On Monday, 28. November 2005 12.30, Simon Stelling wrote:
> Is there a good reason for sending this to -dev?
Because he wanted to let users know of corrections? At least the ones who
As for the original issue, isn't this the policy and how it has always been in
fact? Back in earlier days
On Tuesday, 13. December 2005 03:42, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> After that, I'll probably question replacing a single author with a
> committee. We don't want to end up designing things like Ada, after
> all...
Hm, why not? It works, and wors well..
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
Ugh, it is the only one that reliably connects to icq (yea, I am stuck using
it for many people whom I contact as this is pretty much the only protocol
"honored" there) *and* handles various encodings in a sane way (no, gaim,
while been really nice on a protocol side, does not cut it on localiza
Now, with kde-3.5
kopete does not spit out that message about unknown error, instead it keeps
trying.. and trying, and trying...
So, there is some hope that it may start working for me in, say 3.5.3, or at
least 4.1 :).
On Monday, 19. December 2005 19:05, Stephen P. Becker wrote
On Monday, 19. December 2005 18:53, Olivier Crete wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-19-12 at 12:19 +0100, George Shapovalov wrote:
> > Ugh, it is the only one that reliably connects to icq (yea, I am stuck
> > using it for many people whom I contact as this is pretty much the only
> > p
Um, I cannot remind why we did not split, because I remember (unless I am
hallucinating of course. That was like 2 years ago, or more..) that we
actually had them split and then they were joined.. For whatever it is
As for reasons, not really sure, did not check at the time (as I did not
> > Please take a moment to welcome our newest developer, pva. Peter is
> > joining to help out with netmon.
> >
> Perhaps just a coincidence, but isn't this the same Peter Volkov who wrote
> the Volkov Commander, which I loved and used daily back in my MS-DOS
> (gaming) days?
Well, I was going to
Wow, thanks Dirk for bringing this up, but no thatnks for rushing - I haven't
got my prototype ebuilds and eclass workign yet :). Well, I did somewhat, but
not to the point where it would really, um, work..
Anyway, since this was brought up, I think I would do that -dev posting, to
announce pro
Hi All.
This is to inform interested parties that the split (gnat => gnatgcc, gnatgpl,
gnatpro) that I was describing recently is now functional and I ma ready to
commit the reorganized gnat (p-masked of course at this point). Please see
#111340 for details:
неділя, 15. січень 2006 12:43, Kevin F. Quinn (Gentoo) Ви написали:
> If the 2005 does turn out to be a release date rather than the
> standard name, then it makes sense as a release version; gnat-gpl-2005
> would be enough. Later releases can add a point revision if necessary;
> if you do 2005.1
неділя, 15. січень 2006 16:03, George Shapovalov Ви написали:
> > If the 2005 does turn out to be a release date rather than the
> > standard name, then it makes sense as a release version; gnat-gpl-2005
> > would be enough. Later releases can add a point revision if necess
Monday, 20. March 2006 23:07, Daniel Drake Ви написали:
> I'm looking for ideas - preferably big, drastic, shiny ones. Ignore any
> issues relating to migration away from our current system. What would be
> the _ideal_ way for Gentoo to handle contributions from anyone?
> Any ideas?
Heh, and that
A quick update.
Please use this link for the proposal instead of the one listed in original
post in the bug:
The files have been migrated to my gentoo space, as proper. I just added
comment to the bug and I'll put up some remonder at the place th
Friday, 28. April 2006 21:20, Kevin F. Quinn (Gentoo) Ви написали:
> OK; just to clarify my understanding, and perhaps for anyone else
> watching who saw things as muddled as I did:
Just to be really anal :)
> 3) A herd does not have an email address - it's not a person or group
> of people
Saturday, 29. April 2006 00:28, Kevin F. Quinn (Gentoo) Ви написали:
> On Fri, 28 Apr 2006 21:29:58 +0200
> George Shapovalov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Friday, 28. April 2006 21:20, Kevin F. Quinn (Gentoo) wrote:
> > > 3) A herd does not have an email
Hi everybody.
