Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2021-05-20 Thread DaveC49
Roger, The Locations for saved reports changed between V2 and V3 of GnuCash. Details are given in the Wiki page,gnucash. I think they relate to Windows 8/10 but not sure about Win 7. There are links

Re: [GNC] Import Format

2021-05-27 Thread DaveC49
The CBA in Australia offers CSV, OFX and QIF (2 variants) downloads from the bank website. They only offer direct connect OFX downloads via MYOB or Quicken where these companies have a software deal/agreement with the bank about security. i have approached them about direct connect access but recei

Re: [GNC] Import Format

2021-05-29 Thread DaveC49
The developers' link looks interesting. It seems to be mainly about making authorized payments for e-commerce functions on a quick look at it and nothing about downloading transaction data, but it is a move in the right direction. The Python version of the API may provide a way of creating a paym

Re: [GNC] question - how do I move one or more transactions between accounts?

2021-05-29 Thread DaveC49
To move one split of a transaction from one account to another if you edit the transaction in the register for the account of the split which is going to be unchanged. A all you have to do is change the account in the Account column. Delete the existing selected account and you should get a drop d

Re: [GNC] How do I manage IOUs between household members?

2021-05-30 Thread DaveC49
Arman Equity is not the way to go to do this. All of the funds are assets and since they are in a single bank account the obvious way is to have 3 sub accounts of the main asset bank account which could simply be a placeholder Assets:Bank Account Assets:Bank Account:Arman Assets:Bank Account:Wife

Re: [GNC] New Imbalance-XXX Behavior

2021-05-31 Thread DaveC49
David, I'm not sure why the behaviour has changed, but from a programming prospective, it is much simpler to create the imbalance accounts at the top level. There is no need to search for a location which may be different in every user's CoA. One reason perhaps for keeping it at the top level is t


2021-06-01 Thread DaveC49
Laura, The reason Imbalance entries exist is that it is a fundamental principle in double entry accounting that the sum of the debits and credits to the various accounts that make up a transaction must be zero. The Imbalance results if a user creates and saves a transaction in which this is not t

Re: [GNC] Reconcile multiple child accounts

2021-06-06 Thread DaveC49
Kalpesh, The reconciliation process has an option to include sub accounts. When the dialog first comes up there is a checkbox underneath which you can check to include sub accounts in the reconciliation. David -- Sent from: _

Re: [GNC] Frustration (recently used files)

2021-06-06 Thread DaveC49
Andrew, Are these rental properties are all part of a single business owned by a single legal entity? If so do you really need to maintain 4 sets of books? It is possible within Gnucash to set up an accounting structure in which the four properties would be separate with their on income,expens

Re: [GNC] Large Negative Account Total

2021-06-08 Thread DaveC49
Jack, GnuCash has by default, top level accounts for Assets, Liabilities, Income, Expanses and Liabilities. These are also the names of account types. All accounts of account type Assets should be somewhere under the top level Asset account and likewise for accounts of each other account type. Th

Re: Basic Register - Removing Unwanted Columns

2017-09-16 Thread DaveC49
Keith, The use of debit and credit is usually a little bit confusing until you get a handle on the basic mathematics behind double entry accounting. The actual meaning of a debit (or credit) depends upon the type of account it is acting upon. The whole basis of double entry accounting is based on

Re: Backup help

2017-09-19 Thread DaveC49
Hi Art, Roger Just a quick comment. If you are using the MYSQL backend you can sync databases on different machines reasonably easily using MYSQL master-slave replication ( as an alternative to maintaining a mobile copy. There is a bit of a

Re: Backup help

2017-09-20 Thread DaveC49
Hi Colin, i agree with both you and Bram there. It is not a reliable backup of the database but really only useful for sharing a database across several machines and worked well for the use case where my laptop was generally connected to my LAN and I worked away from home occasionally. haven't ha

Re: GnuCash: Multiple Views Of Data

2017-09-20 Thread DaveC49
Hi Charles, Take a look at report options and customization. You can setup specific options for a report and then save it for future use. David - David Cousens -- Sent from:

Re: How to deal with the cash flow and the credit card.

2017-09-24 Thread DaveC49
Hi, The Tutorial and Concepts Guide covers the setup for credit cards in detail ( You need to create a Liability account as per these instructions for each credit card. There is no specific tool for handling credit cards as such.

