Hi Jack,
On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 8:05 PM, Jack Shultz
> I'm trying to prep Fe-Hydrogenase again (1YQW). I took out all the
> non-standard residues. Re-named n-terminal and c-terminal residues. Took out
> connects because that worked last time though I'm uncertain if connect
> really mater
Hi Chris,
Don't have an answer too this one, but noticed the argument to the -np option
> -np $(wc -l $PBS_NODEFILE | gawk '{print $1}')
Maybe it's a bit easier on the eye to use:
-np $(sed -n $= $PBS_NODEFILE)
Tsjerk A. Wassenaar, Ph.D.
Computational Chemist
Medicinal Ch
Well I'd say that 'DCCM' refers to the matrix (map) of correlations
and not to that of covariances. More specifically, it refers to
correlations of positional fluctuations. PCA, on the other hand,
refers to the extraction of components or axes which better describe
the data than the original a
Hi Carla,
You can do lots of things. You can edit the occupancy field by hand,
or do it with a tool like sed. You can also neglect the warning,
provided that you're pretty sure the structure is okay. Partial
occupancies occur when atoms can not be exclusively assigned to a
single position. In thos
Xi Zhao,
Find some elementary text on PCA and read it thoroughly.
On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 2:40 PM, xi zhao wrote:
> Dear users:
> I want to analyse a crystal structure by PCA, and want to show its 2D
> projection, but I meet errors" segment fault"
> my procedure:
> g_covar_d -f crysta
Well, we have compared the G53a5/6 force field with the 43a2 one and
found consistently larger radii of gyration and higher RMSDs,
suggesting decreased stability. There's a thorough account of it in my
Hi Vivek,
> Now when I am processing the modified .gro file to generate box, the ligand
> and cofactor are going away from the protein molecule and I am not able to
> analyze the complex.
Gradually going away, or suddenly jumping?
In the latter case, read up on periodic boundary conditions.
Hi Pawan,
Check which shell you're actually running (probably bash), and source
the shell specific GMXRC file (GMXRC.bash).
On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 8:19 AM, pawan raghav wrote:
> Dear Justin,
> I have some problem regarding GMXRC execution, I got an error while using
> gromacs
>> ---
>> Program pdb2gmx, VERSION 4.0.7
>> Source code file: resall.c, line: 344
>> Fatal error:
>> in .rtp file in residue cmap at line:
>> -C N CA C +N
>> :q!
>> ---
Hi Pär,
I actually refered to the .rtp file. I think that the edit was there.
On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 12:24 PM, Pär Bjelkmar wrote:
> Hi,
Program pdb2gmx, VERSION 4.0.7
Source code file: resall.c, line: 344
Hi David,
Always check which version a tutorial is written for. And also always
mention which version you're running when posting a question/issue to
the list. Now, with this error, I know you're running the (broken) GMX
3.3.2. The tutorial was written for 3.3.1, but will also work with
[gmx-users] Ligand coming out while trying Drug-enzyme
>> tutorial
>> HI Tsjerk,
>> Thanks for your reply. But, I can't see if it is going suddenly or
>> gradually.
>> What i can see is the ligand is away from the molecul
Hi Marysa,
The error is about the definition of mulecules, which suggests that
there are no [ moleculetype ] directives. Did you #include the proper
.itp file(s) with the necessary moleculetype definitions? If not,
you'll have to provide more information, probably posting the topology
file itself.
rtp stands for 'Residue ToPology' and is used exclusively for building
block definitions, which are only used by pdb2gmx.
itp stands for 'Include ToPology' and can contain any part of a
topological description of a system, atom types, bond types,
moleculetypes, definitions, to be #included at
Hi Bharat,
Besides the notes of Justin, which lysozyme tutorial?
And for which GMX version was that tutorial written?
On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 12:53 PM, Justin A. Lemkul wrote:
> bharat gupta wrote:
>> Hi
>> I am getting the follwing error while running the mdrun command given
Hi Vishal,
Here is a python function that generates a triclinic representation
given a definition with lengths and angles. The argument L is a tuple
or list containing the lengths and angles.
def triclinic(L):
B = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
x, y, z, a, b, c = L[:6]
B[0][0] = x
It also strongly depends on what analysis you try to do. For
autocorrelation you should sample frequently enough, for other
configurational analysis, you don't need so many points, for
covariance analysis you should aim for a number of frames three times
the number of atoms you want to analyze.
