Re: [GNC] Balance Sheet mismatch

2022-05-31 Thread Geoff
Hi Fred It's more likely that you have omitted one or more newly created accounts? Try going into the Report Options / Accounts / Select Default / Apply. Regards Geoff = On 1/06/2022 3:06 pm, Fred Tydeman wrote: In running a Balance Sheet for today, the values in Total Asset

Re: [GNC] questions on 4.1

2022-06-12 Thread Geoff
> In 3.11 it was changed so that other splits are NOT modified so that the status of each split can be individually maintained in the reconcile window. Which is for me a really useful feature! Geoff = On 13/06/2022 12:24 pm, Chris Good wrote: Hi David, In 3.9, it was changed

Re: [GNC] Online crypto value quote

2022-06-16 Thread Geoff
o. See if you can try this and let us know the results. Someone more familiar with MacOS than me may be able to help you further. Regards Geoff = P.S. Accountants (I am not one) may have opinions on the merits of treating Bitcoin as a Security vs a Currency. On 16/06/2022 1:06 pm, Trang

Re: [GNC] Online crypto value quote

2022-06-16 Thread Geoff
ast: 20453.908<=\ nav: <=== one of these price: <=/ timezone: <=== optional Let us know the results. Regards Geoff = On 16/06/2022 11:08 pm, Trang Julie wrote: Thank you very much for your

Re: [GNC] Online crypto value quote

2022-06-16 Thread Geoff
#x27; Regards Geoff = On 17/06/2022 12:05 pm, Trang Julie wrote: Thank you for your respond, Geoff! You're right when you suggested verifying if it's working properly. I see the details such as date, currency, etc are missing. Attached is the screenshot. Could you let me know wh

Re: [GNC] Online crypto value quote

2022-06-16 Thread Geoff
Hi David Yes, Bitcoin certainly is quoted on Yahoo: Julia's problem is with Finance::Quote itself, not Bitcoin, as she can't get quotes for IBM. Regards Geoff = On 17/06/2022 12:42 pm, David Carlson wrote: I don't trade bit

Re: [GNC] Reports - Income Statement

2022-06-26 Thread Geoff
Hi Neville Have you tried unticking Options / Display / Include accounts with zero total balances? Regards Geoff = On 27/06/2022 12:20 pm, wrote: In Reports/Income & Expenses/Income Statements - Is it possible for any account which has $0 transactions for the

Re: [GNC] ASX Online quotes problem

2022-06-30 Thread Geoff
Hi Richard The ASX did a major web upgrade back in 2020 that broke Version 1.49 of Finance::Quote. If you want to use the ASX as your data source for Australian listed securities then you will need to upgrade that Perl module. Regards Geoff = On 30/06/2022 5:44 pm, Richard Spinney

Re: [GNC] ASX Online quotes problem

2022-06-30 Thread Geoff
/Finance::Quote Finally, I have attached a screenshot of my setup to retrieve prices for ASX securities. Hope this helps. Regards Geoff = On 30/06/2022 6:26 pm, Richard Spinney wrote: Hi Geoff, Thanks for this. I am little bit confused though, the command line perl scripts I am using wi

Re: [GNC] ASX Online quotes problem

2022-06-30 Thread Geoff
Hi Richard If you trawl through the mailing lists you might find some flatpak related solutions. For example "gnucash finance quote not installed properly":- Good luck! Geoff = On 30/06/2022 7:56 p

Re: [GNC] How to do a couple of less common searches

2022-07-04 Thread Geoff
on-syntax-examples 3. I don't understand what you mean by "no transfer account" - don't all transactions have to have at least 2 splits? NOTE that you can also View / Sort By an account by various fields including Number, Amount, Notes etc which may help you to identify the

Re: [GNC] Example of importing Stock transactions from CSV

2022-07-11 Thread Geoff
Hi Jon This isn't exactly what you are asking for, but it may give you some clues. Importing Dividends from CSV:- Good luck! Geoff = On 12/07/2022 12:35 pm, Jon Schewe wrote: Does anyone have an examp

Re: [GNC] GC4.10 on Win10 Crashing

2022-07-19 Thread Geoff
-3770 CPU, 10+ years old hardware. GnuCash 4.8, not crashing. Geoff = On 20/07/2022 6:27 am, David Carlson wrote: My data file is so big that it seems to tie up 1.5 gigs of Ram or more when open, so most of my computers cannot run a web browser simultaneously with GnuCash without using swap

