> Possibly there should be a "tradunix" ebuild that pulls in all the
> traditional Unix stuff as dependencies (and is otherwise empty), and
> similarly for other sets of things people hold dear, just to act as
> macros when you're setting up a system.
I think this is a spectacular idea. The push
> Purging old versions for a few seconds speed increase in portage [snip]
Few seconds? Try few miliseconds, if anything, at all, ever. The
original email in this thread gave me the best laugh I've had in a
while, until I realized it came from a dev; then I was very sad.
> So to sum it up, it's not really (for me maybe) about enterprise v. hobbyist,
> it's about moving ANYONE over to Linux, period.
Actually, I rather like to think that Gentoo is one of the very few
distributions that cares more about meeting existing Linux
[power]users' needs rather than getting