My $.02 after reading a lot of discussions on the CentOS (ie free
REHL4) list is this:

1. Many Enterprise users are looking for an SLA, ie someone who will
guarantee to fix anything that breaks in a specified period of time.
Such users have the big bucks to pay for such a guarantee. I'm sure
that Gentoo will not be in a position to provide this, but some
enterprising group might want to undertake this.

2. Enterprise users (as a general rule) are not interested in the
latest and greatest but rather in a stable, reasonably current system
that can remain in place (with guaranteed security fixes, of course)
with no "feature creep" for a few years. Even Gentoo stable is too
much of a moving target for such users. The user base (engineers
developing embedded Linux) I support is still well served by RH9 for
the most part!

Not to say that Gentoo has no place in a production environment, but
my company would never use anything without an SLA, ie not even CentOS
which mirrors REHL faithfully.

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