On 8/20/06, Jean-Christophe Roux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have used the blend tool to fill a layer with a gradient background. Nice.
Now I'd like to change the opacity, do I really have to redraw the gradient
from scratch? I cannot find a way to select the layer, adjust the gradient
I recall a team we played against in HS - they named the school "First
Assembly of God School". You can imagine the amount of harassment
they got that first year over *that* acronym on the side of the bus.
The name became "First Assembly of Christ School" the next year...
I do not believe that G
On 9/30/06, Saul Goode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Sep 2006, Alan Horkan wrote:
> This is the commonly understood meaning of the word for most English
> speakers and it is considered derogatory, like calling someone a cripple.
While the term "gimp" may be disparagingly used when re
1 - The majority of GIMP users do not find the acronym GIMP offensive.
2 - US citizens do not have a world-wide "right" to make all the world
inoffensive, nor do they constitute the majority of english-speakers
on earth.
3 - Making sure everything is inoffensive to every person on the
planet is
Apologies - forgot to "reply-all"
My advice would be to save your files in TIFF format. If you enable
LZW compression, the file size will be significantly reduced without
losing quality (unlike JPEG, and to some degree PNG).
I'm not sure what process your printer is using, but if it's just a
When I open a file in GIMP, and save a copy as PNG, open the them up
side-by-side: the colors habe been altered in the PNG (albeit
slightly). I consider that "loss", and I don't trust PNG for photos.
Web graphics - no problem. PNG beats the hell out of GIF. It just
isn't ready for pre-press yet
I stand corrected.
My PNG *does* match the original exactly, pixel per pixel. I wasn't
hallucinating - just mistakenly opened the wrong two files for
Gimp-user mailing list
On 10/9/06, Dennis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have never tried it but you might want to take a different approach:
- use css to hide your image
- use css to show a text link
The dojo toolkit might be able to accomplish this. Go to the website
http://dojotoolkit.org/ click in the menu on "Se
Hi all,
I recently attempted to open a PSD file with GIMP and several other
gui programs with no luck. Then I converted it to PNG with
ImageMagick, which produced two files (haven't opened it in PS yet - I
assume the two files correspond to layers).
My question - is there a IM import/convert pl
You can export paths from GIMP, but as the other poster suggested I'd
open them in inkscape and then do your EPS export from there.
They need vector artwork to produce the screens and/or separations.
The GIMP is primarily a raster program.
Are you *sure* you're running X11?
IIRC, It was on the developer tools CD in Jaguar. It's also a free
download from the Apple Dev site. On my machine, it's under
Applications>Utilities>X11, and has to be running before I launch any
X apps.
Strange behavior, my gimp.app automatically launch X11 :)
Can't remember how i set up this !
OK - I've never tried GIMP on OSX, but I have had trouble calling X11
apps w/o running X11 in the past. Still, it may not be installed - I
don't think it was installed by default in 10.3...
Roger - mak
Hi, Chris, er, Dog, er, Dude, er...
Can you say "huh?" I'm afraid that's about where I am at the moment (and
no, I'm not trying to be abnormally flippant; I'm just really, really
confused here). I think you got the e-mail I sent from my
[EMAIL PROTECTED] address (at least, this MIGHT be a respo
Sorry about the to copies - I forgor to hit 'reply-all'...
Go to Image -> Mode and select RGB. My guess is that you're working
in grayscale.
It should (I think) say 'grayscale' or 'RGB' in the title bar of your
image window.
Let us know if that's it...
On 11/6/06, graffoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Look for the Decompose plugin - Colors>Components>Decompose... CMYK -
you'll get an image with 4 black and white layers. Then you can save
each layer as separate files you can use for silk screen. To make
shadings with dots, use Filter>Distorts>Newsp
Either way, I'd like to hear how you are doing when using GIMP this
To be 100% honest, I still haven't done too may separations with GIMP
yet. I'm slowly gathering all the bits and pieces necc. to replace AI
and PS with Inkscape and GIMP - but it's taking a while :)
I have used spot chann
On 11/6/06, rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Interesting...newsprint filter does make the dots resolutions.