Re: [GNC] Evil Lots Behavior

2022-07-20 Thread Geoff
but just don't use Lots at all. Important Lots tip: Lots calculations are fully reversible - just delete all the Capital Gains/Losses transactions it created and start matching Buys and Sells again. Rinse and repeat. Hope this helps. Regards Geoff = On 21/07/2022 12:40 am, Davi

Re: [GNC] Setting up Mortgage; xfer to escrow is rounded off

2022-07-22 Thread Geoff
Hi Steve A screenshot of the scheduled transaction would be helpful: Actions / Scheduled Transactions / Scheduled Transaction Editor Double click the transaction to open the Editor Click on the Template Transaction tab. Please attach, not embed or paste. Regards Geoff = On 22/07

Re: [GNC] Linked Documents on Import

2022-07-24 Thread Geoff
Hi Robert > Is there a way to include the document URI in the import CSV? I don't believe so. > could probably reverse engineer the database queries that are > being made by reading the source code. PieCash may be of interest: Regards G

Re: [GNC] Trading accounts

2022-07-27 Thread Geoff
Lots. (And they aren't really evil, just wilful). ;--)) Geoff = On 27/07/2022 8:36 pm, David Carlson wrote: This has confused me. Is the recent thread titled " [GNC] Evil Lots Behavior" about lots or trading accounts? On Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 12:10 AM David T. w

Re: [GNC] How to bulk import about 130 Securities entries?

2022-08-13 Thread Geoff
autohotkey/?platform=linux Hope this helps. Regards Geoff = On 14/08/2022 11:28 am, Jim DeLaHunt wrote: Hello, folks: I am a long-time GnuCash user, and for all those years I have pretty much not attempted to track my investments in GnuCash. But now I want to start.  My first goal is

[GNC] AutoHotKey: Date Arithmetic Example

2022-08-14 Thread Geoff
g to Google) Raku: Hope this helps. Regards Geoff = On 15/08/2022 12:50 am, Tom Browder wrote: On Sun, Aug 14, 2022 at 00:40 Geoff <>> wrote: Hi Jim I don't have any experience manip

Re: [GNC] AutoHotKey: Date Arithmetic Example

2022-08-14 Thread Geoff
Nice work Glenn! (I still think AutoHotKey would have been a better choice than KeePass for your keystroke automation though.) I wasn't aware of UI.Vision - looks interesting, thanks for sharing. Regards Geoff = On 15/08/2022 1:00 pm, Glenn Fowler wrote: Hi, Automating the G

Re: [GNC] Saving Gnucash data and back ups

2022-08-16 Thread Geoff
y built in. Read this article for an overview: Regards Geoff = On 17/08/2022 11:00 am, Adrien Monteleone wrote: On 8/16/22 1:33 PM, wrote: I am new to Gnucash and have a few

Re: [GNC] Online quotes for a mutual fund

2022-09-01 Thread Geoff
:// However none of the Finance Quote modules currently use the LSX as a data source. Regards Geoff = On 24/08/2022 6:59 pm, Ruaraidh Sackville Hamilton wrote: Finding the right source and symbol seems a challenge! For

Re: [GNC] Display report values in whole curremcy units

2022-09-01 Thread Geoff
Hi Richard No, nothing has changed since you last asked this question: Regards Geoff = On 2/09/2022 3:43 pm, Richard Gaede via gnucash-user wrote: I would like to be able to print reports which display numbers in

Re: [GNC] gnucash reconcile doesn't respect "Decimal places"

2022-09-02 Thread Geoff
That is not my experience with version 4.8 on Windows 10 - see attached screenshot. Regards Geoff = On 2/09/2022 10:42 pm, rsbrux via gnucash-user wrote: In version 3.11 running under Windows 10 21H2, the reconcile window only displays non-zero figures after the decimal point. For

Re: [GNC] More UI downgrades

2022-09-10 Thread Geoff
, as you observed, SPACE will select / deselect the current transaction, but not move to the next transaction. As Gyle mentioned, using Ctrl-A and SPACE makes for a very speedy reconciliation. Regards Geoff = On 11/09/2022 12:43 am, Russell Gadd wrote: It seems every time I upgrade there

