Re: [gmx-users] COMPASS force field revisited Bond Dihedral and Angle Dihedral cross terms

2012-02-21 Thread Broadbent, Richard
On 21/02/2012 19:02, "David van der Spoel" wrote: > On 2/21/12 6:17 PM, Richard Broadbent wrote: >> Dear All, >> >> I am considering conducting a simulation of a polymeric system in >> gromacs. I would like to use the COMPASS forcefield as it has a complete >> parameter set for my molecule. >

Re: [gmx-users] How to read in mdcrd files to gromacs?

2012-03-29 Thread Broadbent, Richard
Dear Cat, > Dear experts, > > I am trying to do the following command: > > /usr/local/gromacs/bin/g_covar_d -s test.pdb -f test.mdcrd -o -v > If you are using -o & -v options you should specify files for them > But the following error message is found: > >

RE: [gmx-users] How to build 1-4 pairs tables for -tablep in mdrun?

2012-05-07 Thread Broadbent, Richard
Dear Marcelo, I think you need to calm down. You are using a very nice piece of free code which has in excellent documentation as well as being open source. If you are using a piece of software in a non-standard way it stands to reason that it might not be documented. When this occurs in my re

Re: [gmx-users] compiling on different architecture than the compute nodes architecture

2013-02-07 Thread Broadbent, Richard

Re: [gmx-users] Bond potential of atom groups

2013-02-13 Thread Broadbent, Richard
Dear Steven, There is no universal method to do this and many people spend years studying the various techniques. However, gives an overview of some of the most widespread techniques used and its references will provide further details. Futhermore, the

Re: [gmx-users] Virtual sites setting

2013-03-28 Thread Broadbent, Richard
Dear Rajiv, Without a clear explanation of what you are doing and the specific error message from grompp it is impossible to offer any sensible advice. Other pieces of information which might be useful would be, the topology file, the actual grompp line, and the gro file for a single CO molecule

Re: [gmx-users] virtusal site setting

2013-03-29 Thread Broadbent, Richard
Dear Rajiv, The .itp looks fine to me except for the coefficient in the virtual site which I think should be much closer to 0.5. If the issue is that you don't have the coordinate on the COM in your .gro file then you will need to generate it yourself. If you have one CO molecule which you use to

Re: [gmx-users] Setting virtual sites ?

2013-04-04 Thread Broadbent, Richard
Please include the full error message and the grompp line you used when asking for help. Without them I can't tell what you are doing. Richard On 04/04/2013 17:40, "라지브간디" wrote: > >Dear Richard, > >I've included the COM in my .gro and also updated the rtp, atp and >ffnonbonded.itp files as wel

Re: [gmx-users] mdrun -rdd and -dds flag

2013-04-11 Thread Broadbent, Richard
On 11/04/2013 11:17, "manara r. (rm16g09)" wrote: >Dear gmx-users, > >I am having a problem with a periodic molecule and the domain >decomposition, I wish to use a high number of processors (circa 180, but >can obviously be reduced) and therefore need to use the -rdd or -dds >flags (I believe),

Re: [gmx-users] switching and shifting in GMX 4.6 on GPUs

2013-04-13 Thread Broadbent, Richard
On 12/04/2013 21:50, "Jesper Sørensen" wrote: >Hi Berk and others, > >Sorry it has been a long time since this issue was posted, but I got >side-tracked from this issue with other projects. And I want to make sure >I understand this correctly before venturing into more simulations. So >this get

Re: [gmx-users] Issue running gromacs in Cluster

2013-05-13 Thread Broadbent, Richard
On 13/05/2013 08:46, "Sainitin Donakonda" wrote: >Hello, > >I am trying to run 20 ns protein ligand simulation on cluster using >following MD.MDP file > >; 7.3.3 Run Control >integrator = md; leap-frog integrator >dt = 0.002

