Hash: SHA1
Sune Kloppenborg Jeppesen wrote:
> Ahh great! Another candidate for the Danish conspiracy:-)
Also one for Polish :)
Welcome Martin and Michał :)
- --
Krzysiek 'Nelchael' Pawlik
/me runs
Version: GnuPG v1.
Hash: SHA1
Marius Mauch wrote:
> One case that doesn't completely fit into this category is
> x11-misc/openclipart as the existing local "pdf" flag just determines
> if some pdf files should be installed. Not sure how exactly to deal
> with this situation, but in
x11-libs/docklib is old, unmaintained and not used. All dockaps that use
such library use x11-libs/libdockap already (last was ported today).
There's no ebuild that depends on docklib. I've scheduled it for removal
on Friday 27/01 if nobody complains (currently p.masked).
Krzysiek 'Nelcha
Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote:
>> yups polish conspiracy is growing...
> And most of it is under my control :P
Bwahahahahahaha ]:->
> Welcome Damian! :)
Welcome :)
Krzysiek 'Nelchael' Pawlik
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote:
> On Saturday 28 January 2006 12:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Please welcome Markus to the team.
> Hi Markus! :)
Welcome Markus :)
> use repoman || die
> [This time it was the case to use this lame joke, right? :)]
" - Kaboom?"
" - Yes Rico, kaboom."
Harry Putnam wrote:
> At any rate attempting to log in with the supplied passwd and real
> name fails ...
Use e-mail.
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, desktop-dock, x86, java...
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Michael Hanselmann wrote:
>> In what range do you need the random numbers?
> For this ebuild, lower than 1000.
>> And I guess a 32-bit prime is out of reach :-)
> Indeed.
So maybe use a precomputed table of primes <1000 ?
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0x
Donnie Berkholz wrote:
>> can you post the .xpm for use with grub-0.xx for me to check out ?
> Don't have one designed yet, this is all still in the planning stages.
There's one available at http://www.schultz-net.dk/grub.html (scroll
down pass the Debian/Slackware ;) ).
Danny van Dyk wrote:
> It is my pleasure to announce publicly that ian! has passed all
> necessary quizzes to touch our holy gra^H^H^H portage tree.
Ian - welcome :)
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, desktop-dock, x86, java, apache...
current machine.
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, java, apache, ppc, vim, kernel...
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
# Masked for removal on 5 May 2008, please use app-laptop/omnibook.
# Live SVN ebuild, not needed as app-laptop/omnibook has been updated.
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, java, apache, ppc, vim, kernel...
Description: OpenPGP
are easy to maintain
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, java, apache, ppc, vim, kernel, python...
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, java, apache, ppc, vim, kernel, python...
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Santiago M. Mola wrote:
> x11-misc/dzen (low maintainance)
> x11-misc/lsw (maintainance close to zero)
Feel free to assign those two to desktop-misc.
Krzysztof Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, java, apache, ppc, vim, kernel, python...
Description: OpenPGP digital
Robin H. Johnson (robbat2) wrote:
> robbat2 09/02/11 11:27:13
> Modified: mysql.eclass
> Log:
> Fix PDEPEND for build order.
> Revision ChangesPath
> 1.104eclass/mysql.eclass
> file :
> http://sources.gentoo.org/viewcvs.py/gentoo-x86/eclass/mysql
Zac Medico wrote:
> What you can see there is that it's selecting mysql-community to
> satisfy the PDEPEND. I'll make a patch for portage so that it won't
> trigger the circular dependency avoidance code when it's trying to
> satisfy PDEPEND.
Great! Thank you. Masking mysql-community helped.
y problems.
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, java, apache, ppc, vim, kernel, python...
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
lines: +1
-102; commitid: 5c6d4661a7e24567;
Remove content of java-wsdp.eclass, as all packages using it have been removed.
It has been removed >= 2 years ago, there were only few ebuilds using it.
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, java, ap
Eitan Mosenkis wrote:
> All comments, questions, suggestions, etc. are welcome.
Interesting - could you point me/us at some design document or provide more
detailed description of how the whole process works?