Re: [GNC] new to Gnucash - help with general information

2022-09-11 Thread Geoff
You make a good point Fred, and I have seen people on this list who keep their GnuCash data in the cloud too. Although this changes the risk profile, it does not eliminate the need for a backup system. Regards Geoff = On 12/09/2022 5:07 am, Fred Bone wrote: On 11 September 2022 at 9

Re: [GNC] Date error running report from gnucash-cli, report runs fine in GUI

2022-09-21 Thread Geoff
f you are au courant with Python you could probably achieve a transaction list for a custom date range fairly easily using PieCash: Good luck! Regards Geoff = On 21/09/2022 9:38 am, William Starrs wrote: Update: I tried also setting a fixed Start Dat

Re: [GNC] Date error running report from gnucash-cli, report runs fine in GUI

2022-09-21 Thread Geoff
ultiple Balance Sheet reports, I had to specify the report name using its GUID as I encountered an error when I used: -R run --name "Balance Sheet", however the error message kindly gave me the GUID. Hope this helps. Regards Geoff = On 21/09/2022 8:48 pm, William Starrs wrote:

Re: [GNC] Date error running report from gnucash-cli, report runs fine in GUI

2022-09-21 Thread Geoff
generated a 100MB log file before I terminated the process. This is a long shot, but you could try saving the report with hard coded dates to see if that makes any difference. Regards Geoff = On 21/09/2022 9:39 pm, William Starrs wrote: That's exactly what I was doing, hence th

Re: [GNC] Expense chart matching description

2022-09-24 Thread Geoff
Hi Rares Sadly, no. That report permits you to select which Accounts to include, but does not allow you to filter the Transactions in those Accounts. Regards Geoff = On 24/09/2022 9:25 am, Rares Vernica wrote: Hello, Is it possible to get an Expense Bar Chart of transactions

Re: [GNC] Finance::Quote in GC 4.11 Flatpak

2022-09-26 Thread Geoff
! Geoff = On 27/09/2022 1:43 am, rsbrux via gnucash-user wrote: I have installed my free AlphaVantage API key in /etc/environment, but when I try to "Get Quotes", I get the well-known message "Unable to retrieve quotes for these items:, CURRENCY: ...". I presume that this i

Re: [GNC] Fwd: Price Source "Last up through Report Date" issue

2022-09-26 Thread Geoff
the day to test this conjecture. Regards Geoff = On 27/09/2022 2:17 pm, David Carlson wrote: This is odd. While prices that were picked by GnuCash for the Tuesday, May 31 dated account balance sheet report were actually the last prices in the data before May 31, possibly several days

Re: [GNC] CSV transaction import settings

2022-10-06 Thread Geoff
Linux you will need to find that file using something like this: sudo find / -name {BOOK_NAME}.gnucash.gcm -print Hope this helps. Regards Geoff = On 7/10/2022 12:49 am, David Carlson wrote: Where are the settings stored? I thought I copied all the GnuCash stuff from one computer to another

Re: [GNC] Price update not working

2022-10-07 Thread Geoff
:- Hope this helps. Regards Geoff = On 8/10/2022 4:58 pm, R Losey wrote: I just installed GnuCash on Ubuntu 22.04LTS (it is version 4.8

Re: [GNC] Price update not working

2022-10-08 Thread Geoff Good luck! Regards Geoff = On 8/10/2022 6:29 pm, R Losey wrote: Hi... yes, I did not have al ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY and that was the issue. Things now seem to be updating properly. It is supposed to take so long? There is a long (7 minute) delay before the update finishes... I've

Re: [GNC] stocks/tickers

2022-10-09 Thread Geoff
ccess, but (as you so aptly said) for some reason your allotted time has expired, and no further correspondence will be entered into. kindest regards, Geoff = P.S. Your email address reminds me to recommend for your leisure time (if you can snatch an hour or so away from being enthralle

Re: [GNC] Price update not working

2022-10-09 Thread Geoff
, and this will eliminate Alpha Vantage as the cause, although if gnc-fq-dump is fast then this is unlikely to make a difference. As a last resort, you can try running GnuCash in debug mode and see if anything useful emerges. I don't know how to do this, but Google is probably your friend.

