The "descritption" field will auto-enlarge to fill the window space. Reduce
width of your GC window, and then double-click the description header?
On Thursday, 26 May 2022 05:11:14 BST Kevin T via gnucash-user wrote:
> I have found how to make the fonts large enough to read thro
+1 for Derek's method. I've done the same in the past for a variety of
On Tuesday, 21 June 2022 21:35:29 BST Derek Atkins wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, June 21, 2022 3:43 pm, Eric Hammond wrote:
> > I was not paid by a client, and have 'written it off', but how do I book
> > it
Gyle McCollam)
>2. Thank you for your courtesy (Jim DeLaHunt)
>3. Help (Eric Hammond)
>4. Re: Thank you for your courtesy (Chris Graves)
>5. Re: Help (Derek Atkins)
>6. Re: Help (Maf. King)
>7. Re: Help (
>8. Re: Help (D
On Tuesday, 18 October 2022 14:34:34 BST Etienne wrote:
> I think for the time being that manual entry in the ledger correcting the
> 1ct will have to do. Hopefully GNC will have some option down the line for
> this.
Unless things have changed in recent versions of GC, that is not the solution
Just an observation, from the depths of history...
IIRC, 2.3.x I think was a development series; unstable and for bug testing and
so on, and for "expert" users only (ie not me)
it feels to me that having that running on win11 is unlikely, I'm not even
sure that 2.3 release were for windows - i
On Tuesday, 22 November 2022 12:38:52 GMT Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> One of the account types I can select in GnuCash is UK VAT records. There
> are bits in there about "EU Reverse VAT Purchase" and "All, including zero
> rate UK/EU and World (Box 1)" These have no longer relevant as the UK left
On Monday, 28 November 2022 11:19:56 GMT Stan Brown wrote:
> On 2022-11-27 19:37, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> > Personally, I use the Description field for *all* of my transactions as
> > a Payor/Payee line. Actual descriptive info I put in the Notes and/or
> > Memo fields.
> >
> > In that case, I
On Friday, 2 December 2022 13:46:38 GMT Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> with the intention of adding the £1 share there as an opening balance. But
> it is not possible to edit the opening balance of that account.
> I assume it's me, as the director, that owns that £1 share. I guess, since
> it's only
what do you mean "menu of accounts is not coming up"?
"File" Menu then entry "Open" is not there?
Recently-used files list is not there (no surprise, you said it was a new
What about pressing Ctrl-O to open your data file? (works on linux, at least,
not sure about windows keyb
On Monday, 12 December 2022 15:03:08 GMT Orith wrote:
> 1. downloaded . 2. setup. 3. agreed to have the unknown program change my
> computer stuff (cannot recall the exact wording) 4. english as language for
> setup 5. install in C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash even though the link was
> there alrea
On Monday, 12 December 2022 15:25:11 GMT Orith wrote:
> Thanks for the advice!
> Old computer is burned. Dead. I am unable to copy anything. Thanks Derek.
>From that, Orith, I assume you also lost all your backups and can't restore
your datafile from one of those even one a few weeks old?
On Monday, 12 December 2022 15:42:40 GMT Orith wrote:
> It seems I missed explaining myself. It is not the data files that I
> am looking for. It's a new year and I can start from scratch to fill the
> files. When I downloaded GnuCash from the beginning it did not give me the
> opportunity to buil
On Monday, 12 December 2022 15:44:49 GMT Mahon Finbar wrote:
> However, the original spend was allocated to 'expenses' > travel. When I
> try to rectify it as a rebate on the expenses a/c the column option is
> 'rebate' but it appears twice, as an expense and a rebate and the
> expenses a/c doe
On Monday, 19 December 2022 11:12:37 GMT
p.f.cuthbert--- via gnucash-user wrote:
> 7. Your cursor is now in the Account column. Click on the drop down
> list and select the account in which you record Dog Food.
Or just start typing the account name.
older vesrsio
Morning Dave.