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, java, apache, ppc,
Following packages are looking for new maintainers:
- app-laptop/omnibook - not much work, I don't have a laptop requiring this
- kde-misc/kdmtheme - I hope it will go away with KDE 3.5.x - kde team?
- sys-power/hibernate-script - 2 open bugs, rare releases
Krzysiek Pawlik k
Enrico Weigelt wrote:
> How does the process of proving packages work ?
Please file a stabilization bug on b.g.o with ebuild version and `emerge
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, desktop-dock, desktop-wm, x86, java, apache...
Description: Open
Two new new-style virtuals have been added today to the tree:
- virtual/jdk
- virtual/jre
This allows migration to generation 2 of Java build system to advance.
All virtual/{jdk,jre} have been removed from profiles. The bug for this
was #138747.
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
- sun-jaxb-bin
- sun-jaxp-bin
- sun-jaxr-bin
- sun-jaxrpc-bin
- sun-jaxws-bin
- sun-jwsdp-shared-bin
- sun-saaj-bin
- sun-sjsxp-bin
- sun-wsdp-bin
- sun-xmldsig-bin
- sun-xws-security-bin
The eclass has been tested - it has been in Java experimental overlay
for quite some time.
I've masked www-servers/resin-ee on 1 July, it will be removed from tree
around friday (14 July) - it's old, binary and there's no version 3 of
it. Please use www-servers/resin.
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, desktop-dock, desktop-wm, x8
Anatoly Shipitsin wrote:
>> I've masked www-servers/resin-ee on 1 July, it will be removed from tree
>> around friday (14 July) - it's old, binary and there's no version 3 of
>> it. Please use www-servers/resin.
> it's not replaced by resin pro ?
It is -
Joshua Nichols wrote:
> Doesn't support:
> alpha
Alpha has compaq-{jdk,jre} which requires nast hacks with glibc and
doesn't work - details are in virtual/{jdk,jre} bugs.
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, desktop-dock, desktop-wm, x86, java, apache...
he main window
-a, --activate Activate Audacious
-i, --sm-client-id Previous session ID
-H, --headless Headless operation [experimental]
-N, --no-log Disable error/warning interception (logging)
-v, --version Print version number and exit
Krzysiek P
Brian Harring wrote:
> Missed a few before j from the looks of it- attached is a list of
> unused use.local.desc flags should anyone be bored and care to clean
> it.
> x11-terms/mrxvt: use.local.desc unused flag(s): xgetdefault
Thanks. Removed.
Krzysiek Pawlik
Gustavo Felisberto wrote:
> net-im/jabberd
> net-im/gg-transport
I'll take those two.
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, x86, java, apache, ppc...
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
ning in few ebuilds
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, x86, java, apache, ppc...
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
CSS and Ruby. But he's looking forward to the day when he'll
> decide if its advantageous to learn C/C++.
It is - most packages in desktop-* and commonbox are C/C++ ;]
> So please welcome David as a new fellow developer among us!
Welcome :)
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC5
x11-misc/gpasman was masked today due to bug #156490. It's going to be removed
around 10 Feb 2007.
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, desktop-dock, x86, java, apache, ppc...
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
Deep Space Nine, then Voyager, then Enterprise... sounds good to me ;)
baselayout-deep-space-nine ;) Portage would hate such versioning scheme ;)
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, desktop-dock, x86, java, apache, ppc...
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
As the package may transfer user data to anyone owning that domain after 1 March
2007 it will be removed in 9 days instead of usual 30:
# Krzysiek Pawlik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (19 Feb 2007)
# Pending removal 28 Feb 2007, bug #167024
# See also http://pl.uptime-project.net/board/viewtopic
Simon Stelling wrote:
> Even better: Fix them to use ~/.config/ instead, so they don't
> clutter up the home unnecessarily :)
Won't it change how the vanilla upstream version and the one from portage
behave? IMHO such changes are not a good idea.
Krzysiek Pawlik ke
tc to follow. At least this time the German
> conspiracy is not growing :)
Yay! Cześć, Hello, etc ;)
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, desktop-dock, x86, java, apache, ppc...