Re: [GNC] Price update not working - Alpha Vantage's limit is five (5) API requests per one (1) minute

2022-10-09 Thread Geoff
Thanks for letting us know Ismael. Richard - this looks like the explanation for the delays you are seeing. Alpha Vantage are gently tightening the screws on their free service... Geoff = On 10/10/2022 4:50 pm, Ismael Smajli wrote: Hello Alpha Vantage's standard API usage is limit

Re: [GNC] Price update changed from Alpha Vantage to Yahoo as JSON

2022-10-10 Thread Geoff
Woo hoo! Thanks for confirming. Regards Geoff = On 10/10/2022 6:04 pm, Ismael Smajli wrote: I have changed the 'Quote Source Information' for all of my securities (22 securities) from 'Alpha Vantage' to 'Yahoo as Jason'. Result: Duration for price up

Re: [GNC] Stock/tickers

2022-10-10 Thread Geoff
You are welcome James. Have a great day. Regards Geoff = On 11/10/2022 1:59 am, James Baxter wrote: Geoff. I don't know if I can thanks you enough. Also David Carlson was in here as well. I have 12 pices of Stock/tickers in Gnucash. I enter each into the stock, But I am finding t

[GNC] How to include images in the Wiki?

2022-10-10 Thread Geoff
// But I can't figure out how to upload an image that I can link to. Does anyone know how to do this? Or do I need to host images on a third party site? If so, can anyone recommend one? Thanks Geoff = __

Re: [GNC] How to include images in the Wiki?

2022-10-10 Thread Geoff
the following reason: The action you have requested is limited to users in one of the groups: Administrators, uploadaccess. So, how do I go about obtaining "uploadaccess", or finding a friendly and patient Administrator to upload images on my behalf? Thanks Geoff = On 11/10/202

[GNC] Using GnuCash Wiki: Add Stock Page: Screenshots Added

2022-10-10 Thread Geoff
rg/wiki/Stocks/add_stock This is my first Wiki update - is there a peer review process, or do we just go for it? :--)) Thanks Geoff = ___ gnucash-user mailing list To

Re: [GNC] Using GnuCash Wiki: Add Stock Page: Screenshots Added

2022-10-11 Thread Geoff
ok at the Help, however the requirements to edit it are rather daunting, so I am starting my very modest contributions in the Wiki. Regards Geoff = On 11/10/2022 6:33 pm, David T. wrote: Geoff, As it's a wiki, you just go for it. I was going to do just that, because your image width

Re: [GNC] Using GnuCash Wiki: Add Stock Page: Screenshots Added

2022-10-11 Thread Geoff
screenshots in a single, wide image makes it easier to follow the workflow and see the complete story in one glance. But, hey, it's a Wiki. I'm sure that the next person who comes along (average edits are ~4 years apart) will have different views again. Thanks again for the review.

Re: [GNC] Using GnuCash Wiki: Add Stock Page: Screenshots Added

2022-10-11 Thread Geoff
d the pink text is a bit loud, and could be toned down as "captions". Coincidentally, they are the only text you can actually read unaided when viewing on a phone. I'll keep this in mind for the next one. Thanks once again. Regards Geoff = ** Yes I know that not everyone agr

Re: [GNC] Using GnuCash Wiki: Add Stock Page: Screenshots Added

2022-10-11 Thread Geoff
Well David, I am happy to defer to your experience, however the screenshots contain GnuCash labels in the same language, so I am not sure how that works? I'll clean them up this week. Stay tuned. Geoff = On 11/10/2022 10:02 pm, David T. wrote: GnuCash is a multilingual application

Re: [GNC] Using GnuCash Wiki: Add Stock Page: Screenshots Added

2022-10-11 Thread Geoff
s when you have a chance:- Thanks Geoff = On 12/10/2022 1:52 am, David T. wrote: Here are a few images for the page. I don't have upload capability. I am

Re: [GNC] transaction images and failed hard drives

2022-10-13 Thread Geoff
luck Geoff = On 14/10/2022 5:24 pm, Jeff wrote: I know that this question has been asked many times but I am asking again. I just had 2 hard drive failures back to back, both of which just happened to have images attached to GNC transactions.  Bad luck on my part, they also happened to be

Re: [GNC] Printing problem

2022-10-13 Thread Geoff
Welcome to the wonderful world of GnuCash! Since you are just starting out, please use the latest and greatest version (4.12) - 3.4 is about 4 years old. Regards Geoff = On 14/10/2022 7:33 am, Lester and Joanna wrote:  I am a newbie with Gnucash.  I have been using Quicken for 12

