Re: [GNC] Total Debt/Credit in Register Report

2019-12-27 Thread Colin Law
Please provide an exact example of what you mean, then we should be able to explain the discrepancy. Also tell us which version of the software you are using and on what operating system. Colin On Fri, 27 Dec 2019, 16:34 ceandyek laedon via gnucash-user, <> wrote: > I e

Re: [GNC] Total Debt/Credit in Register Report

2019-12-27 Thread David Carlson
Welcome to GnuCash! You need to read the help manuals when you want to learn about how the program works. It strictly follows double entry bookkeeping rules, which sometimes seems confusing to newcomers familiar with some of the other programs such as Quicken. Once you have digested the section

Re: [GNC] Total Debt/Credit in Register Report

2019-12-27 Thread ceandyek laedon via gnucash-user
I experiment further, I find out the "running balance" are not correct if transactions contain multiple debits/credits. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks Ceandyek On Thursday, December 26, 2019, 9:19:38 PM EST, ceandyek laedon via gnucash-user wrote: I notice that if transactions c

Re: [GNC] How to have subtotal

2019-12-27 Thread Michael or Penny Novack
If new to gnucash, one of the things to learn is about ALL the options for how you want each report that you will use to show. Things like do you want to see subtotals for parent accounts, before or after, do you want zero balance accounts showing, how many levels of nesting, even fundamental t