Re: Announcement: GnuCash 2.6.18 Release 2017-09-24

2017-09-24 Thread DaveC49
Congratulations to John and the rest of the team. Builds and installs and runs nicely on Linux Mint 18.2 and installs and runs on Windows 10 on a TabProS. - David Cousens -- Sent from: _

Re: How to deal with the cash flow and the credit card.

2017-09-24 Thread DaveC49
I am not sure how the cash flow report deals with credit cards/liabilities. Even then a cash flow statement can only deal with already recorded transactions as you have indicated with your phantom transactions. Where a cash flow report is really useful is in looking at seasonal variations from past

Re: Vendor Bill - Invoice Entries

2017-10-15 Thread DaveC49
Hi, The facilities you are requesting are likely to require an inventory management system. At present Gnucash is an accounting package and currently does not incorporate any features for inventory management. As far as i know there are no plans to incorporate such features in the near future. To

Re: Vendor Bill - Invoice Entries

2017-10-16 Thread DaveC49
Hi Michael, Point taken. I was really commenting specifically on the in package capability of Gnucash to meet fellow_travellers's needs. It might be useful to have a list of external software that does provide additional capability to extend Gnucash somewhere on the wiki page. One of the disadvan

Re: loan account issue

2017-10-20 Thread DaveC49
The bank considers its loan to you as an asset, the fees and interest charges to the loan account are income to the bank, so the offset account for the bank for these transactions is an income account. These transactionsto the asset :loan account of the bank will increase the value of their asset,

Re: Accounting for Cryptocurrency Mining Operations

2017-10-26 Thread DaveC49
I think the accounting for bitcoin production would be similar to any other manufacturing cost accounting although identifying the component costs may be interesting. If you are running your own hardware to do it then that is one cost, (depreciation, running costs etc) which will more than likely b

Re: Adding Fixed Assests

2017-11-08 Thread DaveC49
Kevin, If you are entering an existing asset rather than a new paurchase the credit entry should be to an Equity Account:Opening Balances rather than to a Cash or bank account and the debit entry to thr Fixed asset account. David Cousens - David Cousens -- Sent from: http://gnucash.1415818

Re: bank entries

2017-11-26 Thread DaveC49
Christine, Gnucash is a double entry accounting system. What this means is that any transaction affects at least two accounts. For example when you purchase something your bank account is credited by the amount of the purchase any purchase is also an expense so an expense account has to be debite

RE: bank entries

2017-11-27 Thread DaveC49
Christine, I don't think the program itself is your problem. You will require some fundamental knowledge of accounting procedures and theory no matter which program you use. It is also a process of learning the jargonused in a particular program's interface. I know of no accounting program which i

Re: GL Accounts

2017-12-08 Thread DaveC49
Hi Maf, Just a slight clarification on what accrual accounting means. The GAAP contains certain principles about when income is considered to be earned and when expenses are considered to be incurred and when they are to be recognized/recorded in the accounts. These are not necessarily coinciden

Re: Invoice & Bill Posting Date Issues Across Multiple Periods

2017-12-09 Thread DaveC49
Hi Adrien, Add ressing this point: "Pre-paid expenses are a special case, but I should think it possible to address it with the business features somehow. I’ve thought of using special clearing accounts but I can’t seem to figure where they might go. Posting a bill for a pre-paid expense (but not

Re: Cannot edit opening balance

2017-12-11 Thread DaveC49
John, That is exactly what the Opening Balance dialog actually does in Gnucash (it creates those entries) and once the entries have been created they are easily edited either from the Opening Balances register or from the register for the account for which you set the opening balance, just as you

Re: Cannot edit opening balance

2017-12-11 Thread DaveC49
My bad John, I replied to the wrong post. David - David Cousens -- Sent from: ___ gnucash-user mailing list

Re: Invoice & Bill Posting Date Issues Across Multiple Periods

2017-12-13 Thread DaveC49
Hi Adrien, I am assuming here you mean when you are pre-billed by a supplier of a good or service. What follows is not necessarily restricted to insurance or even to prepayment but just uses these to illustrate the principle. If you mean that you are pre-billing a client, my apologies and please i

Re: Invoice & Bill Posting Date Issues Across Multiple Periods

2017-12-14 Thread DaveC49
Adrien, With regard to the case where you are paid in advance for work not yet completed a similar treatment could apply. If you were to issue an invoice to the customer you would post it when you raise it and you send it to the customer. This would create an Asset: A/R entry debit entry for th

Re: Receipt scanners, recommendations?

