
I installed the attached patch in EOG, adding a few translatable



Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
--- Begin Message ---
Author: csaavedra
Date: Wed Jan  9 19:05:06 2008
New Revision: 4300
URL: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/eog?rev=4300&view=rev

2008-01-09  Claudio Saavedra  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * src/eog-window.c: Add tooltips to the actions. Fixes bug #496464.


Modified: trunk/src/eog-window.c
--- trunk/src/eog-window.c      (original)
+++ trunk/src/eog-window.c      Wed Jan  9 19:05:06 2008
@@ -3384,91 +3384,91 @@
 static const GtkActionEntry action_entries_image[] = {
        { "FileSave", GTK_STOCK_SAVE, N_("_Save"), "<control>s", 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Save changes in currently selected images"), 
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_save) },
        { "FileOpenWith", NULL, N_("Open _with"), NULL,
-         NULL,
+         N_("Open the selected image with a different application"),
        { "FileSaveAs", GTK_STOCK_SAVE_AS, N_("Save _As..."), 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Save the selected images with a different name"),
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_save_as) },
        { "FilePageSetup", "document-page-setup", N_("Page Set_up..."), NULL, 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Setup the page properties for printing"), 
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_page_setup) },
        { "FilePrint", GTK_STOCK_PRINT, N_("_Print..."), "<control>p", 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Print the selected image"), 
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_print) },
        { "FileProperties", GTK_STOCK_PROPERTIES, N_("Prope_rties"), 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"), 
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_properties) },
        { "EditUndo", GTK_STOCK_UNDO, N_("_Undo"), "<control>z", 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Undo the last change in the image"), 
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_undo) },
        { "EditFlipHorizontal", "object-flip-horizontal", N_("Flip 
_Horizontal"), NULL, 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Mirror the image horizontally"), 
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_flip_horizontal) },
        { "EditFlipVertical", "object-flip-vertical", N_("Flip _Vertical"), 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Mirror the image vertically"), 
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_flip_vertical) },
        { "EditRotate90",  "object-rotate-right",  N_("_Rotate Clockwise"), 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"), 
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_rotate_90) },
        { "EditRotate270", "object-rotate-left", N_("Rotate 
Counterc_lockwise"), NULL, 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"), 
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_rotate_270) },
        { "SetAsWallpaper", NULL, N_("Set As _Wallpaper"), NULL, 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Set the selected image as the desktop wallpaper"), 
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_wallpaper) },
        { "EditMoveToTrash", "user-trash", N_("Move to _Trash"), NULL, 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Move the selected image to the trash folder"), 
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_move_to_trash) },
        { "ViewZoomIn", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_IN, N_("_Zoom In"), "<control>plus", 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Enlarge the image"), 
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_zoom_in) },
        { "ViewZoomOut", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_OUT, N_("Zoom _Out"), "<control>minus", 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Shrink the image"), 
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_zoom_out) },
        { "ViewZoomNormal", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_100, N_("_Normal Size"), 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Show the image at its normal size"), 
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_zoom_normal) },
        { "ViewZoomFit", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_FIT, N_("Best _Fit"), NULL, 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Fit the image to the window"), 
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_zoom_fit) },
        { "ControlEqual", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_IN, N_("_Zoom In"), "<control>equal", 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Enlarge the image"), 
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_zoom_in) },
        { "ControlKpAdd", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_IN, N_("_Zoom In"), "<control>KP_Add",
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Shrink the image"), 
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_zoom_in) },
        { "ControlKpSub", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_OUT, N_("Zoom _Out"), 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Shrink the image"), 
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_zoom_out) },
        { "Delete", NULL, N_("Move to _Trash"), "Delete", 
-         NULL, 
+         NULL,
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_move_to_trash) },
 static const GtkToggleActionEntry toggle_entries_image[] = {
        { "ViewFullscreen", GTK_STOCK_FULLSCREEN, N_("_Full Screen"), "F11", 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Show the current image in fullscreen mode"),
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_fullscreen), FALSE },
 static const GtkActionEntry action_entries_collection[] = {
        { "GoPrevious", GTK_STOCK_GO_BACK, N_("_Previous Image"), "<Alt>Left", 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Go to the previous image"),
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_go_prev) },
        { "GoNext", GTK_STOCK_GO_FORWARD, N_("_Next Image"), "<Alt>Right", 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Go to the next image"),
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_go_next) },
        { "GoFirst", GTK_STOCK_GOTO_FIRST, N_("_First Image"), "<Alt>Home", 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Go to the first image"),
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_go_first) },
        { "GoLast", GTK_STOCK_GOTO_LAST, N_("_Last Image"), "<Alt>End", 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Go to the last image"),
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_go_last) },
        { "BackSpace", NULL, N_("_Previous Image"), "BackSpace", 
-         NULL, 
+         NULL,
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_go_prev) },
        { "Home", NULL, N_("_First Image"), "Home", 
@@ -3480,7 +3480,7 @@
 static const GtkToggleActionEntry toggle_entries_collection[] = {
        { "ViewSlideshow", "stock_slide-show", N_("_Slideshow"), "F5", 
-         NULL, 
+         N_("Start a slideshow view of the images"),
          G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_slideshow), FALSE },
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