string change announce

2007-01-23 Thread Claudio Saavedra
image '%s'."), +eog_image_get_caption (image)); Thank you very much! Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

[Fwd: broken gtk+ build due to missing .po file]

2007-03-04 Thread Claudio Saavedra
Hi, I tried to contact directly to the person who did that commit, but I got the message returned, so I forward it here in case he is subscribed to the list. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- Begin Message --- Hi, GTK+ build is currently broken, due to a [EMAIL PRO

release notes spanish translation

2007-03-13 Thread Claudio Saavedra
Hi, As we couldn't find anyone already working on the translation to Spanish of the release notes, Diego and I have started doing so. If you are from the spanish translation team or have already started working on this, please let us know. Thanks, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra &l

errata in release-notes.

2007-03-13 Thread Claudio Saavedra
Hi, There's a little typo in the release notes, where it says "Loqeundo", it should say "Loquendo". (C/release-notes.xml:108). I send this notice so that translators fix it in their translations, if possible. Thanks! Claudio -- Claudio S

reminder: libgnomeui and libgnome have been branched for 2.18

2007-04-02 Thread Claudio Saavedra
Hi, I am not libgnome{ui} maintainer nor developer, but wanted to remind that these modules have been branched for 2.18, and it seems this is not yet reflected in damned-lies. Greetings! Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnom

new gyrus release soon

2007-04-24 Thread Claudio Saavedra
Dear friends, I'll be doing a new release of gyrus, my pet project, during this week. If any of you want to share some localization love with it, I'd appreciate it. You can find it under the module gyrus in damned-lies. Thanks, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EM

Re: Batch-checkout SVN po folders

2007-05-08 Thread Claudio Saavedra
et or the reasons why it doesn't work? Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: Translating GNOME 2.18 or 2.20?

2007-07-11 Thread Claudio Saavedra
gt; 2.18, and work on 2.20 instead (but feel free to ignore what I say ;-)) > > Vincent > > -- > Les gens heureux ne sont pas press�s. > ___ > gnome-i18n mailing list > >

Re: confusing string in divifund

2007-07-26 Thread Claudio Saavedra
On Thu, 2007-07-26 at 17:03 +0100, Simos Xenitellis wrote: > Στις 26-07-2007, ημέρα Πεμ, και ώρα 10:32 -0400, ο/η Claudio Saavedra > έγραψε: > > On Thu, 2007-07-26 at 13:05 +0100, Simos Xenitellis wrote: > > > "From your budget and the amount you've already spent, yo

Re: confusing string in divifund

2007-07-26 Thread Claudio Saavedra
s" , so it's even trickier. Instead of trying to be as creative as possible in order to translate such unfriendly strings, you should file bugs. I've done this in the past a couple of times, developers have always been friendly and fixe

eog: marked forgotten string for translation

2007-10-25 Thread Claudio Saavedra
Szia, dear translators! I've marked a forgotten string for translation in the gnome-2-20 branch of eog. Just letting you know, as this is not a string freeze break. 2007-10-25 Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * src/eog-error-message-area.c: (create_error_m

Re: Start translating

2007-11-05 Thread Claudio Saavedra
to contact the current Lao coordinator (listed in that page). There's also a bit of info (probably outdated, so take it with a grain of salt) in this page: Other translators can give you more extensive help :-) Greetings, Claud

Re: eog-plugins

2007-11-23 Thread Claudio Saavedra
El vie, 23-11-2007 a las 16:55 +0100, Claude Paroz escribió: > > Sure. If we follow the same scheme as gedit/gedit-plugins, eog-plugins > should be placed in the Extra release set. Right ? Sounds right to me. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMA


2007-11-23 Thread Claudio Saavedra
Hi, Can we get eog-plugins in Damned Lies? Thank you! Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: eog-plugins

2007-11-24 Thread Claudio Saavedra
El vie, 23-11-2007 a las 20:55 +0100, Claude Paroz escribió: > Le vendredi 23 novembre 2007 à 16:11 -0300, Claudio Saavedra a écrit : > > El vie, 23-11-2007 a las 16:55 +0100, Claude Paroz escribió: > > > > > > Sure. If we follow the same scheme as gedit/gedit-plugin

strings added to eog [Fwd: eog r4300 - in trunk: . src]

2008-01-09 Thread Claudio Saavedra
Hi, I installed the attached patch in EOG, adding a few translatable strings. Thanks, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- Begin Message --- Author: csaavedra Date: Wed Jan 9 19:05:06 2008 New Revision: 4300 URL: Lo

103% translated?

