I believe this is what I did to create the scheduled transaction:
In a money market investment account,
with an existing month end reinvest of dividends transaction,
Right click => popup menu
Left click on Schedule
Left click on OK
On Wed, May 4, 2022 at 9:02 AM Derek Atkins wrote:
> It is whe
I assume you mean Edit Scheduled Transaction: Template Transaction.
The transaction has two splits:
Income:Dividends:...:$MKT Credit formula is 5.
Assets:Investments:...:$MKT Debit formula is 5.
On Wed, May 4, 2022 at 9:21 AM Fred Bone wrote:
> On 04 May 2022 at 8:48, Fred J. Tydeman said
Linux: Fedora 35 64-bit
GnuCash 4.10
Finance::Quote 1.51
Online Quote: Alpha Vantage API key: has a value
gnc-fq-check: installed
gnc-fq-dump: installed
gnc-fq-helper: installed
gnc-fq-update: missing
Price database
Get Quotes
gets me a spinning circle.
System Monitor shows
Is there a way to get a report of all the securities that have Get Online
Quotes checked?
Perhaps I have a bad Symbol/abbreviation and that is what is causing the
Get Quotes to hang.
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your s
t, that's like the only time
> you actually will get a meaningful error from Finance::Quote. So, I'm
> guessing that your problem has to do with not allowing the process to
> complete, rather than a bad symbol.
There was one security that had a strange symbol (might h
I wanted to see what Double line mode looked like, so I enabled it via:
Register Defaults
Other Defaults
Double line mode
I gave it a try in a few accounts; but did not like it.
I shut down Gnucash.
I restarted Gnucash.
I went back to the above Register Defaults
It would be nice if in the Reconcile window, when the Difference is zero,
the Finish button would turn green.
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
I have Tip of the Day enabled.
I have Scheduled transactions enabled.
Sometimes, when I start gnucash,
the Tip of the day popup window shows,
then after the file is fully loaded,
something about Scheduled transactions window shows
(but is hidden by the Tip of the day).
Clicking on the Close button
rnatively, do that part first, then dismiss the Tip of the Day window.
> What OS? Are you running GnuCash full screen at startup?
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 5/10/22 9:48 PM, Fred Tydeman wrote:
> > I have Tip of the Day enabled.
> > I have Scheduled transactions
The laptop display is 1920x1080
On Fri, May 13, 2022 at 10:11 AM David Carlson
> I think this sort of problem is more likely to occur if you have a fairly
> low resolution monitor or have your display driver set for a lower
> resolution than your display can show. It may be necessary to
It appears that when I do Ctrl-G Go to Date,
that today's date is automatically filled in.
Is there a way to have it use the last date I entered?
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscr
I added over 300 dummy #yymmdd accounts and am using them as tags in splits
in transactions (to simulate Quicken classes). I now realized that those
splits are not reconciled. It is a slow process to reconcile them one by
one. Is there an easy way to pick many of those #yymmdd accounts and have
ent and check
> the box to include all sub-accounts.
> On Sat, May 21, 2022, 22:17 Fred Tydeman wrote:
>> I added over 300 dummy #yymmdd accounts and am using them as tags in
>> splits
>> in transactions (to simulate Quicken classes). I now realized that those
Some years ago (before I started using GnuCash), I bought some shares of a
mutual fund (so have an Equity:Opening Balances transaction)
Over the years, the dividends were reinvested to buy more shares.
Now, I wish to give all of these shares to my son.
How do I record both the basis price and the f
I know what I need to do for tax purposes.
I do not know how to do the accounting.
I would like a report of all gifts made (FMV per asset per person) implies
need to record gifts somehow.
I would like a report of all gifts made (basis price per asset per person)
implies need to record basis somehow
I am doing
Import Prices from a CSV file...
Select a csv file with Symbol, Date, Currency, and Amount data
Click the column headers for: Date, Currency, and Amount
But, when I click the Commodity From bar
I get a popup window with my securities listed alo
Running GnuCash 4.10 on Linux.
Tried to do a Trial Balance Report. Got:
Report error
An error occurred while running the report.
7 (apply-smob/1 #)
In c-interface.scm:
35:4 6 (gnc:call-with-error-handling _ _)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
829:9 5 (catch _ _ # …)
In c-interface.scm:
screen at startup?