> You can post-process your trajectory using "trjconv -pbc mol -ur compact" to
>see the real
> representation.
The real representation is the infinite periodic system; there is no
box shape there. For representation of a single unit cell you can take
any cut that is consistent with the latti
Hi Emanuel,
Anything small can cause trajectories to diverge, it's chaos. The
machine on which is run can make the difference. This is also covered
in the list archives.
> ;Temperature coupling
> tcoupl = nose-hoover
> tc-grps = protein NA+ CFP SOL
> tau_t = 0.1 0.
Hi Carla,
Justin's recipe should've worked. As he suggested, maybe the ligand is
not with the protein. You can check by multiplying your system with
genconf -f in.pdb -o out.pdb -nbox 2 2 2
If the ligand is with the protein, one copy will be located in one of
the copies of the protein.
p me analyze my results.
> Carla
> On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 10:25 AM, Tsjerk Wassenaar
> wrote:
>> Hi Carla,
>> Justin's recipe should've worked. As he suggested, maybe the ligand is
>> not with the protein. You can check by multiplying
Hi Carla,
> I checked with genconf & now I'm certain that my ATP molecule is still with
> the protein
That's good to know :)
>>> trjconv -s a.tpr -f b.xtc -o c.xtc -center -ur compact -pbc mol
>>> (centering on "Protein")
So what did come out of this then? It should have given you a compact
Hi Deisy,
> define = -DFLEXIBLE
> integrator = md
Well, probably you'd be better off with 'integrator = steep'. If
you're doing MD, better not define -DFLEXIBLE. But for the rest, you
give little account of what you're doing. What about the workflow,
where in your
Hi E R Azhagiya singam,
You first have to ask yourself whether you're up to it. This is considered
an advanded topic. In particular for groups like these. To start with, do
you know the protonation state of the Zn(Cys)4 group in your case?
On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 9:14 AM, babu go
> Aside from that, search the literature; published papers should have
> reproducible methodology :)
And.., methodology in published papers has proven to be publishable.
Tsjerk A. Wassenaar, Ph.D.
Computational Chemist
Medicinal Chemist
gmx-users mailing l
Ooh, this is just too funny :)
>> Its me, Pawan.
Hi Pawan!
>> Dont post questions like these in the forum.
>> Say to people that u did any ground work for what u want to study in.
>> Like what all ppaers u got, what exactly u want to work in and what is ur
>> control study and all that.
>> If u
Hi Ken,
To stay close to tautology, although not being strictly tautological,
I think the answer to
"I want to do normal mode analysis, could you tell me how"
should be
"If you don't know how to do normal mode analysis, then you shouldn't
be doing normal mode analysis."
(Bounced to the user li
rying to go through the 'Introduction to Molecular Dynamics
> Simulations and Analysis' tutorial written by Tsjerk Wassenaar, one of the
> tutorials listed on the GROMACS website.
> I've got to the stage where I am performing energy minimisation on my
> solvated protein
Hi Pawan,
The legends are contained in the .xvg file. Try viewing the file.
On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 8:29 AM, pawan raghav wrote:
> I executed the following command.
> g_sas -s mdrun.tpr -f mdrun.trr -or mdrun.xvg
> xmgrace -nxy mdrun.xvg
> I get two sets of values: one is b
Hi Pablo,
You want to mutually exclusive things. That is by definition impossible.
On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 11:02 AM, Pablo Englebienne wrote:
> Hi, I made an NpT MD simulation of 10 copies of the same small molecule in
> CHCl3 (dodecahedron unit cell) for 20 ns. I want to visualiz
Hi Amit,
I think the presentation gives right what you want: a rough estimate.
Now as Berk pointed out, to allocate more than 2GB of memory, you need
to compile in 64bit. Then, if you want to have a real feel for the
memory usage, there's no other way than trying. But fortunately, the
memory requi
Hi Dian,
Which version of gromacs are you using? Can you assert that the pdb
file has the correct box? It should have a line starting with CRYST1
(grep "^CRYST1" file.pdb). Some versions of gromacs (3.3.2 I think)
didn't write the CRYST1 record, and thus disallow PBC related
quot;CRYST1 24 24 24" in the first line?
