> wrote:Send gmx-users mailing list submissions toDate: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 07:21:46 -0700
From: "David Mobley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Re: [gmx-users] langevin dynamicsGerrit is right, with "sd", the friction is set by tau_t, as described
in the se
The bd_fric=0 results in the usage of mass/tau_t as the friction
coefficient. You should find the tau_t option somewhere in the output as
As David mentioned, changing tau_t changes the results. And this leads
me to one question, as I see an increase in average temperature upon
I want to use g_dipoles to calculate the dielectric constant epsilon of
peptides. The peptides contain between 20 and 40 Aminoacids and are
solvated in dodecahedron water box.
How can I define the -mu option in a system with a water solvated
How is the total dipole moment calculated
On Tue, 2006-08-01 at 12:39 +0200, Guido Humpert wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to use g_dipoles to calculate the dielectric constant epsilon of
> peptides. The peptides contain between 20 and 40 Aminoacids and are
> solvated in dodecahedron water box.
> How can I define the -mu option in a system wit
Dear all:
I made a simulation about a polyelectrolyte with some ions, it runs ok
when I use cut-off for both Wdv and Coulomb. However I get the
following error when I change it to PME. I attache my mdp file . Could
someone help me to find what it's wrong in my file?. Thanks in advance.
Cesar Araujo wrote:
Anybody knows if there is some way to tell pdb2gmx to
recognize automatically S-S bonds and not through the modification of
specbond.dat file and -ss option???
it does if they are within the normal distance. are your pdb files ok?
I want to force some disulphide bond a
> Dear all:
> I made a simulation about a polyelectrolyte with some ions, it runs ok
> when I use cut-off for both Wdv and Coulomb. However I get the following
> error when I change it to PME. I attache my mdp file . Could someone
> help me to find what it's wrong in my file?.
Guido Humpert wrote:
I want to use g_dipoles to calculate the dielectric constant epsilon of
peptides. The peptides contain between 20 and 40 Aminoacids and are
solvated in dodecahedron water box.
How can I define the -mu option in a system with a water solvated
your problem is
Jerome Henin wrote:
Okay, now I have a partial answer to my own question. Apparently, when using
the -sort and -shuffle options, the indexfile written by grompp undoes the
shuffling, but not the sorting, so to speak. This became clear when I noticed
that using just -shuffle without -sort produc
Cesar Araujo wrote:
Cesar Araujo wrote:
Anybody knows if there is some way to tell pdb2gmx to
recognize automatically S-S bonds and not through the modification of
specbond.dat file and -ss option???
it does if they are within the normal distance. are your pdb files ok?
I want to force
ninoo mani wrote:
Dear gmx users
I have a protein molecule with few missing residues,
a Lys with CG, CD, CE, NZ missing atoms, and
a Val with CG1, CG2 missing atoms.
I noticed that pdb2gmx reads the pdb file and places the missing atoms.
Are you sure? I'm not aware of such a feature.
Jones de Andrade wrote:
Ok, I know this subject have been discussed in the past.
But I started to wander if the basic conclusion (do not use in parallel,
you should rather use on job for each core) is still up, and if it is,
if there is any hope of change in a foresight future, as well on how
dear all//
is there someone using the merck molecular force field (MMFF94) with
i am very interested in the parameters ...
dr carsten baldauf
biotechnologisches zentrum der tu dresden
having started to use GMX 3.3 since few months, I have a doubt about using PME treatement for
electrostatics and extracting energies from the corresponding .edr file.
After simulation, trying to use g_energy -f energy.edr -o Energy.xvg, I get the
following groups:
First, with rlist = rvdw, you will not get long range Lennard Jones
interactions. In fact I would recommend using a larger vdw cut-off, as
0.9 is very short. Are you sure you are using the same mdp file?
About the LR coulomb, it will only appear if you have rlist < rcoulomb.
In that case the s
> Dear all:
> I made a simulation about a polyelectrolyte with some ions, it runs ok
> when I use cut-off for both Wdv and Coulomb. However I get the following
> error when I change it to PME. I attache my mdp file . Could someone
> help me to find what it's wrong in my file?. Th
I notice you haven't received a response on this; if you are convinced
you're doing the right thing, you might try submitting a bugzilla so
the developers can reproduce your problem.
On 7/31/06, Alexey Shaytan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Michael, Berk, all
I'm curre
By the way, line 75 in fftgrid.c should read:
gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Failed to allocate %u bytes of aligned memory.",size+32);
(removed d in 'allocated' and fixed %u format specifier)
On Tuesday 01 August 2006 11:10, PAUL NEWMAN wrote:
> PAUL NEWMAN wrote:
> > Dear all:
> > I made a simul
First, with rlist = rvdw, you will not get long range Lennard Jones
interactions. In fact I would recommend using a larger vdw cut-off, as
0.9 is very short. Are you sure you are using the same mdp file?
Yes it is and I have used the standard values suggested by GROMACS guide.
(3.2 and 3.
Luca Mollica wrote:
First, with rlist = rvdw, you will not get long range Lennard Jones
interactions. In fact I would recommend using a larger vdw cut-off, as
0.9 is very short. Are you sure you are using the same mdp file?
