On Fri, Dec 15, 2006 at 09:36:51AM -0600, Lance Albertson wrote:
> So when the shit hits the fan, it *really* hits the fan...

Ok folks, both machines are back! 

You can resume your commits.

Many thanks to:
nnewton [of OSL] - for running between his workstation and the machines,
        switchings CDs and cables.
kingtaco - for persisting on this, and definitely not getting enough sleep!
pylon and robbat2 - providing critical help, finishing it off, and
        making sure it worked at the end!
(I don't think I missed anybody, but if I did, it's just because we're
working so hard).

CVS and mastermirror will be moving to new hardware sometime in the next
week, stay tuned for more information. Downtimes will be very short
(<1hr each) for switching.

Robin Hugh Johnson
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