Tach Lance, 0x2B859DE3 (PGP-PK-ID)
Lance Albertson schrieb:
> Thanks guys for taking care of this so quickly! Sorry I couldn't help
> much as I'm a bit busy traveling for the next few days.
The Gentoo flag waves in then winter windthanks.
Robin H. Johnson wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 15, 2006 at 09:36:51AM -0600, Lance Albertson wrote:
>> So when the shit hits the fan, it *really* hits the fan...
> Ok folks, both machines are back!
> You can resume your commits.
> Many thanks to:
> nnewton [of OSL] - for running between his workst
On Fri, Dec 15, 2006 at 09:36:51AM -0600, Lance Albertson wrote:
> So when the shit hits the fan, it *really* hits the fan...
Ok folks, both machines are back!
You can resume your commits.
Many thanks to:
nnewton [of OSL] - for running between his workstation and the machines,
Lance Albertson wrote:
> I'm really sorry about this, but we'll just have to deal with it. Lets
> hope this is all we need to do for tonight.
So when the shit hits the fan, it *really* hits the fan...
As of now, we still have both machines down. Lark is apparently having
some odd login issues (I
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Lance Albertson wrote:
> Folks-
> There's some pretty nasty wind storms ripping through Corvallis, OR
> where a lot of our stuff is at right now. For the most part, our
> machines are on generator power. The exception being (sadly) the two
> most im