[gentoo-user] Re: realloc() failure in motion

2022-09-20 Thread Nuno Silva
Is this intended? [1] https://github.com/Motion-Project/motion/blob/HEAD/src/conf.c#L3204 [2] https://github.com/Motion-Project/motion/blob/HEAD/src/conf.c#L3180 (Links are to HEAD, as that's what I started reading.) -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: problem with emerge depclean after world update

2022-10-01 Thread Nuno Silva
-miners was built with poppler:0/123, and if I'm understanding "man 5 ebuild" correctly, it will require a 0/123-slotted version of poppler to be installed. Given that tracker-miners accepts any later version, rebuilding it will hopefully be enough. [1] https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/tree/app-misc/tracker-miners/tracker-miners-3.4.0.ebuild#n47 -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: btop fails to compile

2022-11-30 Thread Nuno Silva
second mkdir did not complete before the first g++ was checking for the directory. [1] https://github.com/aristocratos/btop/blob/main/Makefile -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: Major problems with libpcre / UTF8

2022-12-17 Thread Nuno Silva
mmit/?id=337a97f5660ed827c17f487acdf5fb9f71bbdf1b (For browsing the list archives, besides the web archive already mentioned in this thread, if you have a news client you may also find news://news.gmane.io/gmane.linux.gentoo.user useful) -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: Bouncing messages

2023-01-13 Thread Nuno Silva
ail account, and forwarding as implemented by Microsoft apparently isn't done correctly and so "SPF" checks run by Gmail are failing. I tried to send a message to this list about this topic back in November but it never made through, perhaps it was filtered because it quoted some of the error messages. -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: Portage wrongly blocking an update

2023-01-15 Thread Nuno Silva
tion. > > It seems to me that portage should have been able to do the same, and upgrade > squid smoothly. -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: Bouncing messages

2023-01-18 Thread Nuno Silva
On 2023-01-14, Peter Humphrey wrote: > On Saturday, 14 January 2023 07:00:29 GMT Nuno Silva wrote: >> On 2023-01-13, Peter Humphrey wrote: >> > Hello list, >> > >> > Ever since the new year I've been getting a bounce message from this list >> >

[gentoo-user] Re: Bouncing messages

2023-01-19 Thread Nuno Silva
2cda7 (Note that if you request the message and it does get delivered to you, the Date: field differs between what you get and the archived copy on the Gentoo website.) -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: Bouncing messages

2023-01-28 Thread Nuno Silva
re in- > formation like author, date and subject. And Message-ID... at least that one would enable searching for the specific message in other archives too. (Also, why is Date different between the actual message and the web archive under gentoo.org?) -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: mailing list problem?

2023-04-06 Thread Nuno Silva
me identifier, you could still look it up in Gentoo's list archive... Oh, yes, if you want to check a non-Gentoo archive, Gmane is a possibility for that too, among others: - news://news.gmane.io/gmane.linux.gentoo.user - https://marc.info/?l=gentoo-user - https://www.mail-archive.com/gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org/ -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: Converting shell globs to regular expressions

2023-04-15 Thread Nuno Silva
uestion for alt.folklore.computers or a comp.unix.* group on USENET too! The "glob" utility at TUHS: https://minnie.tuhs.org/cgi-bin/utree.pl?file=V5/usr/source/s1/glob.c and the source for its online manual page from V6: https://www.tuhs.org/cgi-bin/utree.pl?file=V6%2Fusr%2Fman%2Fman8%2Fglob.8 -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: problem compiling Kernel 6.1.27-gentoo-r1

2023-05-20 Thread Nuno Silva
the firmware required by a realtek > NIC, probably a setting inherited from the config settings of the old kernel? > > You eventually compiled it with "N". I suspect the order in which you > configured/compiled it plays a role in this error. > > Since you do not have this hardware, set it to "N", then run: Could this be the manually defined list of firmware blobs to include in the kernel image, and not something automatically pulled in by a driver? I'm not sure what's the quickest way to check, perhaps this works?: grep CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE /usr/src/linux/.config -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: trying to get sd card reader to work