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
+# Krzysiek Pawlik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (27 Apr 2007)
+# Mask binary-only version of jcs, please use dev-java/jcs,
+# will be removed from the tree around end of May.
"end of May" is 27 of May ;)
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, d
+# Krzysiek Pawlik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (28 Apr 2007)
+# Package uses generation 1 eclasses and has stale upstream.
+# It will be removed from the tree around end of May.
"end of May" is 28 of May ;)
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, desktop
+# Krzysiek Pawlik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (28 Apr 2007)
+# Package uses generation 1 eclasses and has stale upstream.
+# For JS use dev-java/rhino.
+# It will be removed from the tree around end of May.
"end of May" is 28 of May
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0x
+# Krzysiek Pawlik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (28 Apr 2007)
+# Package uses generation 1 eclasses and has stale upstream.
+# It will be removed from the tree around end of May.
"end of May" is 28 of May
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, desktop
+# Krzysiek Pawlik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (4 May 2007)
+# Masked for removal: from source versions are in the
+# tree, so please use that.
+# Will be removed by end of May.
I'm looking for someone to help maintain >=net-im/jabberd-2.0 - I'm taking care
of 1.4 series, but I lack experience with >=2.0. If anyone is willing to help -
please drop me an email.
jabberd-2.0.11 is in good shape - no open bugs, there's only 178055 - version
bump to
w weeks off instead of
permanently leaving Gentoo? Just like Luis suggested?
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, desktop-dock, x86, java, apache, ppc...
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Would the archives
of -core be opened too?
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, desktop-dock, x86, java, apache, ppc...
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
# Krzysiek Pawlik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (15 Oct 2007)
# Copying doesn't work, use xclip instead, see bug #191553
Bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=191553
Will be removed on 2007/11/15
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, desktop-dock
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, desktop-dock, x86
MPILER="$(type -P $(tc-getCXX))" \
> Why the 'type -P' bit?
To get the full path to $CC and $CXX
>> make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "make install failed"
> Does emake work?
It should -> fixed.
Attached is new version and
emake [EMAIL PROTECTED] - it would allow something like this:
cmake-utils_src_make -j1
* if you `cd' into build directory - *please* return to ${S} -> use pushd/popd.
Last thing: please reply to gentoo-dev too :)
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
Marijn Schouten (hkBst) wrote:
> I'm a bit confused now. Both this eclass and the recently submitted
> cmake-utils.eclass seem to handle CMake-based packages. Can someone clarify?
Yes: I've missed the discussion about cmake-utils.eclass - my version
(cmake.eclass) is not neede
Wulf: check this patch to cmake-utils.eclass - it used pushd/popd, adds
CMAKE_IN_SOURCE_BUILD in cmake-utils_src_compile and defines LIB_INSTALL_DIR
(cmake-utils will be used by other packages besides KDE too).
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, desktop-dock, x86, java
{D}##' \":
app-editors/scite/scite-1.74.ebuild: Unquoted Variable on line: 41
It's purpose is to remove the ${D} from makefile, additionally ${D} is in single
quotes, so it will not be expanded - is it a bug in repoman check?
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, desktop-dock, x86, java, apache, ppc...
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, desktop-dock, x86, java, apache, ppc...
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Donnie Berkholz wrote:
>> src_compile() {
>> cmake-utils_src_compile || die "cmake failed"
>> }
> This is redundant.
Thanks, fixed.
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, java, apache, ppc, vim, kernel...
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
>> chown -R resin:resin "${D}/var/run/resin"
>> chmod 644 "${D}/etc/conf.d/resin"
>> chmod 755 "${D}/etc/init.d/resin"
>> chmod 750 "${D}/var/lib/resin"
>> chmod 750 "${D}/var/run/resin"
>> chmod 750 "${D}/etc/resin"
> Again, fowners/fperms can make this a bit easier to read.
I'll fix it with next bump.
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, java, apache, ppc, vim, kernel...
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
e and
jabberd need maintainers.
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, java, apache, ppc, vim, kernel...
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
# Krzysiek Pawlik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (25 Jan 2008)
# Masked for removal, please use tuxonice-sources.
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, java, apache, ppc, vim, kernel...