Re: [GNC] Using GnuCash Wiki: Add Stock Page: Screenshots Added

2022-10-15 Thread Geoff
Looks good to me too, thank you David. NOTE I have just attempted another (more restrained) Wiki update here: (Fastens asbestos suit ;--)) Thanks Geoff = On 13/10/2022 6:05 am, Frank H. Ellenberger wrote: Thanks, David! :-) Am 12.10.22 um 09:01

Re: [GNC] Using GnuCash Wiki: Add Stock Page: Screenshots Added

2022-10-15 Thread Geoff
CORRECTION: My latest contribution is now here: (Puts down fire extinguisher ;--)) Geoff = On 16/10/2022 12:54 pm, Geoff wrote: Looks good to me too, thank you David. NOTE I have just attempted another (more

Re: [GNC] Price database

2022-10-16 Thread Geoff
David - good idea! Elmar - please see updated SQL here: Thanks Geoff = On 16/10/2022 5:50 pm, David T. wrote: Geoff, Good advice/help! I do think it would be necessary

Re: [GNC] Using GnuCash Wiki: Add Stock Page: Screenshots Added

2022-10-16 Thread Geoff
Ditto, thanks. Geoff = On 17/10/2022 8:35 am, David T. wrote: That works for me! Thanks, John. David T. On Oct 16, 2022, at 10:34 PM, john <>> wrote: I've renamed that page to GnuCash SQL Examples. Regards, John Ralls On Oc

Re: [GNC] Automatic payments and interest during reconciliation?

2022-10-27 Thread Geoff
Maybe the Google indexing robots are behind with their homework? The post, and Adrian's reply the next day, both show up here: Regards Geoff = On 28/10/2022 3:31 pm, David T. via gnucash-user wrote: Odd. I

Re: [GNC] Stock spinoff

2022-12-03 Thread Geoff
gains/losses crystallised or carried forward? ABC should have sent you information about this, otherwise Google it. You may find this article helpful:- Once you have all the details, we can suggest how to record it in GnuCash. Regards Geoff = On 4/12/2022

Re: [GNC] Net Worth Barchart

2022-12-05 Thread Geoff
Hi Liz I think the other side of that liability entry should be something like "Expenses:Company Tax". Regards Geoff = On 6/12/2022 5:01 pm, Liz wrote: On Tue, 6 Dec 2022 15:40:06 +1100 Chris Grinton wrote: The charts suggest that you have *negative* liabilities. That is,

Re: [GNC] Installing or updating Finance::Quote

2022-12-09 Thread Geoff Good luck! Regards Geoff = On 10/12/2022 6:01 am, aeg via gnucash-user wrote: Murugan, Thank you for your suggestion.There is no folder named "Finance" at that location, but I searched for within Strawberry and found it at each of these loc

Re: [GNC] Reconciling PayPal

2022-12-13 Thread Geoff
esh the page and download the generated CSV file 8. Tear out whatever remaining hair you have trying to make sense of these 10 columns in the file: Date, Time, Time zone, Name, Type, Status, Currency, Amount, Receipt ID, Balance Good luck! Regards Geoff = On 13/12/2022 6:09 pm, Dr. David

Re: [GNC] Phishing Website Google Search Ad

2022-12-13 Thread Geoff
Thanks very much Matthew. Regards Geoff = On 14/12/2022 4:25 am, Matthew Ickstadt wrote: I originally wrote and sent this on November 28, but I wasn't subscribed to the mailing list yet so I don't think it went through. Since then I have contacted DigiCert and they have revoke

Re: [GNC] Seeking report

2022-12-16 Thread Geoff
easy to understand when you run it. Regards Geoff = On 17/12/2022 12:17 pm, R Losey wrote: >I find the reports the hardest part of GnuCash to understand, so I'm >seeking help here... I'm willing to read good, clear documentation, but >someone may be able to point me in the r

Re: [GNC] Finance::Quote v1.54 Released

2022-12-26 Thread Geoff
Thank you Bruce! Geoff = On 27/12/2022 2:28 pm, Bruce Schuck wrote: Finance::Quote v1.54 has been released and uploaded to CPAN.