> By the way is it CRYST1 or CRYSTL?
> And the command I was running was "g_mindist -f 1001.pdb -n 1001.ndx -od
> 1001_C".
> Dian
> On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 12:38 AM, Tsjerk Wassenaar wrote:
>> Hi Dian,
Hi Carla,
You'll have to use index groups to extract a trajectory and reference
that correspond. If you have those you can get on with the RMSD.
On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 11:44 AM, Carla Jamous wrote:
> Hi everyone, please I just need a precision:
> I need to calculate the RMSD o
Hi Ilya,
If it is an amino acid, albeit modified, you can make pdb2gmx
recognize it as such by adding it to the file 'aminoacids.dat'. This
file is in the installation directory. You can also copy it to your
working directory and change it there, as it will then take precedence
over the other one.
Hi Andrei,
You can do it this way. But do mind that the ensemble from NMR is not
meant to reflect the Boltzmann distribution. Rather it is meant to
provide a number of plausible solutions given the (positive)
restraints from the experiments and the force field used for the
refinement. This means t
Hi Andrei,
> If I correctly uderstand the RMSF computed on C-alpha in PDB NMR
> structure, is a measure of the uncertanty in resolving the structure.
No, that's not what I said. You're saying that there's one structure
(the structure), but there is uncertainty in resolving it. That's not
the case
Well, since interatomic distances are properties of single
conformations and fluctuation covariances/correlations are properties
of sets of conformations, it is simply impossible. You might plot the
covariances/correlations against the mean distances, if you feel you
must. Be sure to use the a
You also have to spend a sufficient amount of thought on the question
whether an approach like that will give you what you're after. It's
not going to sample a relevant ensemble and you're disabling the long
range correlations that may be of influence on ligand binding.
On We
Recently there was a relatively extensive discussion on the list
regarding g_sas. Check the archives.
On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 9:07 AM, Milan Melichercik
> supti mukherjee wrote:
>> Dear gromacs users,
>> I have some doubts regarding the options to be selected in g_
Hi Vijaya,
Well, to start with that will be something as calculating the
'fluctuation' as sum((xi-ri)^2)/N, with xi and ri denoting the ith
atom of the conformation x and the reference structure r and the sum
is over time/observations. In the case of no variation in xi, the
value you get will stil
Hi Vijaya,
I'm sorry if I didn't quite get that first sentence of yours. Did you
meant to start it with "I thought that ..."? Or were you trying to
explain me something you thought I missed?
PCA stands for 'principal component analysis', not 'covariance
analysis'. For instance, PCA can be applied
Hi Vijaya,
> Your answer truly eludes me, unless -ref is an useless option.
Well, that's pretty close to the conclusion. The use is limited to a
few very specific cases and it might be better to hide the option from
the view of casual users.
But apparently you didn't catch the why yet. If you im
Hi Vijaya,
Hmmm. Well, it may make some sense to take a defined extreme point to
take deviations from. Like for motion on an arc, it may make sense to
take the center of the circle to determine the deviations. But what
that will yield; how that translates to wiggling proteins... :S
Hi Sukesh,
You've posted this question several times now, without changing the
phrasing. Did it occur to you that maybe nobody felt equipped to or
sufficiently triggered by your post to reply? What do you mean with a
'dynamics cross correlation map' for 'residues or groups of residues'?
Being more
Hi Sukesh,
Great. This makes things much clearer. So basically what you'd need to
do is to divide each i,j-th element of the covariance matrix you
obtained (covar.dat) by the sqrt of the ii-th and jj-th diagonal
element. That will commonly turn a covariance matrix into a
correlation matrix. But,
Now that particular reference was not a very suitable one for this question :)
The proper reply here is:
There are no collective motions in a single structure, period!
Do some background reading on PCA, and some more on PCA as applied to
MD simulations. There is some information in the manua
Hi Joe,
Probably you have a mismatch between your reference structure and the
trajectory. So trjconv assumes coordinates associated with ions, while they
actually belong to water.
Hope it helps,
On Mar 25, 2010 7:22 PM, "Joe Joe" wrote:
I am seeing weird behavior when I trjconv my traj
Hi Jared,
Can you post the exact series of commands you used to come to this
point, including the selections you used and what constitutes these
selections if they are not standard? Please also indicate what was in
the trajectory you started off with (xtc-grps).