2008-01-10 Thread Claudio Saavedra
Hi, How can gnome-extras be 103% translated to Spanish? :-) Greetings, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: Approving of string freeze breaks (was: Re: Fwd: String additions to 'gnome-keyring.HEAD')

2008-02-15 Thread Claudio Saavedra
a new > one. IMHO, string change announce period should be a good time for teams to start translating. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: eog r4375 - in branches/gnome-2-18/help: . da

2008-02-16 Thread Claudio Saavedra
rsion. We'd appreciate if you could add it to trunk instead, so that it is available once 2.22 is released. Greetings, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: Weird google result when searching for "gnome bugzilla"

2008-02-17 Thread Claudio Saavedra
to the restructuring of the > website, which is why I haven't reported it before, because this > "error" has been there for quite a while, at least a year. I reported it a about a year ago (#410413). Olav provided an explanation while he closed it as NOTABUG. Claudio -- Cla

Re: Rethinking "Supported language"

2008-02-19 Thread Claudio Saavedra
sure that there are tons of developers who are not proficient with English, or that would feel more comfortable using the development tools in their own language. Claudio, who lives in a country with awfully few English speakers. -- Claudio Saaved

Re: make distcheck error for at-spi

2008-02-25 Thread Claudio Saavedra
dd such kind of files in POTFILES.skip? I don't > know what should be done. Yes, I think that you need to add it to the POTFILES.skip. We do that in EOG with similar generated files. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-

Re: Typo in anjuta

2008-02-28 Thread Claudio Saavedra
x it for english users! I suppose you could easily fix it and update all the .po files with some sed magic to avoid those strings to be marked as fuzzy? Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list gnome-i18n@gnome.o

Re: Typo in anjuta

2008-02-29 Thread Claudio Saavedra
El vie, 29-02-2008 a las 15:32 +0200, Ihar Hrachyshka escribió: > > Are you shure there are no such languages where "tpyo" can be the > right symbol sequence in translation messages? You can always add enough context for the match to be unique. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedr

Re: cheese description

2008-03-01 Thread Claudio Saavedra
e pictures and videos from your webcam"? Greetings, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: can't submit to gnome-pkgview

2008-03-05 Thread Claudio Saavedra
file. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: eog r4455 - tags/EOG_2_22_0/po

2008-03-10 Thread Claudio Saavedra
e. So please, revert that commit and commit to the appropriate branch. Thanks, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: Feature and string break request

2008-03-17 Thread Claudio Saavedra
erves, as it's not mentioned in current release notes nor in the many articles out there about 2.22. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: terminos....

2008-05-12 Thread Claudio Saavedra
ther related efforts coordination. English is the main language. Greetings, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: Translator credits (to maintainers)

2008-07-18 Thread Claudio Saavedra
to remove you from there, and you'll get your credits for eternity and beyond. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: Translator credits (to maintainers)

2008-07-21 Thread Claudio Saavedra
credit assignment, so I'd rather make sure that I am in the "translator-credits" string translation. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: Typo in ekiga

2008-08-14 Thread Claudio Saavedra
bugzilla under the Ekiga component. It is recommended that you do it that way. Greetings, Claudio > -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Igalia ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: Typo in gtkhtml package

2008-08-28 Thread Claudio Saavedra
lly the place to report this, you should use bugzilla and file a bug on the gtkhtml component. Now, if you ask me, I wouldn't be that sure that it's a bug, they could actually be referring to an emoticon (:-), :-(, :-D, etc). -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> _

hard code freeze break request for eog

2008-09-19 Thread Claudio Saavedra
s to es, de, and pt_BR ourselves. 2. Get a really kicking ass image viewer for the next releases, 3. Buy Vincent some icecream in next guadec The EOG Team [1] [2] --