Re: [GNC] Changing registers in the middle of entering or editing a transaction

2022-12-27 Thread Geoff
I disagree, I find this feature quite useful from time to time. Regards Geoff = On 28/12/2022 12:05 pm, William Prescott wrote: Let me guess: you looked in the other register before you had committed the transaction. Yes, you are probably right That highlights a point about

Re: [GNC] Scrubbing workflow

2022-12-29 Thread Geoff
plied sales next time you run it. **The other method is to manually match your sales to your buys one lot at a time. Hope this helps. Regards Geoff = On 30/12/2022 11:00 am, wrote: I searched the mailing list and didn’t really get any hits from the past six years, so

Re: [GNC] Scrubbing workflow

2022-12-29 Thread Geoff
Correct. You need to scrub each Account separately. Geoff = On 30/12/2022 1:57 pm, wrote: Assuming one creates a separate account to track each stock (for example, “Joint Brokerage:AAPL” and “Joint Brokerage:AMZN” doesn’t a user have to scrub for each symbol? Or am I

Re: [GNC] How to "Get Quotes" for a specific day?

2022-12-29 Thread Geoff Regards Geoff = On 30/12/2022 3:06 pm, wrote: How can I tell GNU Cash to update its "Price Database" for all known currencies, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc for a *specific* day? I'm trying trying to prepare a report for a date in th

Re: [GNC] How to "Get Quotes" for a specific day?

2022-12-29 Thread Geoff
No. As far as I know the Finance::Quote module that GnuCash uses has no provision to fetch historical prices. If you are into scripting and web scraping, checkout Selenium which has a nice Python interface. Good luck! Geoff = P.S. Always include on all

Re: [GNC] NEw user assistance

2023-01-05 Thread Geoff
Welcome to GnuCash Karl! > Specifically, I am trying to set-up the online pricing list for stock > quotes. Have a read of these topics: Regards Geoff = On 6/01/2023 12:30 pm, Karl wrote:

Re: [GNC] Will adding a transaction dated earlier than the last reconciliation cause a problem?

2023-01-07 Thread Geoff
hat you do best - running your business. (Not so long ago this would have been accounted for out of a bucket called "petty cash" and reconciled once every month or so.) Regards Geoff = On 8/01/2023 4:24 am, Dr. David Kirkby wrote: On Sat, 7 Jan 2023 at 14:37, Maf. King wrote:

Re: [GNC] "Get Quotes" from the price database feedback

2023-01-09 Thread Geoff
Hi Kalpesh > Also is there a way to tell to get limited historical range of days' > worth > of quotes rather than a single day? See this post: Regards Geoff = On 10/01/2023 9:21 am, Kalpesh Patel wr

Re: [GNC] Importing csv files

2023-01-18 Thread Geoff
Geoff = On 19/01/2023 12:29 pm, rudy beuc wrote: Hello, I'm trying to migrate from Quickbooks to GnuCash. I'd like to keep as much information as I can for record keeping. To that end I've first been trying to import my accounts structure in via a csv file and failing badly.

Re: [GNC] Transaction regex help

2023-02-08 Thread Geoff
or a series of Searches, remember that you can:- * Refine the results of a previous Search * Add results to the current Search * Delete results from the current Search ) then you can produce a Transaction Report by choosing:- Reports / Account Report. Hope this helps. Regards Geoff = On 8/

Re: [GNC] Trouble Installing Online Price Retrieval Tool

2021-05-05 Thread Geoff
nucash\bin\" directory - and send a screenshot if it is still hanging after 30 minutes. Thanks Geoff = On 5/05/2021 5:09 pm, Sudesh Chandar via gnucash-user wrote: Hello  Group, I am a new user of GNU cash and have recently downloaded and installed Gnucash ver 4.5 on a windows 1

Re: [GNC] Trouble Installing Online Price Retrieval Tool

2021-05-05 Thread Geoff
nce Quote module. You should be skiing downhill from here on. Good luck. Geoff = On 5/05/2021 8:18 pm, Sudesh Chandar wrote: Hello Geoff, Many thanks for the fast reply. Actually the Perl scripts ran longer than 30 minutes much closer to 3 hours and after all that It threw up an err

Re: [GNC] multi-split CSV import

2021-05-14 Thread Geoff
Hi Mike Yes, this is easy to do. Please see the 5th post in this thread, which includes screenshots and a sample CSV file: Regards Geoff = On 15/05/2021 9:09 am, mike823 wrote: Is

Re: [GNC] Associate a file with the selected transaction.

