On Thursday 04 October 2007, Konstantin Svist wrote:
> Kevin Cozens wrote:
> > Dotan Cohen wrote:
> >> There is an amazing video describing an image resizing algorithm that
> >> removes (or adds) pixels based upon their importance to the subjecto
> >> of the photo. Can this be implemented in The Gi
On Tuesday 16 October 2007, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> I see that some modifier keys perform two different functions when
> used in conjunction with the select tools. Shift with the ellipse
> selector, for instance, forces circles if held while dragging. If it
> is held while releasing the mouse button,
On Sunday 16 December 2007, Helen wrote:
> Does anyone have any ideas about what happened, or how I
> might recover. (Actually, I just realized this is not, strictly
> speaking a Gimp question -- it's just that I use Gimp. I apologize
> if this is off-subject.)
So can other programs open those i
On Wednesday 19 December 2007, Thomas Worthington wrote:
> Is there any way to restore the Alt key to its old usage in 2.4? I can't
> drag selections anymore because it requires Alt and mouse at the same
> time, which is a problem on Linux.
It's a problem in some (most?) window managers, not with
On Thursday 20 December 2007, Robert Smits wrote:
> Windows key? What is this mythical key? It is certainly not evident on any
> of my keyboards.
It's the one with the flying (i.e. moving) window. But I'm afraid some
malicous company grabbed it as their trade mark without even implementing the
On Thursday 20 December 2007, Scott wrote:
> Actually, moving a selection in Gimp 2.4 is easier than it was in
> 2.2. Simply left click within the selected region and drag... no
> modifier keys needed and no need to grab the edge of the
> selection when doing so. I just did this in 2.4.1 in KDE 3.
On Friday 21 December 2007, Jeffery Small wrote:
> I think if you hold shift before
> beginning to drag the mouse, then it should also lock the aspect ratio.
I'd guess this is to make the crop tool's use consistent with the rectangle/
ellipse selection tools, where pressing modifier keys _before
On Saturday 02 February 2008, Axel Wernicke wrote:
> Hi list,
> there are two layer modes that I don't understand:
> "Grain extract" and "Grain merge"
> is there an example of the usage somewhere on the net?
There is, possibly even on your hard drive:
On Wednesday 13 February 2008, Khoem Sokhem wrote:
> Hello all,
> I cannot install via yast -i gimp or zypper in gimp in my openSUSE 10.3.
> I tried both command in my konsole but does not work.
> any idea?
> Thanks,
> Sokhem
What exactly does not work? What's suse's current version your i
On Friday 22 February 2008, ChadDavis wrote:
> I'm trying to take some screen captures that will be used in a book. How
> do I set the resolution / dpi of the screen capture device? I tried
> setting the defulat new image parameters, but it doesn't seem to be used by
> the screen capture device.
On Tuesday 25 March 2008, dorai iyer wrote:
> I selected a 1 pixel thick brush to stroke the drawn path onto an image.
> When I stroked the path, the color of the stroke appears semi transparent.
> Is there a way to make it appear completely solid.
> Thanks
You could turn off antialiasing (extensi
On Friday 11 April 2008, norman wrote:
> I am trying to gather information on how to convert from colour to black
> & white. In my searches I came across the following which is in
> photoshop:-
> http://www.northlight-images.co.uk/tutorial_pages/elements_2/PSE2_BW.html
> Could some kind person
On Saturday 12 April 2008, norman wrote:
> I have looked but this does not answer my specific question,
> unfortunately. I cannot believe my question was so obscure that no one
> has been able to answer it yet. Perhaps it is too simple and I am
> missing the point somewhere.
> Norman
Yes, maybe
On Saturday 12 April 2008, norman wrote:
> > Yes, maybe you should rephrase it, I'd thought that you wanted to know
> > methods to have more control than with one of the straightforward
> > methods: - Image->Mode->Grayscale (the whole image will be grayscale,
> > you'd have to change back to RGB mo
On Wednesday 16 April 2008, Kim Cascone wrote:
> - the first attempt the folders in the Brushes panel displayed
> doubled...
> - for example
> GIMP/Brushes/stars
> GIMP/Brushes/stars
> GIMP/Brushes/floral
> GIMP/Brushes/floral
> GIMP/Brushes/geometric
> GIMP/Brushes/geometric
> etc.
Did this
> > Convert the image to RGB mode if it's not already.