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 5/10/22 9:48 PM, Fred Tydeman wrote:
> > I have Tip of the Day enabled.
> > I have Scheduled transactions enabled.
> > Sometimes, when I start gnucash,
> > the Tip of the day popup window shows,
> > then afte
In looking at the list archives, I see that this problem was reported back
in July 2020. I did not see what version of GnuCash was being used then.
I am running GnuCash 4.10 on Fedora Linux 35 and get the same results.
One of the accounts only had three transactions: buy 1 unit, buy 1 unit,
In running a Balance Sheet for today, the values in Total Assets
and (Liabilities & Equity) do not match. Any suggestions on what
could be wrong? Does it depend upon transactions being Reconciled?
gnucash-user mailing list
> Geoff
> =====
> On 1/06/2022 3:06 pm, Fred Tydeman wrote:
> > In running a Balance Sheet for today, the values in Total Assets
> > and (Liabilities & Equity) do not match. Any suggestions on what
> &g
On Wed, Jun 1, 2022 at 6:45 AM Fred Tydeman wrote:
> I am now trying going back in time to see when the first imbalance starts.
> How do I get a list of transactions in a specific date range?
> Is there a way to find stock/mutual fund prices of zero(0)?
First mismatch happens back
like a bug to me. I am not sure how to report, or what is
The test2.gnucash file is around 5000 bytes small
Now sure where the Price history is kept, nor the Report options.
On Wed, Jun 1, 2022 at 7:56 AM Fred Tydeman wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 1, 2022 at 6:45 AM Fred Tydeman
On Fri, May 13, 2022 at 11:05 AM Adrien Monteleone <
adrien.montele...@lusfiber.net> wrote:
> What distro and version?
Linux: Fedora 35
> What version of GnuCash?
> Does exiting full screen help?
> Does not starting in full screen help?
> Are you using a
30, 2022 at 7:50 AM Fred Tydeman wrote:
> I was running GnuCash full screen.
> Since switching to Windows mode, I have not had the issue at startup about
> interaction between Tip of the Day and Scheduled transactions.
> This is GnuCash 4.10 on Linux Fedora
> On Tue, May 1
On Fri, Jun 3, 2022 at 7:12 AM Adrien Monteleone <
adrien.montele...@lusfiber.net> wrote:
> Sorry, last spec:
> What resolution?
1920 x 1080
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription preferences or to unsubsc
Nor, is there a mention of Shift-Up-Arrow or Shift-Down-Arrow
On 5/22/22 12:16 AM, Fred Tydeman wrote:
> > I added over 300 dummy #yymmdd accounts and am using them as tags in
> splits
> > in
Based upon google searches, I found that one can create new Namespace
entries in the Securities by typing in the "Type" field via Tools->Security
Editor->Add or Edit
Is there a way to change/correct an existing Namespace?
Is there a way to delete an existing Namespace?
On Sun, Jun 5, 2022 at 1:20 AM Geoff wrote:
> Q1. Use the Security Editor and type over the incorrect Namespace (in
> the "Type" field).
I tried to change NONCURRENCY to Cash-Crypto by typing over NONCURRENTCY.
That did not change it. Instead, it left NONCURRENCY alone and made a new
Is there a way to get an Investment Report sorted and sub-totaled by
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
If yo
On Sun, Jun 5, 2022 at 10:48 AM Adrien Monteleone <
adrien.montele...@lusfiber.net> wrote:
> This looks like a problem with the Scheduled Transaction (SX) window
> rather than a general focus problem.
> Try this in order:
For each of these tests, I made sure I had a scheduled transaction to r
Is there a way to export either the Accounts main screen or an Accounts
Summary report as either a plain text file or a CSV file?
The best I have found so far is Select via mouse the text on the multiple
then Ctrl-C to copy to clipboard, then Ctrl-V to paste into a file in an
On Sun, Jun 5, 2022 at 5:02 PM David H wrote:
> Fred,
> File >> Export >> Export to CSV doesn't do it for you ?
Already tried that. It does not have the account values.