2021-05-15 Thread Geoff
Hi David Carlson You may find some useful information in this thread: Regards Geoff = On 16/05/2021 9:37 am, David Carlson wrote: David H, I cannot find any help for that setting either. Is that mandatory to

Re: [GNC] Online quotes for a mutual fund

2021-05-16 Thread Geoff
<=== required last: 237.96 <=\ nav: 237.96 <=== one of these price: 237.96 <=/ timezone: <=== optional Regards Geoff = On 17/05/2021 7:35 am, Jacob Larsen wrote: Hi I am trying to get o

Re: [GNC] Proposed: "Realized Gain/Loss" transactions considered harmful

2021-05-25 Thread Geoff
s just my 20 cents (I am not an accountant), let's see what others think. Regards Geoff = On 25/05/2021 12:02 pm, peterb wrote: Hi. I've been thinking a lot over the past year about how GnuCash's standard workflow accounts for capital gains and losses, and I'm coming

Re: [GNC] GnuCash sqlite backend on windows and linux

2021-05-26 Thread Geoff
databases are portable across 32-bit and 64-bit machines and between big-endian and little-endian architectures." Regards Geoff = On 27/05/2021 8:43 am, mike823 wrote: Hi everyone, Is the gnucash sqlite backend compatible between windows and linux

Re: [GNC] Enable Online Stock Price Updating in GnuCash

2021-06-07 Thread Geoff
erl script. (4) Wait patiently, it takes a long time! See attached screenshot for details. Hope this helps. Regards Geoff = On 4/06/2021 2:37 pm, Jai Rao wrote: Sir / Madam, I am trying to enable Online Stock Price Updating in GnuCash - (in Windows 10). * I have installed Strawberry

Re: [GNC] Enable Online Stock Price Updating in GnuCash

2021-06-08 Thread Geoff
ave that to the experts. Regards Geoff = On 9/06/2021 11:34 am, Christopher Lam wrote: Hi Geoff On Wed, 9 Jun 2021, 9:27 am Geoff, <>> wrote: Gnucash will permit you to run a negative balance on a stock, see attached screenshot. The UI

Re: [GNC] how to import a csv of transactions?

2021-07-12 Thread Geoff
h-balanced-transactions-td4721056.html Good luck! Geoff = On 12/07/2021 10:01 pm, Arman Schwarz wrote: I've tried on both 4.4 and 4.6 but it seems that importing csv transactions is broken. Before I continue down this path, is csv importing an actually supported feature or are the issue

Re: [GNC] Can anyone help with this issue please - GNC-FQ Not able to collect data

2021-07-18 Thread Geoff
am Files (x86)\gnucash\bin>echo (currency "EUR" "RON") | perl gnc-fq-helper (("EUR" (symbol . "EUR") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2021-03-10 08:45:05") (last . #e4.8841) (currency . "RON"))) Also, it is normal to get the blank command window

Re: [GNC] Can anyone help with this issue please - GNC-FQ Not able to collect data

2021-07-19 Thread Geoff
-no-zone . "2021-07-19 21:27:37") (last . #e0.72922) (currency . "GBP"))) See attached screenshot. Hope this helps. Regards Geoff = On 19/07/2021 7:08 pm, wrote: Good morning Geoff - I'm now back in the office and have run through yo

Re: [GNC] Can anyone help with this issue please - GNC-FQ Not able to collect data

2021-07-19 Thread Geoff
/USD/,q/GBP/);" Expected result: 0.72953 [Note to other readers - the above is the syntax for Windows] See attached screenshot. Hope this helps. Regards Geoff = On 19/07/2021 9:04 pm, wrote: Good Morning Chris, Many thanks for this, which I've jus

Re: [GNC] Can anyone help with this issue please - GNC-FQ Not able to collect data

2021-07-19 Thread Geoff
Hmmm, something is definitely broken there. Let me know what you get with my second email. Geoff = On 19/07/2021 9:57 pm, wrote: Sorry Geoff, I was pasting from my troubleshooting notes not what I typed. I’ve attached the screenshot Best regards, David

Re: [GNC] Can anyone help with this issue please - GNC-FQ Not able to collect data

2021-07-19 Thread Geoff
have a suggestion. Regards Geoff = On 19/07/2021 10:04 pm, wrote: I think your right - does not look good - no output at all C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin>perl -MFinance::Quote -e "my $q = Finance::Quote->new(); print $q->currency(q/USD/,q/

Re: [GNC] Can anyone help with this issue please - GNC-FQ Not able to collect data

2021-07-22 Thread Geoff
David, x64 is fine. I agree with Bruce - completely uninstall and reinstall. Regards Geoff = On 23/07/2021 4:46 am, wrote: Bruce, I'll give this a try in the morning---but just a thought. I've been using the x64 Strawberry install because the sys