2023-06-13 Thread Nuno Silva
r capacity card (32GB I think?), µSDHC, with an "SD adapter", and I learned that the (multi-slot) USB dongle I've been using does not support µSDHC (only µSD, apparently?)... but does support SDHC! -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: Email clients

2023-08-02 Thread Nuno Silva
ettings or commented out) and your changes, you get to see when defaults change, and it might be easier to notice, handle and adapt if some change requires adjusting the modified settings. I'd say having separate files also makes it possible to miss configuration changes. -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] [OT]/[Meta] Subscribers of gentoo-user using Microsoft e-mail services

2023-08-02 Thread Nuno Silva
I got another "undeliverable" error message relayed to me from postmas...@outlook.com with mx.google.com's complaint about how Microsoft didn't set the correct "Envelope-From" when forwarding the message... -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: Please help me understand this emerge error message.

2023-08-12 Thread Nuno Silva
build, I think this is because curl can be built with more than one SSL backend (the USE flags that appear in USE=...), and the CURL_SSL=... USE_EXPAND flags control which one gets to be the default. (But someone more knowledgeable please correct me if this is wrong or incomplete.) -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: Spurious error messages at boot up from the new dhcpcd

2023-08-22 Thread Nuno Silva
.cgi?id=904422 So check if there's a newer version of net-misc/netifrc available. -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: dosbox 0.74.3 can't init SDL: No audio device on one machine

2023-08-31 Thread Nuno Silva
same flags and versions there too? > The directory /dev/snd is identical on both > machines. Any ideas? -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: attic

2023-09-04 Thread Nuno Silva
y at all! With /log/ instead of /tree/ in the URL it at least shows the list of commits. From a quick check, this seems to include the commit removing the directory when it's removed instead of renamed, so hopefully it helps too with retrieving older ebuilds? (But note that Rich was suggesting using the *search* feature of the gitweb interface, which, in this case, also finds the same topmost commit if I search for "reedsolomon".) -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: mcomix (really python)

2023-09-08 Thread Nuno Silva
b0c1139febb1/tree/mcomix/run.py?diff=ae7d6a03f001de3241e586b1b285ce624383f344 from https://sourceforge.net/p/mcomix/git/ci/04785a835b6c0e0782c9d0689686b0c1139febb1/ (Which might be useful in case you want to try to add a patch to the version you currently have installed) -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: long compiles

2023-09-12 Thread Nuno Silva
bit of a beast back then I remember insn-attrtab.c making the GCC compilation swap a lot :-) https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=29442 -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: 6.1.53-gentoo-r1 kernel not booting

2023-10-07 Thread Nuno Silva
g in the message and requiring a separate fetch). Does the gentoo webforum actually support *threads*, and not just *topics*? A lot of webforum software packages seem to support only the concept of topics, which would mean conversations are actually easier to navigate via mailing list or network news (i.e. gmane). It is worth it mentioning the issue there, though, as somebody there who is not reading this list might know what is going on. -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: Portage reports preserved libs, but won't rebuild

2023-11-24 Thread Nuno Silva
e says "Nothing to merge; quitting." does it have any other information? I'd suspect this to be caused by some upgrade which cannot be currently done for some reason (such as a block).) -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: Portage reports preserved libs, but won't rebuild

2023-11-24 Thread Nuno Silva
ed, Microsoft, when forwarding, pretends to be the original sender, instead of @live.ru, which triggers the failure you see from Gmail. In the details in the error/failure message the only thing that refers to you will likely be your address. The IP address which tried to send the message to Google b

[gentoo-user] Re: [OT]/[Meta] Subscribers of gentoo-user using Microsoft e-mail services

2023-11-24 Thread Nuno Silva
On 2023-08-02, Nuno Silva wrote: > The subscriber which has subscribed to this list using a Microsoft > mailbox (@live.ru?) is still subscribed, and still has that mailbox set > to forward e-mails to a Gmail address. > > Which would be fine, except Microsoft also still hasn&