Looks like all the pieces are here except for. I still have not
figured out how to save out
ONE layer at a time while in the CYMK.jpg 4 layers greyscale image.
Can anyone give me the i
This advice to not use DECOMPOSE and to use a plugin from
Is the standard GIMP DECOMPOSE implementation so bad that it will not
produce images
that are worthy of using for screen printing?
"Screen Printing" is too broad a subject. If you're preparing screens
for 4-
I created a 10 x 15 RGB image (300 DPI), and the flame plugin works.Are
you on a hidden layer or something in your template? Can you make a
new file (same size as the template) and run the plugin?What version of GIMP are you using?
Gimp-user ma
Anyone know of a way to export/split/print channel info in GIMP?
Loading to selection and making a new layer, then saving - too slow.
Gimp-user mailing list
Answer my own question: you can do 'file -> save as' with the channel
Gimp-user mailing list
Hi all -
Anyone know of another format other than .XCF that retains spot color info
when saved?
I've tried PSD, TIFF, EPS - only XCF seems to retain the data.
Gimp-user mailing list
On 11/24/06, Anthony Ettinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have an image with a bunch of layers + effects rendered on the text
> layer...however, after seeing the final output I wanted to change the
> gradient a bit.
Could you post a sample image somewhere? I'm afraid that I'm not a
100% sure w
> 1) three layers filled with: bg color, border color, fg color
> 2) create rounded selection (25% radius)
What if you add 2b) save selection as channel? Then you can scale the
image and reload the selection from the channel...
> 3) select border color layer, invert and clear
> 4) select fg colo
> if i save selection to channel how will it be effected when I resize?
> ie - different radius on corners, or different aliasing? (I noticed
> this problem when I simply resized the image after it was rendered).
The channel is scaled with the image - I'm guessing (now) that you
want to scale/skew
> What if the color history became another color selector in the Colors
> tab? It would be equivalent to the triangle, palette and other selectors
> and live in it's own tab. That would be pretty straight-forward to
> implement and seems to go well with the concept of color selectors that
> we have
I think you need to go:
Scroll down, click 'Unsubscribe or Edit Options', and then change to
digest mode.
Or, if you'd like I'll send you a gmail invite - it's pretty good with
lists, and you have almost 3 GB of space... (I don't work for
FWIW, I'm truly sorry for posting *anything* related to this thread,
and especially for the nasty tone. I should know better.
Gimp-user mailing list
> I suspect Chris' reply was meant to go to the list. So I reply here.
Whoops - thanks.
> Monitor calibration should be done in the video driver. Or in the
> monitor.
You're probably right.
Gimp-user mailing list
> Thanks, but I've done it every which way from hell and back, and still
> looks off in FF/linux.
Looked AOK to me this morning - the link doesn't seem to be coming up now.
I'm running FF on Fedora 6.
Gimp-user mailing list
-- Forwarded message --
From: Chris Mohler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Feb 26, 2007 10:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] May be OT: Gimpshop
To: John Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I've never tried gimpshop. That being said, I think it's a re-package
of GIMP - the w
On 2/26/07, John Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chris Mohler wrote:
> > I've never tried gimpshop. That being said, I think it's a re-package
> > of GIMP - the whole program. If that is the case, I do think that you
> > can run both side-by-side.
> &g
On 3/8/07, Ed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday 08 March 2007 12:39, Claus Cyrny wrote:
> > 6. The last step would be 'Layer > Colors Apply Layer Mask...'. This
> > will remove the
> > background from the scan, leaving only the text
> Hello Claus,
> Many thanks for your help... I got as fa
On 3/13/07, Ray Redd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: ehchn1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Gimp-user] Inaccurate Font Color After Export (psd -> gif)
> Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 01:00:37 -0700 (PDT)
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a psd image button created with GIMP.
> > It has blue background and w
On 4/12/07, Bob Meetin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If I only knew how to do this in linux the easy way...
