Hi Tom
Yes, AutoHotKey is quite a powerful scripting language and has some
basic date handling functionality built in. Here is a trivial example
as a demonstration, but note that it fails for cases where the day of
the month is greater than 28. This is easy to fix, but I don't know the
specific rules imposed by your bank.
See attached screenshot before reading any further.
Loop, 12 {
start_date := 2022 . SubStr(0 . A_Index, -1, 2) . 15
month := SubStr(start_date, 5, 2) - 16
prior_date := SubStr(start_date, 1, 4)
+ floor((month - 1) / 12)
. SubStr(0 . (month < 0
? mod(month, 12) + 12
: mod(month - 1, 12) + 1)
, -1 ,2)
. SubStr(start_date, 7)
FormatTime, show_start, %start_date%, ddd dd-MMM-yyyy
FormatTime, show_prior, %prior_date%, ddd dd-MMM-yyyy
results := results
. "Start: " . show_start
. "`nPrior: " . show_prior
. "`n`n"
MsgBox,, AutoHotKey: Subtract 16 Months Example for Tom, %results%
The syntax is a bit quirky at first, but the documentation is good and
if you can drive Raku you can certainly drive AHK ;--)
HOWEVER, as it seems that you are bank scraping, you should consider
Selenium which is a very useful and extremely powerful tool for web
browser automation: https://www.selenium.dev/, *plus* it can be driven
from a variety of languages including Python, Perl, and (according to
Google) Raku:
Hope this helps.
On 15/08/2022 12:50 am, Tom Browder wrote:
On Sun, Aug 14, 2022 at 00:40 Geoff <cleanoutmys...@gmail.com
<mailto:cleanoutmys...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Jim
I don't have any experience manipulating GnuCash XML files, but in
principle what you want to do should work, although it does void your
GnuCash warranty.
However, if you are going to all this effort you may find it more
worthwhile to invest your time in learning how to use a general purpose
automation tool. This approach has two advantages over data
(1) Automation drives the GnuCash GUI and thus protects you from
accidental data corruption.
(2) You will be able to use your new automation skills to automate any
subsequent GnuCash tasks, for example loading historical
transactions to
your 130 securities.
For Windows, check out:
AutoHotKey https://www.autohotkey.com/ <https://www.autohotkey.com/>
Geoff, that looks very interesting, thanks for the link. I do most of my
work on Linux, but I do have to do some things on Windows (TL;DR), so
this is very useful.
One of the things I'm not sure about is how powerful the script is. For
instance, can it determine the date for 16 months before the current
date? That's one of the requirements for one of my banks earliest date
of data retrieval. And one has to start over again for each different
If it can't, then I will use the power of Raku to regenerate the
autohotkey script for the current date.
Best regards,
P.S. Is there a spot on the Wiki to list things like Geoff's suggestion
and flycatcher's program? If not, I will be glad to start
one--suggestions welcomed.
Loop, 12 {
start_date := 2022 . SubStr(0 . A_Index, -1 ,2) . 15
month := SubStr(start_date, 5, 2) - 16
prior_date := SubStr(start_date, 1, 4)
+ floor((month - 1) / 12)
. SubStr(0 . (month < 0
? mod(month, 12) + 12
: mod(month - 1, 12) + 1)
, -1 ,2)
. SubStr(start_date, 7)
FormatTime, show_start, %start_date%, ddd dd-MMM-yyyy
FormatTime, show_prior, %prior_date%, ddd dd-MMM-yyyy
results := results
. "Start: " . show_start
. "`nPrior: " . show_prior
. "`n`n"
MsgBox,, AutoHotKey: Subtract 16 Months Example for Tom, %results%
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