Incorrect, AFAIK Assuming you are using the XML back end to save your file (not SQLite), then triggering a save (autosave, or File->Save)

Re: [GNC] Amounts not showing in accounts

2018-11-08 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 8 November 2018 13:04:22 GMT Terry Ellis wrote: > I had a PC failure and had to reload GnuCash. That done, when I enter $$ > amounts into the General Journal, they do not show up in the account > assigned. After I re-loaded GnuCash, I see all the history but only the > amounts do not t

Re: [GNC] Amounts not showing in accounts

2018-11-08 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 8 November 2018 15:29:18 GMT Terry Ellis wrote: > Do you mean US vs Canadian $$? I also get a ‘funds transfer’ window that > pops up & I have to check ‘ok’ to enter the amount. It did not used to do > that before I re-loaded GnuCash. > > Terry > Hi Terry, yep, pretty much. maybe

Re: [GNC] Cant see previous transactions

2018-11-14 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 14 November 2018 11:42:10 GMT Gareth Davies via gnucash-user wrote: > Using Windows 10 with Version 3.2 > > I have been sent a file from a friend who uses Gnucash, I can see all the > previous transactions going back to 2016, except for the current account > file. > > Could this be

Re: [GNC] About report transaction

2018-11-16 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 16 November 2018 16:25:02 GMT Carlos E. Morales wrote: > Thank you for your answer, however I believe that I express myself badly. My > question is not about the reports themselves, it's about the “configuration > of the reports”. I want to save the "settings of the reports" in another >

Re: [GNC] Column labels in Credit Card accounts

2018-11-17 Thread Maf. King
On Saturday, 17 November 2018 19:05:18 GMT Diane Trefethen wrote: > Dear Fellow Users, > > > Second: My Credit Card type account registers display Debits and > Credits, not Charges and Payments. Why? > Hi, Edit -> Preferences -> Accounts -> Use Formal Accounting labels HTH, Maf. __

Re: [GNC] Column labels in Credit Card accounts

2018-11-19 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 19 November 2018 09:58:46 GMT Finbar Mahon wrote: > I tried the suggestion, but it doesn't seem to work with "normal" > accounts, bank etc. > > Barry > Hi Barry, The option I suggested will swap between formal "Debit & Credit" column labels and "Friendly Text". The "Freindly Text

Re: [GNC] Trouble finding executable after build

2018-11-20 Thread Maf. King
written to: > /home/michelle/Applications/gnucash-3.3/build > > > listing my /usr/local directories > > michelle@michelle-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y570:~/Applications$ ls /usr/local/* > /usr/local/bin: > apt dm_date dm_zdump gnome-help highligh

Re: [GNC] Can't post an Invoice, no post to account?

2018-11-30 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 30 November 2018 12:00:05 GMT John Ralls wrote: > > On Nov 30, 2018, at 7:26 PM, John Whitmore wrote: > > > > Sorry I might have missed something in an update or perhaps it's due to > > the > > version installed on this new OS Install. In the past I've never had a > > problem posting a

Re: [GNC] How to save Gnucash and Lock file issues

2018-12-03 Thread Maf. King > If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see > for more information. - > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies. > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All. -- Maf. Kin

Re: [GNC] Text Files

2018-12-04 Thread Maf. King
Please remember to CC this list on all your replies. > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All. > > ___ > gnucash-user mailing list > > To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:

Re: [GNC] How to handle a Square Transaction

2018-12-05 Thread Maf. King
bble or Gmane, please see > for more information. - > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies. > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All. -- Maf. King PGP Key fingerprint = 8D68 A91F 733B 2C1F 43B7 2B7C E591 E8E1

Re: [GNC] How to handle a Square Transaction

2018-12-05 Thread Maf. King
en > I get paid. > > On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 4:57 AM Maf. King wrote: > > Hi, > > > > do you create an invoice in GC (ie. accruals) or is this all "cash-based" > > accounting? ___ gnucash-user mailing

Re: [GNC] How to handle a Square Transaction

2018-12-05 Thread Maf. King
gt; > checking 120.00 > credit card fees 5.00 > job income 125.00 > > On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 5:31 AM Maf. King wrote: > > OK, > > > > Assuming Square sits on your money for a day or 2 (or longer), I would > > cr