2017-12-21 Thread DaveC49
I use the flatbed scanner on a Samsung SCX3405FW combined with the XSANE Image Scanning Program to scan receipts with output as jpg without any major difficulties on Linux. As others have noted at present there is no way to link these into Gnucash at the moment. Main reason is to store receipts fro

Re: Gnucash on Linux Mint

2017-12-21 Thread DaveC49
Hi Les, The Linux Mint Software manager version is usually 1-2 releases behind the latest release of Gnucash. getDeb is sometimes a bit more up to date. Unless there are specific features/fixes in the latest release that you need then 2.6.17 which is the current LM version should be OK. If not,

Re: Unrealized Gains and Closing Books

2017-12-24 Thread DaveC49
The short answer is yes. but the following articles may give you some insights into how unrealized gains and losses are usually recorded and reported. These article provides some info about treatment of unrealized gains and losses on trading securities under the GAAP in the US (http://smallbusiness

Re: How to deal with RRSP's (Canada)

2018-01-02 Thread DaveC49
Larry, I'm not familiar with the details of RRSP accounts in Canada so any comments here are general in nature and not taken as accounting advice per se. If it is a retirement savings account you would treat it as an Asset. Depending upon the conditions associated with withdrawal of funds from

Re: How to deal with RRSP's (Canada)

2018-01-02 Thread DaveC49
Larry If your withdrawals from the RRSP are taxable on withdrawal then I think your approach of using two files recording transfers to your bank account from the RRSP as Expenses in the RRSP account and Income in your main accounts should work fine as it will satisfy the accounting equation in b

Re: How to deal with RRSP's (Canada)

2018-01-04 Thread DaveC49
Cam, I have been giving a bit of thought to the way one might account properly for Retirement funds. I am not sure how your CRA asks for information about income from your RRIFs. In Australia, I have specific questions in the tax return dialog at which I have to record the income from such funds a

Re: How to deal with RRSP's (Canada)

2018-01-05 Thread DaveC49
Hi David The main reason for my suggested approach is that the relevant income is still earned at the time the contributions are initially made and at the time the fund earnings are credited to the account. It is only that the tax on these earnings is deferred until the RRSP is converted to an RRI

Re: Bank reconciliation question

2018-01-24 Thread DaveC49
It should be no problem at all. Just record the original transactions you already have recorded against something like a miscellaneous expenses account. Add notes to the description that they were direct debits in error. The refunds should also appear in your OFX records so just load then and use

Re: Period End Accounts

2018-01-25 Thread DaveC49
Mike, 1. it is unlikely but it is possible to unset the reconciliation status but a warning with an opt out of the change is issued before it is changed and it is possible to edit a reconciled split of a transaction but you will normally get a warning even if the split you are editing is not into

Re: Reconcile problem

2018-02-02 Thread DaveC49
If its any help the reconcile dialog should allow you to change both the date and the ending balance. The observed behaviour on Gnucash 2.6.18 ( and it hasn't changed for me since changing from 2.6.16 or from previous versions over the last 2-3 years) on Linux Mint 18.3 (Ubuntu 16.04) is that if y

Re: gnucash-user Digest, Vol 179, Issue 59

2018-02-15 Thread DaveC49
Elmar, If you have narrowed the date range in which the error has occurred then it is down to old fashioned accounting practices for finding errors. Some of these articles may help:

Re: QFX Import and Reconciled Transactions

2018-02-15 Thread DaveC49
Any matching procedure on an import is not going to be perfect. Make the criteria too tight and almost nothing is matched. Too loose and everything is matched, so it is always a compromise. I have found the order in which I process the OFX imports from my various accounts can have some impact on

Re: QFX Import and Reconciled Transactions

2018-02-15 Thread DaveC49
Hi David, Agreed that the process of importing of transactions to an account is a separate and distinct process from that of reconciliation with an external statement. Given that however, the import process, if it matches an existing transaction in your accounts will classify a transaction as "Re

Re: QFX Import and Reconciled Transactions

2018-02-15 Thread DaveC49
No problem David. I was interested because I was importing OFX data at the time I saw the post and I have often been confused about exactly what happens, even though most of the time it works without any problem. It appears that that when R is checked in the import window, it sets the A column i