Re: [GNC] Australian cash residuals - Non- GnuCash question

2021-07-27 Thread Geoff
ess) match up. For example:- Hope this helps. Regards Geoff = On 27/07/2021 6:28 pm, Chris Good wrote: Hi, I apologize in advance for this non GnuCash question but I searched the int

Re: [GNC] Difficulties entering share purchases

2021-07-27 Thread Geoff
uot; and asking me "Which value would you like to have recalculated?" Shares / Price / Value. See attached screenshot. Hope this helps. Regards Geoff = On 28/07/2021 1:23 am, Eric Coates via gnucash-user wrote: In January this year,whilst running Ubuntu 20.10 and GnuCash 3.x,

Re: [GNC] Simple Update Question

2021-07-27 Thread Geoff
I can't remember when they were released. I am currently using release 4.4, and they are under the Reports / Experimental menu. Regards Geoff = On 28/07/2021 1:23 am, sc wrote: Hello. I successfully transferred from Quicken to GnuCash years ago, with no troubles.  I'm a

Re: [GNC] Difficulties entering share purchases

2021-07-28 Thread Geoff
Good luck! Geoff = On 28/07/2021 6:13 pm, Eric Coates wrote: Geoff Thanks for responding. The sequence of events that you describe is what I would expect but not only do the numbers disappear (see Fig 8) but the dialogue you mention just doesn't happen (see the description of Fig 9)

Re: [GNC] Finance::Quote on Mac M1

2021-08-04 Thread Geoff
Hi Peter How about sending through some diagnostics please? Screenshot or error log. Thanks Geoff = On 4/08/2021 5:03 pm, Peter West wrote: I have been trying to get Finance::Quote installed on my Mac M1, without success. I have tried installing using cpan -i Date::Manip cpan -i

Re: [GNC] Finance::Quote on Mac M1

2021-08-04 Thread Geoff
Try and force the installation of B::Keywords: cpan> force install B::Keywords From: If that works, try to reinstall Finance::Quote normally. Fingers crossed. Geoff = On 4/08/2021 5:24 pm, Peter West wrote: Here’s

Re: [GNC] Finance::Quote on Mac M1

2021-08-04 Thread Geoff
CPAN and try to install Finance::Quote normally. Good luck. Geoff = On 4/08/2021 6:38 pm, Peter West wrote: It sill reports the same failure, even though I run sudo cpan -f -i B::Keywords — Peter West <> But immediately Jesus spoke to them

Re: [GNC] Search with subtotals

2021-08-17 Thread Geoff
Hi Jeff From the Search Results window, choose Reports / Account Report. It will generate a report showing all the searched for transactions, with Debit and Credit totals at the end. Windows 10 / GnuCash 4.4 See attached screenshot. Regards Geoff = On 17/08/2021 4:06 pm, Jeff wrote

Re: [GNC] CVS import success/issues

2021-08-17 Thread Geoff
ck down the offending transactions. Good luck! Regards Geoff = On 16/08/2021 9:42 am, Lisa Rowell wrote: In preparation for a move from Mac to Linux, I went to move from my circa 2015 version of Quicken for Mac to GnuCash. Sadly that version lacks QIF support and couldn't even be im

Re: [GNC] Find transaction with totals

2021-09-06 Thread Geoff
transactions is to copy and paste the report into a spreadsheet. See attached screenshot. Hope this helps. Regards Geoff = On 6/09/2021 4:58 pm, Jeff wrote: I'm sure this has been asked before but I can not find an answer. I frequently need to do a search (alt-f) for specific transac

Re: [GNC] Dividend payout entry

2021-10-11 Thread Geoff
Foad, that DropBox link requires a login - see attached screenshot. As David suggested, try attaching your image to an email. (David - both your images came through to my email as attachments.) Regards Geoff = On 12/10/2021 8:54 am, Foad Kasiri wrote: Hi David: Thanks for the

Re: [GNC] save as sqlite3 error

2021-10-19 Thread Geoff
Good pickup David - Thunderbird dropped the attachment, but I can see it via Gmail {:--( Not that it helps much PA, as John said, please check the trace file. Geoff = On 20/10/2021 2:04 pm, David Carlson wrote: It is odd that PA's screenshot made it to my Gmail account in Windo

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