On Thu, Mar 25, 2
Hi Stephan,
With 'collide in a specific way based on Docking', do you mean to pull
them together? I'm not certain that will be protocollized easily. And
your ligands, are they protein/peptide too, or do you have topologies
for them? If not, it is likely to become more dirty than quick.
Well, you could also use g_rmsf with -b and -e, and a suitable index file...
On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 6:18 PM, Justin A. Lemkul wrote:
> Wu Rongqin wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> How to get the averaged coordinates for a short time range say, 10 ps?
>> which utility should be use
Hi Dmitri,
Better to start a new thread for a new issue.
It would also help if you give an equation for the Lindemann
parameter. Is it really about fluctuations in the intermolecular
distance, or in the intramolecular distance? The first would be a bit
tough. For the latter you want to have a look
Hi Dimitry,
Well, you can use pdb2gmx with -merge to merge chains.
Hope it helps,
On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 4:12 PM, DimitryASuplatov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a two-chain protein. I want to merge N-terminal residue of chain
> A with C-terminal of chain B. I can tweak th
Hi Prasun,
It was already pointed out that you shouldn't change the names in the
force field files. ADE stands for RNA-Adenine and DADE stands for
DNA-Adenine, keep it that way! Change the PDB file instead, but do it
properly. So, do a restart:
Take the original pdb file.
Check the residue names,
Hi Lin,
That tutorial doesn't really give a good procedure for production work
simulations. Use a rhombic dodecahedron instead, with a distance to
the wall (-d) of at least 1 nm. Maybe it's better to try the tutorial
I put up on http://nmr.chem.uu.nl/~tsjerk/course/md-tutorial/ It's not
as good on
Hi Lin,
>From the amount of questions you pose on the user list and the
unfamiliarity you display with Gromacs/MD basics, it seems that you're
not as experienced with 1. MD, 2. Gromacs and 3. Force fields as you
should be when you modify parameters. That's an experienced-level
topic on which you c
> Thanks for the reply, what may be the reason GROMACS became great?
Check the JCC 2005 paper: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16211538
> sometimes though system explodes it will generate energy minimisation
> output.gro file we cant use this file for further run?
Need more inform
On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 6:39 ALin,
That's not really necessary, the tetrahedral geometry is kept by the
angles. It only needs to be imposed in the case of a CHXYZ group with
united atoms.
M, Chih-Ying Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I found this improper dihedral a
Hi Qiang,
Couldn't you do it by shortening the chain, turning on/off one of the
CH2 groups? You only have to mind perturbing the bonding and such in
the right way then.
On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 6:32 PM, friendli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a mutation free ene
Hi Sudheer,
It depends mainly on what it is you want to look at. You cannot
exclude though, that the version has an effect on your results.
Therefore you either have to do all simulations using the same
version, or you have to randomize the versions over the simulations. I
do hope that you meant t
Hi Fabricio,
You can also sue the option -dump 1 to extract a frame. But it's
not related to your error.
Have you done any fitting and pbc related stuff or did you
shuffle/sort your system prior to running?
On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 5:02 PM, Ragnarok sdf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wro
Hi Nicolas,
> 1. Does g_hbond takes into account the periodic boundary conditions
> or should first I center the system on my molecule, then run g_hbond?
Yes (pretty much all tools do).
> 2. When I run g_hbond, it prints the message "No option -sel" the
> usual welcome message and run no
Hi Ram,
PS. Do mind that the PBC are not preserved in that case.
On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 7:54 PM, rams rams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear users,
> While doing the least squares fit, if I choose the "protein" as input group
> and "system" as output group, does it mean that the p
Hi Justin,
It's indeed the case that mdrun now writes broken molecules. Has to do
with the domain decomposition and processors only keeping track of
'their' atoms. Too bad, but you'll just have to keep a .tpr around to
make molecules whole again afterwards. Using trjconv -nojump with a
suitable re
Hi Giordano,
Do you have a conformational change? If you consider unidirectional
motion, in one or N coordinates alike, you would expect just what you
see for the fluctuations. In fact, it's not really fluctuation then.
