On 7/9/07, Tom Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Im going to go nuts - i do not understand the gimp work flow with
> selections.
> When I paste an element on to a layer, i can no access the area of the layer
> not covered by the element. In on specific example, I moved the contents of
> a layer slightly to the right. This left a small column of transparency on
> the left edge. I have tried to select this are to fill or brush but using
> several different selection tools, but it appears that the element is
> currently selected and I  can not deselect it.

Sorry - I forgot to 'reply-all'.

Try 'layer->layer to image size'.  Be aware that if a portion of the
layer is outside of the image (the right-hand edge in your example),
it will be thrown away.  If this is not what you want, use 'Image->Fit
Canvas to Layers' then 'Image->Layer to Image Size'.

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