I think the answer to this depends on the question "are you planning to
register for VAT?", and also falls squarely in the category of "ask your
accountant for his opinion on how to do this"
If you are planning to register, then you might as well start your books with
that goal i
On Tuesday, 20 December 2022 15:22:42 GMT Eric Chapman wrote:
> Hi,
> I named my file incorrectly. I guess in GnuCash the data file is called
> a "book". I'm using .xml.
> Should I export and import with a new name (as discussed here in issue
> tracker:
On Tuesday, 20 December 2022 15:48:11 GMT Eric Chapman wrote:
> I do have a bunch of files named something like
> xxx.gnucash.20221219140714.gnucash
> and they are bigger than the xxx.gnucash file. The last one is dated
> yesterday. So maybe that is a backup?
> But I clicked on it, and it
On Wednesday, 21 December 2022 05:24:01 GMT Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> looks potentially interesting. This post
> probably explains what these boxes are.
Yeah, that's what I used to get GC set up for VAT many years ago.
On Thursday, 22 December 2022 15:09:36 GMT Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> Okay, I will leave the Greek characters when I see them. It looks a bit
> nicer if I send a customer an invoice with the Greek omega symbol, rather
> than write ohm. (The electrical resistance of something is expressed in
> ohms
I run my business accounts out of GC into LibreOffice for pretty formatting and
so on and thence to my accountant for his magic touch for companies house and
dead easy to get calc to open the HTML export from GC, or you can copy-paste
On Monday, 2 January 2023 21:30:04
Just a further 0.02 on this.
generating a PDF in a folder gives you (with no extra work) a handy archive of
invoice documents actually generated. If you ever need to quickly refer to
one (or have the tax man come to visit), an archive of PDFs is IMHO quicker
than firing up GC and searching.
CAn I suggest that columns are given a notional minimum width, to stop the
problem of the left and right dividers overlapping. say 5 or 10px or
something, it you are thiking of diddling around with that area of code?
"vanishing" columns seems to be another similar FAQ over the years.
On Saturday, 7 January 2023 14:21:21 GMT Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> I'm inputting my 2022 accounts, and have reconciled up to 10/04/2022
> (DD/MM/). Now I just found a refund, dated 06/04/2022, but does not
> appear in the bank account until 19/04/2022. Is it safe to create a credit
> note, date
On Thursday, 12 January 2023 14:05:04 GMT Paul W via gnucash-user wrote:
> To submit VAT data to HMRC here in the UK I am obliged to use a method which
> is automatic. So I need to find a way to trasnfer the balances from a
> couple of accounts to an Excel spreadsheet automatically ie not by copyin
On Friday, 13 January 2023 04:45:20 GMT David T. via gnucash-user wrote:
> Indeed.
> I don't have to comply with this either, but it seems to me that "pressing a
> button" to export to Excel provides exactly the same automated reliability
> as CTRL-C/CTRL-V (two buttons, if you will) into Excel.
On Sunday, 15 January 2023 16:30:38 GMT Paul W wrote:
> Thanks Maf. That seems like a neat solution. I'm almost there.
> Because I'm on the Flat Rate Scheme my Box 6 figure needs to be the total of
> sales including VAT but apart from my Accounts Receivable which goes to
> zero once the invoice is
On Sunday, 22 January 2023 04:50:47 GMT xboxboy.mageia+GnuCash wrote:
> Thanks: Now which page/account/ledger do I do this on? The dividend
> income one? the company dividend income one? the company stock one??
When the dividends are being reinvested automatically, I enter the transaction
On Sunday, 15 January 2023 at 19:39:36 GMT+3, Maf. King
> wrote:
> On Sunday, 15 January 2023 16:30:38 GMT Paul W wrote:
> > Thanks Maf. That seems like a neat solution. I'm almost there.
> >
> > Because I'm on the Flat Rate Scheme my Box 6 figure needs to be
On Monday, 23 January 2023 16:35:21 GMT Phyllis Bruce wrote:
> I found out how to export transactions, but how can I export my Tax report
> as CSV? My only options are HTML or TXF, neither allow me to reformat in
> Excel.
