That was it. Thanks.
I've also filed this:
Jeff Abrahamson
On 04/08/2019 21:39, John Ralls wrote:
> Do you have an Alphavantage key set in $ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY (for command
On 11/08/2019 19:20, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
> That was it. Thanks.
> I've also filed this:
> Jeff Abrahamson
ers, which I
hope it doesn't. ;-)
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription preferences
his would be three plus
an error. So I presume it's not that. Except that if I first do a
single quote from the commandline, gnucash then fails on two of the four
instead of three of the four. So it's looking like rate limit.
Jeff Abrahamson
Aha, thanks!
Jeff Abrahamson
On 11/08/2019 19:55, John Ralls wrote:
>> On Aug 11, 2019, at 10:37 AM, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
>> I have a table of historic FX rates I'd like to import into gnucash. I
>> don
when entering transactions are
consistent with what the price editor thinks it knows.
Is there a limit on FX rates? (This is about 4000, which doesn't strike
me as terribly large.)
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255
_cafe 5.70
512452_Transferwise CHF 5.70
51245_Transferwise 5.70
And that 2.80 is rather odd.
Jeff Abrahamson
On 15/08/2019 16:38, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
> I purchased a coffee in Switzerland usin
On 15/08/2019 18:55, John Ralls wrote:
>> On Aug 15, 2019, at 7:38 AM, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
>> Somewhat related, I thought to import historical currencies, as I'm back
>> filling some data for analysis purposes. I grabbed 10 years of daily
>> quotes an
> You could also separate this into two transactions, one to ‘fund’ the CHF,
> then another to spend that on Coffee.
> Note, that I tried doing this from the Expense account, but it was messy. I
> also couldn’t find a way to get GnuCash to calculate the EUR price of the
if the register is for a non-currency account).
>> Since in a currency register the transaction currency value and the exchange
>> rate between the register currency and transaction currency are hidden that
>> can be difficult, especially in split view where the user is respons
are fixed as a unit.
> David Carlson
> On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 2:36 AM Jeff Abrahamson <>> wrote:
> It's not entirely unuseful that some of the discussion happens here on
> the user list. User input may be of interest.
this quite
weird when you first start using proper accounting language.
Jeff Abrahamson
On 05/01/19 17:41, Mike Kerstetter wrote:
> Hello all. I'm brand new to gnucash. I want it to do just the basics
> of keeping a register and reconcilia
, C, and D.
Alternatively, is there any log kept of when I reconcile? I know the
last reconciled balance is available, but a log of "reconciled to this
date and this amount at this time" would also be of use.
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255
I've been doing reports with python scripts (not an officially supported
technique, also requires the backend be sqlite, which is easy). My
reports run in a snap. That said, maybe I have less data than you.
Jeff Abrahamson
On 01/02/2019
;t run full ledgers either but selected 'all accounts'' by
> mistake while editing options.
> My guess is the core code is designed for Linux, porting across to Windows
> may not be ideal?
> Jeff Abrahamson wrote
>> I've been doing reports wi
the transaction
number of the returned cheque (the X... in my world).
Jeff Abrahamson
On 02/02/2019 06:06, David Cousens wrote:
> Mike
> Simnply delete the payment transaction. This will leave the invoice open and
> still awaiting pay
I'd happily +1 a bug report that it should be a book preference rather
than a user preference. It makes no sense to me to force a user to see
the same fiscal year everywhere s/he looks but then to let multiple
users see the same book with different fiscal years.
Jeff Abrahamson
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> for more information.
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-Lis
for accounting for joint ventures. This might just be overkill for my
house and a shared bank account.
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255
#x27;s doubly strange that the search is different
depending on where I initiated it, given that all the results are in the
one bank account.
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255
The list strips images, so information was lost.
I have an entry with a memo field containing the word (text string)
On 07/04/2019 18:05, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
> [This is gnucash 2.6.19 on linux. Some day I'll upgrade to 3.x.]
> I have some transa
Ah, yes, it didn't occur to me that it wouldn't search through the split
Jeff Abrahamson
On 07/04/2019 18:48, John Ralls wrote:
> Since it works when you search the whole book and fails when you search only
> one accoun
tive, of course, but if we were going to start talking about
anti-competitive laws, this might not be the most influential place to
Jeff Abrahamson
On 11/04/2019 07:28, Stuart McGraw wrote:
> On 4/10/19 10:33 PM, David Cousens wrote:
below. You can mostly
copy/paste, you've described them pretty well.
Of course, as a mostly volunteer project, one's influence over other
volunteers is minimal. But having the bug / feature enhancement to
point to improves chances.
Jeff Abrahamson
Double-click the centre of the column header.
This may very well be a function of your OS, however, since gnucash is
written on toolboxes that behave slightly differently depending on
context. In my context, ubuntu linus (and 2.6, in case that matters),
this works.
Jeff Abrahamson
googling isn't helping me know what to do about it. Something gnucash
specific? Use sqlite tools directly? Other?
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> for more information.
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 2
it's not income, and it shouldn't be sticking around in my net worth
(equity) when my spouse reimburses himself.
Any suggestions? This is personal accounting, but I still like to try
to do things in a way that respects the half millennium of experience
that accountants have in modeling
nav: <=== one of these
price: <=/
timezone: <=== optional
** This stock quote cannot be used by GnuCash!
jeff@birdsong:~ $
Any suggestions on what to do or what to test?
