Hi Glen,
The change in behaviour comes with the upgrade to webkit2 (which was forced on
us due to
deprecation of webkit1 on linux distros).
The newer webkit2 no longer provides the option to generate a pdf directly from
a report. So as
a workaround we chose to fall back to opening the print d
Thanks for the info.
On Fri, 14 Aug 2020, 6:14 pm Geert Janssens,
> Hi Glen,
> The change in behaviour comes with the upgrade to webkit2 (which was
> forced on us due to deprecation of webkit1 on linux distros).
> The newer webkit2 no longer provides the option to generate a p
>From what I can tell you can reconcile in your setup.
>From the main Accounts view, you can right-click a parent account (i.e.
your bank account) and choose Open Sub-Accounts. This opens a ledger
listing all transactions in all accounts under the parent account. This is
a handy feature I'
Fellow gnucash users
I have just upgraded from version 2 to version 4. All seems to have went
well until I saw that no deposits have been transferred to version 4 since
August 2016. This has a knock on effect on the reconciliations. I record
every transaction faithfully each day and reconciled
You didn't say which version '2' you upgraded from. Let's say it was 2.4.x
The supported upgrade path would be: 2.4.x -> 2.6.x -> 3.0 -> 4.0 (the
scheme changed with 3.0)
Skipping versions (such as 2.4 ---> 4.0) is not supported.
You should also perform Actions > Check & Repair > Check & Repa
Is there a way to customize the font size in GnuCash? I do not have an easy
time reading screens and I also have arthritis in my hands, which means I need
a bigger target for my cursor. I looked at the documentation and all I could
find was a style sheet for reports. My built-in Mac tricks for s
On 8/14/20 5:30 AM, br...@bmckernan.co.uk wrote:
Fellow gnucash users
I have just upgraded from version 2 to version 4.
I need to do exactly the same thing. Version 2.4.x to Version 4; once
there is stability and a well worn pathway. The last (3) years of data,
has not been entered, due
Here's how to do it:
Em sex., 14 de ago. de 2020 às 09:35, Marilyn Graves Kimple via
gnucash-user escreveu:
> Is there a way to customize the font size in GnuCash? I do not have an
> easy time reading screens and I also have art
> On Aug 13, 2020, at 10:07 PM, Gio Bacareza wrote:
> Test 1:
> Import:
>Withdraw Deposit
> 02/21/2020,test first transaction,Account 1 in AUD,1486,0,,
> ,,Account 2 in AUD,0,1486,,
> 02/27/2020,test second transaction,Account 1 in AUD,0,1678.08,,
> ,,Account 3 in PHP,56286.85,0,,note-
It doesn't have to "break double entry", it doesn't require partitioning
the actual asset account holding the funds.
Those are only issues IF you want to have "envelope budgeting" without
extra work when entering transactions. It might help if people wanting
envelope budgeting look at our disc
Based on advice received previously on this list, I have stopped
following the individual equities in my managed investment accounts and
instead adjust the total value of the account periodically. The accounts
are represented in GC as generic "Asset" accounts.
However, at least in GC 2.6.19, t
Portfolio reports only show security accounts, not generic asset accounts.
Use a different report to show asset balances.
On Fri, Aug 14, 2020, 11:35 AM rsbrux via gnucash-user <
gnucash-user@gnucash.org> wrote:
> Based on advice received previously on this list, I have stopped
> following the in
Thanks David. The reason I wanted to use the Portfolio reports was to show ROI.
From: David Carlson
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 7:42 PM
To: rsbrux
Cc: GnuCash List
Subject: Re: [GNC] How to treat managed accounts or funds with fixed price
Portfolio reports only show security accounts
The upgrade process is outlined here:
You'll want to first upgrade to a 2.6 release, likely 2.6.21 as it was
the last 2.6 version and can read 3.0 files in case you have to step back.
After the upgrade, op
Some managed accounts not only have a registered symbol but are also price
reported . If yours is not reported you could make up a symbol and still
call it a mutual fund. Then, of course, you would enter prices manually.
On Fri, Aug 14, 2020, 1:13 PM rsbrux wrote:
> Thanks David. The reason I
Thanks, but I think you have misunderstood. There is neither a price nor a
symbol; instead I have the total value of the managed portfolio in my reference
currency. That's why I drew the analogy to a money market fund.
Ursprüngliche Nachricht Von: David Carlson
Datum: 14.08.2
Thanks. This looks pretty scary but I will study on it. I used to code
HTML/CSS and I vaguely remember doing some DOS. I am a Mac person and don't
remember the last time I used the Console.
Best regards,mgk
On Friday, August 14, 2020, 10:53:35 AM EDT, GTI .H
Here's how to do i
This will get you there fast
/* Application wide font setting */
* {
font: 16px arial;
Sent from: http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/GnuCash-User-f1415819.html
gnucash-user mailing list
To upda
No console work necessary. Not sure what OS you are on, but just use
your favorite text editor, but be sure to use Linux/Unix line endings.
(some versions of Notepad I think use Windows endings) And of course
save in plain text, not rich text or anything formatted.
Create a file called gtk-3.0
Finally got a chance to fire up the Inspector.
See inline...
On 8/3/20 9:59 AM, GTI .H wrote:
Em sex., 31 de jul. de 2020 às 22:36, Jimmy R via gnucash-user <
gnucash-user@gnucash.org> escreveu:
Sorry I had a residual gtk.css from gnc 3.91 in linux
Above post is not true.
You guys lost me at GTK. I am definitely out of my league here.*I can
certainly create a .css file but where do I put it? It sounds like there is
supposed to be one somewhere.
**I am running GnuCash 4.1 on MacOSX 10.14.6. There is no GnuCash
folder in my HOME/Library/Application
You won't be able to. Not everything in the register page is exposed for
styling and GTK doesn't respond for some reason to some styling rules.
CSS is not 'feature complete' for GTK. And some things may never be
implemented because Gnome wants applications to have a certain
consistency. (not su
I think Marilyn is on a Mac.
Peter West
“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”
> On 15 Aug 2020, at 9:19 am, Adrien Monteleone
> wrote:
> No console work necessary. Not sure what OS you are on, but just use your
> favorite text edito
Thanks to Colin and Adrian for their advice on this.
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
If you are using Nabbl
On Mac, the system print dialogue includes a write to PDF option, and you can
install a CUPS-PDF printer driver. I think there are alternatives as well.
Microsoft used to have a Microsoft Print to PDF option for its printer drivers.
Depending on you OS, install one of these, and specify it as yo
You’re on a recent Mac, so don’t worry about line endings. They should default
to unix endings (that is a LineFeed only).
Your .css configuration will go into a subdirectory of your home directory,
which is, say /Users/marilyn, but whatever your actual home directory is.
Here’s a diag
Looks as though it’s now gtk4.
If so, substitute gtk-4.0 for all occurrences of gtk-3.0, if this is
consistent. Someone else will tell you the correct folder name for Gnucash 4.
Peter West
“My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior…”
> On
It is too complicated to modify gtk file for an accountant. I had posted
earlier on this subject as below,quote,At time register is to small to view.
Now that ver 4 series is developed, asetting in a menu to change the fonts
will be of great help for the peoplewith poor eye sight. Standard Zoom
Thanks John. That's really weird because I swear the csv contains a 2nd
transaction that is 1678 to 56286.85. I've been copy pasting from a set of
csvs for the tests.
I tried it with some other accounts since then because I had to get the
transactions in. In some imports it worked. In some I noti
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