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your
On Sun, Jun 5, 2022 at 5:00 PM Stan Brown
> On 2022-06-05 15:19, Fred Tydeman wrote:
> > Is there a way to export either the Accounts main screen or an Accounts
> > Summary report as either a plain text file or a CSV file?
> >
> > The best I have found
On Tue, Jun 7, 2022 at 2:44 PM Adrien Monteleone <
adrien.montele...@lusfiber.net> wrote:
> Reports are HTML.
As I have found out (trying lots of reports and options).
> They open quite easily in spreadsheet apps.
Oh! I would never have assumed that a spreadsheet could import html.
> Yo
I just found a transaction that is not a double entry.
It is just a single entry. Not sure how that happened.
When I click on Split to see the other side of the entry,
there is nothing. Clicking on Jump does nothing.
With that strange transaction as the current entry:
Clicking on Actions->Check&
Is there an easy way to find all the zero price entries in the price
I have several hundred stock and currency items, some with zero price
I am used to using Enter (instead of Tab) as a way to advance to the next
field in a new transaction. Because of that, I believe that cause
On Thu, Jun 9, 2022 at 7:46 AM Gyle McCollam wrote:
> Fred,
> The key is in your question. You can use Edit/Find and search for zero
> values and apparently, if you do it from the accounts screen you can search
> all account at once or you could search in each account. Once it finds the
> trans
On Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 9:42 AM john wrote:
> The "no scheduled transactions" dialog is modal (see
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modal_window) so it blocks the rest of
> GnuCash until it's dismissed. Unfortunately that includes dismissing the
> splash screen so that you can see it. I think the
when I restarted GnuCash. But, not any more.
I move Tip to bottom right of screen. Quit GnuCash. Start GnuCash
Tip of the Day is back in middle of screen.
On Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 9:59 AM Fred Tydeman wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 9:42 AM john wrote:
>> The "no
A friend and I bought a golf cart, each paying 1/2 of the price.
Some years later, we sold that golf cart (for less than we paid, splitting
what we got).
How should all of that be recorded?
gnucash-user mailing list
To update
On US tax returns, on Schedule A, there is a line for
IRD (Income in Respect of a Decedent) deduction.
So, when I get a payment from an inherited IRA,
how do I record the IRD?
It seems to me that part of recording that in GnuCash
would be: Expenses:SchA:IRD
but I cannot think of what should be th
of the selling price to my friend.
I guess I could record the purchase as 1/2 to golf cart asset
and 1/2 to short term loan to friend. And that loan is paid
back the next day.
And the same idea would be used for the sale.
On Mon, Jun 27, 2022 at 4:01 PM Fred Tydeman wrote:
> A friend an
Over the past several months, I have been importing Quicken data into
GnuCash. There is about 6 years of data and lots of transactions. Besides
normal income and expenses, that data involved many different stocks and
many different currencies. Recently, I saw a reference to "Trading"
I am running Linux and GnuCash 4.11
When I try to do a Trial Balance report, I get a crash.
Screenshot attached.
I assume it is due to bad data somewhere,
but I have no idea where or what it is.
gnucash-user mailing list
To up
> > On 13 Aug 2022, at 14:08, Fred Tydeman wrote:
> >>
> >> I am running Linux and GnuCash 4.11
> >> I do an Account Summary report.
> >> I have set the options to not show zero balances.
> >> Yet, the report shows many zero balances.
> >&
> > On Aug 13, 2022, at 6:12 AM, Fred Tydeman
> wrote:
> >
> > I am running Linux and GnuCash 4.11
> > When I try to do a Trial Balance report, I get a crash.
> > Screenshot attached.
> > I assume it is due to bad data somewhere,
> &
798550 was reported some time ago.
On Sat, Aug 13, 2022 at 11:45 PM Christopher Lam
> May I suggest that any report crash of this sort should be logged in
> Bugzilla?
> On Sat, 13 Aug 2022, 9:13 pm Fred Tydeman, wrote:
> > I am running Linux and GnuCash 4.11
On Sun, Aug 14, 2022 at 10:06 AM David Carlson
> If that 798550 is a gnucash Bugzilla report number I couldn't find it in
> a search. Can you provide a link?
gnucash-user mailing list
On Sun, Aug 14, 2022 at 1:43 PM john wrote:
> Try increasing the account depth to 6 so that Acciones Open End and $cop
> are included.