LibreOffice calc can work on the HTML export; I imagine that excel is
On Monday, 23 January 2023 17:10:51 GMT Ann Bowes wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm trying to set up a simple manual checking account for a small farm
> business. I've down-loaded the gnucash program to my laptop (linux
> zorin OS), and have tried to open new accounts, but am completely
> stumped as to
I think the profit and loss report may be a start point for you, Steve.
the option "Parent Account subtotals : Show Subtotals" might be useful.
On Friday, 3 February 2023 22:43:20 GMT Steve Cohen wrote:
> Actually it's even worse than the example shown. Had there been no
> transactio
On Sunday, 5 February 2023 09:37:44 GMT Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> On Sun, 5 Feb 2023 at 04:45, Phyllis Bruce wrote:
> > What happens when you try it? As far as I know, there is nothing to
> > prevent it.
> I could not edit it - no error message or anything, but could not be edited.
Hi Dave,
On Wednesday, 15 February 2023 19:14:06 GMT Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> Third, with respect to your actual request, what do you mean by
> "Unrecognized account"?
> >
> > UNRECONSIlED account somehow highlighted in the Account Summary report.
I read it as unreconciled
On Tuesday, 7 March 2023 09:34:59 GMT aeg via gnucash-user wrote:
> Is there a reason why GnuCash version numbers don't follow a sequence 4.00,
> 4.01, 4.02, etc. instead of 4.0. 4.1, 4.2? I find it a little confusing
> that 4.9 is older than 4.12, and that 4.902 comes just before 5.0
> Alan
On Tuesday, 11 May 2021 13:41:04 BST Fran_3 via gnucash-user wrote:
> How can I create a Transaction Report on the Checking AccountAnd show only
> Debits?Or show only Credits? Thanks for any help.
> ___
use the Filter... settings on the "accounts" t
Are you "posting" the invoices once you've created them?
Check the currencies for the invoice, customer and all the accounts you expect
to be affected.
Just a couple of thoughts for you.
On Tuesday, 22 June 2021 14:49:16 BST Nathan Ellery wrote:
> Hello Alan Thanks for your reply
Hi Neil,
MTD for VAT for turnovers 85k+ (IIRC that is the compulsory reg threshold) is
fine and I've been "doing it" that way for a year or two now. I think the
report is called GST report, (but may be mistaken on that,,,)
When you say MTD for Self Assessment, I'm not sure what you mean. SA
linked list of 12 Free Accounting software
> packages, so I thought that it didn’t comply.
> If you can find anything else to clarify this, please post to this forum.
> Neil
> > On 21 Jul 2021, at 16:43, Maf. King wrote:
> >
Hi Mark & Neil.
thanks for highlighting the github repository - looks interesting, I might
have a play next month.. I've been using a commercial bridgeing spreadsheet
so far for VAT submission of data from GC, I rather anticipate that the next
step (which, AIUI, is not for Corp Tax (yet)) for
think of it this way:
You *did* buy 1 x "job", which was worth 9,000. 1x9k = 9k!
if you didn't buy any job, then 0x anyprice = 0!
On Saturday, 31 July 2021 05:34:46 BST Vinay Deshmukh wrote:
> Dear Derek,
> Thank you so much! It resolved my issue but I didn't get one th
Just £0.02 that came to mind upon reading your message, Steve.
If you are on Cash basis, then (strictly speaking) there is no need to ever
have A/P or A/R accounts and ageing in your books. If you want to create your
invoices in GC, have you considered trying a workflow whereby you do not post
Nothing so simple in the UK the HMRC annual period ends on 5th April each
Not the most obvious date, I know. AIUI, It is all to to with a legacy from
the Roman Empire, with Popes and Kings who thought they were more in charge in
the year 15-so and so. (or maybe 13-so and so)
On Thursday, 14 October 2021 15:19:03 BST Kalpesh Patel wrote:
> 1 - My habits when it comes to payments for example credit card, mortgage,
> other bills, etc. is to scheduled it out in advance from the appropriate
> institutions that hold my bank accounts, such as checking, savings, etc. at
Yes, I have been using an inbuilt GC report to generate the VAT numbers into a
CSV file, and linking that into a (commercial) spreadsheet bridge to actually
file VAT since the first wave of MTD happened a few years ago.