Re: Building 2.6.19 on Ubuntu Xenial

2018-02-26 Thread DaveC49
Hi Adrien, See this page ( from the website for installing on Ubuntu. There is also a link at the bottom of the page for building Gnucash on Ubuntu ( but as you observed it has the dependency list for 2.8. There is

Re: Building 2.6.19 on Ubuntu Xenial

2018-02-26 Thread DaveC49
Just an additional comment Adrien, ./configure usually checks all the dependencies. First time I compiled gnucash from sources I just reran ./configure installing any packages it flagged as missing. i've just recompiled 2.6.19 on Linux Mint 18.3 (Ubuntu 16.04 derivative updated to Linux kernel ver

Re: GNUcash setup

2018-03-02 Thread DaveC49
Ken, Adrien Just a quick note re "separate account trees for each business". I have experimnted to try to do this within the one set of books (i.e. file) in Gnucash and have never found a way of doing it. My problem has always been creating an entity level top account as there is no top level acc

Re: Printing no longer works on Windows 10 Pro

2018-03-02 Thread DaveC49
Jeffrey, You could always run the legacy Windoze apps in a Virtul Machine on Linux and make the break. - David Cousens -- Sent from: ___ gnucash-user mailing list gnucash-user@gnucash

Re: Printing no longer works on Windows 10 Pro

2018-03-02 Thread DaveC49
David, We ex -Windows users are just like ex-smokers - never miss an opportunity to prosleytize to the unconverted. David - David Cousens -- Sent from: ___ gnucash-user mailing list gn

Re: How can I recover lost transactions

2018-03-04 Thread DaveC49
It is most likely that the transactions are not missing but are being filtered out either by explicit filters or by preference settings for the accounting period although the latter should not restrict the range ofdates dislayed to my knowledge. The accounting period is set under Edit->Preferences

Re: Finally ready to move from Windoze to Unix, suggestions of flavor of Unix to use

2018-03-17 Thread DaveC49
Hi Jeffrey, I have been using Linux Mint which is a Debian/Ubuntu distribution for 4-5 years with no major problems. The interface is fairly easy to transition to from Windows particularly if prior to Windows 8. The RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express controller should work with the standard Ubuntu di

Re: Intuit Mint to GnuCash

2018-03-19 Thread DaveC49
Transferring data out of Intuit Mint will depend upon whether that program/app has the ability to export data in a suitable form like OFX or Excel CSV format. Gnucash can import OFX file data if correctly structured and the current Gnucash versions can import CSV with some limitations (the develope

Re: Refund invoice

2018-03-20 Thread DaveC49
Check out David - David Cousens -- Sent from: ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferenc

Re: Refund invoice

2018-03-20 Thread DaveC49
and David - David Cousens -- Sent from: ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update yo

Re: Dealing with a bookkeeper and GNU

2018-03-26 Thread DaveC49
Martin Have you tried . It can apparently export to QIF and IIF formats. Haven't used it or Quickbooks so don't know how effective it is or how well it is maintained but it was updated moderately recently (2016-01-17) from a 2012 original. Dav

RE: beginning balance of income and expense accounts

2018-03-26 Thread DaveC49
Lori, The Opening Balances account is an account of type equity. *It is always the offset account for the opening balances of all other accounts.* Your procedure for starting to use Gnucash from the 30/9 is fine. The entry for the opening balance for your income and expense accounts at 30/9 will

Re: Files don't export as html- text edit instead.

2018-03-30 Thread DaveC49
Peter, For your info. No problem with report export ( balance sheet) as html in Gnucash 2.6.19 running on Linux Mint 18.3, so it may be a specific Mac bug. It may also be a change in the html import for the spreadsheet you are using, if that has been recently updated. On Linux the .html extensio

Re: Getting started

2018-03-31 Thread DaveC49
Johnathon, Just to amplify a little bit on Kevin's answers. If you are opening a file generated at home using Gnucash on your home computer, the copy of Gnucash running on your work computer cannot know where your files are located until it is has opened a file for the first time. You have to use

Re: GnuCash 3.0 Released

2018-04-04 Thread DaveC49
Also congratulations to John Geert and the rest of the team and thanks for all the effort. David - David Cousens -- Sent from: ___ gnucash-user mailing list T

Gnucash 3.0 Build error

2018-04-04 Thread DaveC49
After following the build instructions I have checked glib-2.0 and libglib2.0 are installed I received the following errors when building using cmake (v 3.5.1) on Linux MInt 18.3 : /$ cmake -D CMAKE_I

