When I issued the command g_dipole,
the dialog poped out and asked me to select a group.
1. system
2. protein
11. solvent
12. the rest of the salt-molecule except its counter ion
13. counter ions (CL-)
If I select #12, Gromacs will not consider counter ions to calculate the
If I select #12, Gromacs will not consider counter ions to calculate the
dipole moment ???
Sorry for disturbing people in the Gromacs mailing list.
Thank you
On 2010-10-22 00.49, Chih-Ying Lin wrote:
> Hi
> When I issued the command g_dipole,
> the dialog poped out and asked me
g_rmsf -f abc.xtc -s abc.tpr -res -o abcrmsf.xvg
Calculate averages for each residue
abcrmsf.xvg => average over time for each residue?
Thank you
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please sea
g_rmsf -f abc.xtc -s abc.tpr -res -o abcrmsf.xvg
From manual => it says " Calculate averages for each residue "
=> does Gromacs do average over time for each residue
=> however, the results did not show difference with
and without " -res "
>From Manual
g_rmsf =>
-[no]res bool noCalculate averages for each
what does this function work?
Thank you
gmx-users mailing listgmx-use
g_rmsf -res yes ?
g_rmsf -res no ?
should I type "yes" to activate the "average-function"?
As i tested "g_rmsf -res",
the average is not over time and not over the atoms in the residue.
Anyway, how to activate the "average function" ?
Thank you
>From source code => gmx_rmsf.c
"g_rmsf computes the root mean square fluctuation (RMSF, i.e. standard ",
"deviation) of atomic positions ",
if (devfn) {
/* Calculate RMS Deviation */
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
At high temperature 498 K, the protein is cooked.
For NVT, the volume of the system is much expanded.
For NPT, the water evaporated.
How do people simulate the condition under high temperature, 498K?
THank you
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
I read some papers and many simulations were performed under high
temperature to induce the unfolded protein.
However, the authors did not mention how they conducted the simulations
under high temperature, 498 K.
They did not mention which NVT or NPT were adopted for such high
I issued "pdb2gmx with G45a3 force field" on the "bovine carbonic
>From the .top value, the ZN+2 is given qtot 1.233e-06 ..
2611 ZN2+257 ZN ZN 1137 2 65.37 ; qtot
I am confused with the charges.
Isn't ZN+2 carrying +2 charges ??
I issued "pdb2gmx with G45a3 force field" on the "bovine carbonic
From the .top value, the ZN+2 is given qtot 1.233e-06 ..
2611 ZN2+257 ZN ZN 1137 2 65.37 ;
qtot 1.233e-06
I am confused with the charges.
Isn't ZN+2 carrying +2 cha
Is the time scale of the protein domain motion within nano-second?
Thank you
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before
i was reading somewhere.. "simulation will break / terminate when the
simulation is running so so long "...
Did anyone read the same information?
Please refer me the related information since I have no idea where I read
this information.
How long is long ?
How to avoid this?
The simulation system is merely water + one lysozyme.
I increase temperate to 550K.
Then, the simulation broke.
The following message is shown.
MX:hpc0011:Remote endpoint is closed, peer=00:60:dd:48:14:5b (hpc0010:0)
mpiexec: Warning: task 0 exited with status 1.
mpiexec: Warning: tasks 1-2 di
lincs-iter = 1
lincs-warnangle = 30
Chih-Ying Lin wrote:
> HI
> The simulation system is merely water + one lysozyme.
> I increase temperate to 550K.
> Then, the simulation broke.
> The following message is shown.
> MX:hpc0011:Remote endpoint is
the water model is TIP3P.
I think the problem is hidden in your water force field model.
> The simulation system is merely water + one lysozyme.
> I increase temperate to 550K.
> Then, the simulation broke.
> The following message is shown.
> MX:hpc0011:Remote endpoint is cl
other methodological concerns (pressure
coupling especially); a thorough search of the literature will give you some
insights into what might be wrong. Plenty of groups have successfully been
doing high-temperature MD for a number of years.
Chih-Ying Lin wrote:
> Hi
> the wa
e you some
insights into what might be wrong. Plenty of groups have successfully been
doing high-temperature MD for a number of years.
Chih-Ying Lin wrote:
> Hi
> the water model is TIP3P.