The spreadsheet is called something like "fileMyVatReturn", is in ODS or Exc
just a thought. Create the Quote outside GC, then iff the quote is accepted,
import into GC? ISTR that it may be possible to CSV import an invoice?
Best wishes for 2022,
On Wednesday, 29 December 2021 13:00:30 GMT Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Dec 2021 at 03:41, Adrien Monteleone
H Chuck.
use the "control" button (on windows & linux, not sure which one it is on a
mac) when you click of the child account names.
On Sunday, 6 March 2022 03:36:24 GMT Chuck wrote:
> I am sorry but I do not understand how to select multiple accounts & some
> of tier daughters & le
On Friday, 19 June 2020 03:32:38 BST Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> I’ll offer this: I always select the entire sheet (clicking that empty cell
> in both row/column headers) and remove *all* styling.
Nice tip, thanks!
gnucash-user mailing
On Monday, 6 July 2020 12:14:55 BST listsub3 wrote:
> On Accounts tab (GC 3.5) the only 3 columns I get displayed are Account
> Name, Description and Total.
> Is there any way to control/get additional data columns for account
> fields - example Account Type? I want to be able to sort list by va
welcome to the list.
On Friday, 17 July 2020 04:40:12 BST Dhanadhya Group wrote:
> Hello,
> I am quite new to the mailing list and don't know how to operate, even
> after reading the Getting Help & Mailing List pages of GNU cash. If this is
> not the correct way to request a solution regardin
On Wednesday, 23 September 2020 14:01:23 BST John Mansfield wrote:
> The 'balance' column is no longer visible on one of my accounts.
> ...
> double clicked each column to
> maximise the width - to no avail * I am unable to view the balance column
> as it appears to be a very thin black line (mor
oses, that is what I would do. However, your
> country may mandate doing it in a particular way, so you may want to get
> local advice on that point. There's no need to bring GnuCash into that
> discussion; just ask how debits and credits should be recorded.
Maf. King
PGP Key fingerpr
CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
Maf. King
PGP Key fingerprint = 8D68 A91F 733B 2C1F 43B7 2B7C E591 E8E1 0DE7 C542
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subs
On Thursday, 14 January 2021 09:26:01 GMT wrote:
> Hi,
> Is anyone interest in having a MTD bridge for GnuCash for VAT submissions? I
> have developed a bridge and would be happy to integrate it with GnuCash if
> there is still any interest.
> Kind regards,
> Chris
On Sunday, 17 January 2021 19:43:58 GMT Edward Bainton wrote:
> Of the 6, I have to confess that I read it too hastily and I don't have to
> do VAT, so the VAT bridge won't be of interest to me.
> But crikey, if you can't use GnuCash for MTD, it's not much use anymore, is
> it?
GC can prepar
; - Do not show
> - Text book style (experimental)
Try a different setting for the top choice, rather than showing subtotal in
both choices.
0.02, haven't actually checked on my GC installation.
Maf. King
PGP Key fingerprint = 8D68 A91F 733B 2C1F 4
On Sunday, 7 February 2021 09:36:35 GMT Petros Tenezakis wrote:
> How do set up initital balance for a loan. I owe for an example 1 USD to
> Example Bank ___
pretty much the same as you would create any other account with an existing
On Friday, 12 February 2021 12:34:15 GMT Robert Stocker wrote:
> Alas, that was short-lived. The second of four statements did NOT prompt
> for automatic payment after reconciling. To document, what I've done so far
> was as follows:
> 1. In Preferences > Register, I disabled "Automatic credit c
On Friday, 12 February 2021 12:53:00 GMT Robert Stocker wrote:
> Well, I'll be damned. I *had* checked the first one before I started
> reconciling, and because they're all in a sub-account labeled "Credit
> Cards," evidently I assumed they were all set to that type. I was wrong. I
> just went thro
On Tuesday, 23 February 2021 08:43:20 GMT Mahon Finbar wrote:
> Hello,
> Now I realise why I got no answers.
