Re: [GNC] Problems with a new installation

2020-09-01 Thread David H
Hi Eric, I find that disabling the laptop monitor altogether in display settings works for me so as long as he's not interested in seeing anything at all on the laptop screen you could try that... Regards David H. On Wed, 2 Sep 2020 at 02:11, Eric H. Bowen via gnucash-user < gnucash-user@gnucas

Re: [GNC] Problems with a new installation

2020-09-01 Thread David Carlson
I cannot address the Windows 10 monitor handling issue, but if you believe that the import issue is the one covered by, then you may need to massage the OFX file in a text editor prior to import unless that enhancement request get into the program. I

[GNC] Problems with a new installation

2020-09-01 Thread Eric H. Bowen via gnucash-user
I've been using Gnucash under Windows 10 and Linux for a couple of years now with no real issues. However, when I attempted to install the program (4.0) for my father's use on his Windows 10 laptop I ran into a couple of very frustrating issues. The first: Dad's 88. To ease the strain on his eyes