I would like to announce the availability of new (split) gnat ebuilds on x86,
amd64 and soon possibly on ppc. The technical announcement (of a "new way",
eclass and virtuals) has been done earlier (for those interested, see bug
#111340), so this is really just an unmasking announc
Saturday, 3. June 2006 06:33, Donnie Berkholz Ви написали:
> Jeremy Huddleston wrote:
> Couple of questions:
> 1) Can it handle non-gcc compilers? If so, how?
> 2) Can it handle different languages being set to different compilers?
> For example, use Intel's Fortran compiler but GCC for everythin
Monday, 5. June 2006 18:03, Stefan Schweizer Ви написали:
> -fortran - Do we really need this outdated language as a default in gcc?
Which one, Fortran-99 or Fortran-2006? ;)
(Well, Ok, gfortran in gcc does not do 2006 yet, but still..)
On the usage side: if you do that (i.e. remove it) you will b
п'ятниця, 9. червень 2006 15:10, Roy Marples Ви написали:
> Some packages provide both a client and a server. As such, users usually
> only want one or the other - and rarely both.
> USE client server
> client - just build the client - duh
> server - just build the server - duh
> client and
субота, 10. червень 2006 04:28, Christel Dahlskjaer Ви написали:
> I would like to ask that the Council discuss the current state and
> future of the GWN at their next meeting.
Hah? What has concil to do with this? Is it going to mandate "GWN be better"
and it magically turns into some other thing
I don't think this (the general idea) is a heretical thought, in fact it was
around for quite some time. See #1523 for example, which actually came out of
a similar thread back ?5? years ago.
(There were no GLEPs back then, for those of you who will wan't to go "why
this isn't it glepped?" :). T
четвер, 15. червень 2006 12:26, Jakub Moc Ви написали:
> Please, stick your addy into the relevant eclass if you are actually a
> maintainer or at least a person to contact about the given eclass.
May be its a time for some kind of metadata for eclasses?
(No, that's just an idea, not a proposal of
Hi everybody.
Sorry for crossposting, but many people whom I want to catch with this are not
on gentoo-science. For the same reason lets keep this initial discussion
here, on -dev. If we need to expand, lets take it to the gentoo-science, but
then I would expect everybody interested to sign up
Hi Sven
п'ятниця, 16. червень 2006 21:10, Sven Köhler Ви написали:
> i just wanted to ask, if the is an eclass or something else, that
> enables me to temporarly select a certain gcc-version? or perhaps just
> finding the path to the gcc and g++ executables of a specific
> gcc-versions (like gcc-3
This seems to have never made it to the list, resending..
Hi everybody.
Sorry for crossposting, but many people whom I want to catch with this are not
on gentoo-science. For the same reason lets keep this initial discussion
here, on -dev. If we need to expand, lets take it to the gentoo-science
Wednesday, 6. August 2008, Robin H. Johnson Ви написали:
> Sorry that it's taken this long to get completed, but the Jeeves
> replacement, Willikins, is finally 99% done, and ready to join lots of
> channels.
Please add it to #gentoo-science as well.
Hi All.
I have some information for those of you using Ada on this list (it appears
there are quite a few, so, please drop those "all two people using.."
jokes ;)).
I have found that the recently released -2008 version has some "incompatible
bugs" with the -2007 version (NB: this is gnat-gpl,
Sunday, 7. September 2008, Olivier Crête Ви написали:
> The only proper way to do it is to stop the /usr/kde madness for
> everyone and just install everything in /usr like everyone else does,
I am afraid, that would be quite unacceptable for many of us. So I'd suggest
another "proper" way of doin
Tuesday, 3. February 2009, Josh Saddler Ви написали:
> Maciej Mrozowski wrote:
> > I was thinking, maybe it would be possible to drop categories completely
> > in the future (maybe keeping symlinks for compatibility and to ease
> > migration) and to put *all* packages in one directory - that would
(Ok this thread grew too long, so I gotta chime in :))
We could start using extended attributes or mandate reiser4 for portage dir or
some other special "in between" (the inside of file and its name) feature..
