Another thing that I noticed is that its not mentioned anywhere that the pattern use a slash as a directory separator (instead of a backslash), its only clear from the examples. Maybe its worth to mention it in the "PATTERN FORMAT" section. Also its maybe worth to introduce the term "leading slash" and "trailing slash" because they will be of importance of the following paragraphs. Something like this after the paragraph of "!":

     [...] for example, "\!important!.txt".

     A slash `/` is used as a directory separator.
     A leading slash (that is if the pattern begins with a slash)
     or a trailing slash (that is if the pattern ends with a slash)
     have special meaning and are explained below.

     If the pattern contains a trailing slash, it would only find
     a match with a directory. [...]

I changed my mind about this last addition. I think it is not very readable and there is no need to explain leading/trailing slash. Maybe one could just note it like this:

      [...] for example, "\!important!.txt".

      A slash `/` is used as a directory separator.
      A leading and trailing slash have special meaning
      and are explained in the following.

      If the pattern ends with a slash, it would only find
      a match with a directory. [...]

then I would also add:

     If the pattern does not end with a slash, it would find a match
     with a file or directory.

Two notes about two sentences that I proposed a while ago:

> + - If the pattern contains no slash "`/`" (except an optional trailing slash),
> +   the ...

I think that this sentence is not very readable. The exceptional case in the brackets makes it over complicated.

> + - A pattern that contains a non-trailing slash is matched

And I don't like this phrase either. I think its too easy to confuse it with "A pattern that contains no trailing slash".

So I would suggest to replace both with the following:

    If the pattern contains no slash or only a trailing slash, [...].
    Otherwise (when it contains a non-trailing slash) the pattern
    is matched [...].

All the best,

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