Re: On development/release processes and version numbers

2018-01-25 Thread cicko
Looks like a start of an interesting discussion. I'll chip in just a few drops at this time and won't repeat myself in terms of personal preferences for the version numbers because there are other concerns to take into consideration there, as well. The release management need not necessarily be ti

Re: Future allocated money, aka Envelope Budgeting

2018-02-06 Thread cicko
GnuCash - Dev mailing list wrote > for e.g. I am, at the moment, in the process of doing my multiple view > portfolio analysis starting from > > > > which is more or less what envelope budgeting is plus a bit. > > see > > https:/

Re: Future allocated money, aka Envelope Budgeting

2018-02-06 Thread cicko
cicko wrote > A quick question, though - what do you guys use to have an up-to-date > records in ledger? How do you use (or export) GnuCash book into text files > appropriate for ledger? Looks good so far. At

Transaction Associations

2018-02-26 Thread cicko
Hi! Just ran the still-hot 2.7.5 and noticed an interesting option - Transaction Associations. While there may have been discussions in the past, could anybody shed some light into the concept? I assume this opens up a range of options. One of them could lead to replacement of the current impleme


2018-03-13 Thread cicko
John, I was going to try 2.7.6 at my home PC but I no longer see it on GitHub releases. Has it been taken off? Cheers, Alen -- Sent from: ___ gnucash-devel mailing list gnucash-devel@gn

Re: 2.7.6?

2018-03-13 Thread cicko
Ah, no worries. Got it from Sound Forge. :P -- Sent from: ___ gnucash-devel mailing list

Bugzilla Migration

2018-03-23 Thread cicko
I guess that by now you've all seen the notification of the issue tracker migration to GitLab? Probably I have missed any discussion about that in the past so I'm just assuming GnuCash issues will get migrated to GitLab i

MMEX Android Currency Filter

2018-03-26 Thread cicko
FYI, In case somebody is using MoneyManagerEx for Android. I'm just adding the currency filter in the search parameters, which would allow exporting .qif files per currency. This should be in Beta release tonight and would make transfers from a mobile device into GnuCash easier as currently the im

[GNC-dev] GTK3 CSS Active Row

2018-04-12 Thread cicko
A quick question in relation to GTK3 customization ( I've applied an existing dark theme and that covers general GTK elements. One issue I have now is that the selected/active register row keeps the dark text but gets the dark background from the theme. Does a

Re: [GNC-dev] GTK3 CSS Active Row

2018-04-12 Thread cicko
As it often happens, the solution was quick to find only after the question was posted. This works well: *.register-cursor { color: blanchedalmond; } Here is a gist that adjusts this for a dark theme (still can't add new urls to the wiki):

[GNC-dev] AppImage

2018-05-10 Thread cicko
I just learned a bit more about application packages (AppImage, Snap, Flatpak) on Linux after downloading KeePassXC image and find them quite convenient. Nabble does not find anything if I search for AppImage so I'd like to see you opinion about using one of these for distributing Linux version of

Re: [GNC-dev] AppImage

2018-05-11 Thread cicko
John Ralls-2 wrote > None of the core devs have had time to look into application bundles for > Linux. Since the Windows and Mac bundles also have pretty much all of the > dependency libraries and associated data in them I imagine that a Flatpack > or similar would run to about the same size, 120-1

Re: [GNC-dev] GnuCash Bugzilla URLs -- /bugzilla or not?

2018-05-11 Thread cicko
Excuse me for jumping the thread but I'd just like to mention that there is a similar situation with wiki: There is a redundant "wiki" sub-domain / application path combination. -- Sent from: _

Re: [GNC-dev] Python: About Wrapping SWIG Objects (GncNumeric)

2018-08-23 Thread cicko
Christoph Holtermann wrote > I'm willing to now and then do something for the python bindings. I > don't feel like an expert. But surely I'd like to talk and think things > through > about them. Maybe someone is interested. I saw that there were some people > asking questions about the bindings

[GNC-dev] Windows installation size, nightly

2018-09-21 Thread cicko
FYI, a couple of days ago the installation size for Windows nightlies jumped from 95 to 157 MB. A significant increase for what I hoped were the new features. ;) Just a quick question on whether this was intentional and/or if the size can be brought back down again. Chee

[GNC-dev] webkitgtk

2018-09-25 Thread cicko
I was trying something out with pywebview library in Python, ran into some issues and found that python-webkitgtk ( package has been removed from openSuse. But that's just the beginning. The webkitgtk package itself is being removed, as can be