> RTFM, and after quite a while reading and referring, I gor it fixed, I hope.
> I still don't know why it crashed.
> Thanks
You did get replies.
Adrian Monteleone replied to
inbar wrote:
> Funny that, I got nothing from either, I was a bit surprised. Just
> checked and zilch
> Anyway, all is well, and thanks to you all.
> Barry
> On 23/02/2021 11:11, Maf. King wrote:
> > On Tuesday, 23 February 2021 08:43:20 GMT Mahon Finbar
On Tuesday, 23 February 2021 17:17:17 GMT Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> I forgot to add, I'm only sending to the list, not to any user directly.
Good point, I replied to both the list and Barry directly earlier today.
in this message I am not replying to Adrian, only the list and CC to the
Purchased in error, rather than data-entry error. ;-)
I will note another possible way to flip the columns - just put a - sign in
before the value, then on tabbing-out of the column it will flip to the other
side (and lose the minus sign!).
On Tuesday, 30 March 2021 20:16:17 BST Jack Fri
for now purchases must
> be expense accounts.
> On Wed, 20 Nov 2019 at 21:25, Maf. King wrote:
> > I have used this bridge product twice now, with experimental CSV report
> > directly output by GC
> >
> >
> >
> > Ch
On Friday, 24 March 2023 12:54:19 GMT
p.f.cuthbert--- via gnucash-user wrote:
> Hi Folks
> The end of the UK Tax Year approaches and I am thinking about my tax
> return. When I used Quicken there was a report that listed every
> transcation in particular accounts whi
I _think_ that LibreOffice is more clever than just looking at the file
extension. ISTR that LO examines the file as it opens, and decides if a text
editor (writer) would be more appropriate than Calc for the contents of the
file, regardless of name.extension And HTML is "text"
On Wednesday, 29 March 2023 22:03:56 BST George Riner wrote:
> I suspect LO is being way more "clever"!
> :George
Yeah. File->Open in LO calc seems the most bullet proof route around any
"cleverness" in LO...
or the copy-and -paste as David T suggests.
On Monday, 24 April 2023 02:58:02 BST Murugan Muruganandam wrote:
> please check in edit account if the hidden flag is enabled,
Or View -> Filter By -> Other -> Show [unused | zero-balance] accounts is
gnucash-user ma
Thank you Geert, for a considered response and reminder of the limitations of
a (all?) volunteer groups.
I can imagine that it was disheartening for the dev team to be met with so
many bugs and so much vitriol over the issues some use-cases found with the
5.0 release. I can also understand the
On Wednesday, 31 May 2023 20:00:48 BST David G. Pickett via gnucash-user
> gunzip does not care about the name.
It does, sort of. more than you might expect for such an ancient Unix
from the man page:
gunzip takes a list of files on its command line and replaces each file
On Sunday, 18 June 2023 03:06:28 BST Karl May wrote:
> Any suggestions how this can be automated such that the default is a
> transaction split and application of a default GST rate?
> Thanks
Hi Karl,
If your "random" transactions are mostly from a regular set of suppliers, then
I trul
Hi Gregory,
welcome to the list and Gnucash.
Just ignore that the starting balance is wrong, go through the reconcilliation
as normal aiming for the correct ending balance.
should sort itself out.
On Thursday, 22 June 2023 01:08:01 BST Gregory Donavon wrote:
> I hope you can help m
On Sunday, 25 June 2023 14:52:50 BST David T. wrote:
> Both previous replies were on target-- but, I do wonder how you finished the
> first reconciliation, since GnuCash won't activate the finish button until
> the Difference value is zero. If the transaction was wrong, the balance
> would be non-z
On Monday, 26 June 2023 17:42:21 BST Neil Campbell wrote:
> > The bug has been reported. Gnucash can't save to a compressed file, the
> > fix is due any day now. However, 5.1 work fine if you want to upgrade
> > now.