> However, the set Colour to Alpha setting
> remained greyed out of action. What have I missed, please?
> Norman
Are you in RGB mode? You can check it in Image->Mode.
Description: This is a digitally signed messag
On Thursday 01 May 2008, Kim Cascone wrote:
> > When you take an image with a digital camera, the camera itself
> > leaves a data file which automatically identifies itself. This file
> > is called an EXIF and usually has information like the make of the
> > camera, the ISO setting, the date and ti
On Friday 16 May 2008, Lap1994 wrote:
> Hello. I want to draw a image with a 50% opacity border.
> When I change the opacity of the pencil and use it, the selected color and
> the color where I use the pencil, combine itself. I do not want it, I want
> draw a pixel with exact 50% of alpha and the c
On Thursday 26 June 2008, Cristian Secară wrote:
> After a system reinstall (HDD change) on my HP nc8230 notebook, GIMP
> was starting painfully slow, almost bloking itself at Fonts-something
> startup splash screen. This was something new for me, as in the
> previous WinXP system install GIMP star
On Saturday 28 June 2008, David G. wrote:
> I've an Acer 19 /widescreen AL1916W, yet I don't feel like it's really
> calibrate and I really can't tell. What's the best practices for this?
> Also, I would someone to introduce me more in depth to ICC profiles and how
> do they help when creating gr
On Saturday 09 August 2008, Doug wrote:
> Is it possible to get the resynthesizer plug-in to work with Gimp-2.4.5?
> I've downloaded resynthesizer-0.16.tar.gz onto my system ; but found
> installing it requires gimptool-2.0, and gimptool will require
> libgimp2.0-devel. Would installing libgimp
On Saturday 04 October 2008, Johan Vromans wrote:
> I don't think F9 is the only distro suffering...
> The bottomline appears to be that the Gimp really depends on these
> very new versions of babl and gegl.
"Very new" is relative, they are from June. And without GIMP, would any
distribution e
On Sunday 19 October 2008, Sven Neumann wrote:
> > I am a new user to GIMP, but haven't for the life of me been able to
> > find a way to search the GIMP user manual or help.
> I am interested to learn why you need to search the user manual at all.
> We might want to add such a feature, but tha
On Sunday 19 October 2008, Johan Vromans wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a couple of databases where I entered the date that people were
> christened instead of date of birth, the latter being unknown.
> However, The Narrative Web Report seems to use the event Baptism
> instead of Christening.
> Is there
On Monday 20 October 2008, David Gowers wrote:
> > I use version 2.2.17 and what do you mean by "choose something else"? I
> > am needing a rectangle with curved edges. Thanks
> Upgrade to 2.4, ...
Upgrade to 2.6 ...
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
On Tuesday 21 October 2008, First Last wrote:
> Ok, let me explain the situation I had today that prompted the posting. I
> have some photos that have some pretty bad vignetting and I was hoping GIMP
> could take care of it for me. So I was expecting I could open the Help or
> the user manual and
> A task that I find myself frequently performing is cropping images. In
> the old GIMP I used to drag out a selection box, and then use one of the
> control keys (CTRL/ SHIFT/ ALT, can't remember which sadly) to move it
> around until it looked right.
One link to rule them all
On Monday 17 November 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Is there a database of script-fu programs I can look at 1.) to help learn
> the language, and 2.) that will allow me to automate certain stages of the
> placement of the 2 watermarks since each watermark will have to be placed
> in a different
On Saturday 22 November 2008, Skyler wrote:
> I'm running windows vista 32 bit and GIMP 2.6.2. The vast majority of the
> time that I try running GIMP, it doesn't start. There are no windows or
> anything, but it is listed in the process list in task manager. Is there
> anyway to fix this?
Did you
On Sunday 23 November 2008, Avraham Makeler wrote:
> My first task is to replacing colors in an image - like Find-Replace.
> First, how do you do a straightforward 'Replace Colors' op?
> Second: my specific need is to convert a gray gradient to a similar one in
> a shade of red/pink.
On Sunday 23 November 2008, Avraham Makeler wrote:
> and I have tried
> using the Blend Tool, but it tells me
> Blend does not operate on indexed layers.