Description: OpenPGP d
Yuri Vasilevski wrote:
I would say drop it from system and add to RDEPEND in kernel-2.eclass
for ${ETYPE} == sources.
IMHO that's a bad idea - everybody use some kernel sources, but not everybody
runs `make install'. I'm for dropping debianutils from system.
Krzysiek Paw
the tool (for
> example to update the portage database).
Nope, that's a bad idea unless you plan to implement such feature for portage,
paludis and pkgcore (and possibly other package managers).
So use revdep-rebuild (longer but correct solution) or lafilefixer (quicker but
introduces oth
that herd anyway :)
Don't forget about desktop-dock :) And as probably with any other team: if you
want to help -- join! There's no time to waste :)
Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC51
desktop-misc, java, apache, ppc, vim, kernel, python...
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Mike Frysinger wrote:
> [...]
Use `quickpkg` before dangerous updates/merges. If something brakes -
untar the package.
Krzysiek 'Nelchael' Pawlik RLU #322999[EMAIL PROTECTED]
gentoo base system - kernel 2.6.11-ck8 GPG:0x7E226904
Donnie Berkholz wrote:
>> Use `quickpkg` before dangerous updates/merges. If something brakes -
>> untar the package.
> Doesn't work too well when tar's broken too. =)
Use static tar na bzip2 ;) Seriously: I'm for erescue (or whatever name
will be chosen).
Krzysiek 'Nelchael' Pawlik RL
Torsten Veller wrote:
> Why do we add a license to the licenses/ dir?
> Does the language of the license matter? (selfhtml is in german)
IMVHO: yes. I don't understand German, but English yes.
> Aren't MIT and MetaKit and ... the same license?
> Aren't X11 and cdegood and JamesClark and ...
Jon Portnoy wrote:
>>Symlink? If MIT == MetaKit, then:
>>ln -s MIT MetaKit
> I don't know about this specific case but generally speaking licenses
> that're similar in language and intent have very small (often cosmetic)
> differences; if there is even the slightest d
Jon Portnoy wrote:
> You're right; chances are this is a mistake on the part of whoever
> wrote/committed the MetaKit ebuild, it probably had a 'COPYING' file and
> whoever reviewed it didn't recognize the MIT license. File a bug
Done: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=96173
Chris Gianelloni wrote:
>>Symlink? If MIT == MetaKit, then:
>>ln -s MIT MetaKit
> CVS doesn't allow symlinks
Ouch... right :) Forgot about that.
Krzysiek 'Nelchael' PawlikRLU #322999GPG:0xBC51
gentoo - kernel 2.6.11-ck10
Artificial Intellige
Hash: SHA1
pclouds wrote:
> This is an idea. Currently, after an ebuild is merged into system. I
> have no idea where that ebuild comes from.
Use emerge:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~$ emerge -pv resin
These are the packages that I would merge, in order:
Calculating de
Hash: SHA1
Wernfried Haas wrote:
> Ok, here's a warm welcome to nelchael and mkay. Would you like fries
> with it?
Will You bring salt too? ;)
- --
Krzysiek 'Nelchael' Pawlik
Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.
Hash: SHA1
Elfyn McBratney wrote:
>>Krzysiek Pawlik (nelchael) is going to help with the influx of
>>desktop-misc bugs. I'll let Krzysiek introduce himself:
> /me prods nelchael
> ;)
/me pokes beu
/me pokes beu again
Hash: SHA1
Welcome CHTEKK :)
- --
Krzysiek 'Nelchael' Pawlik
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)
Hash: SHA1
Marco Morales wrote:
> I think "none" could be the better workaround imho.
I vote for "none" too :) It clearly states, that HOMEPAGE is missing.
Blank HOMEPAGE is misleading.
- --
Krzysiek 'Nelchael' Pawlik
I don't suffer from insanity
Hash: SHA1
Mike Frysinger wrote:
> how can a blank HOMEPAGE be misleading ?
Page is unknown, too lazy to search, what does empty HOMEPAGE exactly mean?
- --
Krzysiek 'Nelchael' Pawlik
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
71 matches
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