Dear Silard,


Compiled, linked and installed without warning using intel-suite/2013,
mpi/intel-3.1, and cmake/2.8.9 I was compiling release-4-6 out of the git
repository ( 06935659a3125d9b44b84c57e67cb6788fda42c1 ). The job using
that executable is still in the queue, however, another one built using
the sse2 kernels ran a minimisation on a single core without problems.

How much faster fftw3 is than mkl for gromacs, is the difference likely to
be on the scale of 1-2% or 10%?



On 07/02/2013 02:17, "Szilárd Páll" <> wrote:

>On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 6:03 PM, Richard Broadbent <
>> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I would like to compile gromacs 4.6 to run with the correct acceleration
>> on the compute nodes on our local cluster. Some of the nodes have intel
>> sandy-bridge whilst others only have sse4.1 and some (including the
>> and single core job nodes) are still stuck on ssse3 (gmx would use sse2
>> acceleration here).
>> Installing several versions is not a problem however, I'm not sure how
>> make cmake build a version of the code that is not using the
>> for the system on which the code is being compiled. Restrictions on job
>> sizes makes running the compilation on the sandy-bridge nodes almost
>> impossible. Can anyone let me know which flags cmake needs to enable
>> avx-256 acceleration?
>> my standard cmake line is:
>> $ CC=mpiicc CXX=mpiicpc ; cmake -DGMX_OPENMP=ON  -DGMX_MPI=ON
>> -DMKL_LIBRARIES="$MKLROOT/lib/**intel64/;$**
>> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/**libs/gromacs  ../
>Note that MKL (without the fftw wrappers) is known to not work out of the
>box. Making it work requires a fairly simple workaround described here:
>Additionally, note that FFTW is in most cases faster than MKL (but if you
>find the contrary do let us know).
>> Thanks,
>> Richard
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