Re: Aw: Re: [gmx-users] GPU-based workstation

2013-05-25 Thread Broadbent, Richard
I've been running on my Universities GPU nodes these are one E5-xeon (6-cores 12 threads) and have 4 Nvidia 690gtx's. My system is 93 000 atoms of DMF under NVE. The performance has been a little disappointing ~10ns/day. On my home system using a core i5-2500 and a nvidia 560ti I get 5.4ns/day

Re: [gmx-users] OPLSAA.ff

2013-05-31 Thread Broadbent, Richard
The conversion is in ffnonbonded.itp. However, unless you plan to modify the forcefield you shouldn't need this. Richard On 01/06/2013 00:57, "Hari Pandey" wrote: >Dear Gromacs users, > >I am a new user and I have some questions > I confused about indexing. in atomtypes.atp clearly we can kn

Re: [gmx-users] vsite as interaction site for COM of benzene

2012-06-08 Thread Broadbent, Richard
Dear Thomas, Whilst in principle a constraint should do what you are asking, you might be better off using multiple vsites to solve the problem so that there is an algebraic as apposed to numerical mapping of the forces. My immediate thought is to use two type 3 (or if necessary type 3fd) virtual

Re: [gmx-users] angle constraints

2012-07-24 Thread Broadbent, Richard
An Angle constraint amounts to fixing a triangle. To do this you need to constrain the distances between all the atoms as you know the of the bonds 6064, 6063 and 6063, 6065 and the angle between the two bonds it is a trivial geometry problem calculate the length of the third side of the triangle (

Re: [gmx-users] angle constraints

2012-07-25 Thread Broadbent, Richard
Virtual sites are by definition have no mass. If you simply ignore the mass of the carbon the molecule will be too light and its translational momentum will therefore be too small meaning it will move too quickly. If you place half the mass of the carbon on each oxygen the moment of inertia will

Re: [gmx-users] trajectory file formats

2012-08-13 Thread Broadbent, Richard
As these are binary files the formatting can be quite complex I would suggest using the library available here: This includes all the functions necessary to read/write these formats and is licensed under LGPL. Richard On 13/08

Re: [gmx-users] Holes in the solvent!

2012-10-30 Thread Broadbent, Richard
Dear Arman, I've noticed a similar effect where large voids appear in a solvent when running long nose-hoover NVT simulations. I have checked and it is not a pbc artefact. I found that if I turn the thermostat off the holes go away. I've also found that reducing the number of cores removes the hol

[gmx-users] Virtual Sites in a polymer backbone

2011-10-10 Thread Broadbent, Richard
I wish to keep certain parts of the backbone of my polymer rigid and planar, as my primary interest is in the long length and timescale motion of the polymer. I am attempting to utilise virtual sites as a means to keep aromatic groups rigid and planar. My intention is to replace groups such as p

Re: [gmx-users] Virtual Sites in a polymer backbone

2011-10-10 Thread Broadbent, Richard
> > Any particular reason why improper dihedrals would not be suitable? They are > significantly easier to implement. Yes the force field parameters for the molecule are not known and I am therefore fitting the parameters to Density Functional Theory. If I allow the units to move out of plane eve

Re: [gmx-users] how to calculate the normal of plane for Tryptophan or how to get the comparison matrix in g_rms

2011-10-15 Thread Broadbent, Richard
Have you thought about using the cross product. If you took the cross product of the unit vector in the direction of every atom starting from atom 1 then moved on to starting from atom 2 and so on you would have a set of vectors normal to every group of three atoms. If you then normalised them

Re: [gmx-users] output logfile

2011-12-03 Thread Broadbent, Richard
Hi Sanku The ^M ‘s in that sample indicate a line break that was issued by a different text formatting standard. This frequently happens if files are generated in one OS say Windows then viewed in another say unix. Is your version of gromacs compiled for your system or was is compiled for a dif

Re: [gmx-users] Settles vs. 3 normal constraints (energy conservation problem)

2013-06-25 Thread Broadbent, Richard
For my system reducing shake-tol greatly improves the energy conservation generally 1.0e-7 is the largest I would use. However if you want very good energy conservation 1.0e-9 or lower might be needed. This effect might only be for my system but I think it might help here too Richard On 25/06/20