
You’re on a recent Mac, so don’t worry about line endings. They should default 
to unix endings (that is a LineFeed only).

Your .css configuration will go into a subdirectory of your home directory, 
which is, say /Users/marilyn, but whatever your actual home directory is.

Here’s a diagram. You need the GTK_DTA_HOME folder. 

1. Open a new Finder window. Your home diectory (say Marilyn) will probably be 
at the top of your Favourites. In that window, press Shift-Command-.
(period or full-stop) simultaneously. You should see a number of files with 
names starting with . (dot). These are called dotfiles or hidden files. Scroll 
through them. Do you have a .local folder? If so, open it up. Do you have a 
folder called ‘share'? If so, go to 4. If not, go to 3.

2. If not create a new folder (Shift-Cmd-N) and call it .local. You will be 
warned about creating a dotfile. Go ahead.
3. Open that folder (double click on .local), and create a new folder called 
share (all lower case.) 
    Open ’share’ by double clicking. Create a new folder and call it gtk-3.0
        That’s where the .css file goes.

4. Double click on ’share’ to open it. Do you have a folder called gtk-3.0? If 
so, that’s where the .css file goes.
        Otherwise create a folder called gtk-3.0

Press Shift-Command-. again to remove dotfiles from the Finder display.


> On 15 Aug 2020, at 9:58 am, Marilyn Graves Kimple via gnucash-user 
> <> wrote:
> You guys lost me at GTK. I am definitely out of my league here.*********I can 
> certainly create a .css file but where do I put it? It sounds like there is 
> supposed to be one somewhere.
> **********I am running GnuCash 4.1 on MacOSX 10.14.6. There is no GnuCash 
> folder in my HOME/Library/Application Support. I looked at the package 
> contents for the .app but I don't think that is what I am supposed to mess 
> with.********I have never done any Linux/Unix and know nothing about special 
> line endings.
> Thanks,mgk
>    On Friday, August 14, 2020, 07:21:31 PM EDT, 
> <> wrote:  
> Message: 9
> Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2020 22:52:53 +0000 (UTC)
> From: Marilyn Graves Kimple <>
> To: "GTI .H" <>
> Thanks. This looks pretty scary but I will study on it. I used to code 
> HTML/CSS and I vaguely remember doing some DOS. I am a Mac person and don't 
> remember the last time I used the Console.
> Best regards,mgk
>     On Friday, August 14, 2020, 10:53:35 AM EDT, GTI .H <> 
> wrote:  
> Here's how to do it:
> Is there a way to customize the font size in GnuCash? I do not have an easy 
> time reading screens and I also have arthritis in my hands, which means I 
> need a bigger target for my cursor. I looked at the documentation and all I 
> could find was a style sheet for reports. My built-in Mac tricks for screen 
> reading (control+, track pad motions) do not work with GnuCash.
> Thanks--?Marilyn Graves Kimple
> ------------------------------
> Message: 10
> Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2020 17:57:54 -0500 (CDT)
> From: Jimmy R <>
> This will get you there fast
> gtk.css
> /* Application wide font setting */
> * {
>   font: 16px arial;
> }
> ------------------------------
> Message: 11
> Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2020 18:19:43 -0500
> From: Adrien Monteleone <>
> Subject: Re: [GNC] help increasing size of font in GnuCash?
> No console work necessary. Not sure what OS you are on, but just use 
> your favorite text editor, but be sure to use Linux/Unix line endings. 
> (some versions of Notepad I think use Windows endings) And of course 
> save in plain text, not rich text or anything formatted.
> Create a file called gtk-3.0.css containing at the least:
> * {
>   font-size: 16px;
> }
> This will of course affect every single text element of the UI, like a 
> magnifying glass.
> Since you know CSS, you know you can play with the 16 and the px unit. 
> (not all Web CSS is recognizable in GTK, but much of it is)
> That wiki page goes into more detail about where to save the file, and 
> what else you can put in it. (to target certain parts of the UI rather 
> than using the "*" sledgehammer.
> Regards,
> Adrien
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