Sorry for the noise and insane "implementation" suggestion :)..
Tuesday, 26. May 2009, Federico Ferri Ви написали:
> seems like here two-level categories are a limitation.
> if three-level categories were available, I'd say app-admin-xselect.
Argh, should we suffer the same issues over again? What about just dropping
the two/three/etc tier requirement and ju
On Thursday 13 December 2012 12:59:40 Jory A. Pratt wrote:
> But to keep ebuilds for ex. gcc around for over 5 years is just insane.
I would argue, that stuff like gcc and some other system packages should be
kept forewer. One (working) version per SLOT is enough, but these should just
On Thursday 13 December 2012 21:25:59 Markos Chandras wrote:
> We also have 720 packages listed as maintainer-needed[1] meaning
> nobody is actually taking care of them.
> And this number is pretty scary.
Scary how?
With over 15000 packages total by now (in only the official tree; or even
more, wh
On Monday 17 December 2012 11:19:20 Tomáš Chvátal wrote:
> I've always myself override these defaults in make.conf to point for
> /var/portage/ (not /var/lib because I never bothered enough how to
> make world and config files to be put elsewhere :P).
And, while we are at it, lets more dis
On Wednesday 19 December 2012 15:52:28 Duncan wrote:
> >> There is a _reason_ why stuff is added to /var/lib instead of having
> >>
> >> /var/postgres /var/mysql /var/foobar /var/wtf /var/wth /var/imtired
> >>
> >> ...
> >
> > I don't understand how this is related to the discussion. None of the
On Thursday 20 December 2012 09:11:39 Ulrich Mueller wrote:
> > /var/cache/repositories/local<== the new location for a local overlay
> Also I wonder if local overlays should be in /var/cache? It might not
> always be possible to restore them.
So, this is the present /usr/local/portage? What
On Thursday 20 December 2012 13:36:27 Alan McKinnon wrote:
> > What program uses this "local" directory? It's not used directly by
> > portage itself, though portage has an exclude for it in the default
> > (in /usr/share/portage/config/make.globals).
> It goes bac
On Thursday 20 December 2012 13:21:11 Ian Stakenvicius wrote:
> > Nope, he means /usr/portage/local, not /usr/local/portage.
> Alan's description *was* for /usr/portage/local
Really? It matches /usr/local/portage pretty well. How did it come around
then? We had /usr/local/portage for ages for s
On Thursday 14 February 2013 13:09:15 Ben de Groot wrote:
> Okay, let's do this. Since the users don't seem to be able to organize
> themselves, I have taken the initiative to set this up. Currently
> there is the graveyard overlay on github, and I will be opening the
> required bug reports to get
On Thursday 14 February 2013 21:03:55 Ben de Groot wrote:
> On 14 February 2013 20:25, George Shapovalov wrote:
> > Um, what about the sunset overlay? IIRC, it was used/intended primarily
> > for
> > this purpose. Is it still alive? (haven't heard it mentioned in a whil
On Wednesday 06 March 2013 10:33:58 Diego Elio Pettenò wrote:
> The fact that we made mistakes in the past does not justify making more
> mistakes.
Um, what are you talking about, too many categories?
I am afraid, there is no "fix" in the form of "lets not add any". Every
commits summary message
середа, 21. червень 2006 03:46, Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò Ви написали:
> On Wednesday 21 June 2006 03:34, Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> > OK, so we can add qt3 to make.defaults.
> -* says nothing to you? :)
Now I am confused:
My understanding of that proposal was that qt3 is meant to mean "prefer qt3
This was originally supposed to go into another thread, but hey - this is a
perfect illustration of what I am going to talk about (to unconfuse Seemant
right away - this is not related to your posting but rather to the situation
that lead to it). I really was considering sending this as a "theor
First, thanks to everybody who responded! (not that tehre were many ;)).