Re: Gnucash 3.0 Build error

2018-04-04 Thread DaveC49
*$ cat /home/david/Applications/gnucash-3.0/build-cmake/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log* Performing C SOURCE FILE Test have_mod_mask failed with the following output: Change Dir: /home/david/Applications/gnucash-3.0/build-cmake/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp Run Build Command:"/usr/bin/make" "cmTC_549d5/fast" /usr

Re: Gnucash 3.0 Build error

2018-04-04 Thread DaveC49
The CMake error log for the above is /$ cat /home/david/Applications/gnucash-3.0/build-cmake/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log Performing C SOURCE FILE Test have_mod_mask failed with the following output: Change Dir: /home/david/Applications/gnucash-3.0/build-cmake/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp Run Build Command:"

Re: [GNC] gnucash 3.0 installation

2018-04-07 Thread DaveC49
James, The target will depend upon the distribution you are running. As Adrien has said /opt is one possibility. If you are running a version released by the Ubuntu distribution managers, i.e. installed with sudo apt-get install gnucash, it is likely to be installed in /usr/local. The advanta

Re: [GNC] GnuCash 3.0 under Windows 10

2018-04-07 Thread DaveC49
Hi Knut, This suggests that you may be missing a required library/dll. There have been some changes in the dependencies from GnuCash2.6 to Gnucash 3.0 that may be worth checking out. You mayu get help a bit quicker posting on GnuCash-Dev with Gnucash-3.0 problems. David Cousens - David Co

Re: [GNC] Is it safe to update?

2018-04-18 Thread DaveC49
Hi , I upgraded from v2.6.19 to v3.0 recently. I had some initial build problems, mainly to do with not having cleared out the previous versions libraries and my own lack of understanding of CMake, but otherwise pretty painless. No problems opening my datafiles and so far looks good. There have bee

Re: [GNC] GnuCash 3.0 wine versus Windoze 10

2018-04-18 Thread DaveC49
Consider running WIndows in a VM rather than using Wine. David Cousens - David Cousens -- Sent from: ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscriptio

Re: [GNC] [GNC-dev] GnuCash 3.0 wine versus Windoze 10

2018-04-18 Thread DaveC49
David It is not really all that difficult to build a version from scratch if you are on Linux. I'm on Linux Mint and the distro package version is often behind the current stable. There are a few little twists with setting up googletest and the move from Autotools configure to CMake for the bui

Re: [GNC] New User Needs Set-Up Help

2018-04-18 Thread DaveC49
Jack, the tutorial and cocepts guide can be found here . There is also the reference manual here . If you are not already familiar with double entry accounting the wikipedia pages on it are also a

Re: [GNC] Treasury Bills

2018-04-21 Thread DaveC49
Les, As they have a specified maturity date even though they are generally short term I doubt if you would usually classify them as cash, normally reserved for currency. They are basically short term investments with a maturity generally within the current accounting period so you would classify t

Re: [GNC] splits 3+ accounts, how to

2018-04-24 Thread DaveC49
Eric, Mike To be fair to GnuCash, I have not been able to find a formal definition of split in my accounting text books . The only formal references I could find were under IAS39 which deals with embedded derivatives in a hybrid financial instrument (

Re: [GNC] Building issues

2018-04-26 Thread DaveC49
Hi Carlos, I had the same original problem during Make while building Gnucash 3.0 that you did. Aboout half way down the following thread there is a recipe of what worked for me in getting a successful build. It may not address your second problem, but I hope it helps. Cheers David - David

Re: [GNC] ofx/qfx import to V3

2018-04-28 Thread DaveC49
John, For your info OFX import is working fine on Linux Mint/Ubuntu 16.04. The only problem I had was that the previous automatic matching to accounts seemed to have had the data cleared in the swap over to the V3 user preferences files. After one import it had reestablished most of the matching

Re: [GNC] new v3.0 install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

2018-05-05 Thread DaveC49
Hi Dennis, I recently updated the Ubuntu 16.04 build instructions so I am glad to get your feedback on issues which may be unclear and any errors I may have incorporated. I will try to modify the instructions to make it clearer and eliminate errors. If you find any issues that are specific to Ubun

