Probably, make your broken molecules whole before passing them to grompp.
On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 8:26 AM, Sathish Kumar wrote:
> The sum of the two largest charge group radii (13.336) is larger
> than rlist(1.2) - rvdw/rcoulomb i am getting this error while running
> membrane simulations.
Dear all users
I have simulated a protein with two chains (153 residues each) for
50ns(restarting crashed run 3 times) using a cubic box with each side as
11nm. After finding the closest distance between the periodic images, I
found that the closest distance becomes lesser than 1 after 23ns for f
Hi Nidhi,
These are periodicity artifacts. Make sure that you remove jumps over PBC
from your trajectory by using trjconv -pbc nojump.
On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Nidhi Katyal wrote:
> Dear all users
> I have simulated a protein with two chains (153 residues each) for
Dear Sir,
I am doing fullerene interaction with DMPC , i downloaded
the gro file from the website mentioned in the tutorial. I was keep the
fullerene on the top of DMPC. But in the gro file already water is present.
If i removed that water molecules and adding new water molecul
Thank you sir.
On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 2:48 PM, Tsjerk Wassenaar wrote:
> Hi Nidhi,
> These are periodicity artifacts. Make sure that you remove jumps over PBC
> from your trajectory by using trjconv -pbc nojump.
> Cheers,
> Tsjerk
> On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Nidhi Katyal >wr
Hi Everyone,
I'm writing to let you guys know that we have developed a web-based tool MD
simulation tool for GROMACS. It is a software package primarily developed
for biological MD and offers a huge amount of possible options and settings
for tailoring the simulations. Seamlessly integrated with
Is there a link to the documentation? It's a little difficult to know
exactly what this supposed to be doing. Is it a GUI interface to
In general, it would be great to get these sort of extensions
coordinated with the main gromacs development tree, since otherwise
they would tend to get
Dear all,
I have some doubt for the output force. What contributions do the output
forces in .trr file include? Certainly, the pair forces and bonded
interactions are included. However, if the external field (such as electric
field) is applied, is the external force included? In addition, if the
Hi Michael,
Sorry, if this is not the right place to post message of such. To answer
your question, it is a web-based GUI interface to GROMACS, which is a
perfect fit for those who are trying to learn MD or to run large scale
protein simulations on HPC.
Best Regards,
Kevin"Feng" Chen, Ph.D.
On 10/22/13 9:15 AM, Sathish Kumar wrote:
Dear Sir,
I am doing fullerene interaction with DMPC , i downloaded
the gro file from the website mentioned in the tutorial. I was keep the
fullerene on the top of DMPC. But in the gro file already water is present.
If i removed th
Hi Everyone,
I am having an awkward situation. I want to use g_density to get the
density profile of a lipid bilayer. At first glance, it looks like a
trivial task. But for my case, it's not because I have conflicting atom
names from two different molecules. I am using GROMOS 53a6. In DPPC
On 10/22/13 9:05 PM, Bin Liu wrote:
Hi Everyone,
I am having an awkward situation. I want to use g_density to get the
density profile of a lipid bilayer. At first glance, it looks like a
trivial task. But for my case, it's not because I have conflicting atom
names from two different molecules.
It is strange but such combination works:
CC=icc CXX=icpc ~/cmake-2.8.12/bin/cmake ..
It was a command that our cluster administrator was able to configure
I have some simulations of inserting a probe molecule into a bilayer. Some
molecules work fine. However, a certain class of molecules is taking an
absurdly long time to run the exact same simulation, even though I energy
minimized the molecules individually beforehand and there are no overlaps.
I am running a NPT simulation for cyclopropylchloride(1) in
50%water(100)+50%ethanol(100) using opls force field parameter .
After equilibration box size increases from 20 A to 70 A.
I used the following mdp file.
integrator = sd
; start time and
It depending the time steps that u used or the molecule that u had is
big..Thats why ur EM take a long time..Is better take a long time
rather than quick but had a lot of errors..
On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 9:59 AM, Nimmy McNimmerson [via GROMACS]
> I have some simulations of inserting a prob
We recently had a software upgrade in our cluster from gromacs 4.5.4. to
gromacs 4.6.3.. I need to continue an earlier simulation that had been run
in 4.5.4. using the .cpt, .tpr and .mdp.
Are there any issues with continuing these runs in 4.6.3.? Can I
concatenate these trajectories for late
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