Put them in $HOME/.fonts. Works for me with OO, GIMP, Inkscape.
I also use a font manager called 'fontypython' that manages symlinks
from font collections into $HOME/.fonts
On 4/15/07, Julien Michielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It regularly so happens I'd like to merge/overlap two digital pictures.
> Gimp does have tools to fit two pictures by hand (take one picture as a
> layer, and turn and twist them till they fit almost perfectly). However,
> almost perfectly
On 4/19/07, Charlie Bradley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> is it possible to create slide shows for dvd and web using gimp?
> charlie
Not that I know of (aside from sizing/cropping/etc first in GIMP).
If you're on linux, there are some tools available:
On 4/19/07, Chris Mohler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/19/07, Charlie Bradley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > is it possible to create slide shows for dvd and web using gimp?
> > charlie
I did just stumble across this - haven't ever tried it though:
On 4/27/07, Alex Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, That's far better than what I accomplished. I'd appreciate knowing
> what you did.
My guess would be increase the saturation and possibly adjust the hue
of the entire region (net included).
On 4/29/07, Bob Meetin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I inherited an image, a logo, in which I need to swap out one color,
> solid region, for another. Seems simple.
> I don't really want to be using .jpg or .png images unless I have to.
> So the question, what is causing the replacement to fa
On 5/3/07, John R. Culleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gimp (and other programs) can use Adobe Illustrator output with one
> small change. Just rename the file from foo.ai to foo.pdf. It is
> actually pdf 1.4 in format. I have used this trick on two different
> projects.
Which version(s) of AI
On 5/3/07, David Holland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The bikini was slightly damaged so instead of all the breasts being covered
> it shows about 70%. However the person in question wants to a) keep the
> picture and b) show it to other people.
Well, if there's a sizeable portion of the bikini m
On 5/15/07, Richard Oliver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a photo of a Mountain range which I want to use as a background
> to advertise a bed and breakfast lodge.
> I have placed four photographs,one showing a picture of the the
> lodge,the others, showing shots of the accommodation.These ar
On 5/15/07, GARNIER Jean-Luc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've tinkered with the color map rotation function but to no avail. Is there
> any issue with PNG images ? Or with layers ? What is the standard procedure
> to change colors on a simple image ?
Try Layers->Color->Colorize - hue around
On 5/22/07, Claus Cyrny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David Gowers wrote:
> > Drawing a circle in Inkscape will not improve it's quality. The gimp
> > quality is about the maximum, and you'll find that inkscape provides
> > pretty much the same quality.
> I have to disagree with you. I noticed tha
On 5/21/07, DJ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> How do I get a selection of the entire inside of an outline of a
> circle? For example, I have a transparent background, and I draw a
> circle in black (it looks like this " O ", minus the quotes). I use
> the "Select Region By Color" and click on
On 5/22/07, Claus Cyrny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wonder what I'm doing wrong! :-( Here's an example of what
> I tried (Gimp 2.2.8/Ubuntu "Breezy"/24-bit color depth):
> http://home.arcor.de/ccyrny/downloads/circles_rgb.png
> The "jaggies" remain. :-(
> How do you achieve gett
On 5/23/07, Juhana Sadeharju <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello. I need to take multiple screenshots conveniently.
> -A button or a ket shortcut which causes the acquire of the whole screen
> -Saves directly to the file in the specified format;
> the screenshot would not be opened for editing
On 6/2/07, Patrick Shanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * David Gowers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [06-02-07 10:22]:
> > Are you saying that because you've actually tried it? There is no
> > other easy way to discern whether 'your gimp sees the plug-in to start
> > with'.
> No, no need. It doesn't appe
On 7/9/07, Tom Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Im going to go nuts - i do not understand the gimp work flow with
> selections.
> When I paste an element on to a layer, i can no access the area of the layer
> not covered by the element. In on specific example, I moved the contents of
> a lay
On 7/12/07, John R. Culleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anyone can set up a list at yahoogroups. I see some with three
> members. The owner of the list can set the rules, allow anyone to
> join or requre preapproval, prescreen or not prescreen posts, set up
> assistant moderators and so on. I
On 7/13/07, John R. Culleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday 12 July 2007 19:13, Chris Mohler wrote:
> >
> > Yahoo Group messages are nastily formatted HTML. I hear the Google
> > Groups has added mailing lists -- I wonder if that's any better?