> Thanks
> Lin
> I think the problem is hidden in your wa
HI MSD = mean square displacement diffusion coefficient = d/dt (MSD) I
simulate the protein and ligand system and then calculate the MSD of the
ligand. Then, i drew the plot of the time evolution of the MSD. But the the
MSD decreases as time for some period. I see nothing about my codings. Would
The MSD decrease occurs in the long times.
The ligand has bounded to a protein.
How can the decrease happen?
Thank you
Chih-Ying Lin wrote:
> HI MSD = mean square displacement diffusion coefficient = d/dt (MSD) I
> simulate the protein and ligand system and the
Hi With the periodic boundary condition, all the recorded coordinates of the
atom are within the simulation box. To calculate the MSD, the movement of
the center mass of the molecules between this time step with the next time
step is calculated without considering the periodic boundary condition. B
I have a system - solutes with water.
The system has been under MD simulation for 100 ns.
Now, I want to put more solutes in it.
Would you please tell me which command can make it ?
Thank you
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
pbc = xyz (minim.mdp)
=> the system is crystallized with visualization
7. Relaxation of solvent and hydrogen atom positions
Run => Position restrained MD
=> simulation break
What is wrong here?
How to put another 10 ligands into the simulation box correctly?
pbc = xyz (minim.mdp)
=> the system is crystallized with visualization
7. Relaxation of solvent and hydrogen atom positions
Run => Position restrained MD
=> simulation break
What is wrong here?
How to put another 10 ligands into the simulation box correctly?
Thank you
My simulation broke down and the simulation procedues are as follows.
1. center a protein molecule in the simulation box
2. put 20 ligands around the protein with " genbox " command
3. make sure that any atom of the ligands does not overlap on any atom of
the protein with Visulization-software
previous and current coordinates
Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
Back Off! I just backed up step0.pdb to ./#step0.pdb.6#
Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
Chih-Ying Lin wrote:
> Hi
From: "Justin A. Lemkul"
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] some molecule clashing with another ?
To: Discussion list for GROMACS users
Message-ID: <4b3be9b3.8020...@vt.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Chih-Ying Lin wrote:
> Hi
> My simulation b
Potential8.98118e+08 4.53312e+08 0 -3.03617e+07
Kinetic En. 0 0 0
0 0
Total Energy 8.98118e+08 4.53312e+08 0 -3.03617e+07
gcq#119: "Bring Out the Gimp" (Pulp Fiction)
what does the max max 597108032.00 (between atoms 366 and 368) mean?
is it the max force or max length of the system?
where is the max force listed?
max 597108032.00 (between atoms 366 and 368) rms 26394490.00
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
what does previous, current mean
Here is my .out file.
atoms 366 and 368 are two atoms inside the protein.
What is other possible way to solve it ?
Thank you
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
max 597108032.00 (between atoms 366 and 368) rms 26394490.00
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
atom 1
In the position restrain MD, only solvent molecules and hydrogen atoms are
allowed to move.
I checked the .out file.
The max is happened on the atoms inside protein.
Thank you
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
I used Gromacs version 3.3.3.
My simulation system = one protein + 20 ligand + water molecules ( 7x 7x 7
MPI setting => #PBS -l nodes=4:ppn=4,arch=x86_64 => 16 nodes in total
After doing the energy minimization, => the potential energy is extremely
high ( say, ten to the 9th order )
I visual
> Hi
> I used Gromacs version 3.3.3.
> My simulation system = one protein + 20 ligand + water molecules ( 7x 7x 7
> )
> MPI setting => #PBS -l nodes=4:ppn=4,arch=x86_64 => 16 nodes in total
> After doing the energy minimization, => the potential energy is extremely
> high ( say, ten to the 9th
I used Gromacs version 3.3.3.
My simulation system = one protein + 20 ligand + water molecules ( 7x 7x 7
MPI setting => #PBS -l nodes=4:ppn=4,arch=x86_64 => 16 nodes in total
After doing the energy minimization, => the potential energy is extremely
high ( say, ten to the 9th order )
I visua
Sorry that i have posted the same message for several times.
I used Gromacs version 3.3.3.
