Thank you for your advice,I have find define=-DPOSRE in my pr.mdp file,
but I don't know which parameter indicate isotropic force constant of
100kjmol-1A-1. Though I use ref_t=300 for my simulation.
> > > Dear users:
> > > I have a position restrain .mdp file need to set,I use 300K
> >
>> Dear Users,
>> Thank for your help. I started a 10 ns simulation, but it dies because of
>> an error in the cluster PBS system, so I want to continue the simulation
>> from the last (r,v) point. May I still use tpbconv to restart from that
>> last point and continue the simulation.
Hi all:
I ´m working on membrane peptides simulation under lipid (POPC, from
Peter Tieleman group site) and i want to do a popc.itp file using
ffG53a5 force field. Some days ago i was working with dppc membranes
and i took one lipid and run it through pdb2gmx,
using my favourite force field and
Hi David,
Of course, it's not a dogma... But in your case, it will be well
thought over. That makes the difference. (From another point of view,
if the simulation system is small, often you'll still want temperature
coupling anyway...). Anyway, as with all gromacs warnings, they should
just make
Thank you very much for your attention!
Best regards,
Ozge Engin
-Original Message-
To: Discussion list for GROMACS users
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2007 00:35:13 +0800
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Appropriate tool to get the number of solvent
molecules within a cu
Robert Johnson wrote:
Hello everyone,
I'm performing a simulation that includes a 2D infinite SiO2
substrate. I'm not interested in the high frequency motion of the
substrate bonds, so I'm applying position restraints to all the SiO2
atoms. I have other molecules in the system such as water and D
Robert Johnson wrote:
Hello everyone,
I'm performing a simulation that includes a 2D infinite SiO2
substrate. I'm not interested in the high frequency motion of the
substrate bonds, so I'm applying position restraints to all the SiO2
atoms. I have other molecules in the system such as water and D
Hello everyone,
I'm performing a simulation that includes a 2D infinite SiO2
substrate. I'm not interested in the high frequency motion of the
substrate bonds, so I'm applying position restraints to all the SiO2
atoms. I have other molecules in the system such as water and DNA that
require hydroge
Yang Ye wrote:
Actually it is about to add a new form of potential energy function.
A quick but dirty method is to user User Table for NB interaction. Check
it from the manual.
Yang Ye
Tandia, Adama wrote:
Dear ALL:
Is it documented somewhere how can one add a new non-bonded force
try g_trjorder. Some code modification may be needed.
Yang Ye
I want to calculate the number of solvent molecules within a cutoff distance around the protein molecule. I could not find the appropriate command for this in manual. Moreover, I could not understand t
Create the top for the protein alone. Then insert #include
and add new entries under [ molecules ] section
Yang Ye
Christian Seifert wrote:
I want to use the ff oplsaa with tip4p water (as suggested in the manual).
genbox_d -cp hpo4_box.pdb -o hpo4_water.pdb -cs
Milan Melichercik wrote:
Dňa Pi 16. Marec 2007 14:19 Triguero, Luciano O napísal:
Dear Users,
Thank for your help. I started a 10 ns simulation, but it dies because of
an error in the cluster PBS system, so I want to continue the simulation
from the last (r,v) point. May I still use tpbconv
Actually it is about to add a new form of potential energy function.
A quick but dirty method is to user User Table for NB interaction. Check
it from the manual.
Yang Ye
Tandia, Adama wrote:
Dear ALL:
Is it documented somewhere how can one add a new non-bonded force field
into Groma
Thank you,
but only for the record, in my system I have to type
cp \#conf.gro# good.gro
(Note the " \ ")
2007/3/17, Mark Abraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Thanks for you reply but, I'm afraid it doesn't work with me!
> In fact, if I write "more \#conf.gro#" I can read from t
Hi. g_hbond can do that, sort of. You can calculate e.g. the nr of
water oxygens within a certain distance from the protein. The
limitation lies in that g_hbond operates at a atom basis, not
molecule, meaning that there is strictly no way of finding the number
of solvent molecules directly.
Jeroen van Bemmelen wrote:
Hmm, interesting...
And what about the -DFLEXIBLE definition in your mdp file during
steepest descent minimization? Do you know if that will also deform
your (SPC) water molecules? And will that deformation be corrected
again during the first equilibration step(s)?
Stas Bobritsky wrote:
Hi all.
I`m trying to make short MD simulation in tRNA+water+ions(Na+) system.
But mdrun fails with Segmentaiont Fault. I can`t fix it, please help, if
it`s possible.
Gromacs version: 3.3.1
Forcefield: ffamber99p.
most likely a bad starting structure. try to minimize with
try mdrun_d and g_wham:
Can you tell me how to produce pdo file?
thank you very much!
Hi gmx-users
I am a gromacs beginner, I want to do the PMF calculation ,I have done as the
manual said ,I added the ppa, ndx files and got a pdo file . But I don't know
Hmm, interesting...
And what about the -DFLEXIBLE definition in your mdp file during
steepest descent minimization? Do you know if that will also deform
your (SPC) water molecules? And will that deformation be corrected
again during the first equilibration step(s)?
I ask this, because I read o
Hi gmx-users
I am a gromacs beginner, I want to do the PMF calculation ,I have done as the
manual said ,I added the ppa, ndx files and got a pdo file . But I don't know
what to do with this pdo file.
Can anyone tell me what should I do if I want to calculate the PMF?
Thanks in advance.
Hi all.
I`m trying to make short MD simulation in tRNA+water+ions(Na+) system.
But mdrun fails with Segmentaiont Fault. I can`t fix it, please help, if
it`s possible.
Gromacs version: 3.3.1
Forcefield: ffamber99p.
Stas Bobritsky, student.
I want to calculate the number of solvent molecules within a cutoff distance
around the protein molecule. I could not find the appropriate command for this
in manual. Moreover, I could not understand the information for g_sorient.Could
you give me a more detailed explanation for this?
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