Re: [GNC] new v3.0 install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

2018-05-05 Thread DaveC49
Hi Dennis, I updated the BuildUbuntu16.04 page after having similar problems while building Gnucash3.0. My apologies for any errors and lack of clarity in a few areas and thanks for reporting the problems. I will edit the page to try and make some issues clearer as I or other users uncover my mist

Re: [GNC] new v3.0 install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

2018-05-05 Thread DaveC49
Hi Dennis, Almost there but not quite. In which directory in your home directory /home/dennis have you extracted the gnucash-3.1 directory from the tarball gnucash-3.1.tar.bz2 which you downloaded. Can you tell me the full path to that directory and the full path to the build-cmake directory you h

Re: [GNC] new v3.0 install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

2018-05-06 Thread DaveC49
Dennis, The obvious place to put the build-cmake directory is in the Applications directory. I personally would not name it build-cmake but build-gnucash-3.1. The reason for that is, to uninstall Gnucash there is no need to retain the gnucash-3.1 source directory which can be deleted, but you will

Re: [GNC] new v3.0 install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

2018-05-06 Thread DaveC49
Dennis, The instructions on the BuildUbuntu16.04 have now been modified so that they recommend the preferred place for the build directory is in the parent directory of the GnuCash sources as John and Geert recommended this as the preferred location. It can actually be anywhere you wish to put

Re: [GNC] new v3.0 install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

2018-05-06 Thread DaveC49
Dennis, You are missing the third part of the cmake command when you type cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/dennis/.local which is why you are getting the cmake error. You need to append either ../gnucash-3.1 or /home/dennis/Applications/gnucash-3.1 on to the end of the cmake command sep

Re: [GNC] Handling VISA Debit Accounts

2018-05-07 Thread DaveC49
>From an accounting perspective, this is just a current asset account like any other bank account. There is not really any need for any new sort of account type specifically for it. Perhaps just indicating in the account name that a debit card is attached, if you specifically need to know that. The

Re: [GNC] Up grade from 2.6.xx to 3.1

2018-05-10 Thread DaveC49
Dennis It is probbaly a good idea to uninstall the previous build of 2.6.x before upgrading. With the changes between 2.6 and 3.1 there may have been changes in the libraries/library names such that some older libraries may not necessarilybe overwritten. How to remove it will depend upon how you

Re: [GNC] Up grade from 2.6.xx to 3.1

2018-05-11 Thread DaveC49
Dennis, The instructions for v3.1 should work. The only problem I had when i compiled 2.6.21 after upgrading to 3.1 was that I had installed guile 2.2.3 and v 2.6.21 looks for guile-1.8 or guile-2.0. It is possible to have several versions of the guile libraries and headers installed as they insta

Re: [GNC] Advice needed, how to handle a medical reimbursement account...

2018-05-14 Thread DaveC49
I think you are overcomplicating the issue by recording the appllication for the refund from the MRA account. No money chnages hands at this point so you could record paying the Doctors bill as Asset:Check Credit $100 Expense:Medical Debit $100 When you receive the ref

Re: [GNC] New User-Clueless on Investments

2018-05-14 Thread DaveC49
The best place to start is the Tutorial and Concepts guide. is the link for V2.6 documentation. There will be a similar section in the V3 docs if you are using that version. While that is mainly aimed at stocks and mutual funds, th

Re: [GNC] Editing Scheduled Transaction

2018-05-18 Thread DaveC49
Robin, I'm also using 3.1 on Mint 18.3. I have tried to duplicate your problem without being able to. I am able to edit the fields in the template transaction without any diffculty and I don't receive that error message at all. I can create 2 scheduled transactions and edit them both at the same t

Re: [GNC] Reconciliation

2018-05-25 Thread DaveC49
Bill, This is not the case for GnuCash v3.1 on Linux Mint 18.3. You can readily check and uncheck the boxes. The only hassle I have had is that by default the credit and debit entries are not ordered by date but by reconcile status and when you check a box, it is automatically placed at the end o

Re: [GNC] Credit Card Charge Decreasing Account Balance

2018-05-26 Thread DaveC49
What version of Gnucash are you using and what platform is it running on. When you look at an individual charge transaction, the balance after the transaction should be larger than the balance before the transaction with the reverse for a payment. Whether that balance is shown as a negative or pos

Re: [GNC] Error Message on trying to Open a gnucash file "There was an error parsing the file...."