I changed it to "All" levels and it still crashes.
> What is the report currency?
If I switch to COP, then that crash goes away.
On Sun, Aug 14, 2022 at 11:22 PM john wrote:
> When the depth is "all" does crash make the same stack trace?
The traces are the "same" except for the hex numbers after the word
> Do you have a GBP->USD rate in pricedb?
Yes, I do. But, I do not understand why you are asking ab
I tried following your instructions, but was unable to. So, I took my
existing file/book and removed most of the transactions, while still
getting a crash. I then uploaded that smaller file to [Bug 798550] .
On Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 9:32 AM john wrote:
> On Aug 14, 2022, at 9:00
I am running Linux Fedora 36.
I am running GnuCash 4.12 (2022-09-24)
My main currency is USD (US dollars).
I am using Trading Accounts.
I had a meal in Colombia with a friend.
I paid for everything with a credit card,
and the friend gave me pesos for their part.
If I enter the two parts as two se
On Sun, Nov 13, 2022 at 5:49 PM Jim DeLaHunt wrote:
> Hello, Fred:
> On 2022-11-12 14:04, Fred Tydeman wrote:
> > In a credit card account, when I enter a split transaction
> > that has part of the charge be in USD and the other part
> > in COP (Colombia Pesos), I am
Is there a way to force the Price database to display prices as decimal
values (instead of fractions)?
gnucash-user mailing list
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In gnucash, in looking at the price database history for Uniswap on
11/11/2022, it has the price as 3124 / 3902265 = 0.00080...
Yet, if I look at https://www.coinbase.com/price/uniswap I see that the
price was around 6.00
In the security database, it is UNI-USD with price from Yahoo as JSON
That worked. Thanks.
On Sun, Nov 20, 2022 at 8:36 AM David T. wrote:
> Try Preferences->Numbers, Date, Time->Force Prices to display as decimals
> David T.
> On Nov 20, 2022, at 7:19 PM, Fred Tydeman wrote:
>> Is there a way to force the Price databas
Thank you.
On Sun, Nov 20, 2022 at 10:23 AM john wrote:
> > On Nov 20, 2022, at 8:43 AM, Fred Tydeman
> wrote:
> >
> > In gnucash, in looking at the price database history for Uniswap on
> > 11/11/2022, it has the price as 3124 / 3902265 = 0.000
As a USA taxpayer, how should I record long term and short term carryover
losses from stock sales?
And, how do I show that they get used up or added to?
Are they a negative asset?
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subsc
In looking at the Help file within GnuCash, I found a section on Splits and
Mergers. After reading that section, I still do not know how to enter a
Spinoff. That it, I have 25 shares of ABC stock. They did some kind of
spin off and gave me 1 share of XYZ stock. I still have 25 shares of ABC.
> You may find this article helpful:-
> https://www.henssler.com/spin-offs/
> Once you have all the details, we can suggest how to record it in GnuCash.
> Regards
> Geoff
> =
> On 4/12/2022 11:15 am, Fred Tydeman wrote:
> > In looking at the
On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 5:10 PM David H wrote:
> Fred,
> Are you doing your Ctrl-F in the accounts tab or a register tab? If you do
> it in a register tab it only looks at the splits for that register, if you
> do it in the Accounts tab it should find both sides of the transaction. Got
> caught
Edit -> Find Account works fine for finding 'KOF' and 'coca coca'
somewhere in the account name.
However, 'Accounts' is the only tab showing on my screen,
I click on that tab, and type 'KOF', I get a small window in the
bottom right corner of the screen -- but NO list of accounts.
Also, typing 'co
Is there a way to get the month end value of a specific account for several
Each month should be on its own line.
gnucash-user mailing list
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I am trying to do a Net Worth Linechart for one account (with two
investments) in COP (Colombia Pesos). This is what I get:
Report error
An error occurred while running the report.
11 (apply-smob/1 #)
In options.scm:
2037:10 10 (run-callbacks)
In srfi/srfi-1.scm:
640:9 9 (for-e
For a USA person, when I move cash from a regular IRA (tax deferred
account) to a Roth IRA (tax free account), besides the movement of the
cash, I need to also somehow show that the cash moved is considered
income. What should be the other side of the income pair?
