Typo in the .gitignore docs?

2019-03-30 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
Hi everyone, I think there is a typo in the gitignore docs. Its stated on https://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore that >If the pattern does not contain a slash /, Git treats it as a shell >glob pattern and checks for a match against the pathname relative to >the location of the .gitignore file (relat

Re: Typo in the .gitignore docs?

2019-04-01 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
> Please send plain text mails. HTML mails are dropped by > git@vger.kernel.org so other people will not see them. Okay sorry. > > On Sun, Mar 31, 2019 at 6:27 PM Dr. Adam Nielsen wrote: > > > > Thank you for your quick response. > > > > I will create a p

[PATCH/docs] make slash-rules more readable

2019-04-05 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
From: Adam Nielsen gitignore.txt: make slash-rules more readable Remove the addition `it is removed for the purpose of the following description` and make clear in which situations a trailing slash is used or not. Increase readability and make all paragraphs valid, even if they are not read i

Re: [PATCH/docs] make slash-rules more readable

2019-04-08 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
An asterisk "`*`" matches anything except a slash. A > pattern "foo/*", for example, matches "foo/test.json" (a > regular file), "foo/bar" (a diretory), but it does not match > "foo/bar/hello.c" (a regular file), as

Re: [PATCH/docs] make slash-rules more readable

2019-04-09 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
>> I agree with you. How about we make up the word "intermediate slash" and >> explain it in an extra paragraph? > I am not sure if that is any better than "in the following, pretend > that a slash at the end of a pattern does not exist", which is how > the current description avoids repetition an

Re: [PATCH/docs] make slash-rules more readable

2019-04-10 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
> the pattern is matched against paths in the directory where the > `.gitignore` file that has the pattern in it is in, and any of > its subdirectories (recursively). > the pattern will match in all directories relative to > the `.gitignore` file, with infinite depth. I could not catch the differ

Re: [PATCH/docs] make slash-rules more readable

2019-04-17 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
I think its maybe hard to track all the changes that we have discussed so far. Should I create a new PATCH request including all the changes from the recent mails and then we continue the discussion from there? Best regards, Adam Am Mi., 10. Apr. 2019 um 09:39 Uhr schrieb Dr. Adam Nielsen

[PATCH] make slash-rules more readable

2019-04-26 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
--- Documentation/gitignore.txt | 37 - 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) diff --git a/Documentation/gitignore.txt b/Documentation/gitignore.txt index b5bc9dbff0..3a6fb9117c 100644 --- a/Documentation/gitignore.txt +++ b/Documentation/gitignore.

[PATCH] make slash rules more readable

2019-05-04 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
examples. Signed-off-by: Dr. Adam Nielsen --- Documentation/gitignore.txt | 37 - 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) diff --git a/Documentation/gitignore.txt b/Documentation/gitignore.txt index b5bc9dbff0..3a6fb9117c 100644 --- a/Documentation

Re: [PATCH] make slash rules more readable

2019-05-07 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
On 07.05.19 12:07, Junio C Hamano wrote: "Dr. Adam Nielsen" writes: gitignore.txt: make slash-rules more readable Make all paragraphs valid, even if they are not read in strict order. Make paragraph better understandable for pattern without slash. Add paragraph for pattern with

[PATCH] make slash-rules more readable

2019-05-07 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
examples. Signed-off-by: Dr. Adam Nielsen --- Documentation/gitignore.txt | 37 - 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) diff --git a/Documentation/gitignore.txt b/Documentation/gitignore.txt index b5bc9dbff0..7d7fbd202e 100644 --- a/Documentation

Re: [PATCH] make slash-rules more readable

2019-05-12 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
On 08.05.19 07:33, Junio C Hamano wrote: "Dr. Adam Nielsen" writes: + - A pattern that contains a non-trailing slash is matched relative to the location of the `.gitignore` file. + For example, `doc/frotz/` matches `doc/frotz` directory, but not + `a/doc/frotz` (relativ

Re: [PATCH] make slash-rules more readable

2019-05-17 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
Another thing that I noticed is that its not mentioned anywhere that the pattern use a slash as a directory separator (instead of a backslash), its only clear from the examples. Maybe its worth to mention it in the "PATTERN FORMAT" section. Also its maybe worth to introduce the term "leading

Re: [PATCH] make slash-rules more readable

2019-05-18 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
On 18.05.19 08:42, Johannes Sixt wrote: Am 17.05.19 um 23:43 schrieb Dr. Adam Nielsen: Another thing that I noticed is that its not mentioned anywhere that the pattern use a slash as a directory separator (instead of a backslash), its only clear from the examples. Maybe its worth to mention