[gentoo-user] Re: Emerge load again

2023-11-30 Thread Nuno Silva
p, with individual package processes > alternating in the top list of make threads. The load limit is being set only for emerge, not make, so it would only affect the decision to start building more packages in parallel. The already started ongoing builds could still take the load beyond 30, with more than 30 processes - there is nothing set to prevent that, or is there? -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: alsamixer - no sound

2023-12-16 Thread Nuno Silva
oot user, over the native protocol. Don't do that.) What kind of audio config do you have? Is it expected to involve PulseAudio? What was upgraded? -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: Genlop wonky again

2024-01-07 Thread Nuno Silva
ing the three merge times and dividing by two I get, if I've not messed up my calculations, 68 minutes and 27 seconds, matching your "Currently merging" output. -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: ssh from linux to Windows

2024-01-08 Thread Nuno Silva
ve-a-known-hosts2-file This is just the usual approach of a user-specific file not existing unless it is created. I'd say you can just ignore this message and focus on the verbose messages about the authentication mechanisms. -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: ssh from linux to Windows

2024-01-08 Thread Nuno Silva
On 2024-01-08, the...@sys-concept.com wrote: > On 1/8/24 01:41, Nuno Silva wrote: >> On 2024-01-08, the...@sys-concept.com wrote: >> >>> On 1/6/24 20:09, the...@sys-concept.com wrote: >>>> I installed openssh server on Windows 11 and tried to ssh to it >

[gentoo-user] Re: problem installing a package that uses meson instead of the regular autotools system

2024-02-03 Thread Nuno Silva
y else will have more experience and practical advice regarding this, but one thing I noticed in the ebuild code above: have you tried using the meson eclass? (man meson.eclass, if you have app-doc/eclass-manpages) -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: gui-libs/egl-wayland and x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers dependency conflict.

2024-02-17 Thread Nuno Silva
s to the ~ character above it, and the ^ points to 1.1.7, the > version of egl-wayland, so the version you want to merge won't satisfy > nvidia-drivers. > > Does that help? Is there a setting or some other way to configure portage to use e.g. standout mode here, instead of "^"s? -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: CPU ISA level is lower than required

2024-03-06 Thread Nuno Silva
the message is showing up... but while the in-tree glibc-2.38 ebuilds do not have the line added in [2], the commit to glibc-.ebuild says this is supposed to have been addressed upstream [3]. [2] https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/?id=5dbd6a821ff753e3b41324c4fb7c58cf65eeea33 [3] https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/?id=1f0fd3e2aee01e0c09e7103c8af4183b57faef49 -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: Encrypted drives, password generation and management howto, guide.

2024-05-15 Thread Nuno Silva
anywhere - other than > within the application's memory space where the range of characters have been > selected. The xserver will call for this when you middle click to paste it > on > another application's window. > > The Clipboard may be stored in RAM or cache of any applications which use > this > method. -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: Grub, gpt partitions and BIOS, not uefi thing.

2024-05-16 Thread Nuno Silva
There's also 'sys-boot/elilo' for EFI systems. What about grub as in "grub1" or grub0.xx for PC BIOS, is it still available (outside the main tree?) and working e.g. with patches, or is there some unsolved compilation issue nowadays? -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: mtp cannot create directories on SD card on cellphone

2024-05-16 Thread Nuno Silva
ing silently before? If this is FAT* or exFAT, wouldn't ownership be a thing for the FUSE tool to set itself? Or does exFAT have the concept of ownership?) -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: preparing /dev/sda1 for gentoo install x86 handbook

2024-05-31 Thread Nuno Silva
you written it IMHO to understand exactly what you > are talking about. > > Regards, > GASPARD DE RENEFORT Kévin > > > -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: preparing /dev/sda1 for gentoo install x86 handbook

2024-05-31 Thread Nuno Silva
mentation Project mailing list? -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: preparing /dev/sda1 for gentoo install x86 handbook