As http://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-tool-blend.html clearly says, the blend too is
the correct one. It even tells you why it doesn't work in
On Sunday 23 November 2008, norman wrote:
> I use TurboPrint 2.x to print from Gimp 2.6.2 on my desktop computer
> running Ubuntu 8.04. I would like to print from a remote laptop computer
> running Ubuntu 8.10 using a wireless connection and still be able to use
> TurboPrint. Has anyone any experie
On Wednesday 26 November 2008, Paul G. wrote:
> I can't for the life of me figure out what this
> is for and have looked everywhere to find out. What is this for?
"This" is called a sample point ;) It's not used for very much at the moment,
but it could be useful if you want to keep a look at a
On Thursday 27 November 2008, Rinke H. wrote:
> I just installed gimp 2.6 on my windows 2000 machine, but the program is
> inherently instable and is not able to run longer than 5 seconds before it
> crashes and disappears. Most of the time it already crashes at startup; if
> not it crashes as soon
On Sunday 07 December 2008, Lap1994 wrote:
> Ok, so I have a foreground and a background color. Isnt this nice? And I
> have to buttons in my mouse, left and right, isnt this nice? Why noone had
> this simple idea of "right click=foreground" and "left click=background"
> before? I mean, even micros
On Sunday 07 December 2008, Lap1994 wrote:
> Sorry if I made myself unclear. I'm speaking about the color dialog. Its
> on windows>dockable dialogs>colors or dialogs>colors depending which
> version you use. There you right click and the color is choosen. You left
> click and the color is choose. B
On Tuesday 16 December 2008, peter kostov wrote:
> Hm, thanks David, but it isn't so easy, because the package uses
> pkg-config too.
Try setting your PKG_CONFIG_PATH before configuring the plugins.
Greetings, Daniel
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
On Saturday 20 December 2008, Florio wrote:
> I'd prefer to have direct access to the user manual rather than using the
> online one. Can someone please explain how to get the help file working?
The documentation/ help usually has to be installed separately. You should be
able find it at
On Monday 05 January 2009, Robert Slater wrote:
> I am trying to create some teaching aids using GIMP animation. I have
> a few GIMP animations working so far. All of the animations run in a
> loop without stopping. I would like the user to be able to control
> the frames using VCR-style buttons
On Monday 05 January 2009, Tagg wrote:
> How can I add more fonts to gimp?
Simply put them into one of the font folders shown in GIMP's preferences or
add folders there if there are fonts in a different place already.
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
On Friday 09 January 2009, daviodan wrote:
> It is possible to exist in future versions of the GIMP option:
> File-Create-From Clipboard as Layer? Sometimes it is necessary using more
> screenshots.
I don't know if I understood you correctly, but does Edit > Paste As > New
Layer do waht you want
On Friday 16 January 2009, Cristian Secară wrote:
> And then when GIMP goes to 2.7+ will have to upgrade also the OS to
> Ubuntu 8.20+/whatever ?
First of all, there will be no stable GIMP 2.7, since odd minor version
numbers are reserved for development releases.
Second, all complaints about so
On Friday 16 January 2009, Philip Rhoades wrote:
> People,
> I want to select only the middle tomato and then treat the edges of the
> single tomato so that the edges are soft like edges of the existing
> tomatoes on the left and right. I have tried cropping down to one
> tomato and then various
On Thursday 22 January 2009, Ajay Gautam wrote:
> Now that you know the desired end result, what would the best way to
> go about creating the it, if I were to recreate it from start?
> Thanks
> Ajay
If you can recreate it (or will anyway), do it in a resizable format, like svg
with a program
On Wednesday 28 January 2009, rlt46...@aol.com wrote:
> I have Gimp 2.6. It says I need to "install the additional help package".
> Where do I find the download?
> Rebecca
Usually at the same place you found GIMP itself, which usually depends on your
operating system.
On Saturday 31 January 2009, John Culleton wrote:
> If the Gimp source distro contained a compatible version of gegl and
> babl then compiling from source would be a lot easier. Now my only
> other choice is to install Ubuntu or whatever on another partition and
> see if they have an updated binar
On Saturday 31 January 2009, Michael J. Hammel wrote:
> The HyperPen 12000U is still available from Aiptek:
> http://www.aiptek.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=R-HP1
Aiptek tablets are also often sold under other names. The cheap tablets you
On Tuesday 03 February 2009, Adrian Dusa wrote:
> Sorry to be ignorant, but how does one include these files in Gimp's
> textures? Adrian
You can see which folders are relevant for your system in the preferences:
On Monday 09 February 2009, OnyX wrote:
> Hello,
> I try to download " bling Text script-fu from this site <
> http://gimpscripts.com/?p=15 >" into my iMac Leopard. Somthing wrong
> happen.