Thanks for the discussion on Imputed income.
Since I want this Imputed income showing up in a GnuCash report of income,
I will add an Income and an Expense pair.
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription preferenc
For the Import QIF file tool:
What input is it looking for to set the Default account name?
I will hand edit the QIF file to add that magic line so the import has an
account name.
Aside: The Import QIF tool would be better if there was a way to pick the
account name from the list of accounts,
I am trying to set the account name for a dividend payment in a brokerage
account by putting it in the QIF file as follows:
Ybrookfield infra
Mbrookfield infra
L[Income:Tybor:fidelity:div:brookfield infra]
However, when I do the File: Import: QIF, the Match
I looked in the Help: Tutorial and Concepts Guide in GC 4.13 for the term:
"scheduled transaction" and got no hits.
My question is: Is it possible to select a scheduled transaction from the
future and have it be done now? I was hoping I could click on the calendar
entry and get a popup offering
Here is a fast way to Reconcile everything (not what you asked for, but it
might help)
"t" in Statement date == Today
Left click OK
Ctrl-A == Select All items in Funds In column
Space == Mark as Reconciled
Tab == Move to Funds Out column
Ctrl-A == Select All items in Funds Out colu
I find that doing a double left click on each column header,
going from right to left works just fine.
On Fri, Jan 6, 2023 at 7:11 PM peterb wrote:
> I have been using Gnucash for many years and I still never know exactly
> what's going to happen when I try to resize a column. It is 120%
> infur
I have run a Transaction report (for all accounts) for just one day in the
past (to find all the transactions on that one day). It found just one
transaction where I bought 600 yuan for 99.07 USD (at an ATM in china).
The grand totals in the report are 0 USD and 0 yuan.
That one transaction has f
Have you considered using a Google spreadsheet along with:
GOOGLEFINANCE("NASDAQ:GOOG", "price", DATE(2014,1,1), DATE(2014,12,31),
It lets you get the prices on a range of dates.
On Mon, Jan 9, 2023 at 9:02 PM John Ralls wrote:
> The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 4.900, the first unstable
> release leading to GnuCash 5.0.
> This is an unstable release for testing purposes. Do not use it with
> production data! Make a copy of your book to test this release.
On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 8:11 PM john wrote:
> In the case of the Fedora 26 system it won't even let him connect,
> probably because it doesn't have TLS 1.3 and Flathub (rightly) refuses to
> connect.
Is there a way to update to a later version of TLS?
Not sure what package to look for.
> Fre
On Mon, Jan 9, 2023 at 9:02 PM John Ralls wrote:
> The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 4.900, the first unstable
> release leading to GnuCash 5.0.
GnuCash is also available as a flatpak from Flathub.org. Instructions for
> installing and running may be found at
> https://wiki.gnucash
I have installed Fedora 37 with Gnome to a different partition (so I can
run different versions).
When I try to follow the instructions in
to install the beta, I get:
[tydeman@x1car2 ~]$ flatpak remote-add --user --if-not-exists flathub
On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 3:00 PM David H wrote:
> Yeah seems to be a typo which will cause the remote-add to fail if you
> already have the flathub repository installed as follows:-
> Wiki says - flatpak remote-add --user --if-not-exists *flathub*
> https://flathub.org/beta-repo/flathub-beta.fla
I am doing a search (for T-bill) on the gnucash wiki.
I get the Search Results page (with 181 results).
On the left side of the page, I click on GnuCash Website.
That gets me: Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page
That seems wrong to me.
The URL in the address bar of Google Chrome is: gnucash.org
I have one transaction moving money from A to B (one pair)
I have another transaction moving money from C to D (another pair)
I now realize I should have one transaction with 4 splits.
Is there an easy way to merge the two pairs into one 4-way split?
Or, do I have to manually re-enter 40 transactio
Suppose, several years ago, I bought 100 shares of a stock for $5,000.
Now, I give these 100 shares to my son and they are now worth $30,000.
It seems to me that I need to show:
That is the amount of wealth that I no longer have.
Also, that is the amount that goes on th
I am experimenting with a test GnuCash file and an import of a small QIF
file from Quicken.
The QIF file is 5 transactions, all in one investment account.