Re: hard code freeze break request for eog

2008-09-19 Thread Claudio Saavedra
eally copy the image locally. We will most likely do this in trunk once we have branched for 2.24. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

new strings added to EOG

2008-09-21 Thread Claudio Saavedra
ly show up in a dialog if a user tries to set as wallpaper a remote file. The es translation was already uploaded, and we will probably handle the de and pt_BR, if the translators for these teams are too busy :-) Greetings, and sorry for this really late change. Claudio -- Claudio S

Re: Modified strings up to release date

2008-09-22 Thread Claudio Saavedra
sider > > translated work as first-class citizen, it won't happen :-( > yes, I also see at as a question of respect, perhaps we could do some > spam, we are quite a lot of translators ;) You should raise this to release-team or at least to desktop-devel-list. Claudio --

Re: GNOME 2.24 release when

2008-09-24 Thread Claudio Saavedra
eedback if you hang in #release-team in irc. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: eog r4803 - in tags/EOG_2_24_0/help: . de

2008-09-26 Thread Claudio Saavedra
s/EOG_2_24_0/help/ChangeLog >tags/EOG_2_24_0/help/de/de.po You don't commit into *tags*, but into branches. We don't have a branch yet. Please revert. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list gno

Re: GNOME 2.24: Worst release cycle I have been a part of [l10n/i18n]

2008-10-12 Thread Claudio Saavedra
ou can't get your hands on the issues in the most appropriate moment. Life sucks, but believe me that we all make our best effort to make it suck as less as possible. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

eog branched for 2.24

2008-10-13 Thread Claudio Saavedra
Hi all, eog has been branched for 2.24. The stable branch is now gnome-2-24. New stuff for 2.26 will land in trunk. Plans include dropping libglade, dropping libgnome-desktop, setting remote images as wallpapers, (maybe?) a clutter backend, bug fixes, and some ice cream. Claudio -- Claudio

Re: R-T doesn't care about i18n? (was: Problem with committing to gnome-screensaver)

2009-02-12 Thread Claudio Saavedra
ally hurt other parts of the process. If we as a community can't agree on something like this and move forward, we will be facing the risk of fragmentation over and over again. Let's not allow this to happen and let's make a decision soon. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra __

Re: String additions to 'evolution.gnome-2-14'

2009-05-04 Thread Claudio Saavedra
On Mon, 2009-05-04 at 10:24 +0200, Andre Klapper wrote: > Am Montag, den 04.05.2009, 08:03 + schrieb GNOME Status Pages: > > This is an automatic notification from status generation scripts on: > > > > > > There have been following string additions to module 'evolution.g

Re: Permission to fix typo in libgda

2009-09-10 Thread Claudio Saavedra
El jue, 10-09-2009 a las 13:21 -0400, Og Maciel escribió: > Take 2? Why do you ask in gnome-i18n when it's a bug in the library? You should file a bug.. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra ___ gnome-i18n mailing list gnome-i18n@gnome.

[eog] (34 commits) Created branch gnome-2-32

2010-08-04 Thread Claudio Saavedra
The branch 'gnome-2-32' was created. Summary of new commits: 018205a... Embed page setup in the print dialog 6fbd5c6... Force-show icons for recent file list in File menu 4da0b15... Make silent build more silent 674f62c... Add --version command line parameter 64213a2... Render SVGs usin

eog branched for 2.32

2010-08-04 Thread Claudio Saavedra
Hi, I've created a gnome-2-32 branch for eog 2.32, out of the gnome-2-30 branch, and cherry-picked there most of the commits from master that don't depend on GSettings nor GTK+ 3.0, in a very conservative way. Unfortunately, I didn't grab translations, so I ask translators to please take it easy

string freeze break request for eog

2010-09-13 Thread Claudio Saavedra
Hi, Bug #534348 requires us to add a new string to eog. This string reads something along "The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application. Would you like to reload it?" This bug can be a bit annoying specially for ubuntu users, due to some patches they have to allow direct a

Re: string freeze break request for eog

2010-09-14 Thread Claudio Saavedra
On Mon, 2010-09-13 at 18:38 +0200, Johannes Schmid wrote: > > 2/2 - go on! Thank you both, I'll commit this now. Claudio ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

String change in eog

2011-02-24 Thread Claudio Saavedra
Hi, There was a bug in the way eog was launching the wallpaper preferences dialog, and for consistence a few strings (that are actually used in g_warning() calls and not to the UI) were changed. See bug 642969 for details. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra

Epiphany UI freeze break request

2011-09-02 Thread Claudio Saavedra
Hei, There are a few rough edges in the new web application support related to overwriting and possible woes when saving new apps. There are a few patches in aiming to address this, but they add a dialog and a notification, plus a few new strings.

