Have a look at this one:
The effect of box shape on the dynamic properties of proteins simulated under
periodic boundary conditions Author(s): Wassenaar, TA (Wassenaar, TA); Mark, AE
Pages: 316-325 DOI: 10.1002/jcc
--- On Mon, 23/4/12, francesco oteri wrote:
> Hi Ignacio,actually .cpt contains velocities and, to extract a .gro
> containing them, you can try to use editconf.
Thank you, Francesco.
editconf doesn't appear to read .cpt files, trjconv does. But my problem is
that trjconv does not write veloci
On Mon, 2012-04-23 at 12:41 -0400, Justin A. Lemkul wrote:
> On 4/23/12 11:36 AM, Bala subramanian wrote:
> > Friends,
> > I have created the top (attached) file for a tripeptide using pdb2gmx tool
> > of
> > gromacs. However in the top file, i dnt see the pdb2gmx writing the ff
> > parameter
Dear Gmx users,
Will standart Widom technique to calculate the chemical potential (e.g. for
water where we introduce extra water molecule and the interaction energy is
compared using integrator: tpi) for the protein in vacuum? So in this case
shall I introcuce extra protein and do it as with water
Dear gmx-users:
I was trying to do a free energy calculation of a charged ligand, according to
the paper "Calculation of Absolute Binding Free Energies for Charged Ligands
and Effects of Long-Range Electrostatic Interactions ", one of the problems
with charged ligands is that the use of a sol
-- Forwarded message --
From: Rossen Apostolov
Date: Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 11:53 PM
Subject: Re: error in using gromacs for MD simulation
To: vineetha mandlik
Please send your questions to the mailing list gmx-users@gromacs.org. This
is the administrative mail.
On 2012
Could you explain what you aim to do in more detail?
24 apr 2012 kl. 11.34 skrev Steven Neumann:
> Dear Gmx users,
> Will standart Widom technique to calculate the chemical potential (e.g. for
> water where we introduce extra water molecule and the interaction energy is
> compared using
I want to calculate some thermodynamics property of the protein in vacuum -
It can be chemical potential, free energy or surface tension. Just thinkin
of something very simple. I want to use this property to coarse grain my
protein and develope the force field for it. Would you suggest some easy
Dear gmx-users,
I know that this is one of the most frequent subjects in the gmx-users list,
however please let me ask you for a direct answer, since it seems to me that
this particular question was not treated before.
I'm performing MD simulations on a dimeric protein, using a rhombic
Dear Gromacs Specialists,
I ran one micelle system and obtained the radius of gyration for this as
follows: (g_analyze -f gyrate.xvg -av -ee)
standard - cumulants from those of
set average deviation sqrt(n-1) a Gaussian distribition
Dear Gromacs users,
I set up a simulation of 4 Hypericin molecules for 5 ns.
2 of them formed a dimer.
Is there any way to find the dissociation constant Kd and bond energy of
Hypericin ?
Thanks in advance
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Using the option '-com' results in a RDF were the reference group is the
center of mass (COM) of the first group.
-> In a system with pure benzene and using the whole system as a group,
this reference point would be somewhere in the middle of the box. And
choosing this group twice, would result
Thanks for the explanation. I should have used apt values for nstxtcout to get
what I want.
Thanks again
Il 23.04.12, "Justin A. Lemkul" ha scritto:
> On 4/23/12 10:59 AM, Shilpi Chaurasia wrote:
> > Hi Gromacs users,
> >
> >I am using pull code to separate two units of a protei
On 4/24/12 7:47 AM, Hovakim Grabski wrote:
Dear Gromacs users,
I set up a simulation of 4 Hypericin molecules for 5 ns.
2 of them formed a dimer.
Is there any way to find the dissociation constant Kd and bond energy of
Hypericin ?