My simulation system = one protein + 20 ligand + water molecules ( 7x 7x 7
MPI setting => #PBS -l nodes=4:ppn=4,arch=x86_64 => 16 nodes in total
After doing the energy minimization, => the potential e
There is no domain decomposition with Gromacs 3.3.3.
What MPI based on with Gromacs 3.3.3?
Thank you
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
Please don'
A. Lemkul"
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Simulation Box break into 16 domains =>
Gromacs 3.3.3
To: Discussion list for GROMACS users
Message-ID: <4b3e8b11.7040...@vt.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Mark Abraham wrote:
> Chih-Ying Lin wrote:
is no description in the manual that people cannot use -d and
-box simultaneously.
I visualized the .gro file created by the editconf, the protein is centered
in the box as I can see.
Thank you
Chih-Ying Lin wrote:
> Hi
> As I posted the command list earlier, to create t
*6LYZ-solvated.gro => all molecules are intact * and protein is
*6LYZ-EM-solvated-after-grompp.gro => protein and water molecules are
This is the main problem that my simulation box into 16 domains.
Thank you
Chih-Ying Lin wrote:
Thanks a lot, Tsjerk ! My simulation is running.
I never knew that a discrepancy between the the .top file and .gro, grompp
uses the topology information in stead of
the coordinate file information.
What does issue a set of warnings by grompp ?
How do you know the discrepancy between the th
I am simulating the protein + ligand + water molecules system.
In the experimental work, the concentration of ligand is pretty low, say
under 20 mM (avearge 18 ligands attached on one protein)
It will be a huge system to create a system with 20 mM and it will take lot
of simulation time.
the same way as if
you add ten at a time? Will they aggregate? Will they inherently bind the
protein in the same way, or will it be different? "
=> I don't know, but I assume that will make little difference.
Thank you
Chih-Ying Lin wrote:
> HI
> I am simulati
I am using Gromacs version 4.0.5.
I put one protein in a simulation box with water molecules and CL- only.
My simulation broke at the step, Relaxation of solvent and hydrogen atom
Here are the .top file, command, output of the grommp, pr.mdp.
anything wrong here?
Thank you
6LYZ.pdb is simply a lysozyme structure and I merely solvated it running the
simulation on Gromacs.
System = 6LYZ.pdb + CL- + water molecules
Before I put the 6LYZ.pdb on Gromacs 3.3.3, there is no problem at all.
Recently, I tried the Gromacs 4.0.5, the simulation is broken at the step
6LYZ.pdb is simply a lysozyme structure and I merely solvated it running the
simulation on Gromacs.
System = 6LYZ.pdb + CL- + water molecules
Before I put the 6LYZ.pdb on Gromacs 3.3.3, there is no problem at all.
Recently, I tried the Gromacs 4.0.5, the simulation is broken at the step
I did the EM and the potential energy went to the very negative number.
But the simulaiton broke in the PR step.
Thank you
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search befor
with the addition of ions to your .top
file. In your protocol, it's not mentioned. Have you made sure that
issue is cleared?
On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 5:25 AM, Justin A. Lemkul wrote:
> On 1/9/10 10:42 PM, Chih-Ying Lin wrote:
>> Hi
>> I
Today's Topics:
1. 6LYZ.pdb + Gromacs version 4.0.5 => Simulation Broken
(Chih-Ying Lin)
2. 6LYZ.pdb + Gromacs version 4.0.5 => Simulation Broken (output
file) (Chih-Ying Lin)
Message: 1
Here are four commands.
grompp_mpi -np 16 -v -f md.mdp -c 6LYZ-MD.gro -p 6LYZ.top -o 6LYZ-MD55.tpr
mpiexec -np 16 mdrun_mpi -deffnm 6LYZ-MD55
grompp_mpi -np 16 -v -f md.mdp -c 6LYZ-MD55.gro -p 6LYZ.top -o
mpiexec -np 16 mdrun_mpi -deffnm 6LYZ-MD155
Will t
How to assign charge for the residue of protein at PH 5.0 ?
I have Ka values of each residue of protein then i can calculate the overall
charge for each residue at PH 5.0 solution.
However, how to calculate the partial charges of atoms within the residue of
protein at PH 5.0?
Thank you
>From Gromacs Manual:
- Backbone: all protein backbone atoms (C-alpha, N, C)
- MainChain: backbone atoms, plus the carbonyl oxygens
The following is part of .gro file.