Re: [GNC-dev] webkitgtk

2018-09-26 Thread cicko
Ah, that's from the period before I was born, then. :) Thanks for the pointers! I found out some of that in the course of the night. These packages are installed but the trick is that pywebview does not (yet) support WebKit2. In the meantime, I'll be using the Qt5 version. The more I learn about t

Re: [GNC-dev] webkitgtk

2018-09-26 Thread cicko
John Ralls-2 wrote > No, pywebview will never support WebKit2Gtk because WebKit2Gtk is Gtk3 > only and pywebview, like pygtk, is Gtk2-only. You need to rewrite your > whole application for Gtk3 using pygobject. You may well be right but do check out this branch:

Re: [GNC-dev] webkitgtk

2018-09-28 Thread cicko
Also update from my side: Here I have two scripts pywebview and pywebview-qt. I can confirm that, using the webkit2 branch of pywebview, both versions run on my system. So, webkit2 seems to be used successfully. So, Christoph, yo

Re: [GNC-dev] Gtk and themes

2018-10-19 Thread cicko
Thanks a lot for the link, Geert. Unfortunately, I think the root of the problem is this: "If given a choice between customization and more, better apps, I’m confident the majority of people would prefer the latter." Well, I'm fairly confident that it is exactly the opposite. Just looking at tren

Re: [GNC-dev] Gtk and themes

2018-10-19 Thread cicko
Geert Janssens-4 wrote >> Well, I'm fairly confident that it is exactly the opposite. Just looking >> at >> trends in mobile apps tells me that clearly the users want to customize >> the >> apps to their preferences, mostly visual, rather than to have "more, >> better >> app" (whatever that means).

Re: [GNC-dev] Gtk and themes

2018-10-22 Thread cicko
Adrien Monteleone-2 wrote > In the meantime, making the app work correctly is certainly more > important, as is re-working the code base to eventually facilitate a move > to an MVC pattern that might facilitate easier visual customization, or at > least more native platform integration to remove th

Re: [GNC-dev] AppImage

2019-01-06 Thread cicko
Someone actually created an AppImage repo for GnuCash at It seems pretty fresh. The release available there is 3.4. The title says "Continuous Build", and it builds to the latest (.tar.gz) released sources. It looks a bit funny, probably minor GTK issues. I

Re: [GNC-dev] AppImage

2019-01-20 Thread cicko
Great! Could you point me to where I can find these, please? I'm happy to try them out. -- Sent from: ___ gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] AppImage

2019-01-21 Thread cicko
Thanks a lot, Geert! This is just for my own amusement at the moment, and potentially for filing bugs if I run into any issues on my system. I hope to have time to try it out sometime this week. -- Sent from:

[GNC-dev] CSV Import Format

2019-03-01 Thread cicko
Hi, everyone, Could you recommend a place that contains the current description of the optimal CSV format for smooth import into GnuCash? Or perhaps just a few tips? So far I've been importing .qif files from the Android app and I was wondering if importing .csv files would be easier with the rew

Re: [GNC-dev] CSV Import Format

2019-03-01 Thread cicko
Oh, I wrote too soon. Only now, that I have some .csv output, do I see the new screen for mapping the CSV fields. Wow, this should be enough to create any type of custom mapping so the CSV field order doesn't really matter as long as all the useful values are there. Cheers for that rewrite! --

Re: [GNC-dev] CSV Import Format

2019-03-01 Thread cicko
Thanks a lot for this useful info, David. I'll keep in mind the possible issues with transfers, multiple accounts, and currencies during this exercise. Once I am happy with the code, I'll probably add my findings to the wiki. In the meantime I'll be on the lookout for the results you get with the i

Re: [GNC-dev] CSV Import Format

2019-03-03 Thread cicko
A brief update from my side, as well. I've spent a few hours adding code to my export library and CSV generator. At first, I've exported the tranfers and that seemed to have gone well. However, as in my test file I had at least four different currencies, I switched back to simple transactions. Imp

Re: [GNC-dev] CSV Import Format

2019-03-03 Thread cicko
Thanks, David. I can confirm that a multi-currency transfer uses the same amount on both sides. I did not check the Trading Accounts but assume that works just fine. Reading your document gave me a few ideas, however. I might try sending both Deposit and Withdrawal columns together. Or calculatin

[GNC-dev] Transactions vs Splits

2019-03-05 Thread cicko
What is meant by "multiline" in this case? I've tried importing a CSV file with multiple records and it seems to be going fine. However, I'd like to keep the split structure in place but am not sure if that is possible. Currently I create rows for each split in a transaction and so it makes sense