Interestingly, the most positive result so far seems to be two people
expressing interest to join :), so we need at least one more mentor I'd say..
I'll start by refreshing general changes that were proposed:
1. Make Scient
Hi Simon
Thanks for the clarification!
неділя, 25. червень 2006 22:17, Simon Stelling Ви написали:
> i'm not maintaining anything, just keywording it for amd64. wouldn't it be
> easier to only list people that are in the sci herd?
No, because there are people who are not on sci herd but who maint
I have created a tracker bug, so that we can finally start organizing activity
and may see something done :).
This is a tracker bug, to keep things in perspective. For every herd/category
where there is interest/activity please create a new bug, if
Hi gang
It looks like we got all the coments we could get, so lets get done with it
then. What's left is minor legwork that is best done by the maintainers of
the individual herds, here is the approximate list:
0. If you feel you did not polish up the idea of a particular herd or catego
субота, 1. липень 2006 13:02, Luis Medinas Ви написали:
> On Sat, 2006-07-01 at 12:29 +0200, George Shapovalov wrote:
> > sci-physics - many packages were listed, so a candidate, but I did not
> > get a clear impression of how "finalized" the idea was and how many
A short update.
субота, 1. липень 2006 12:29, George Shapovalov Ви написали:
> 3. Create an alias for this new herd. It is probably best if the alias
> matches the name of the herd - bugwranglers will have no problem assigning
> the bugs then..
It looks like one cannot just create an al
The herd naming issue has surfaced in more detail again - there were already
two comments that it is beneficial to keep -sci in herd names. I originally
suggested that we drop it (and in general go with a "catchier" names), but
now it looks like I am slowly turning towards being more conservativ
Hi gang.
As I looked for a place where to put some documentation naturally falling in
a "project domain" for Ada, I realized that we have TLPs for many individual
(programming) languages. First I though to ping some people on irc, but, as I
went down the page the noticed number became nontrivia
середа, 11. жовтень 2006 23:12, Stuart Herbert Ви написали:
> We don't need a management hierarchy just to bring some structure to
> the docs on the website.I don't see any benefit in creating a TLP
> for programming languages. If we were to move programming languages
> around, for example, I'
середа, 11. жовтень 2006 22:30, Matthew Kennedy Ви написали:
> I think this proposal is OK even it is just to organize the top level
> listing a bit better. It seems like a real mix right now -- Council
> next to Common Lisp, PR next to Python and so on etc.
Yea, this is exactly why I want to orga
четвер, 12. жовтень 2006 10:47, Stuart Herbert написав:
> This isn't going to bring any benefits to anyone. If you want to help
> users find docs on programming languages on Gentoo (assuming there
> _are_ any users who don't know how to Google for such things), just
> get the docs team to organise
As there clearly was an interest (at least 2:1 yay's to nay's, counting in
feedback I got on irc) I have created the bug:
where we can finalize some details. I described the way we can proceed in the
opening message. Please add yourself to the bug if
субота, 21. жовтень 2006 01:05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ви написали:
> I'm writing to ask for your opinion on a change to sys-apps/portage that
> would allow users to maintain local revisions of ebuilds, such as
> "net-www/apache-2.0.58-r2-local1".
Um, I am not clear on what exactly your app
Hi guys.
This is a tool for interfacing Creative's Nomad II MG flash mp3 player. It was
a rather decent one at its time, but that was, well, long ago. I even wrote a
simplistic gui for that tool :). (And, incidentally, this is how I inherited
the package).
I don't have the device any longer. A
субота, 28. жовтень 2006 05:23, David Shakaryan Ви написали:
> Alec Warner wrote:
> > I request that this tag be made optional in the metadata.xml DTD.
> ++
> In my opinion, an empty tag or one with "no-herd" is rather silly when
> the requirement for the tag can just be removed.
Which is exact
субота, 28. жовтень 2006 08:01, Doug Goldstein Ви написали:
> Wanna add "no-herd" to that list then? Cause right now there's no way to
> identify no herd.