> Really? Please tell me how I can recover over 2 hours of work on GnuCash ver
On Wednesday, 28 June 2023 00:46:45 BST James Baxter via gnucash-user wrote:
> I have a backup drive. I have looked over it and I don't see it. Does
> Gnucash have a backup. Or what. ThanksJames Baxter
Hi James.
If you are using the default XML file to store your GC data,
On Wednesday, 28 June 2023 11:49:46 BST you wrote:
> David You are not tell me if the backup is working or not.
> ThanksJames Baxter
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
> On Wed, Jun 28, 2023 at 3:35 AM, Maf. King wrote: On
Wednesday, 28 June 2
On Friday, 14 July 2023 12:34:28 BST Fross, Michael wrote:
> I run multiple instances at the same time, but you have to open different
> data files. I’d keep them in different directories to be tidy.
I don't do it often, but have had occasion to have GC side-by-side on 2 data
files at the sam
On Monday, 24 July 2023 10:38:35 BST Chris Green wrote:
> Maybe I should put this a different way, the answers so far don't seem
> to quite address my question, probably because I'm not describing what
> I'm trying to do.
> So, very simply, say I am buying sweets in a shop and I select:-
On Monday, 24 July 2023 12:05:24 BST Chris Green wrote:
> Can someone run me through how to do this, i.e. enter something like
> the above where there are three items making up a single transaction
> from 'cashInPocket' to 'shopkeeper'.
OK. I've opened my petty cash account from the CoA. ( I
On Monday, 24 July 2023 12:34:58 BST Maf. King wrote:
> press tab twice. and repeat until you have 3.40 of
> assorted delicious confectionary.
ahem "£3.49 of assorted".
damn fat fingers!
gnucash-user m
See the post fron Friday by John Ralls "MySQL Backend"
does that accurately describe your problem?
On Sunday, 6 August 2023 08:21:11 BST Joost van Hooren wrote:
> Dear GnuCash community,
> for years I've been happily using GnuCash on Windows, storing my data in
> mariadb. Unfortunately
On Monday, 7 August 2023 16:03:22 BST Mahon Finbar via gnucash-user wrote:
> You can see why I am confused and very worried that I have lost all the
> recent data.
You probably haven't lost work, at least not before the last successful
save. the problem comes in finding the work you'v
On Friday, 11 August 2023 15:00:35 BST Shevach Pepper wrote:
>I’m sure this is really simple but I’m not successful.
>I installed gnucash on new computer but I can’t find an option to
>import all my old accounts from old computer. I’m sure this has been
>asked before, but I can’t
On Sunday, 13 August 2023 01:40:15 BST Liz wrote:
> Gnucash opens, but a lot of my preferences are gone, and even which is
> my next invoice number.
Hi Liz.
I'm reasonably certain (but have not checked), that the "counters" for the
next invoice number etc are stored within the datafile itse
On Sunday, 13 August 2023 19:41:29 BST Mahon Finbar via gnucash-user wrote:
> Could I suggest I try saving individually GNU files from the period
> before 30.7.2023, which is when the issue of not being able to save the
> files started, as .txt files and sent them over?
This whole thin
CCing to the list.
-- Forwarded Message --
Subject: Re: [GNC] Issues with gnucash files
Date: Friday, 25 August 2023, 13:52:20 BST
From: Maf. King
To: Mahon Finbar
On Friday, 25 August 2023 09:58:22 BST you wrote:
> Thanks to all.
> On the issue of rights, I h
On Friday, 25 August 2023 16:31:47 BST Mahon Finbar wrote:
> As I said, I have had unresolved issues with creating .jpg files from MS.
did you? sorry, must have missed that bit. is it easier to send a PNG? that
should get through as an attached image well enough.
