e, provide more details at
dev@marmotta.i.a.o in other to find the source of your issues.
Sergio Fernández
Salzburg Research
+43 662 2288 318
Jakob-Haringer Strasse 5/II
A-5020 Salzburg (Austria)
n to leave such
information out of the current report, even if we submitted a bit over
the deadline.
Sergio Fernández
Salzburg Research
+43 662 2288 318
Jakob-Haringer Strasse 5/II
A-5020 Salzburg (Austria)
Sergio Fernández
Salzburg Research
+43 662 2288 318
Jakob-Haringer Strasse 5/II
A-5020 Salzburg (Austria)
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For additio
* Jean-Baptiste Onofré (jbono...@apache.org)
* Tammo van Lessen (va...@apache.org)
* Mark Struberg (strub...@apache.org)
Sergio Fernández
Salzburg Research
+43 662 2288 318
Jakob-Haringer Strasse 5/II
A-5020 Salzburg (Aust
Original Message
Subject: [VOTE] Graduate Apache Marmotta from incubator and become a TLP
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 08:30:09 +0200
From: Sergio Fernández
Reply-To: d...@marmotta.incubator.apache.org
To: Marmotta Devel
Hi all,
since entering Incubation in December 2012, the
her thread, personally I found quite interesting the
incubator model, so I do enjoy joining to apply what we learned from
this side.
Sergio Fernández
Senior Researcher
Knowledge and Media Technologies
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Jakob-Haringer-Straße 5/3 | 5020 Salzburg,
discussing and voting.
And it is hard to see a incubating release with more the 3-5 votes.
Thanks. And sorry for the off topic.
Sergio Fernández
Senior Researcher
Knowledge and Media Technologies
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Jakob-Haringer-Straße 5/3 | 5020 Salzburg
lish the Apache Marmotta Project (Jakob Frank, VP)
D. Establish the Apache Ambari Project (Yusaku Sako, VP)
The next board meeting will be on the 18th of December.
Sergio Fernández
Senior Researcher
Knowledge and Media Technologies
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
Sergio Fernández
Senior Researcher
Knowledge and Media Technologies
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Jakob-Haringer-Straße 5/3 | 5020 Salzburg, Austria
T: +43 662 2288 318 | M: +43 660 2747 925
one corroborate my suspicions? I've tried to find such detail
in the documentation, but nothing.
Thanks in advance.
Sergio Fernández
Senior Researcher
Knowledge and Media Technologies
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Jakob-Haringer-Straße 5/3 | 5020 Salzburg, Aust
ubating" as qualifier.
I caused me some troubles today. And I'd expect to many other podlings
before. But now it's much more clear; thanks!
Sergio Fernández
Senior Researcher
Thanks! I hope to be of some help here now :-)
On 29/11/13 22:13, Marvin Humphrey wrote:
The Incubator PMC has voted to offer membership to Sergio Fernández, of the
recently established TLP Apache Marmotta, and he has accepted.
We're glad that you'll be sticking arou
On 05/12/13 22:43, Stack wrote:
Should Phoenix become an Apache incubator project?
[] +1 Accept Phoenix into the Incubator
[] +0 Don't care whether or which
[] -1 Do not accept Phoenix into the Incubator because...
+1 (binding)
good luck!
Sergio Fernández
Senior Researcher
For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
Sergio Fernández
Senior Researcher
Knowledge and Media Technologies
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Jakob-Haringer-Straße 5/3 | 5020 Salzburg, Austria
T: +43 662 2288 318 | M: +43 6
On 13/12/13 21:59, Marvin Humphrey wrote:
Please vote:
[ ] +1 Yes, apply the patch enabling the experiment.
[ ] -1 No, do not apply the patch enabling the experiment.
Sergio Fernández
Senior Researcher
Knowledge and Media Technologies
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Do not release this package because ...
Therefore I do not feel comfortable accepting the release, so I have to
vote +0 until those issue are clarified (see also further discussions in
this thread).
Sergio Fernández
Senior Researcher
Knowledge and Media Technologies
s, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
Sergio Fernández
Senior Researcher
Knowledge and Media Technologies
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Jakob-Haringer-Straße 5/3 | 5020 Salzburg, Austria
T: +43 662 2288 318 | M: +43 660 2747 925
4 10 AM PST.
[ ] +1 approve
[ ] +0 no opinion
[ ] -1 disapprove (and reason why)
“Perfection (in design) is achieved not when there is nothing more to add,
but rather when there is nothing more to take away.”
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Sergio Fernández
Senior Researcher
are hereafter discharged.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
Sergio Fernández
Senior Researcher
Knowledge and Media Technologies
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
After all, I my vote is +1 (binding) to release Apache Falcon
0.4-incubating. But I'll try to closely check all those open issues in
the next release.