And there should not be. This entry is *invalid* and *disallowed*. Every
ebuild must belong to a valid herd. Period.
I am afraid, that policy
понеділок, 30. жовтень 2006 17:16, Chris Gianelloni Ви написали:
> Well, we enforce the maintainer tag if herd is no-herd. Then, we only
With this explicit requirement I think it should be Ok.
> allow valid devs, and maintainer-needed in maintainer.
Should we also disallow adding new no-herd/ma
понеділок, 30. жовтень 2006 17:49, Olivier Crete Ви написали:
> > Should we also disallow adding new no-herd/maintainer-needed ebuilds?
> > (As the apparent use of maintainer-needed is to track the ebuilds already
> > in the tree that need some love).
> Isn't adding an ebuild without setting ones
Masked, as per previous announement. Nobody stepped up, so this is now on
track for removal.
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
понеділок, 18. грудень 2006 08:19, Steve Long Ви написали:
> George Shapovalov wrote:
> > Masked, as per previous announement. Nobody stepped up, so this is now on
> > track for removal.
> I read the original post, and you seemed quite keen on keeping it in; have
Well, cons
середа, 20. грудень 2006 05:52, Steve Long Ви написали:
> > Besides, is there still anybody who has that player in a working
> > condition? Which leads to this one:
> What, besides you? ;)
Well, that's the thing: as I mentioned (in the original message as well as in
the referenced bug ;)) - I no
Monday, 19. February 2007, Stefan Schweizer Ви написали:
> To my fellow arguing Gentoo developers,
> due to the recent conflict concerning keywording I want to propose to
> separate keywording completely from ebuilds. The keywords would reside
> in a special file in profiles/, maybe even in more
Wednesday, 13. June 2007, Daniel Gryniewicz Ви написали:
> > The first option will trigger portage errors and prompt users to open
> > bugs until we have a stable 1.4, the second gives us a chance to explain
> > the issue.
> >
> > Any alternatives?
> 3. Mask < 1.4 on the 19th with a descriptive m
Sunday, 17. June 2007, Marijn Schouten (hkBst) Ви написали:
> I've encountered a few cases where the build process requires building and
> installing something and then using that to build something else. Is there
> a standard way to do this?
I'd say - split the package in two (or how many pieces t
Friday, 6. July 2007, Petteri Räty Ви написали:
> Mike Frysinger kirjoitti:
> > get your "waaait dont do it" votes in now, i plan on pushing:
> > gcc-4.2.0 ~amd64 ~x86
> About how many packages will break with the new gcc version? Of course
> switch not used by default so that's ok.
If this mak
Resending, as it seems gmail eats my outcoming mail..
Hi Christian.
The corresponding bug is #138059, quoting nattfodd:
"The list of software we could add is quite long, too..."
Well, looks like the herd did not collect as many packages as it was expected
to do. Considering that, I agree that t
Hi guys.
I have some vars and code that is shared among gnatbuild.eclass, gnat.eclass
and gnat.eselect module. Right now most of it is in the eselect module that
gets sourced by gnat.eclass (after minor cleanup) with a var or two
duplicated in gnatbuild.eclass. I would like to organize this a b
Thursday, 20. September 2007, Arturo Garcia Ви написали:
> Hi all,
You know, it would be helpfull to know at least a number of the bug you refer
to ;).
>Sorry for bringing this kind of crap to gentoo-dev but I had nowhere else to
Actually you do. This should have gone to the gentoo-pr
Thursday, 27. September 2007, Donnie Berkholz Ви написали:
> > + if [[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] == "${MARKER}*" ]]; then
> > + exit
> I'm surprised to see exit called in a function instead of returning
> nonzero.
This exit here indicates not a very usual but a valid situation, - no gnat
Thursday, 27. September 2007, Mike Frysinger Ви написали:
> i think more to the point, ebuilds/eclasses should never be calling `exit`
> if you want to "return an empty string", then you do `return`
Ok, sorry, will fix.