On 8/2/07, spammy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I foresee myself having to do the same again, and was wondering if
> there was some fancy way to copy/paste/move all the layers at the same
> time, or if there might be an even better approach to this.
One way: duplicate each layer (button at th
On 8/7/07, Bhavin Suthar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can someone tell me the truth behind this? Does this also mean that if you
> write text on image (like your jpeg Canon photos) then they can't be printed
> properly?
Point #1 is almost accurate. The true part: GIMP does not natively
support C
On 3 Oct 2007 01:23:24 -, mike reqavey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> greetings
> please point me in the direction of how I could make a captcha around 8.5 x
> 11.0 inches. It'd be a one shot deal for a poster, not something generated
> randomly on a website.
> I was thinking using lay
On 10/7/07, Johan Vromans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> gimp_user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Friday 05 October 2007 00:44:14 Johan Vromans wrote:
> > This is not stictly "on topic" for this list
> To make it even more off-topic: it doesn't work for me (FireFox 2.0),
> even after fixing t
On 10/18/07, Leon Brooks GIMP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> BTW, if anyone sees a real 2.4 DEB or RPM source, please drop
> a message on this list saying so. Both I & my sister-in-law
> photographer would like to graduate from earlyish 2.3s,
I;ve been messing with the ubuntu beta (gutsy) and it in
On 10/24/07, Jarlath Reidy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a friend who uses images sent to him by clients to make
> engravings on various materials. This is a start up business and he is
> having some teething problems.
> He has an issue where the boundary between the foreground and the
> ba
On 10/24/07, carol irvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i too have found myself using pngs a lot more than jpgs and for the same
> reason. the image came in as
> a jpg though, i went ahead and worked with it as a jpg. however, i too
> would have preferred tackling
> it as a png file. my absolute fi
On Nov 2, 2007 8:49 PM, carol irvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just upgraded my macbook to the Leopard OS (wonderful). However, one side
> effect of this is that GIMP is now dead. I can't get it to launch or do
> anything. X11 still launches and seems fine but that isn't helping GIMP
> any.
On Nov 2, 2007 9:50 PM, carol irvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I sent this message to Gimp User got this reply
Stephen needs to visit this link and unsubscribe:
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user
Gimp-user mailing
On Nov 2, 2007 10:13 PM, carol irvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> no, i haven't. i just discovered this problem this evening. i finally took
> photos today with my iphone and i wanted to see how much i could improve
> them in an image editor. that's when i tried opening them in GIMP and
> discove
My Wacom tablet chooses the zoom tool when I flip it around and use
the eraser. I'm pretty sure this worked when I was using RC3, butI
got tired of waiting for updates so I uninstalled it and built 2.4.1
from source (on ubunto 7.10).
The 'extended devices' settings look OK (all wacom devices
Never mind. I *forgot* that you can just select a tool while using
either end of the pen. Somehow I thought that the 'eraser' was always
the eraser tool in gimp - though I have no idea why. The actual
behavior is much better IMO.
Gimp-user m
On Nov 7, 2007 1:06 AM, Paul Bamford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, I have to ask - how did you get the damn thing working in the first
> place?
It was pretty easy on Gutsy - I had to uncomment three lines in
xorg.conf and restart the X server.
Maybe this:
1. Copy your selection
2. Edit->Paste as New
3. Image->Mode->Indexed
4. Image->Mode-RGB
5. Select All
6. Copy
7. Paste back into original image
I used to do something similar in Photoshop when I wanted to bitmap
just a portion of an image.