String updated in Epiphany

2012-03-07 Thread Claudio Saavedra
Hi, I updated a string in ephy for the browsing history window, from "Ever" to "All history". Thanks, Claudio ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

Epiphany UI freeze break request

2012-08-30 Thread Claudio Saavedra
Hei, We've been working in a replacement for the default page in Ephy that shows a grid with the most visited pages. Unfortunately we weren't ready in time to land this before the UI freeze, but we think we can do it now, before 3.5.91. The wip is in the 'in-tab-overview' branch, but we would lik

[epiphany-extensions] Created branch gnome-3-6

2012-10-05 Thread Claudio Saavedra
The branch 'gnome-3-6' was created. Summary of new commits: 2297bf8... [release] 3.6.0 ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

[FIXED] strings not present in po files for translation

2005-08-29 Thread Claudio Saavedra
Hi, I've marked for translation two strings that were missing in totem. Please translators check the following bug. Thanks, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n m

Missing ku.po file in HEAD gedit breaks compilation

2005-09-17 Thread Claudio Saavedra
edit/po' make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/claudio/cvs/gnome2/gedit' make: *** [all] Error 2 Cheers, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list gnome-i18n@gnome.or

string change announce: libgnome

2006-02-12 Thread Claudio Saavedra
Hey, Fixing bug #327754 in libgnome required to add a string. The string added is in libgnome/gnome-url.c:154. Special attention for documentors of gnome-panel, as this string changes the error message of the 'Run Application' dialog. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EM

Re: Requesting approval for applying patch (gnome-keyring string change)

2006-02-18 Thread Claudio Saavedra
ocus directly to the entry field." It would be very sad to see this bug in a shiped desktop knowing that it could have been solved. Claudio [1] -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___

Re: gcalctool tarball dist for GNOME 2.15.1 is broken.

2006-04-25 Thread Claudio Saavedra
Entering directory `/home/claudio/cvs/gnome-2.16/gnome-session/po' make[2]: *** No rule to make target [EMAIL PROTECTED]', needed by `all-yes'. Stop. make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/claudio/cvs/gnome-2.16/gnome-session/po' make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 Cl

string change in Eye of GNOME

2006-12-29 Thread Claudio Saavedra
Hi dudes, I just committed a change in EOG that adds hyphenation to a string, visible in the File menu. The change can be seen here: Thank you, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PR

EOG string addition announce

2007-01-04 Thread Claudio Saavedra
changes in the UI, this adds a custom tab in the printing dialog, namely, "Image Settings". Best regards, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

[epiphany] Created branch gnome-3-10

2013-11-08 Thread Claudio Saavedra
The branch 'gnome-3-10' was created pointing to: 24b9335... Update Hungarian help translation ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

[epiphany] Created branch gnome-3-12

2014-06-11 Thread Claudio Saavedra
The branch 'gnome-3-12' was created pointing to: 7c38eea... Document keyboard shortcuts ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

[epiphany] Created branch gnome-3-16

2015-06-02 Thread Claudio Saavedra
The branch 'gnome-3-16' was created pointing to: 43dd857... Updated Thai translation ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

[libsoup] Created branch gnome-3-26

2017-10-27 Thread Claudio Saavedra
The branch 'gnome-3-26' was created pointing to: 2a63681... 2.60.2 ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

[libsoup] Created branch gnome-3-28

2018-04-06 Thread Claudio Saavedra
The branch 'gnome-3-28' was created pointing to: d28962f... Crash under soup_socket_new() ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

[libsoup] Created branch gnome-3-30

2018-09-24 Thread Claudio Saavedra
The branch 'gnome-3-30' was created pointing to: 263fb57... meson: Define the _DEFAULT_SOURCE macro ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

[libsoup] Created branch gnome-3-32

2019-05-16 Thread Claudio Saavedra
The branch 'gnome-3-32' was created pointing to: dcb4ef5... 2.66.2 ___ gnome-i18n mailing list