2024-06-02 Thread Nuno Silva
On 2024-06-01, Kévin GASPARD DE RENEFORT wrote: > Le 01/06/2024 à 22:15, Wol a écrit : >> On 31/05/2024 16:26, Nuno Silva wrote: >>> On 2024-05-31, Kévin GASPARD DE RENEFORT wrote: >>> >>>> Is this not possible to go, as I said, on IRC or use the >>>

[gentoo-user] Re: Difficulty with updating /etc/basb/bashrc

2024-06-16 Thread Nuno Silva
s javascript (and also some newer features, so just enabling javascript isn't enough, you need one of a small number of browsers). GitHub used to be quite usable to browse repositories and investigate code, navigating around different commits in the history, and checking "blame" annotations and so on, but now it's not useful to me even for just that...) -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: Keep getting LC_ALL error during install.

2024-06-16 Thread Nuno Silva
be a Microsoft filesystem at all...) Or is the problem that many UEFI bootloaders that are in the firmware behave in a less than optimal way with implementation details and unimplemented features? > More and more everything is turning into "System on a chip", and that > includes the bios! It has just enough of a driver now to read > everything it needs from the attached storage, and that's your modern > UEFI. -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: Fonts: was: New monitor, new problem. Everything LARGE O_O

2024-07-09 Thread Nuno Silva
tory set of settings for non-bitmap. Maybe some day in the future I'll revisit this... -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Automatic e-mail fetching/checking in SeaMonkey Mail&News (was: Re: Web browser issues. Firefox and Seamonkey doesn't work, Chrome does.)

2024-08-03 Thread Nuno Silva
start checking/fetching automatically at the configured interval after that? -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: Web browser issues. Firefox and Seamonkey doesn't work, Chrome does.

2024-08-25 Thread Nuno Silva
mode where it runs, monitoring for new messages? At least I recall reading something about that, and the manual does mention at least "-iFOLDER" for IMAP IDLE. No idea if it exits that way too. -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: emerge - Tips and Tricks

2024-09-02 Thread Nuno Silva
revdep-rebuild > > and when perl itself goes through a major update, I run: > > perl-cleaner --reallyall > > Enjoy your gentoo! Could --ignore-world be of use in cases where blockers are complicating things too much? Might make sense e.g. if an emerge upgrade is needed before other upgrades but python eclass changes are blocking things creating cyclic dependencies. (Requires a lot of careful analysis, of course...) -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: Question about compilation

2025-02-08 Thread Nuno Silva
d have to shutdown until power comes back.  I've always just > done a emerge --resume but that starts any unfinished emerges from > scratch.  Just curious if this would work.  If I can remember to do it > if it does.  ;-)  > > Dale > > :-)  :-)  No, that's shell job control, it will live only while the shell process lives, so wouldn't survive a shutdown/reboot. There were one or two FEATUREs that could be used to restart where it stopped, was it FEATURE="keepwork"? (I guess it's a bit like invoking the build system or ebuild directly on the partial build as mentioned upthread, but with the comfort of doing it through emerge.) -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: problem formatting new 256 GB USB stick : more info

2025-02-16 Thread Nuno Silva
t the problem isn't due to defective hardware, > but is somewhere in 'mke2fs' or related material. > > Any observations are very welcome. I'd say this is very unlikely, and that you should test and investigate more, lest it have some issue that could lead to data loss later. -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: problem formatting new 256 GB USB stick

2025-02-15 Thread Nuno Silva
ng suggestions cb a rather long-drawn-out affair (smile). > > Has anyone else encountered this ? Does anyone have suggestions ? Are there kernel error or warning messages when this happens? -- Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: problem formatting new 256 GB USB stick

2025-02-16 Thread Nuno Silva
On 2025-02-16, Philip Webb wrote: > 250215 Michael wrote: >> On Saturday 15 February 2025 11:50:23 Greenwich Mean Time Nuno Silva wrote: >> > On 2025-02-15, Philip Webb wrote: >> > > Recently, I bought 2 new Kingston Exodia 256 GB USB sticks >> > > f