> Gimp is OFF and inside my mac Home - Library - App Support - Gimp - there
> is no script or pattern
On Thursday 19 February 2009, vicky aur wrote:
> Hi all,
> How do I make a photograph to look like this?
> http://customize.org/wallpapers/52351
> This is my first post. If i have missed some guidelines, please
> redirect me to proper channel.
> Thanks,
> Vicky
Was that made from a photograp
On Monday 23 February 2009, Helen wrote:
> I haven't found a way to use the levels tool on one layer only.
> Is it possible to do this, to adjust the color of a layer rather
> than the image?
Hello Helen,
(nearly) all tools work just on the current layer, as does the levels tool.
Maybe you merg
ere a
tool properties
setting that I've missed.
On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 9:16 AM, Daniel Hornung wrote:
> On Monday 23 February 2009, Helen wrote:
> > I haven't found a way to use the levels tool on one layer only.
> > Is it possible to do this, to adjust the color of a l
On Wednesday 25 February 2009, zhangwe...@realss.com wrote:
> Hello. Is there a feature in gimp that behave like inkscape, where a
> text layer (in Inkscape an object or a group of object) can have some
> clone text layers.
No, (linked) clones are not available in GIMP (yet?), maybe in one or two
On Friday 27 February 2009, zhangwe...@realss.com wrote:
> > I wrote a trivial text 'find and replace' script for GIMP 2.6:
> > http://registry.gimp.org/node/12212
> sounds interesting!
> Does it work on 2.4.6? In the real world people like me are afraid of
> the cutting edge and use the latest sta
On Sunday 01 March 2009, zhangwe...@realss.com wrote:
> saulgo...@flashingtwelve.brickfilms.com schrieb:
> Hi. Thanks a lot. I'll re-try both plugins you recommended after once
> day my operating system (gentoo) bring me to 2.6.x. I can manually make
> an upgrade to 2.6.x by changing some configu
On Wednesday 04 March 2009, powah wrote:
> My image is 640 x 512 pixels & X Y resolution are both 300 pixels/in.
> How to improve the image so that the OCR programs will recognize the text
> better? I try the "Scale Image" menu with different values of pixels & X Y
> resolutions (e.g. 1920 x 1536 p
On Wednesday 04 March 2009, PoWah Wong wrote:
> Attached is the image.
> It has some text inside some rectangles.
Looks heavily compressed, greycstoration probably could really reduce the jpeg
artifacts, plus adjusting the levels might help. (As I wrote earlier.)
I'm not sure I want to know wha
On Thursday 05 March 2009, James wrote:
> Ideally, I'd like all the yellowed paper that forms the background
> of these images to turn as close to white as possible, while all the pencil
> text should be as close to black as possible. Can anyone point me to things
> I can try under gimp that will h
On Friday 13 March 2009, Henry Meeuwsen wrote:
> I was just wondering if there was a way I could unlock the Toolbox and the
> Docks from always being on top of the menu box, because I usually draw on
> the whole screen, and having the toolbox in my way is a hinderance. If
> anybody knows anything a
On Monday 16 March 2009, Karl F. wrote:
> Thanks for helping, but i dont find, the( lang " en " )
> In Edit - Adjustments- Enviroment I try to type ( Lang ) and/or ( en ) but
> nothing happen
As Martin said, please read the linked documentation. That's not a setting in
the preferences but how
On Thursday 19 March 2009, Avraham Makeler wrote:
> Hi all,
> I read something in the documentation that says that each text (box?) is
> automatically placed in a new layer.
> And that's also what seems to happen in practice.
> Doesn't sound so great to me. I like being able to have multiple obje
Just a guess:
Did you install GTK+ manually? That shouldn't be necessary any more with GIMP
2.6.x, but old GTK+ installations might mix badly with the one provided with
the GIMP installer.
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
On Friday 20 March 2009, Agnes Goh wrote:
> Hi,
> Recently I have been encountering a problem which does not exist before.