Re: [GNC] TRANSFER transactions

2018-12-13 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 13 December 2018 09:33:13 GMT wrote: > Thursday 13th Dec > I have set up 5 accounts to allocate particular categories of transactions. > They are each top of the tree. > I want to have a single parent and 5 child accounts. How can I transfer all > in

Re: Need a static version of GNUCash

2017-05-13 Thread Maf. King
On Saturday, 13 May 2017 11:26:37 BST Mike or Penny Novack wrote: > > If you meant "a version of the program that is not rapidly changing, > being improved, etc.) then the term would be "stable", not "static" > > Michael Hi Mike, Seems unlikely to be a language issue - the OP did say "Can ple

Re: Fixing opening balance for an incorrectly reconciled account

2017-05-15 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 15 May 2017 02:19:18 BST Andrew Gross wrote: > Greetings -- have looked at a couple of old threads on reconciliation > issues that come close to this question, but not quite. In two of my > accounts (one asset; one liability) I committed a transgression; I > attempted to fix a reconciled

Re: Fixing opening balance for an incorrectly reconciled account

2017-05-15 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 15 May 2017 09:11:07 BST Maf. King wrote: > > If you need to add a dummy txn to recreate something you have deleted, then > create one but be aware that it is a fudge and add explaining notes. Let me expand: if you create a transaction, but are not entirely sure what was

Re: Balances forward of unused cash advances from previous year

2017-05-18 Thread Maf. King
Hi Anita. I think I would record them at start of year in an asset account - something like Assets:AdvancePaymentsMade. Then as you "use up" the pre paid expense, transfer between Expenses:widgets and A:AdvPay so that the asset tends to zero. This presumes that if the expense didn't really ha

Re: Read *.gnucash

2017-05-18 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 18 May 2017 12:45:53 BST Oleg Linkin wrote: > Hello > I want to create mobila application for SailfishOS which will work as > mobile part of gnucash. Where I can get information about format of > *.gnucash files? > Hi, Don't know if it helps, but *.gnucash files are plain text XML,

Re: Balances forward of unused cash advances from previous year

2017-05-18 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 18 May 2017 13:07:07 BST Anita Graves wrote: > > What is a widget? > A generic term for raw materials that one might buy to incorporate into a finished product. I have no idea what your expenses are - so a generic term seemed appropriate. as in "this gadget uses a new design of

Re: Flipping account types by hacking the XML

2017-05-18 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 18 May 2017 13:57:03 BST farleykj wrote: > Another method, perhaps a tedious one, is to create the "proper" credit card > account, then go into the imported transactions and redesignate the > accounts of each transaction. I've done this for situations where I needed > to add a "Cash" a

Re: Flipping account types by hacking the XML

2017-05-18 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 18 May 2017 15:07:48 BST Derek Atkins wrote: > Maf, > > > unfortunately 2.6.16 stops you from doing that. I would recommend you > downgrade to 2.6.15, make the changes there, and then you can come back to > 2.6.16. I'm hoping that 2.6.17 "fixes" this problem. > Oh right. Thanks

Re: Understanding taxes and the income statement

2017-05-21 Thread Maf. King
On Sunday, 21 May 2017 00:33:49 BST P M wrote: > Very basic problem here. I made an invoice for a service that I did. I > received $20. Where I live I have to charge 7% tax. So the revenue is > actually $18.69 and the tax is 1.31.My invoice has a subtotal of $18.69 > and a tax of 1.31. I p

Re: Understanding taxes and the income statement

2017-05-22 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 22 May 2017 01:11:31 BST P M wrote: > Thank you. I think I am doing what you have done. My problem is > understanding why the 1.31 adds to Net Income instead of takes away from it > when you create an income statement. It seems like sales tax would take > away from net income, no? Is

Re: Hiding accounts

2017-05-24 Thread Maf. King
t; > > - > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies. > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All. -- Maf. King PGP Key fingerprint = 8D68 A91F 733B 2C1F 43B7 2B7C E591 E8E1 0DE

Re: Handling religious organization 'earmarked' funds and in-kind contributions

2017-05-25 Thread Maf. King
Hi Anita. why would you expect a change in the opening balance account? At the start of the year, you have some money (say €100), which shows up in an asset account as you say, transferred from Equity:OpeningBalances. You spend most of the money - so asset drops to €14, and expenses:whatever is