10 ns is also pretty short for a simulation of a protein. It's likely
that you
Hi Giordano,
> I agree that 10 ns
> are a short sampling but the total simulation time is 15 ns + 2 ns I
> used to reach 298K;
Whether that's enough is largely dependent on the size of your protein
You should check whether you went beyond relaxation by inspecting the
cosine content of the first f
Hi Maria,
The answer is in the source code of course. But here's a python/pymol
function which does the same thing, and which I wrote after the
routine in editconf. It takes as input the definition as a list with
lengths x,y,z and angles a,b,c and returns the upper triangular
def triclini
Hmm, I thought I recalled answering a similar question just recently.
But mind you that doing statistics on MD, unless the results are very
obvious, you have to be as careful and consistent as can be. That
means that you should avoid trying to compare things which are
performed under diff
Fully agree with that one. But the big problem is with simulations for
comparison that you have to justify that a bug fix could not be the
cause of a difference between simulations (or could even counteract on
something which should give a difference). So even with minor
revisions, unless you
Hi Art,
You could, but should you? What do you think to gain? One layer of
water is approximately 2.5 A, so with 6 you'd have about two layers of
water 'free'. With position restraints on the rest, you'd still be
calculating all forces and such, so there's not much gain there. On
top of that, the
1021 results for "protein out box" on the gromacs search page (mailing
list search). The first so many are relevant. Why not checking the
archives first? Oh, and it's mentioned in the wiki too.
On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 11:03 AM, ravi sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everyone
Just come to terms with PBC: the box has no outside. Chapter 3 of the manual...
On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 1:30 PM, ravi sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So how could i do this energy conservation,
> Ravi Datta Sharma
> Lecturer,
> Bioinformatics,
> Department of Microbiology,
Hi Chitrita,
Please copy-paste the exact error and the command line in both cases
(working and not working). Also, what platform are you working on? Did
you by chance edit the .mdp file under windows?
On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 6:46 PM, Chitrita Dutta Roy
Hi huan,
You can split the trajectories in parts using e.g. trjconv
Also spend some thoughts on whether you need all that data. Do you
really need the velocities/forces/high precision (.trr). Do you need
the time resolution you have, or can you do with less. And did you
include all solvent? D
-- Forwarded message --
From: He, Yang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 5:35 PM
Subject: gromacs
Hi ,
I am using the gromcas to simulate the course grain for DNA. I listed
the new atom types in the .atp file like this
Gromacs doesn't use residue numbers and atom numbers anyway. No
problem just concatenating a la Justin. If you still have to run
pdb2gmx, it may be better to have different chain identifiers. On tthe
other hand, it may be better to run pdb2gmx before concatenation
(which you probably have done
Hi Xuji,
You'll have to have a coordinate file to start with, just like with
your atomistic scale stuff. Whether this would be .pdb or .gro doesn't
matter. If you have don't have coordinates, parameters are pretty
useless. Maybe the Groningen guys are willingg to share you a .pdb
file to play with
Hi Jochen,
It's probably the rvdw cutoff (from readir.c):
if (ir->eI == eiLBFGS && (ir->coulombtype==eelCUT || ir->vdwtype==evdwCUT)
&& ir->rvdw != 0) {
warning("For efficient BFGS minimization, use switch/shift/pme
instead of cut-off.");
On 10/24/08, Jochen Hub <[E
Hi Lin,
Justin is right on all points. The first is indeed a check you should
always perform, but in this case (1LW9), there are no missing
residues/atoms. The point is that one should be aware that there
could. The same thing goes with the hint for the histidines. I could
have not written you sho
I haven't really checked how it is with the new version (and you're
not telling which version you're using anyway), but grompp used to get
confused with multiple molecules and only report the charge on one of
them. You can check the total charge from the .tpr file with (bash
command line):
And, you can even (like for anything that generates output), redirect
output to nowhere:
(csh) grompp >& /dev/null
(bash) grompp &> /dev/null
By the way, bringing it to the background (&) doesn't change the
binding to the terminal.
Oh, and Mark is absolutely right that it is better to save to a
Hi Cecilia,
Please give your posts a descriptive title.
Then, this is actually a bash-related issue, which has not much to do
with Gromacs.
But then again, we're nice people :) The thing is that bash wants to have:
export PATH="/usr/local/gromacs/bin:${PATH}"
By the way, you can also use:
lecule separately.