> Whenever I tried to the scale image, and tried to copy & paste, the program
> will auto shut down. An error message - A problem caused the program to
> stop working corre
On Sunday 22 March 2009, ivo wrote:
> I need some guidance to achieve the following:
> I have nice landscape picture with a horizontal horizon which I want to
> manipulate to have the sides match in color and shape. In this case the
> sides almost match in color and shape... After the facts I wou
s 4 shots stitched together in hugin on full auto.
> scaled to 20% for filesize.
> i couldn't spot the seams between the photos.
> please excuse the mess. i recently dove back into hugin
> and was taking test shots.
> hth,
> g
> On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 6:37 PM, Daniel
On Wednesday 25 March 2009, CJ wrote:
> I have an image of two musical staves with the bass and treble cleft
> symbols that is pixilated. This image will be made into a rubber stamp and
> needs to look professional.
I don't know what your image looks like, but if you need a high resolution
On Wednesday 25 March 2009, Curt Tresenriter wrote:
> Thanks for the reply Pete.
> I did find an image but not both bass and treble clefts with the musical
> staves which is what I need.
> I've uploaded andimage to imagebin
> http://imagebin.org/42844
Rosegarden should be able to give you th
On Thursday 26 March 2009, Googoo wrote:
> I ended up finding them. They were in
> \AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\GIMP-2.0\bin.
> That was a new experience for me.
Sounds very similar to this bug:
PS: Please don't separa
Hello Karen,
I don't know from my own experience if it'll work, but at least there's a
specific package for x64 Windows here:
If you notice any problems that should not occur, please feel free to report
them at http://bugzilla.gimp.org
On Saturday 28 March 2009, Kantamba wrote:
> What happened to the logos command that used to be under the old file menu?
> that command where you could enter text and see it in various logo
> renditions.
It's still there. Under File > Create > ...
Description: This is a dig
Based on the amount of actual information given and the number of answers so
(o o)
| Please |
| don't feed the |
| TROLL! |
|| ||
ooO Ooo
On Monday 15 June 2009, powah wrote:
> I want to modify text on a jpg file
> ...
> I had read that I should select the text layer.
> What does it mean?
That means that there is no text layer. jpg files don't know about text, just
about pixels. If you saved the image yourself as jpg, you
On Monday 15 June 2009, powah wrote:
> The jpg file is exported from a visio file embedded in a ms word document.
> Instead of using the jpg file format, what else should I use to keep the
> text information?
You could try to export to either svg (better) or pdf (not quite as good) and
open the r
On Monday 17 August 2009, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> When I am selecting an area with the freehand select tool, how can I
> move the image shown?
Hello Dotan,
try pressing the space bar. Then the mouse should move (or more
specifically "pan") your view of the image when no mouse button is pressed.
On Monday 17 August 2009, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> I have last used an image editing program several years ago, I think
> it was photoshop. It had a magic-lasso tool that would snap to areas
> of different colour
GIMP has magic scissors instead of lassos :)
Description: This is a digit
On Wednesday 26 August 2009, Adam Majewski wrote:
> Hi there,
> i sometimes need to measure distances on photo.
> i do so using not only gimp but i need also calculator to do it.
> The problem is that the measure tool doesn't have scale parameter.
> It would be great if i can firstly measu
Hello Gary,
On Saturday 29 August 2009, Gary Collins wrote:
> 1) I'd like to try to do this in python. But I'll need to learn it first.
> That shouldn't be a problem, I have the info, just a matter of getting
> round to it. But I'd like to ask: is that the best thing to use for writing
> a plug-in
Hello Caruso,
On Sunday 30 August 2009, Carusoswi wrote:
> Ok, sorry. I'm running Ubuntu 9.04. I downloaded the three packages and
> used the package installer to extract and install two of the three, but
> received this error when attempting to install the application package:
> Error: Depen
On Wednesday 02 September 2009, Greg Edwards wrote:
> Hi,
> The scenario - have an inkjet printer which regularly runs out of black
> ink, but still has plenty of colour ink. I would like to change black to
> dark blue or whatever, so I can print eg. a concert ticket with a black
> barcode, which
On Monday 28 September 2009, Jude T. wrote:
> I know I have seen, in the Gimp Manual, a way of adjusting a photo that's
> been taken on a bit of a slant - for instance a photo of a window. I have a
> photo where my horizon is on a slant. Can anyone remind me where in the
> Gimp manual it tells me h
Hello Phani,
> > check out the "Corrective" mode
> please excuse my ignorance, but where do i find this mode?