> I'' try creating jpg fro
I've just had a thought on a possible reason the original file could not be
saved. I may be barking up the wrong tree.
Does Win have a maximum length for a filename?
If Barry (OP) has been repeatedly opening and working on backups and backups
of backups etc.., is it possible that repeated
On Monday, 28 August 2023 00:14:09 BST Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> > > > No one ever requested this,
I even said in a prior post to Barry specifically *never* to send his
"production" GC file(s) to the list.
I also note, and it may be a typo by Barry, but the user often being called
On Monday, 28 August 2023 11:44:54 BST Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> But I see the solution as moving it to the regular user account, fixing
> the file ownership and permission flags, and then proceeding to clean up
> the multiple file/backup file apparent mess.
get everything RW and into a fol
On Tuesday, 5 September 2023 13:51:11 BST Stan Brown (using GC 4.14) wrote:
> On 2023-09-04 21:28, Jediator wrote:
> > Let's not to discuss whether it's a good idea or not to delete an
> > account that contains transactions. It's a valid user function in GC to
> > delete a non-empty account.
It isn't clear from what you say - did you already have GC working and have
done some upgrades and now you can't get going again?
If so, File -> Open {find your data file} might be something to try.
On Thursday, 5 October 2023 18:02:40 BST Edwin Booth wrote:
> Hi. I cannot get GnuC
On Saturday, 7 October 2023 20:03:31 BST Bruce McCoy via gnucash-user wrote:
> Again,we age.
Yes, we do.
Too quickly to be going around in circles.
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription preferences or to
On Friday, 6 October 2023 18:34:54 BST Jose Fuenzalida wrote:
> Hi , my name is Jose and I stared using Gnucash about a month ago and I have
> a question : is there any way to add more columns to the Account page? I
> mean it has only 3 columns : Account name, Description and total. I
> understand
On Monday, 9 October 2023 16:52:17 BST David Carlson wrote:
> Not sure exactly what happened in your case. But usually, if you can put
> the focus on the "frozen" process, then Alt-F4 will kill it.
> > There are other ways as well in Linux, for example with htop.
Ctrl-Alt-Escape is quite good
On Monday, 16 October 2023 14:31:10 BST Paul Kroitor wrote:
> This started in 5.1 and I was told that it was a known issue from 5.1
> through 5.3, fixed in 5.4, but I am definitely running 5.4 (from a file
> called gnucash-5.4-1.setup from a file downloaded Oct 15th), and the issue
> persists. R
On Thursday, 19 October 2023 07:04:39 BST Edwin Booth via gnucash-user wrote:
> How do I now assign
> all those transactions to their proper accounts without first importing
> this OFX file into GnuCash?
one step in the inport process is to assign the accounts. GC "learns" and
will offer sugge
On Wednesday, 25 October 2023 18:56:11 BST Edwin Booth via gnucash-user wrote:
> Back when I paid it, I just made a payment out of my bank checking account
> straight to the CC company. Now, how do I assign that transaction? It’s not
> a CC expense but it is an expense of some kind—just from a diff
On Monday, 13 November 2023 07:51:20 GMT Liz wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Nov 2023 08:45:20 -0500
> Ken Farley wrote:
> > The files you want to open have names of the format " > Name>.gnucash". You need to find those files, without the .gcm or any
> > Name>
> > other suffix.
> A very old Gnucash file
On Monday, 13 November 2023 15:20:28 GMT Mahon Finbar via gnucash-user wrote:
> I set off to see where, but, in the course of my search, I tried to find
> the number 10,443.43 in the account, as a baseline, but didn't find one.
> If I understand the process of reconciliation the number shoul
On Wednesday, 15 November 2023 13:36:20 GMT David Kirkby wrote:
> I have received a couple of bills from an electronics component supplier.
> These should be allocated as "Stock" but I must have accidentally clicked
> "Travel" instead.(I noticed this after doing a trial balance, and seeing
> some t
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