I listed the atom number, are those all correct ?
C-alpha: 161,170,179
N:158,163, 172
C: ??? what does this "C" rep
file1.xtc and file2.xtc are two consecutive MD trajectory files of the same
simulation system.
file1.xtc = 238 frames (t= 0.0 to t= 476.0)
file2.xtc = 366 frames (t= 0.0 to t= 732.0)
trjcat -f file1.xtc file2.xtc -cat -o file3.xtc
file3.xtc = 604 frames =23
The command
g_sas =>
Select a group for calculation of surface and a group for output
What is the difference between "a group for calculation of surface" and "a
group for output"?
Thank you
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
After running DSSP, .eps files are created.
We can see the second structures of the all residues.
I only want to see the change of the second structures of some specific
How can i do it?
Also, how can I change the thickness of the color band for each residue?
The logo indicates the co
1. dssp -n index.ndx
=> only atom numbers of one residue in the index.ndx
=> can dssp decide the exact second structure for the only one residue
without considering other residues of protein?
=> can i get the same second structure for the residue with [ dssp -n
one-residue.ndx ] and [dssp -n p
THe command =>
g_sas_mpi -f 6LYZ-MD566500.xtc -s 6LYZ-MD566500.tpr -o
solvent-accessible-surface.xvg -oa atomic-sas.xvg -or residue-sas.xvg
In the solvent-accessible-surface.xvg =>
@ s0 legend "Hydrophobic"
@ s1 legend "Hydrophilic"
@ s2 legend "Total"
@ s3 legend "D Gsolv"
What does "Hydrop
With the following two commands,
do_dssp -f 6LYZ-MD.xtc -s 6LYZ-MD.tpr -o secondary-structure.xpm -sc
xpm2ps -f secondary-structure.xpm -o secondary-structure.eps
With GIMP, i can see the secondary structure plot. The legend indicates the
color of different second str
g_sas computes hydrophobic, hydrophilic and total solvent accessible surface
I chose => protein for calculation group
=> protein for output group
what does it define "hydrophobic solvent accessible surface area"?
=> does that, the surface area, enclose the hydrophobic atoms/
>From David,
"If you select a
group consisting of a single residue in a protein the SAS will be
computed as if the rest of the protein is not there. Very useful when
you want to compute protein-protein interface areas."
=> therefore, if i select a group consisting of a single residue, which is
How to pass an .m2p file to xpm2ps to change the dimensions
of the plot, data point size, etc. ???
Thank you
Chih-Ying Lin wrote:
> Hi
> With the following two commands,
> do_dssp -f 6LYZ-MD.xtc -s 6LYZ-MD.tpr -o secondary-structure.xpm -sc
how many water molecules used to run MD?
what is the criteria for this?
I found some water.gro including 216 or 512 water molecules.
Is it enough to include 216 or 512 water molecules only in MD system?
For TIP4P; there are 4 coordinates to determine a water molecule.
For TIP5P; there are
Could anyone tell me how to construct the solvent box of TIP4P and TIP5P model?
And, how to construct water_TIP4P.itp and and water_TIP5P.itp ?
Thank you very much
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Would you please explain "the short-range potential saturated"?
What is the short-range potential?
Also, how to measure the short-range potential?
Thank you
On 9/22/08, Vitaly Chaban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi
> > how many water molecules used to run MD?
> >
> > what is the crit
What is the atom type of Nitrogen inside the molecule R-N(CH3)3 ?
I check the ffG53a5.itp and ffG53a6.itp and the related Gromos FF papers.
There are 6 atom types for Nitrogen.
N peptide nitrogen (NH)
NT terminal nitrogen (NH2)
NL terminal nitrogen (NH3)
NR aromatic
What is the atom type of Nitrogen inside the molecule R-N(CH3)3 ?
I check the ffG53a5.itp and ffG53a6.itp and the related Gromos FF papers.
There are 6 atom types for Nitrogen.
N peptide nitrogen (NH)
NT terminal nitrogen (NH2)
NL terminal nitrogen (NH3)
NR aromatic
The command
#include "ffXXX.itp" is putting in the .top file.
I was told that this command will automatically assign the force field
parameters which I did not assign in my .top file.