On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 1:39 PM, norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have been copying some old colour transparencies using my digital
> camera and most of the images produced suffer from chromatic aberration
> somewhere within them. I have tried to find some procedure to remove
> these blemis
Hi list,
I have a 14 Mb PSD file that I can't seem to open in GIMP or
imagemagick. In GIMP, the progress bar does to 100% and then stays
there for a long time - until I cancel. The 'convert' and 'identify'
commands do not complete either, and adding -verbose doesn't print
anything to the terminal
Sorry - forgot to reply to the list...
To answer question #1 - just after you switch to the move tool, do
Select->Float. When you are done do either Layer->Anchor or
Gimp-user mailing list
On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 9:47 PM, Michael J. Hammel
> On Wed, 2008-04-23 at 19:49 -0600, Ben Walker wrote:
> > You consider a proper text tool in the core feature-creep?
> In a raster image editor, yes.
Personally I disagree - I'm eagerly awaiting the GSoC update to t
On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 3:00 PM, Kim Cascone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm working on the OS X flavor of GIMP
> and I need to make (c), (c), copyright mark in a GIMP text box
> but not sure if it is possible
> is there a way other than importing a png/jpg of one?
Do the "normal" mac shortcut
On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 12:25 PM, satimis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is quite interesting. I can finish preparing and printing simple business
> cards on OOWriter. For professional cards with graphics, I'm now search a
> solution to edit it on different layers and merge them after fin
On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 9:25 AM, Cal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am having trouble loading pictures through GIMP. I
> want GIMP to come up every time I click on a picture
> in "My Pictures," but I end up having to back-door
> into it.
> What do I need to do, that allows pictures to
> automatica
On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 1:35 PM, Martin Nordholts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is functionality for this in SVN trunk, and it would be nice to
> get some feedback on it because the developers needs to figure out what
> do do about this in order to reach stable 2.6 quality.
That's inter
Hi list,
If I copy an embedded image to the clipboard in AI CS3, and then do
File->Acq->From Clipboard, the resulting image is enlarged somewhat.
If I copy the image and then paste into a new AI doc, then save it as
PNG and open in GIMP, the size/DPI is correct. Pasting from GIMP into
On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 6:48 AM, Helen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have successfully installed SuSE11, and now I'm looking for a digital
> pen/tablet that works with gimp.
> Does anyone have a recommendation (or a disrecommendation) for a brand/model
> that works well
> with Gimp?
> I don't
On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 5:08 PM, Bernd Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I think all these fine things could be produced with scripts or
> plug-ins. I do work as webmaster, too. I am not a fan of scheme or lisp.
> I rather use perl-gimp. I like the concept of the procedural database
> very
o move
it somewhere more useful.
There are a ton of FIXME items that I still need to attend to, but if
anyone is feeling brave, I'd love feedback on it...
PS - (unofficial) ASE file spec is here:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Chris Mohle
On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 1:21 PM, Kevin Cozens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chris Mohler wrote:
>> Also, once the palette is loaded (if it works :), you need to manually
> > refresh the palette list - the new palette will appear toward the top.
> Just add a ca
On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 8:26 PM, Hedley Finger
> Can anybody point me to a Gimp plug-in or external utility that can
> convert *.ase swatch files from Adobe Kuler to Gimp *.gpl files please?
> I have googled until I am begoggled but can't find anything.
> 'Course, I co
On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 6:53 AM, Hedley Finger
> Chris Mohler wrote:
>> I made the plugin bit more friendly and uploaded it to the registry:
>> http://registry.gimp.org/node/10325
> I installed the script from the link above
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 4:42 AM, Bettina Karena Lechner
> Hi!
> Trying to use the python-script on OS X 10.4 PPC (first updated python to
> 2.6, got GIMP 2.6.1) but it's not working. When I try to import the *.ase in
> to GIMP palettes it says: Unknown filetype.
> May
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 11:45 AM, Bettina Karena Lechner
> Hi Chris,
> thanks for your help.
> Seems that the py isn't installed correctly cause I can't find it in the
> plug-in browser. Usually I place plug-in files here:
> /Users//Library/Application Support/Gimp/
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 1:18 PM, Bettina Karena Lechner
> Hi Chris,
> python is working properly. I run a test in the terminal-window and
> everythink worked fine.