[PATCH] make slash-rules more readable

2019-05-18 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
some examples. Signed-off-by: Dr. Adam Nielsen --- Documentation/gitignore.txt | 58 +++-- 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-) diff --git a/Documentation/gitignore.txt b/Documentation/gitignore.txt index b5bc9dbff0..584c82c7df 100644 --- a

[PATCH] make slash-rules more readable

2019-05-18 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
some examples. Signed-off-by: Dr. Adam Nielsen --- Documentation/gitignore.txt | 57 +++-- 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-) diff --git a/Documentation/gitignore.txt b/Documentation/gitignore.txt index b5bc9dbff0..925bf767b1 100644 --- a

Re: [PATCH] make slash-rules more readable

2019-05-19 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
On 18.05.19 21:34, Philip Oakley wrote: Hi Adam Hi Philip On 18/05/2019 15:07, Dr. Adam Nielsen wrote: This "Otherwise" below could be the complement to the initial "If", or could be part of a "matches" pair of example sentences. At least on my initial readin

Re: [PATCH] make slash-rules more readable

2019-05-29 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
ing is not enough, one also needs to consider the type of the slash. Philip All the best, Adam On 19/05/2019 16:33, Dr. Adam Nielsen wrote: On 18.05.19 21:34, Philip Oakley wrote: Hi Adam Hi Philip On 18/05/2019 15:07, Dr. Adam Nielsen wrote: This "Otherwise" below co

[PATCH] make slash-rules more readable

2019-05-31 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
leading slash and asterix in example section. Signed-off-by: Dr. Adam Nielsen --- Documentation/gitignore.txt | 71 ++--- 1 file changed, 50 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-) diff --git a/Documentation/gitignore.txt b/Documentation/gitignore.txt index b5bc9dbff0

Re: [PATCH] make slash-rules more readable

2019-05-31 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
On 31.05.19 18:30, Junio C Hamano wrote: "Dr. Adam Nielsen" writes: gitignore.txt: make slash-rules more readable Remove meta-rule in a paragraph for trailing-slash. Be precise whenever a trailing slash would make a difference. Improve paragraph for pattern without slash. Remov

[PATCH] make slash-rules more readable

2019-05-31 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
--- Documentation/gitignore.txt | 75 ++--- 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-) diff --git a/Documentation/gitignore.txt b/Documentation/gitignore.txt index b5bc9dbff0..ce944779a5 100644 --- a/Documentation/gitignore.txt +++ b/Documentation/gitignore.

[PATCH] make slash-rules more readable

2019-05-31 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
leading slash and asterix in example section. Signed-off-by: Dr. Adam Nielsen --- Documentation/gitignore.txt | 75 ++--- 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-) diff --git a/Documentation/gitignore.txt b/Documentation/gitignore.txt index b5bc9dbff0

Re: [PATCH] make slash-rules more readable

2019-06-02 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
Hi Philip, On 01.06.19 11:33, Philip Oakley wrote: From a user perspective, implementation issues shouldn't be part of the description unless absolutely essential. Most user aren't aware of the implementation so don't grok/understand what the fuss is about and ignore it... I agree with tha

[PATCH] make slash-rules more readable

2019-06-02 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
gitignore.txt: make slash-rules more readable Remove meta-rule in a paragraph for trailing-slash. Be precise whenever a trailing slash would make a difference. Improve or add paragraphs relevant for pattern with slash. Add some slash examples in example section. Signed-off-by: Dr. Adam

Re: [PATCH] make slash-rules more readable

2019-06-04 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
Hi Philip On 04.06.19 14:34, Philip Oakley wrote: I think the rules end up being difficult because we describe them from a coders implementation viewpoint, rather than a users descriptive viewpoint. Thus we avoided things like the difficult to code slashes in the front/middle, and we get caugh

[PATCH] make slash-rules more readable

2019-06-04 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
gitignore.txt: make slash-rules more readable Renew paragraphs relevant for pattern with slash. Aim to make it more clear and to avoid possible pitfalls for the reader. Add some examples. Signed-off-by: Dr. Adam Nielsen --- Documentation/gitignore.txt | 66

Re: [PATCH] make slash-rules more readable

2019-06-25 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
Hi everyone, any comments about the patch note from 04.06 ? All the best, Adam On 04.06.19 19:34, Dr. Adam Nielsen wrote: gitignore.txt: make slash-rules more readable Renew paragraphs relevant for pattern with slash. Aim to make it more clear and to avoid possible pitfalls for the reader

Re: [PATCH] make slash-rules more readable

2019-06-27 Thread Dr. Adam Nielsen
On 25.06.19 13:31, Philip Oakley wrote: only one minor point... >>> + - For example, a pattern `doc/frotz/` matches `doc/frotz` directory, >>> + but not `a/doc/frotz` directory; however `frotz/` matches `frotz` > > her I misread this as: "but not a `doc/frotz` directory;" > i.e. the leadin