I want to print out the complete force field paramters which the command
"#include "ffXXX.itp" assigned.
The command
#include "ffXXX.itp" is putting in the .top file.
How does this command automatically assign the force field
parameters which I did not assign in my .top file?
Is it based on the atom types which I assign in my .top file?
Then, all the force field parameters from "include ff
I heard that it takes very long to see a micelle forming.
How long should be the simulation time to see the micelle forming?
How many nanoseconds to put on the simulation?
Is there any particular difference to simulate the micelles than other system?
My simulation steps are
1. prepare the topo
; ai aj funct
8 9 gb_28
is correct...
; ai aj funct
8 9
is INCORECT... and 8 , 9 will NOT be automatically bonded, right?
The same for the nonbonded parts, right?
Thank you
On 9/22/08, Justin A. Lemkul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What size of the simulation system can be really represent the real situation?
Once I decide the box size,
the water density can determine the # of water molecules to put in.
And, the concentration can determine the # of the solute to put in.
Is the procedure correct?
Thank you
Would you please say more about your system?
How do you design / decide your simulation size of 100 surfactants +100
co-surfactants + 4000 water molecules??
How many surfactants will form a micelle?
How many atoms does one surfactant have?
How many atoms does one co-surfactant have?
Do you sta
Is there TIP4P-Ew in the Gromacs 3.3.3 available?
In the top file, there is only tip4p.top and tip4p.gro.
Are they the same as TIP4P-Ew model?
Thank you
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Is it the only thing that I have to do ? =>
"get the original paper and adapt the tip4p.top
to a tip4p-ew.top"
Then, I can say my system is under the water model-TIP4P-Ew.
And, other simulation procedures are all the same for any kind of water
Am I right?
Thank you
> Hi
> Is
How about the tip4p.gro ?
Should I modify it?
If so, how to modify it?
Thank you
> Hi
> Is there TIP4P-Ew in the Gromacs 3.3.3 available?
> In the top file, there is only tip4p.top and tip4p.gro.
> Are they the same as TIP4P-Ew model?
TIP4P-Ew is parameterization of TIP4P for tre
There are several parameters to determine a TIP4P or TIP4P-Ew water.
r(OH), Å
HOH, deg
r(OM), Å
A × 10−3, kcal Å12/mol
B, kcal Å6/mol
dipole moment
But, from the tip4p.itp, I only found
r(OH), Å
HOH, deg
where are the other parameters to put in?
Thank you
I followed the tutorials
the procedure is
1. create the box
Use a standard cubic box and be sure that the protein does not see its
images. This means that the distance from the the box wall should be greater
than half of the cut-off (1.4 nm
I want to prepare for the TIP4P-Ew.gro.
Is TIP4P-Ew.gro exactly equal to TIP4P.gro which is found in the Gromacs
file ?
Thank you
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search
I found this improper dihedral angle type
#define gi_2 35.26439 334.84617
; tetrahedral centres 80
for -N-(CH3)3- group
and in my .top file
; ai aj ak al funct
N CH3CH3 CH32 gi_2
Is this right?
Thank you
I put a +1 charge molecule in gas phase and run MD without adding the
Counter ions.
And, I got the following warning:
Although I checked the manual, I don't know how to increase the Table-extension.
Thank you
Warning: 1-4 interaction between 12 and 19 at distance 1.469 which is
larger th
I make .pdb file to .gro file.
With the VMD, the atoms are seen NOT conneced.
Is there any possible errors in my .gro file?
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search
When I run MD, my system is exploding.
And, I found after minimisation, the atoms of my molecule are seperated apart.
The overall charge of my system is +1, and I put one molecule in the
gas phase to do the structure test. But, it was already exploding.
Is it hard for a +1 charge molecule to
.pdb to .gro => the atoms are not conneced with VMD
>From "Lu Tian"=>
When .pdb convert to .gro,connecting information will lost,if the
distance between two atoms in .gro is too long,they won't be
Can Gromacs recognize that they are connected from the .gro file?
Thank you
How to assign / make ionion bonds?
Thank you
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
Please don't post (un)sub
>From the following tutorial, the protein pdb file is downloaded from the
Protein Data Bank. Before running the MD simulation, we have to make sure
the structure property. I have some questions about this tutorials.