Yes it is and I have used the standard values suggested by GROM
Thanks Carsten for replying so fast. In my simulation I consider a
single polyelectrolyte chain consisting of 50 charged beads of
valency -1 with 50 oppositely charged counterions of same valency
so my system is 100 atoms. My box simulation is 400 nm x 400 nm x
400 nm and the poly
> PAUL NEWMAN wrote:
> > Dear all:
> > I made a simulation about a polyelectrolyte with some ions, it runs ok
> > when I use cut-off for both Wdv and Coulomb. However I get the following
> > error when I change it to PME. I attache my mdp file . Could someone
> > help me to
Hi, GMX-users,
I encountered a problem when i sheared a cubic box of liquid using "deform" option. I set
the option like this, "deform = 0 0 0 0 0.0005 0", but mdrun did not work. Add the output
error is:
Program mdrun, VERSION 3.3
On Tuesday 01 August 2006 10:08, David van der Spoel wrote:
> Jerome Henin wrote:
> > Okay, now I have a partial answer to my own question. Apparently, when
> > using the -sort and -shuffle options, the indexfile written by grompp
> > undoes the shuffling, but not the sorting, so to speak. This bec
Dear David, all,
I'm not 100% sure that i'm doing everything right, mainly because I have
found only a slight record about pairtypes 2,3 in the manual.
And on the revision list for GROMACS 3.3 this feature is the very last on
the list. So I wonder if it was really implemented in 3.3.1 release?
Message: 2
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2006 16:06:17 +0200
From: David van der Spoel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] missing atoms
Hi Ninoo,
GROMACS will definitely give you warnings over missing atoms, but won't to the
best of my knowledge replace them as David pointed out. Try downloading swi
Dear Gmxers,
i've trying to develop the topology files for FAD and ADP since the GMX 3.3.1
does not have this molecules.
Does someone do it before? I know that FFGMX has one topology of FAD but are
the parameters similar for FF53a61 in GMX 3.3.1?
Thanks in advance.
Samuel Pita.
"Do not wear your
Dear Gmxers,
i've trying to develop the topology files for FAD and ADP since the GMX 3.31
odes not have this molecules.
Does someone it before? I know that FFGMX has one topology of FAD but are the
parameters similar for FF53a61 in GMX 3.3.1?
Thanks in advance.
Samuel Pita.
"Do not wear yourself
Samuel Silva Pita wrote:
Dear Gmxers,
i've trying to develop the topology files for FAD and ADP since the GMX 3.3.1
does not have this molecules.
Does someone do it before? I know that FFGMX has one topology of FAD but are
the parameters similar for FF53a61 in GMX 3.3.1?
Thanks in advance.
Hi David.
Well, it wasn't me who did the test. :)
My problem is that I cannot try it; I rather have to choose what to
buy: extra cores, or extra clock frequency?
Does anybody have an advise on this subject?
Thank you all...
On 8/1/06, David van der Spoel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jones de Andrade wrote:
Hi David.
Well, it wasn't me who did the test. :)
My problem is that I cannot try it; I rather have to choose what to
buy: extra cores, or extra clock frequency?
search the mailing list for woodcrest and you will find Florian Haberl's
If you have to buy n
Hi, I have recently run a MD in gromacs 3.3.1. I would like to calculate the interaction energy between protein and the ligand which i have used. If I use the options LJ-SR or LJ-LR the program is considering it as LJ-14 and giving the same result. Many thanks in advance. Rajaram
Do you Yah
Jerome Henin wrote:
On Tuesday 01 August 2006 10:08, David van der Spoel wrote:
Jerome Henin wrote:
Okay, now I have a partial answer to my own question. Apparently, when
using the -sort and -shuffle options, the indexfile written by grompp
undoes the shuffling, but not the sorting, so to spe
I was not accurate. E(LR) is the total PME energy, and the rest can be
extracted by neutralising selected groups. So the binding energy can
calculated from: E(LR)-E(sol-sol)- E(ligand-ligand)-
E(protein-protein)-E(solvent-ligand)-E(solvent-protein), where e.g.
E(sol-sol) can be calculated w
Just for your information, Erik and I are writing this up in the context
of free energy calculations. We could probably upload a draft to arXiv.
Please do! This is something we're very interested in; if there is
some way to properly handle these right now, we will probably use it.
Hi David
Fortunatelly, I don't have to buy now... But I have to upgrade only
the processor (that's the problem: locked in the sk 939 by now) by the
end of the year. Full new computers only next year (seems to be good,
anyway), with all new techs (dual procs mb for normal people, 4x
cores, etc.).
My name is Sergio Garay, and I'm working on a simulation of a
phospholipid monolayer on a water/air interface. To mimic that system I
have constructed a rectangular box with a thick layer of water at the
center, two monolayer of lipids (with their polar heads pointing toward
water) at each
Hi, All,
I would like to thank Carsten Kutzner, Erik Lindahl,
and David van der Spoel for their advise with my
previous problem with not getting any data with mdrun.
It turned out to be due to the fourier spacing and
the PME order. In addition, David van der Spoel's
suggestion of using a water s
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