Re: Handling religious organization 'earmarked' funds and in-kind contributions

2017-05-25 Thread Maf. King
latest message, I think I got that. But, as I > explained, I didn’t know how to carry forward balances in the asset > accounts when I opened the new file. I just exported the account tree and > that was all…. > > Anita > > > On 25 May 2017, at 2:32 PM, Maf. King wrote:

Re: Handling religious organization 'earmarked' funds and in-kind contributions

2017-05-25 Thread Maf. King
Hi Anita, That sounds right to me - unless anyone knows of an automated way to do this in a more recent GC - last time I started a new year empty boo was probably still in the GC 2.2.x days, and there's been a lot of changes to GC since then! Maf. On Thursday, 25 May 2017 13:07:25 BST Anita

Re: Some GNU questions

2017-05-25 Thread Maf. King
Hi Martjin, Welcome to the list. answers in turn throughout the post. On Thursday, 25 May 2017 14:45:29 BST Martijn Heuts wrote: > Good morning, > I am working with GNU cash for several months now and have some questions: > 1. When I create a new invoice for a client, and type in a product and

Re: How to close a financial year & how to keep 'earmarked' funds

2017-05-25 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 25 May 2017 16:05:27 BST Anita Graves wrote: > > I would very much like to know how these funds should be entered in the > accounts. You take money from the asset accounts (checking or cash) and > put it in special ‘earmarked’ expense subaccounts, then draw the funds > toward zero a

Re: How to close a financial year & how to keep 'earmarked' funds

2017-05-25 Thread Maf. King
a multi-column report - which is a "container" for any other reports - so you can have say 3 balance sheets side-by-side, or run income year to date subtotalled by month next to the same thing for last year, for example. Maf. > > On 25 May 2017, at 6:28 PM, Maf. King wrote: &

Re: A transaction report showing only charges

2017-05-26 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 26 May 2017 22:57:12 BST AC wrote: > Is there a way to configure any of the available reports to show only > charges or payments for a set of accounts? For example I want to > generate a report of all the charges made on my credit card while > excluding the payments. Using the transact

Re: A transaction report showing only charges

2017-05-27 Thread Maf. King
On Saturday, 27 May 2017 00:39:32 BST AC wrote: > On 2017-05-26 16:35, Maf. King wrote: > > On Friday, 26 May 2017 22:57:12 BST AC wrote: > >> Is there a way to configure any of the available reports to show only > >> charges or payments for a set of accounts? For exam

Re: New PC

2017-06-07 Thread Maf. King
Hi Edwin, Just copy the datafile. See the FAQ section 3 about backing up if you are unsure of file locations etc. HTH, Maf. On Wednesday, 7 June 2017 12:34:16 BST Edwin Humphreys wrote: > I have GnuCash on an old PC, which I am now replacing. I can download > GnuCash onto the new PC, but how

Re: New PC

2017-06-07 Thread Maf. King
man/listinfo/gnucash-user > - > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies. > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All. > > > > ___ > gnucash-user mailing list > > > - > Ple

Re: New PC

2017-06-07 Thread Maf. King
en opening > GnuCash, there were a few 'cannot find entry point' messages but it did > open. But what do I do then? My old details do not appear as they used to. > I tried 'Open File' but I have no idea what file I am looking for. > > Help - Edwin > >

Re: Installment Payment Plans & Bills Due Reminder

2017-06-07 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 8 June 2017 02:35:51 BST Adrien Monteleone wrote: > Not sure if this is possible, but has anyone worked out a way to get the > Bills Due Reminder to trigger that a payment is due on a loan or other type > of installment plan? > > Particularly, this issue comes up with insurance that i

Re: Transfering GNu files to new computer

2017-06-08 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 7 June 2017 18:30:55 BST PL Brand wrote: > I'm trying to transfer my GNu files to another computer running 16.04. > I've been able to import the account names, but now data/amounts, etc. > > > Please help. Thank you Hi PLBrand, All you need to do is move your accounts data file t

Re: Inability to correct GBP value for Euro priced shares

2017-06-08 Thread Maf. King
else? > > I suppose I could just live with the “error” but what is accounting > without accuracy! > > A separate set of accounts for one share seems too much like overkill. > > Thanks in advance for any help or advice offered. > > > Eric Coates > > __

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