Jeff Abrahamson
t an account"
> usually means to try to empty it.
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on
n easily see a hack (adding tags in the descriptions I enter and
then processing certain reports with python). But it would be quite
nice to stay within gnucash if I can.
Thanks for any pointers.
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255
the example script in the examples is instructive). But this seems so
basic I suspect I'm missing something.
Many thanks for any pointers.
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255
gnucash-user ma
On 18/12/17 03:26, Wm via gnucash-user wrote:
> On 17/12/2017 19:31, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
>> I'd like to export the general ledger to a csv file. When I use File ->
>> Export, however, I'm offered a choice of exporting income, expenses,
>> assets, or liab
s in chronological
> order regardless of accounts used.
> But I don’t see why you can’t combine the files after the fact. That’s an
> easy concatenation command.
> It is curious that you can’t export ‘all’ transactions and have to choose
> only one hierarchy at a time.
ecking] 100 € --> [debit: equity] (label: stuff)
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255
gnucash-user mailing list
Please remember t
France. So seeing the left side is more
important than seeing the right side. (It also means that turning on
the feature only to show leaf accounts works really well, because the
account number already clearly indicates where in the account tree I am.)
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920
I've filed an enhancement request here:
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255
On 14/01/18 16:13, David Carlson wrote:
> That is very interesting and a good justification to provide such an
where something gets
accidentally entered or changed from a past year.
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255
On 15/01/18 22:23, Ronal B Morse wrote:
> This is what I do, but I'm only dealing with household and personal
> accounts and smallish investment po
sense in the context of accounting, not
because I actually know what was in the developers' minds when they
implemented it.
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255 ->
On 22/01/18 03:11, Dave H wrote:
Yes, if you use the Reconcile
an appropriately
filtered income/expense report should be possible.
But maybe that's not what mean. Maybe you can let us know what need you
want to satisfy this way.
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255
inventory [cx] -> bank [dx]
Except in this second case, only my balance sheet changes, not my P&L.
Did I miss something?
(This is moving away from OP, but a common theme here and one that I'd
like to understand.)
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255
guess theo 1040F is similar).
Our emails crossed. I see what you mean, but I don't think the tax
authorities would find that particularly legal here. It would also make
VAT computations impossible, I think, although we are exempt from VAT.
Thanks for explaining cl
Is there anything since that might help? I'm not sure converting
spreadsheets to QIF to then import into gnucash is better than retyping.
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255
thing since that might help? I'm not sure converting
> spreadsheets to QIF to then import into gnucash is better than retyping.
> --
> Jeff Abrahamson
> +33 6 24 40 01 57
> +44 7920 594 255
On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 10:45:35AM -0700, darrylctx wrote:
> I am doing a project bringing years of old data that I only have in pdf files
> into GC. [...]
> Where would be the best place to upload the .py files if I wanted to share
> them? Right now, they are pretty raw, but I could clean the
ermitting splits, and having a wikipedia page that
describes the format.
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription preferences or
ti-user access issue by actually
being only a single user. I'm not overly inclined, however, as the
project smells of "good enough for the author but not fully production
ready". And I don't want to maintain a django application as well.
It's just an expense report, the same as if you have paid employees who
pay something out of pocket and ask for reimbursement.
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255
On 09/09/18 20:59, Mark Phillips wrote:
> How do I e
code at the commandline.
Note that I don't have experience debugging gnucash but I have plenty
with gdb.
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255
On 19/09/18 23:19, Uli Hansen wrote:
> Dear All,
> please be aware that I ru
all of them debit 512151.
Any suggestions why I'm seeing neither an error nor importing transactions?
Thanks in advance.
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255
gnucash-user ma
ing this was a caching problem, I removed and recreated
./build-3.2/. Same problem.
Any pointers?
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255
gnucash-user mailing list
sportifs, Stages du club)
Notably, I needed to use full hierarchical names and add an N field to
the !account section (rather than !Account:). Or at
least, this worked, I'm not fully certain my explanation is correct.
Jeff Abrahamson
On 29/09/18 16:03, Jeff Abrahamson
tions have arisen. But maybe
I'll go brew a cup of tea and get on with it. ;-)
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255
gnucash-user mailing list
t is needed is a feature request Bug report
> at If you raise a Bug request and describe how you would
> like it to work it will then at least be assigned a priority in the list of
> fixes.
Point well taken. I'll have a think and file a bug.
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 4
On 01/10/18 09:15, David Cousens wrote:
> Jeff,
>> Point well taken. I'll have a think and file a bug.
> I was on this afternoon fixing another problem and created a
> bug report for
> the feature enhancement -No 796874.
Jeff Abrahamson
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> for more information.
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Rep
le and maintainable code.
Jeff Abrahamson
On 27/11/18 04:00, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> Stephen,
> You can learn it directly. My university didn’t even offer C except as part
> of their Operating Systems Design co
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> for more information.
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01
On 27/04/2019 23:44, John Ralls wrote:
>> On Apr 27, 2019, at 10:00 AM, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
>> I opened a gnucash file (sqlite, gnucash v2.6.19, built from version
>> c1b5e6c8d+) and saw a stream of errors in /tmp/gnucash.trace
>>* 18:36:09
59 matches
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