Yet, when I try to import the QIF file, I get the following error message:
Credit limit: Unrecognized or inconsistent format.
There are no cr
Have you set the file or directory Read Only?
On Sat, Feb 4, 2023 at 11:02 AM Gyle McCollam wrote:
> I want to change my account structure. I currently have an annuity, but I
> want to set up subaccounts for the original opening balance and the
> deferred income. Gnucash will not let me set up
I am running GnuCash 4.13 on Linux.
Will I run into problems if I move some of my files (books) to another
I had been creating test files in the same directory as my real file.
I want to move all of the test files to another directory.
to the list, so I'm off my guard and sometimes
> forget to check if that's not working on a particular email.
> It sure would be nice if every message from the listserver had a
> Reply-To header, but I seem to recall there's some reason why that
> wasn't considere
When I try to record an ATM withdrawal, I do not see any way to add a
split for the bank fee.
I am taking 150 euros from an ATM. There is a 10.50 euro bank fee. My
bank sees a withdrawal of 171.85 USD. I have trading accounts turned on.
In my US bank account, I enter USD 171.85; I say that th
I ended up adding a EURO bank charge expense account as a subaccount under
USD bank charges.
Then I added a split in the ATM transaction to move 150 EUR to cash and
10.50 EUR to that expense subaccount.
Thanks for the response.
gnucash-user mailing li
OS: Linux
GnuCash 4.13
Default currency: USD
I am doing a Transaction Report for one account that is in COP for last
Each month, I receive a fixed amount of COP.
In the Options for the report, in Currency, I have checked both
Common Currency and Show original currency amount.
The Report cur
OS: Linux Fedora 36
When I do the command: dnf update
I get this error message:
Problem: cannot install the best update candidate for package
- nothing provides libchipcard needed by aqbanking-6.5.4-1.fc36.x86_64
Then, when I do the command: dnf install libchipca
If one is using Trading Accounts, does that impact how Return of Capital is
recorded? I looked in the Tutorial and Concepts Guide and found the Return
of Capital section. It has no mention of Trading accounts.
gnucash-user mailing list
I have entered a buy of an ETF.
The ETF has done several annual Return of Capitals (which I entered).
I have entered a sell of all of the ETF.
I used the Actions: View Lots: Scrub Account to create the Capital gain.
The Capital gain calculated is wrong in that the Return of Capitals were
On Mon, Sep 20, 2021 at 8:26 AM Jean-David Beyer via gnucash-user <
gnucash-user@gnucash.org> wrote:
> > was return of capital. I have not yet learned how to enter a return of
> > capital in GnuCash
> Do you not just subtract the capital returned from the cost basis?
net> wrote:
> On 9/20/2021 12:01 AM, Fred Tydeman wrote:
> > I have entered a buy of an ETF.
> > The ETF has done several annual Return of Capitals (which I entered).
> > I have entered a sell of all of the ETF.
> > I used the Actions: View Lots: Scrub Account to
I do not recall exactly what I did. But I did find this in the Tutorial
(under Selling Shares with Manual Calculation of Capital Gain or Loss)
In order for GnuCash to commit the zero-share, zero-price split for account
Assets:Stock:SYMBOL to the transaction in the following schemes, you *must*
Backup software: I use DFSee to do full disk copies to external disks.
It works with (at least) Windows and Linux. Not sure about Apple.
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
The Tip of the Day entry for dates should be expanded to include:
M = beginning of Month
H = end of montH
Y = beginning of Year
R = end of yeaR
Are there any others?
It would be nice if pressing MM went back two months,
instead of doing M-M. Same for HH instead of H+H.
Suggestions on how to record for whole life insurance:
Premiums paid
Increase in cash value
Future death benefit
I think some of that is like the Degas painting example in the Tutorial in
that the increase in cash value is an Unrealized Gain.
, I still have no idea how to do the future death benefit.
It is not an asset of mine. It might be an asset of my wife (if I die
Or, it might be an asset of my son (if I die after my wife).
On Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 10:40 AM Fred Tydeman
> Suggestions on how to record for whole l
I would like to produce reports that show:
money spent on meals, hotels, ...
money spend on various trips
In Quicken, the transactions were coded as:
using both Categories (
1 - 100 of 314 matches
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