2018-05-30 Thread DaveC49
Francis, If you look in the folder which contains your gnucash file there should be a set of backup files. Gnucash creates a backup file. I am assuming you are using the XML format files and not a database. The file will have a name of the form .gnucash and the backups will have the form .gnuc

Re: [GNC] A/P: invoice not displayed and payment is displayed

2018-05-30 Thread DaveC49
Rich, How are you creating the payment of the Bill? If you open the Bill and then use the payment icon in the Toolbar (no need to search for the bill to pay) or alternatively use the Business->Vendor->Process Payment and search for the Bill by Vendor and select the Bill the transactions for the

Re: [GNC] copying files

2018-05-31 Thread DaveC49
Varda, I travel with a laptop and use a desktop at home. If you have internet access while travelling I have had no problem with putting the GnuCash files in a Dropbox account synced to both the desktop and laptop. You can work without internet access and it syncs next time access is available. On

Re: [GNC] Associated Files in 3.1

2018-05-31 Thread DaveC49
Christian V3.1 compiled on Linux Mint using the XML backend works fine with associated files/locations setting them, retrievingthem after closing and reopening the program and opening the locations without any problems so it is possibly associated with the sqllite backend or perhaps the DB backends

Re: [GNC] Cash Flow report

2018-06-03 Thread DaveC49
Martijn, I can't really comment on the Cash Flow reportas implemented in GnuCash and it's options but the doubling of accounts in the selected list when the show subaccounts is selected does appear to be strange and may be a bug. My understanding of a Cash Flow Report is that it includes: cash r

Re: [GNC] Cash Flow report

2018-06-04 Thread DaveC49
Adrien, I think with the default account selection, the Cash Flow report seems to do the right thing. The double selection of accounts seems a bit strange, I haven't really got a proper set of business accounts to check it out on anymore and the dummy set I have put together have been for testing

Re: [GNC] Ubuntu 18.04

2018-06-11 Thread DaveC49
Hi Geert, I think one of the reasons people are not finding the Build#Ubuntu instructions and main build instructions in the wiki is that the main page is identified as Build Instructions for Developers rather than a general GnuCash Build Instructions page which gets listed in the top level direct

Re: [GNC] Wiki:Installation/Building; was: Ubuntu 18.04

2018-06-13 Thread DaveC49
Hi Frank & David T , Thanks for the info re the main page. I will try and hook into the Wiki Installation page as you suggest and have a go at making the build instructions friendlier for general users and split off a more specific page for developer builds. i will then link that back to the pages

Re: [GNC] Is there a Save As command line option

2018-06-21 Thread DaveC49
Steve, One possibility is to use synchronized data bases using master-slave replication. I know this works with MySQL and it is a bit of a pain to set up but once it is going it is generally pretty good. Also a bit of a pain to restart if the replication gets out of sync. I have been meaning to se

Re: [GNC] Trying to get started...

2018-06-21 Thread DaveC49
Edy, GnuCash is a double entry accounting system. There is no "placing of money from a POS under income and transferring it to the Cheque account". Each transaction associated with a POS sale has two components one of which increases the balance of the Cheque account (a debit to the Cheque account

Re: [GNC] Fwd: The two modules

2018-06-25 Thread DaveC49
Stephen, You can possibly force the case of sum of the children account totals being the parent account total by making the parent a placeholder account. Then it cannot have any transactions into it, only the child accounts. David Cousens - David Cousens -- Sent from: http://gnucash.14158

Re: [GNC] Fwd: The two modules

2018-06-25 Thread DaveC49
Stephen, There is no need to install the libofx7specifically. If you install libofx-dev that should install the the appropriate version of the library for your ubuntu version (i.e. libofx4 on 14.04(Trusty), libofx6 on 16.04 (Xenial) and libofx7 on 18.04 (Bionic) David Cousens - David Couse

Re: [GNC] Fwd: The two modules

2018-06-28 Thread DaveC49
Stephen, As an accountant I would prefer to have parent accounts as placeholder accounts which cannot be the target of transactions directly (this can be set in the edit Account dialog and marks the account as read only) as the placeholder total should then be the sum of its active child accounts

Re: [GNC] New Balsheet (and P&L report)

2018-06-30 Thread DaveC49
Christopher, " except that Placeholder accounts can also contain transactions therefore must not necessarily accumulate their children account amounts. " I have to disagree with the above from an accounting perspective. If accounts are setup as Placeholders initially (i.e. the checkbox set in

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