> but maybe that was a hint: where do I get this:
>> or gimp's python bindings are
>> not installed.
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 2:13 PM, Bettina Karena Lechner
> the italian say "buh" when they don't know what to do :) so:
>> make sure the .py file is executable.
> buh??
> tina
I used to use a mac daily, so it's kind of sad that I don't remember
exactly how to set it in
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 10:25 PM, Hedley Finger
> I feel as though I have invited everyone to a feast and then locked
> myself outside in the rain while the party carries on. I just *cannot*
> get the convert_ASE_to_GPL.py to work even after:
> @downloading and
On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 7:45 AM, Hedley Finger
> Chris:
> I can convert any Kuler swatch I like -- as long as it isn't one created by
> me (??!?).
> See what you make of these:
Rats! I thought that Kuler always saved as RGB even when you make LAB
adjustments, but
On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 10:29 PM, Hedley Finger
> Chris:
>> perhaps in the meantime you could figure out how to make Kuler save
>> your ASE files as RGB?
> Love your sense of humour. I would be happy if I could just //save// them
> Half the time I get a server
On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 7:45 AM, Hedley Finger
> Chris:
> I can convert any Kuler swatch I like -- as long as it isn't one created by
> me (??!?).
> See what you make of these:
>HEDLEY'S -- won't convert
>Bush Summer.ase
>HHP Warm Cool.ase
>HHP Coo
On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 2:17 PM, Daryna Baikadamova
> okay, so I use an automated tool (maybe ghostscript) to convert each
> page in a PDF file to tiff 300dpi 1-bit BW images named by their page
> number.
> However in GIMP, are there ways to automatically open all tiff f
On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 5:52 AM, Andreas Matthias
> I'm trying to write a python script that opens the xsane dialog.
> But the example script below does not work. Any idea what's wrong?
Hi Andreas,
I don't find xsane in the pdb. Have you looked in Help->Procedure Brows
On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 12:17 PM, Andreas Matthias
> Chris Mohler wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 5:52 AM, Andreas Matthias
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I'm trying to write a python script that opens the xsane dialo
On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 3:50 PM, Spunky341 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have GIMP for Mac and whenever I try to render I have to go to this one
> setting in Dialogs and I don't have that on my version of GIMP! PLEASE
I don't think anyone can help you - because you don't rea
On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 4:22 PM, Octavi Fors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> could anybody read a TIFF or GeoTIFF image of 16 bits per pixel with
> gimp2.6?
> I'm getting an error saying that this bit resolution is not supported and 8
> bits/pixel is used by default.
I opened a 16-bit TIFF wi
On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 4:27 PM, Paul G. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This might sound really stupid but it has been bugging me for days. To start
> I'm using version 2.6.3 on windows. I went to click on ruler and when I did I
> also held down the ctrl key. I realized that I was picking up the h
On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 10:58 AM, Bob S. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there any way either by scripting or externally to search and replace a
> text string in GIMP. I have several images that have multiple text layers, I
> would like to have a template image that I can just do a search and repla
On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 10:58 AM, Bob S. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there any way either by scripting or externally to search and replace a
> text string in GIMP. I have several images that have multiple text layers, I
> would like to have a template image that I can just do a search and repla
On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 4:08 PM, Martin Nordholts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> classiccars wrote:
>> http://www.nabble.com/file/p20747921/29b6_3.jpg
>> I'm trying to make an image that looks like this. How can I make a photo of
>> a car look like it is sitting on a mirror? I didn't do this one,
On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 4:36 PM, classiccars <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chris, Yes you seen what I seen with the wheels being copied. (not flipped)
> Check out the center spinners on the hub caps. Same as the above photo. You
> have a good idea with the mirror, BUT this is a real car not a
On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 7:44 AM, Steven W. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Running WinXP and latest Gimp32 win install
> I am trying to get python working with gimp. Everything has installed fine,
> but when doing "from gimpfu import *" I get the following error:
> Unhandled exception while debuggin
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