-> Tool Options -> Direction
You find this setting (and all other tool related options) in the tool options
On Sunday 04 October 2009, Tom C. wrote:
> I am just starting to use GIMP. I am having trouble getting the effect I
> want.
> I have 2 photos one over the other. I want to put text over the upper
> layer and have the lower layer show through.
> If I put a mask over the upper layer and draw on it
On Sunday 04 October 2009, Tom C. wrote:
> then I select the mask and fill with black. I tried FG and BG.
If the mask is white before, that layer should've been completely opaque, so
filling the selection with black (simply drag&drop from the color patch onto
the image) should make the layer be
On Friday 27 November 2009, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
> Hi,
> Is anybody using here GIMP in science or medicine? If yes, how? What
> tools, plug-ins and scripts do you use?
Not a real answer to the question, but as soon as (semi-)automatic image
analysis, registering or measuring areas, dista
On Wednesday 06 January 2010 21:42:12 Programmer In Training wrote:
> I need to read up
> on the GIMP documentation regarding PNG quality settings. Mine are
> apparently too high.
png is lossless, so what you set is the compression factor, which doesn't
affect the quality/size ratio but s
On Monday 18 January 2010 20:40:49 Dotan Cohen wrote:
> ...
What a nice little flamewar :)
Too bad that it's on a most-of-the-time-serious mailing list, where it might
frighten some new, innocent people.
*gets some popcorn*
Description: This is a digitally signed message
On Tuesday 26 January 2010 15:35:45 RSA wrote:
> When I make a web banner that is only text it looks great in GIMP and in
> my web page maker.
> When I put it up on the web the text looks "rough" like someone cut it
> out with a jig saw.
> I use the banner in JPG format or GIF format and the
On Thursday 28 January 2010 18:44:30 Jim Clark wrote:
> http://www.ciscohouston.com/interconnect.jpg
> I captured this image, and I would like to produce something like it. The
> connected platforms, except with boxes rather than humanoid shapes on them.
> And 10 platforms, not 6...and maybe hex
Hi Kinata,
On Tuesday 09 February 2010 09:49:16 kinata wrote:
> In a related issue posted elsewhere in this forum,
> I'm wanting to isolate the dye part of the image:
> -- convert the RGB triple for the dye color
> (approximately a cyan) to HSB (HSV?)
> colorspace,
> -- rotate it to (say)
Forwarding the answer to the list:
Bugzilla from daniel.horn...@gmx.de wrote:
> I think that all this kind of stuff might be a lot easier with a program
> dedicated to image analysis. ImageJ/Fiji would be one example, it has lots
> of
> plugins for almost any analysis need.
> While GIMP is a wo
On Wednesday 24 March 2010 23:03:26 Lennart Svensson wrote:
> This button should inhibit the possibility to save the file during editing
> and destroy the original file. Same as the command line option -a.
I don't know the exact current state of the save/export menu discussion, but
wasn't the pla
On Friday 30 April 2010 17:42:45 Yoshinori Yamakawa wrote:
> Separate+ 0.5.7 is released. This version contains the dithering
> support and some minor improvements for UI.
For all Gentoo users, there's a fresh ebuild here:
Thank you for the grea
On Sunday 25 July 2010 03:49:47 Byram wrote:
> I have an old 7 mp image that I'm trying to increase to around 10MP. I've
> read it's best to increase by 10%, then unsharpen, and repeat process until
> you get to the desired result.
> I unsharpened with radius at 5, threshold 15, and amount .5.
On Tuesday 02 November 2010 23:13:48 Lorenzo Bettini wrote:
>and also the
> grid, when set to cm, (using 100% zoom) uses something that's smaller
> than a centimeter... what am I doing wrong?
The other have said already WHY it may display other lengths than you may have
expected, here's the solu
On Wednesday 03 November 2010 17:37:59 Daniel Hornung wrote:
> In the Preferences window, select "Display" and press the "Calibrate..."
> button there to calibrate GIMP for your display.
> This dialog used to show up on the very first GIMP start in earlier
Hi John,
do you rotate the layer or the image?
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Gimp-user mailing list
On Sunday, June 26, 2011 01:26:53 John Culleton wrote:
> On Saturday, June 25, 2011 06:50:04 pm Daniel Hornung wrote:
> > Hi John,
> > do you rotate the layer or the image?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Daniel
> The image, using the tool on the left ha
97 matches
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