My $.02 after reading a lot of discussions on the CentOS (ie free
REHL4) list is this:
1. Many Enterprise users are looking for an SLA, ie someone who will
guarantee to fix anything that breaks in a specified period of time.
Such users have the big bucks to pay for such a guarantee. I'm sure
On 5/8/05, W.Kenworthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In Oz, cellphone is only used in american movies, here they are called
> "mobile phones" (formal), "mobiles" (common usage) and "mob" when
> written (e.g., Mob: 0419...)
> There's also the upcoming "cell" processor architecture that may clash
On 4/24/05, Michael Hanselmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello
> > funnily enough the PHP Guys recommended Apache 1.3 only for a long time.
> I've been using Apache 2 and PHP (CGI due to suEXEC) for more than two
> years now on a public webserver. It've never expierenced any
> instabilitie
On 4/23/05, Henrik Brix Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> According to bugzilla, there are lots of open bugs (132 to be exact)
> containing the word 'php' in the summary. From a quick glimpse many of
> them seem related to php-5.
Looks like your're 100% right. One user does not a stable re