Re: [GNC-dev] Transactions vs Splits

2019-03-06 Thread cicko
Thanks a lot, David. I have completely missed that checkbox. Will try it out. Also, to comment on your reference to single- vs multi-split import. I saw the Transfer Account field available and decided to use it from the start. That way I don't need two splits for simple transactions, meaning this

Re: [GNC-dev] Transactions vs Splits

2019-03-06 Thread cicko
This helps: -- Sent from: ___ gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Transactions vs Splits

2019-03-06 Thread cicko
OK, now I see that I'll need to use the Multi-split option always, to cover for the eventual real multi-split in the source. So, I'll be focusing on that option. The good news is, when multi-split is selected, the Transaction ID field becomes available for mapping. That helps a lot as the matcher w

Re: [GNC-dev] Transactions vs Splits

2019-03-06 Thread cicko
cicko wrote > If this works as expected, then multi-currency transfers should not be an > issue at all. Each split would specify the amount so no need for GnuCash > to > fiddle with prices. This works great for single-currency transactions. Everything fits, as specified in CSV rec

Re: [GNC-dev] Transactions vs Splits

2019-03-06 Thread cicko
cicko wrote > However, if the price is taken into account, then perhaps the Price field > may have some role there? Hm, the Price column definitely affects the destination amount but not in a way I can understand. Using 111,2019-03-06,,,15,"HSBC savings",,0 111,2019-03-06,,9.8788

Re: [GNC-dev] Transactions vs Splits

2019-03-07 Thread cicko
David, that's a very elaborate explanation. I'm sure there will be enough information once you are through with testing. So far our findings match. One thing I'd like to note, David Cousens wrote > Date,Transaction ID,Number,Description,Notes,Commodity/Currency,Void > Reason,Action,Memo,Full Acco

[GNC-dev] Use trading accounts only for currency conversion

2019-05-05 Thread cicko
As I've written in I suspect that the purpose of the trading accounts was to account for the loss/gain in currency conversion (only). Not sure if applying the trading accounts for other commodities makes sense. These should be accounted for through

Re: Boost/Python

2018-01-10 Thread cicko
Thanks a lot, John! I'll read more into this. I'd hope for some sort of wrapper on top of the already compiled binaries. Was hoping that these Python interfaces would do something like that. Which makes me wonder why the bindings currently don't work on Windows. I don't know much about the inner w

Re: Boost/Python

2018-01-11 Thread cicko
Success! At least a limited one. I've assembled a small demo - retrieving the GnuCash version from core-utilities. Some more prototyping needed, mostly in mapping the unmanaged types to managed. I'll try this approach first, before setting up a wh

Captcha error on wiki

2018-01-12 Thread cicko
The Concept of Lots page on wiki ( has a link to lots.txt, which points to a non-existing location on I tried to update it to but, after entering the captcha codes,

Scheduled Transactions Calendar

2018-01-14 Thread cicko
Just a quick update and info in regards to productivity. I've spent some time trying to access GnuCash data using the two approaches: 1. c# DllImport, and 2. build GnuCash with Python bindings on Windows Long story short, after wasting many hours without seeing any meaningful results nor any ligh

Re: Scheduled Transactions Calendar

2018-01-14 Thread cicko
John Ralls-2 wrote > If all you want to do is read the data for portfolio calculations there’s > yet another option: Query it directly. The usual way discussed here is to > use one of the SQL backends and write SQL queries, but if you’re familiar > with XML tools like XPath and XQuery you can do th

Wiki down?

2018-01-21 Thread cicko
Hi, The wiki site seems to be down and there is no related announcement. Is it a planned downtime? Alen -- Sent from: ___ gnucash-devel mailing list https://list

Re: Captcha error on wiki

2018-01-21 Thread cicko
I can confirm that editing URLs works now. @John, BTW, I'm not sure that the content of the linked txt file always matches the message of the sentence in which it is referenced. At the top of the page, I added the new link to the architecture article which explains the concept and the reasoning be

Wrong link in docs

2018-01-21 Thread cicko
In the documentation, page Lots in Account , the link in the following sentence: "See Tutorial and Concepts Guide, Automatic Calculation of Capital Gain or Loss Using Lots for more details. " points to a non-existing page. Is this

Re: Capital Gains FAQ entry

2018-01-22 Thread cicko
Hi, David, Thanks a lot for the insights on GnuCash documentation in general! The Guide was, for a long time, my main reference to GnuCash. That is, until I started scratching the surface and look for more details on how to some "dirty" work after switching to GnuCash, or after running into some u