1. Make sure that there are
Could anyone please to direct me the code / the command (pdb2gmx)
, which can transfer .pdb file to .gro file?
Thank you
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archi
I am creating the water box with the following command.
The maxsol = 800; but # of SOL = 27;
The H2O water density = 6.4617 g/l << 1000 g/l
Did I do anything wrong on my genbox command or 1w.gro file?
Thank you
genbox -cp 1w.gro -cs 1w.gro -o box.gro -box 5 5 5 -maxsol 800
Output con
As Mark described ,
> "So when you tile these cubes of side length 1.86nm in a 3x3x3 grid, you
> over-fill a cube of side length 5nm and get 27 water molecules. Use the
> standard water .gro files in the distribution and then minimize and
> equilibrate. "
And, how could I find the standard wa
I have the following error and I could not solve it after checking all
the possible solutions on line.
Thank you
Program grompp, VERSION 3.3.3
Source code file: toppush.c, line: 1193
Fatal error:
[ file "/usr/local/gromacs/share/gro
In the file , /usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top/
there is a document named tip3p.itp
but there is no tip3p.gro
how to create the tip3p.gro
Thank you
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
I still have no idea about this.
Some useful information from Archive is the application on using
GROMACS' spc topology with ffamber.
But, I am using Gromacs straight without ffamber.
How should I solve the problem?
Thank you
gmx-users maili
Here is my pdb file.
#PBS -l nodes=2
echo Working directory is $PBS_O_WORKDIR
mpirun -np 2 g_energy_mpi -f minim_ener.edr -o minim_ener.xvg
11 0
Then, it showed
Fatal error:
No energy terms selected
How to fix the problem
Thank you
Apparently the spc.itp is included in the wrong place in your topology
file. Time to read chapter 5 of the manual and get acquainted with the
topology file format.
-- Forwarded message --
From: Chih-Ying Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, Oct 30,
My system did not include protein.
When I run grompp to add water, it showed the warning.
WARNING 1 [file aminoacids.dat, line 1]
Could I just negect the warning since no protein in my system?
Thank you
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gro
I used the command.
grompp -f fullmd.mdp -c minimized_water.gro -p xxx.top -o fullmd.tpr
It showed the following WARNING.
WARNING 1 [file aminoacids.dat, line 1]
My system did not include any protein.
So, could I skip/neglect the WARNING??
Thank you
The following is the message after s
There are A_molecules, ion_Br , and water in the system and I will
make the .mdp files for the system. In the .mdp file, energygrps,
temperature coupling need to indicate the specified groups.
Could I just indicate these three kinds of groups, A_molecules,
ion_Br, and water ?
However, here is
.gro file
MD of 2 waters, t= 0.0
1ABC OW11 0.126 1.624 1.679 0.1227 -0.0580 0.0434
1ABC HW22 0.190 1.661 1.747 0.8085 0.3191 -0.7791
1ABC HW33 0.177 1.568 1.613 -0.9045 -2.6469 1.3180
2ABC OW14 1.275 0.053 0.622 0.2519 0.3140 -0.
Hi Tsjerk and all Gromacs contributors:
I am very sorry about my inappropriate ways of asking questions.
I am really totally new in Gromacs, MD, Linux, C programmings, and Bio-tech.
No one can discuss with me locally so the thing I can do is to post
all my questions on the mailing lists. Before t
In the spc.itp file,
Is the HEAVY_H = Deuterium ?
Then, H2O become D2O ?
Thank you
#ifdef _FF_GROMOS96
#ifdef HEAVY_H
1 OW 1SOL OW 1 -0.829.95140
2 H 1SOLHW1 1 0.414.03200
In the ions.itp, there is no BR- ion defined (FF_Gromos 96).
But, it was defined in FF_OPLS.
How did people solve the problem?
Could I simply use all of BR-atom (assign it a -1 charge) non-bonded
parameters in FF_Gromos96 instead?
Thank you
Here are part of tip3p.itp and ffG53a6nb.itp.
tip3p.itp => OWT3, HW
ffG53a6nb.itp => OW, H
To make the simulation run, I attempt to replace OWT3 and HW with OW
and H in my tip3p.itp file. Does it make sense ?
In tip3p.itp, OWT3, HW are not defined in a specific / limited force field ??
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