-- Forwarded message --
From: Chih-Ying Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 8:20 AM
Subject: Re: The question from the tutorial: protein non-protein in .mdp file
To: Tsjerk Wassenaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
First, this webpage
-- Forwarded message --
From: Chih-Ying Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 7:35 AM
Subject: The question from the tutorial: Add water spc216.gro
To: Tsjerk Wassenaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I have a molecule, which is not a protein.
Then, I made a .to
> >
> > You can reach the person managing the list at
> >
> > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> > than "Re: Contents of gmx-users digest..."
> >
> >
Temperature coupling has nothing to do with having a protein or not.
Likewise, pressure coupling, time step, total simulation length,
temperature and a lot of other options have nothing to do with having
protein or not. These are all basic things of performing simulations.
Now, you followed a
Hi Thomas,
To have PBC or not in a run has nothing to do with analysis. Analysis
tools don't have a clue of what you put into the .mdp files. Any of
tha analysis tools will assume that the box specified in the file
involves PBC. Don't know from the top of my head, but I think where
possibly necess
Hi Supti,
> --
> Program grompp_d, VERSION 4.0
> Source code file: grompp.c, line: 352
> Fatal error:
> number of coordinates in coordinate file (file_b4em.gro, 46634)
> does not match topology (file.top, 9977)
> -
It's just wh
hmm, okay, forget whatever you think I replied :)
On 11/5/08, Berk Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> There is a bug in the 4.0 grompp which causes problems when you have two
> consecutive "blocks" with the same molecule type.
> You will have to merge them into one block.
> I have
Radius of gyration is a configuration dependent property. You need
statistics for that, so you should have more simulations. Jochens
example of the rdf is one where the statistics comes from the number
of molecules in your system (quite a number for water, versus one
Hi Tania,
The boolean options to the gromacs programs are (usually) set using
(e.g.) -mw | -nomw
On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 5:00 AM, Mark Abraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tatsiana Kirys wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i got strange results using g_rms.
>> Does it by default uses mass wei
> Yes. You can use GROMACS to simulate traffic if you want to. :-)
Mark, do you have a force field for that?
>> As i had done it with 4 residue with blocking group. But then i got the
>> error for rvdw and rlist as they should be nearer to cutoff value.
>> So instead of decreasing the value
Thanks for the release. I notice that the modifications I sent for
trjconv didn't make it. For those who are interested, replacing the
distribution gmx_trjconv.c with the one attached will add the
molecular shaped box to the unit cell options. This allows
distributing the solvent around a solu
Hi Alessandro,
editconf encounters a bad box in the input file and I think it first
replaces that with a standard box internally. Check the box at the end
of box.gro to see if the result is what it should be (nine numbers,
according to the specification of the rhombic dodecahedon in Chapter 3
of t
Hi Tatsiana,
g_rms requires the input trajectory and the reference structure to
match. Actually, the trajectory (if .xtc format) does not even contain
information regarding the atoms; only coordinates. Tools depend wholly
on the reference structure for information on atom/residue names, etc.
...or use gmail.
On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 1:31 PM, Justin A. Lemkul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pathumwadee Intharathep wrote:
>> Dear gmx-user,
>> My mailbox has flood of gmx's mails. What should I do to digest them.
> Use the WWW interface to change your preferences to diges
Hi Nikos,
You mention it raises a note. What happens to the .tpr file? Can you
look for nsteps in the output from gmxdump?
On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 2:45 PM, Claus Valka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> searching further the issue, I realized that no more than 32299167 numbe
Hi Alessandro,
With gromacs versions <4 you have to generate the .tpr file with
grompp using the flag -np 16 to be able to run on 16 processors.
But why not upgrade to gromacs 4.02 and get much better scaling?
On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 12:06 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All
> A run I have now, which while was compiled gave the same note, has surpassed
> the 32299167
> steps I found out that as a limit for this note. In other gromacs' I do not
> get such errors.
> Good to have you back,
> Nikos
> --- Tsjerk Wasse
Was it a warning or did it exit without producing output? Please be
more complete in your postings. Maybe a good idea to include the
output of the program?
In case of an error use gmxcheck first on each of the trajectories. It
seems that one of them is giving an error. Then, if yo
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