First, thanks to everybody who responded! (not that tehre were many ;)).
Interestingly, the most positive result so far seems to be two people 
expressing interest to join :), so we need at least one more mentor I'd say..

I'll start by refreshing general changes that were proposed:

1. Make Scientific Gentoo a top-level and create subprojects
 -  this did not seem to get any complaints. So, when we are done with the 
mainpart I'll try to update the page, like move it to a proper location, redo 
the blurb and provide links to subprojects. Then I'll ask corresponding teams 
to produce some descriptions for the corresponding subprojects (its the 
same .xml essentially, just change the description paraagraph). But lets 
first get done with the reorg itself..

2. Create smaller, topical herds to split 316 packages we have under sci right 
 -  Looks like most people assumed a natural herding of packages by categories 
(of course sci-libs should not be a separate herd, packages under it should 
fall under whatever makes sense), so lets try to start by creating a layout 
that follows. Here are the categories, as they stand now:

aldar portage # for fn in sci-*; do echo "$fn:  $(ls -1 $fn|wc -l)"; done
sci-astronomy:  11
sci-biology:  58
sci-calculators:  26
sci-chemistry:  50
sci-electronics:  34
sci-geosciences:  8
sci-libs:  62
sci-mathematics:  34
sci-misc:  19
sci-visualization:  20

Further is based on a quick glance at ChangeLog's (since I did not get much 
responce from actual mainatiners ;), so I may have missed somebody/listed 
somebody extra. Please check and comment accordingly)

sci-astronomy: 11 
an Ok size I'd say, devs:
morfic, phosphan, zx, ribosome, aliz, corsair, mr_bones_

sci-biology:  58
rather large, may be worth splitting more, no particular suggestions yet 
though, devs:
ribosome, blubb, corsair, j4rg0n, mcummings, sediener, pbienst, apokorny, 
hansmi?, phosphan, lostlogic?

sci-calculators:  26
split off math at some point IIRC (or was that a discussion that it should be 
separate and it started like that from the inception?). size: Ok,  devs:
centic?, cryos, ribosome, spyderous?, many people who appear one or twice..

sci-chemistry:  50
may be worth splitting up as well. One suggestion is to make a category for 
sci-crystallography. I seem to have persuaded  Jan Marten Simons to at least 
try :). If he indeed is willing to take on this subject it may be well worth 
creating this category, or at least herd..
spyderous, markusle?, phosphan, marcus, hannes, ribosome?, kugelfang, 
agriffis, hansmi?

sci-electronics:  34
Ok size,  devs:
calchan, chrb?, agriffis?, phosphan, ribosome, blubb?, plasmaroo, hansmi, 
cryos?, gustavoz?

sci-geosciences:  8
good size (for maintainers :)), devs:
ribosome, spyderous, cryos, nerdboy, mholzer?

sci-mathematics:  34
Ok size. There were calls to split it into symbolic and numeric, also -proof 
was suggested (but I understand the packages for that one are not in the tree 
yet). 3-tier categories might be nice here :) (as in sci-math-symbolic, 
sci-math-numeric..).  devs:
plasmaroo, agriffis?, mattam, cryos, ribosome?, markusle, spock, phosphan

sci-misc:  19
Size is Ok, but, if we follow the idea, should probably stay under sci (herd)
cryos, hansmi?, phosphan, ribosome, kugelfang?, pbienst, blubb? 

sci-visualization:  20
Ok size, may be combined with -calculators? or -math? (herding, if it makes 
sense, category should stay), devs:
markusle, phosphan, ribosome, cryos, kugelfang, latexer?, j4rg0n?, corsair?, 

sci-cad was suggested and it looks like there may be a critical mass of > 5 
packages, but more planning is necessary on this one..

There was a suggestion for sci-phonetics or sci-linguistics. There is a dev 
(translator's team, so he will need to be mentored for the "generic 
development") who is willing to take on those, however I first need to see 
how many packages would be there. If anything it will be good to have him as 
a part of the team, even if this does not qualify for a full category (but 
still should be good for herd I guess..)

There were talks about creating sci-physics category, however I cannot find 
traces of that atm (or was it on irc?). If there really are apps for 
sci-physics it can start combined with sci-astronomy (or not, need a list of 

Any comments on the structure? Also, while sci-xxx is a "natural" name for the 
category (considering our present layout) it is somewhat cumbersome for the 
herd. I guess sci- part may be dropped, then, should the rest stay spelled 
out or people would prefere shortcuts, like math for mathematics, etc?

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