limei zhang wrote:
Hi to all,
I did surface calculation on a protein either with or without
Cu-binding, using g_sas with exactly the same parameter setting. For the
delta solvation energy from the output file (the the 5th column in the
output file with a label of D Gsol), non-Cu bound prote
Hi All,
I am doing a 5 peptide simulation, and i want to analyze some of the basic
properties like radius of gyration, distance between peptides etc. but i
wanted to do it in a situation when all my peptides are inside the box.
Due to pbc i am getting artifacts. i tried all the -pbc option (inbox,
Dear Gromacs users,
I am planing to do MD of an enzyme that has a Zn in its active site. Up
to now I have used QM/MM or ONIOM approaches but now I need to perform a
long MD and would like to model the Zn with MM, preferably in OPLS.
I know that there are three possible approaches: Bonded, nonbonded
Hi All,
I am doing a 5 peptide simulation, and i want to analyze some of the basic
properties like radius of gyration, distance between peptides etc. but i
wanted to do it in a situation when all my peptides are inside the box.
Due to pbc i am getting artifacts. i trie
rams rams wrote:
Dear Users,
I have a question about separating a system into energy groups. In my
system, I have a metal atom and a few residues close to the metal atom
(catalytic center). I ran the simulation with out any restraints. In the
most representative structure, the catalytic cen
Hi All,
I am interested in doing Coarse Grained MD in GROMACS. Is there any module in
GROMACS with which I can do this? Please tell me the procedure of doing CGMD in
GROMACS. Thanks a lot.
Anirban Ghosh
M.Tech Bioinformatics
University of Hyderabad
Explore your hobbies and int
Hi Ramon,
Zinc should be considered as one of those "exotic species"
( It's almost
impossible to give a set of parameters which will work for all zinc
binding sites. Actually, it's best to parameterize based on the
environment. Now, if you have QM/
Read just about any of the papers from Marrink's group.
Anirban Ghosh wrote:
Hi All,
I am interested in doing Coarse Grained MD in GROMACS. Is there any
module in GROMACS with which I can do this? Please tell me the procedure
of doing CGMD in GROMACS. Thanks a lot.
Hi all
I have installed gromacs 3.3.3 in one of my 32 machine fedora core 2.
so check i tried to to do speptide tutorial in
But when i m running grompp for position restraint with the command
grompp -f pr -o pr -c after_em -r after_em -p speptide
Check the information on the gromacs wiki about this:
17 jul 2008 kl. 14.38 skrev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Hi all
I have installed gromacs 3.3.3 in one of my 32 machine fedora core 2.
so c
For warnings/errors, etc. please check the archive and wiki before posting. I
just responded to a similar issue a few days ago:
Hi all
I have installed gromacs 3.3.3 in one of my 32 machine fedo
Also check Prof. Marrink's website:
There are good instructions to get started, for both lipids (2004 FF) and
proteins (MArtini)
> Message: 6
> Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 07:55:19 -0400
> From: "Justin A. Lemkul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [gmx-u
Original Message
Subject: questions about surface tension
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 21:27:28 +0800
To: David van der Spoel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dir Sir
I must apologize if I've disturbed you.
I have been learning the molecular dyn
I have some questions about the surface tension calculations:
1. For the formula, \gamma_m=(P_N - P_L) * L_z / 2, is it only
available for a flat surface, like a lipid bilayer in water ? For example, the
surface fluctuation of lipid bilayer often occur in the simulation, sometimes,
I am running constraint pulling on a peptide chain. After the run, the
pull.pdo file outputs the time, along with the force (in kJ/(mol nm)). The
problem is that the forces are oscillating between almost 1000 pN. I tried to
reduce the constraint tolerance, but it does not help that m
Hi all,
who has the CHARMM FF working with Gromacs? I heard that Erik's group has
something working. Is this correct? My impression is that all force terms
are supported in the CVS version including CMAP. But obviously converting
the files in the itp format is not trivial. Which converters do you
Hi Roland,
We have it working with pdb2gmx, but not CMAP yet, but we're working on
integrating that. I'll see what I can do about pushing things into CVS when
I'm back from vacation in two weeks!
On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 6:57 PM, Roland Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
Hi Erik,
Despite ffamber seems more developed for GMX, can you tell us if
pdb2gmx (for next release) is also working for amber or we still need
to tweak the pdb input file (Nxxx and Cxxx terms, CYN etc.)?
Many thanks in advance,
> Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 21:49:56 +0200
> From: "Erik Lindahl"
Hi Erik,
Despite ffamber seems more developed for GMX, can you tell us if
pdb2gmx (for next release) is also working for amber or we still need
to tweak the pdb input file (Nxxx and Cxxx terms, CYN etc.)?
Many thanks in advance,
> Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 21:49:56 +0200
> From: "Erik Lindahl"
We also have a implementation of CHARMM(27) for Gromacs, but without
CMAP as well. The main limitation is the computational cost due to the
CHARMM TIP3P water model (it cannot be treated by the special code
dedicated to water). IIRW the Gromacs 4 publication, the authors said
there is no partic
I think, setting tc groups = system will solve this issue.
On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 Justin A.Lemkul wrote :
>For warnings/errors, etc. please check the archive and wiki before posting. I
>just responded to a similar issue a few days ago:
Stradbroke Island, Brisbane Australia
A small school/retreat on classical molecular dynamics simulation
techniques will be held from the 8th to the 12th of September 2008. The
retreat has been organized as a satellite setting the WATOC (World
Organization for Theoretically Orientated Chemists
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