Any pointers to some description of where each should be used? Is this
Tuesday, 2. October 2007, Roy Marples Ви написали:
> And here it is
- if [[ "${FORTRANC}" = "gfortran" ]]; then
+ if [ "${FORTRANC}" = "gfortran" ]; then
You know, it is funny to see these lines after all those cries about how [ is
evil and we should really never ever use it but rathe
Friday, 5. October 2007, Donnie Berkholz Ви написали:
> There's gotta be a better way of doing this. All those escapes really
> start to obfuscate the code. Anyone got a better idea?
Just use single quotes? This should prevent bash expansion.
Although, as I can see, this is done in here-function,
Wednesday, 10. October 2007, Steve Dibb Ви написали:
> The little lame use flag has started showing up more in local use flags,
> and all for the same purpose, MP3 support using LAME libraries. I vote
> we move it into a global use flag. Any objections, let me know.
Are these cases lame specific
Monday, 26. November 2007, Markus Ullmann Ви написали:
> Robin H. Johnson schrieb:
> > On Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at 10:46:12AM +0100, Markus Ullmann wrote:
> > d) In addition to c), keep them open, flagged with sunrise in the status
> >board, so that when a developer does want some package not in th
Scientific Gentoo
Monday, 7. January 2008, Luca Barbato Ви написали:
> Are we fine?
More or less, I'd say Ok with the stuff we have in the tree already. Need more
devs (who does not? :)) that's for sure. Right now we are ~10 people for 300
packages and there are another ~300+ in bugzilla. Whic
Programming Languages and (sub) Ada
Monday, 7. January 2008, Luca Barbato Ви написали:
> Are we fine?
Ok as it is but could be better. It was concieved, among other things, to
consolidate resources and, possibly, do discussions of common things for some
of the languages we have support for (
Dear Ada users.
I have finally implemented the multiple gnat handling in full, resolving bug
#151343. The operational procedures on user side remain largerly the same
(as for the last year), however there is one modification everybody using Ada
compilers in Gentoo should be aware of.
Now (as w
Sunday, 2. March 2008, Steve Dibb Ви написали:
> Christian Faulhammer wrote:
> > What we propose is proper testing and keywording by anyone
> > around...not just team members.
> I agree... our main problem is manpower -- people actually working on
> the stable bugs. I've tried to do it myself a
Sunday, 2. March 2008, Richard Freeman Ви написали:
> George Shapovalov wrote:
> > The good thing about this approach is that it only requires an initial
> > investment of organizing and automating things but does not add any
> > regular work to the devs. In fact, if the &quo
Friday, 7. March 2008, Ulrich Mueller Ви написали:
> > Isn't what you wrote the existing policy?
> If it is, then the last question of the end-quiz should be changed:
> | 19. You are bumping foomatic's ebuild from version 1.5 to version
> | 2.0. This new version is a massive rewrite which int
>[bunch of linguistic stuff skipped..]
Is it just me or is there anybody else who thinks that this went way beyound
ridiculous? Especially considering that Diego himself is not a native English
Anyway, after having been all over the world (including 7 years in California)
and havi
On Wednesday 04 February 2015 09:49:02 Ian Stakenvicius wrote:
> In other words, we didn't actually have a default, we just had a means
> that portage would choose one of them if the end-user haddn't chosen
> already.
> This to me is still the ideal solution (not the || deps due to the
> issues
On Wednesday 02 September 2015 16:29:52 hasufell wrote:
> > - >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.7"
> > + >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.7:*"
> This doesn't look correct to me, unless dev-lang/gnat-gcc doesn't need
> ncurses headers(?). Only sys-libs/ncurses:0 provides headers (the other
> slots are for binary compati
I am about to start a long-overdue refactoring of the gnat (Ada compilers)
build system, governed by the gnatbuild.eclass. Given that nature of the
packages concerned and, for quite some time, I was the only person brave
enough to even touch this beast this probably does not concern too many
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