Umbrella sampling is one method from which you might be able
On 4/24/12 6:51 AM, Anna Marabotti wrote:
Dear gmx-users,
I know that this is one of the most frequent subjects in the gmx-users list,
however please let me ask you for a direct answer, since it seems to me that
this particular question was not treated before.
I'm performing MD simulations on a
I am running a 60,000 atom system with 128 core in a blue gene
cluster. and it is only 1ns/day here is the script I used for
submitting jobs:
# @ job_name = gmx_test
# @ class = kdm-large
# @ error = gmx_test.err
# @ output = gmx_test.out
# @ wall_clock_limit = 00:20:00
# @ job_t
On 4/24/12 9:42 AM, Albert wrote:
I am running a 60,000 atom system with 128 core in a blue gene cluster. and it
is only 1ns/day here is the script I used for submitting jobs:
# @ job_name = gmx_test
# @ class = kdm-large
# @ error = gmx_test.err
# @ output = gmx_test.out
# @ wall_
Hi Anna,
If there is a representation in which the units are together, then
they're together. Trjconv can't put things together which are, in
fact, separated.
On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 12:51 PM, Anna Marabotti
> Dear gmx-users,
> I know that this is one of the most frequent
On Tue, 24 Apr 2012 15:42:15 +0200
Albert wrote:
> hello:
>I am running a 60,000 atom system with 128 core in a blue gene
> cluster. and it is only 1ns/day here is the script I used for
You don't give any information what exact system that is (L/P/Q?), if
you run single or double pr
Thanks for your earlier reply:
./configure worked after I set CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS but I am still not able to
install gromacs.
I configured using the following command:
./configure --disable-threads --enable-all-static --without-xml
It worked without any error messages.
I entered make and
Hi all
I'd like to do a selection of atom names such as:
a C1 C3 C2 C4
to get an index file with 4 atoms (no other matches in the file) and
then use it with g_angle to calculate the dihedral. The problem is that
make_ndx does not keep the order of atoms in the resulting index file as
they ar
Dear Gromacs Users,
I am using gromacs version is 4.5.3. and running my jobs on single node
with 8 cores.
I have two different systems which contain about 425000 atoms (protein +
Lipid +SOL) one with bound ligand
and another one unbound protein. I have successfully reached up to
NPT equilibrati
> hello:
> I am running a 60,000 atom system with 128 core in a blue gene
> cluster. and it is only 1ns/day here is the script I used for
> submitting jobs:
> # @ job_name = gmx_test
> # @ class = kdm-large
> # @ error = gmx_test.err
> # @ output = gmx_test.out
> # @ wall_clock_limit = 00
Dear Gromacs users and developers,
I found Gromacs 4.5.5 problematic in NEMD calculations for viscosity. As a
simple benchmark, I did some calculations for water (TIP5P) and the results are
I applied two methods for the calculation in 300K, 512 waters: 1. momentum
fluctuations, 2. pe
Hi gmxusers,
Hope you are well. I am trying to apply position restraints to my crystal
waters (just briefly, 1-2ns) but have been unsuccessful.
Taking into account the advice from this thread
http://lists.gromacs.org/pipermail/gmx-users/2012-February/068780.html, this
was what I had done:
hello guys:
thank you very much for kind reply.
I am not sure about the thread version since there is only bigsize
version of it. And the administrator told me that I have to use the
multiples of 32 in the bg_size parameter. The number specified in "-np"
should be 4 times bg_size.
it is blue gene P. And the gromacs is single precision in the
cluster. Getting Loaded...And the administrator told me that I have to
use the multiples of 32 in the bg_size parameter. The number specified
in "-np" should be 4 times bg_size.
It is even slower than my own workstation
Dear gmx users,
I want to simulate popc in water. What I have done is:
1.Build the popc.top file using the popc.itp parameters and including gmx.ff,
lipid.itp and spce.itp in it as below;
; Include forcefield parameters
#include "./gmx.ff/forcefield.itp"
; Include water topology
#include "./gmx
28 matches
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