On 2024-06-14, Alan Mackenzie wrote:

> Hello, Netfab.
> On Fri, Jun 14, 2024 at 18:22:11 +0200, netfab wrote:
>> Le 14/06/24 à 17:53, Alan Mackenzie a tapoté :
>> > Right now, I have a problem.  Is there any convenient way I can get
>> > the older standard file contents back again, so as to be able to do
>> > this 3-way diff?
>> The old bashrc file installed by previous versions of the ebuild :
>> https://github.com/gentoo/gentoo/blob/master/app-shells/bash/files/bashrc
>> The new bashrc file :
>> https://github.com/gentoo/gentoo/blob/master/app-shells/bash/files/bashrc-r1
> I don't have access to these files, unfortunately.  Github has blocked
> them behind a script.  I certainly amn't about to let a Microsoft script
> run in my browser.  That is just too high a cost to pay.
> Are these files freely available, anywhere, perhaps?

In this case it's definitely better to use Gentoo's gitweb instead of
the GitHub mirror, but, for reference, currently with GitHub you can
replace "/blob/" with "/raw/" in the address to get redirected to the
raw address (which has more different parts, but just doing this
replacement will get you there).

(Also: For commit diff URLs in GitHub, appending .diff will get you the
plain diff.)

(But gitweb is quite better than GitHub, especially now that GitHub
requires javascript (and also some newer features, so just enabling
javascript isn't enough, you need one of a small number of
browsers). GitHub used to be quite usable to browse repositories and
investigate code, navigating around different commits in the history,
and checking "blame" annotations and so on, but now it's not useful to
me even for just that...)

Nuno Silva

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