Re: Freeze Break for gnome-control-center to include USB protection

2020-02-17 Thread Ludovico de Nittis via gnome-i18n
Hi, considering that not everyone was okay with the UI freeze break, and that now even the string freeze passed, I guess that it's fine to skip the 3.36 release. If we manage to include the gnome-control-center patch right after the 3.36 release it would be really good. In GNOME 3.36 the USB prote

Re: [FYI] Updated some localized user docs screenshots; please review/accept

2020-02-17 Thread Daniel Mustieles García via gnome-i18n
Many thanks Andre por taking care of this. Help with images is always welcome :-) Regards El vie., 14 feb. 2020 a las 22:36, Anders Jonsson (<>) escribió: > On 2020-02-14 19:17, Andre Klapper wrote: > > I took the liberty to push some updated user documentation scre