Sergio Fernández
Senior Researcher
Knowledge and Media Technologies
Salzburg Research Fo
t that many repos at github are not properly
Sergio Fernández
Senior Researcher
Knowledge and Media Technologies
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Jakob-Haringer-Straße 5/3 | 5020 Salzburg, Austria
T: +43 662 2288 318 | M: +43 660 2747 925
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Sergio Fernández
Senior Researcher
Knowledge and Media Technologies
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
o unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
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Sergio Fernández
Senior Researcher
Knowledge and Media Technologies
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Jakob-Haringer-Straße 5/3 | 5020 Salzburg, Austri
ent if any issue is referenced, is
enough. See for example:
Sergio Fernández
Senior Researcher
Knowledge and Media Technol
BTW, where is the mapping file between asf ids and github ones?
I've seen some members of the apache organization there, but it looks
there were manually added or so.
On 10/02/14 16:01, Sergio Fernández wrote:
On 10/02/14 14:49, Daniel Gruno wrote:
I would suggest you create
lso I found that in order for my Apache commits in the GitHub mirrors of
Apache repositories to which I contribute to show up on my personal
profile I had to add my Apache email as an email address to my GitHub
On 10/02/2014 15:03, "Sergio Fernández"
BTW, where is t
On 10/02/14 16:42, Ted Dunning wrote:
On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 7:01 AM, Sergio Fernández wrote:
On 10/02/14 14:49, Daniel Gruno wrote:
I would suggest you create a new JIRA ticket with this _wish_ and label
is as Git+Wilderness, and I'll try to figure out whether we can support
this o
are asking that the Incubator sponsors the Brooklyn podling.
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Sergio Fernández
Senior Rese
tly. Can someone clarify? I'll watch that
page to be sure there are no changes during the voting process.)
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Project are hereafter discharged.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
Sergio Fernández
Senior Researcher
Knowledge and M
On Oct 23, 2014 11:11 AM, Sebastian Schelter wrote:
> +1
> On 10/22/2014 06:21 AM, Tomer Shiran wrote:
> > Hi Everyone,
> >
> > We wrapped up the vote on the Apache Drill dev list in which the community
> > expressed its desire to graduate to a top-level project. That vote passed
> >
cribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
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On 16/11/12 16:00, Christian Grobmeier wrote:
added you.
Happy contributing!
On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 3:44 PM, Sergio Fernández
Hi Roy,
we were aware of the possible conflict/confusion with the name; but
since the Linda model is quite old, not really spread nowadays and
completely far away of the Linked Data topic, personally I can't see a
really big issue here. But of course the Incubator PMC has a deeper
knowledge o
more to the corporate ones. The user will decide where to apply it
depending on his scenario and needs.
Sergio Fernández
Salzburg Research
+43 662 2288 318
Jakob-Haringer Strasse 5/II
A-5020 Salzburg (Austria)
insular communities and commonly lead to
misunderstandings like this.
Anyway I found this suggestion pretty interesting. So I'll try to
improve the abstract of the proposal including something in that
direction. Thanks.
Sergio Fernández
Salzburg Research
+43 662 2288 318
n Schaffert sebastian.schaff...@salzburgresearch.at
| Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft http://www.salzburgresearch.at
| Head of Knowledge and Media Technologies Group +43 662 2288 423
| Jakob-Haringer Strasse 5/II
| A-5020 Salzburg
Sergio Fernández
Salzburg Research
s that at the proposal is define telly a good idea.
Thanks so much!
Sergio Fernández
Salzburg Research
+43 662 2288 318
Jakob-Haringer Strasse 5/II
A-5020 Salzburg (Austria)
To unsubscrib
community would be great! Any volunteer(s)?
Sergio Fernández
Salzburg Research
+43 662 2288 318
Jakob-Haringer Strasse 5/II
A-5020 Salzburg (Austria)
To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr
ks so much for all the feedback received.
Sergio Fernández
Salzburg Research
+43 662 2288 318
Jakob-Haringer Strasse 5/II
A-5020 Salzburg (Austria)
To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-uns
familiar to LMF gets lost here. Same for the mentioned modules (LDPath, etc.).
All the other things are fine.
Am 21.11.2012 um 12:18 schrieb Sergio
Dear all,
I'd point out that we have updated the proposal taking into account the
comments of this threa
everything is fine regarding Nandana, but we're still awaiting a formal
resolution about Fabian Christ.
On 26.11.2012 21:15, Benson Margulies wrote:
Andy, who's missing? N. is now formally a member.
On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 5:47 AM, Andy Seaborne
A quick update on the Mar
are actually subscribed to their project's commit lists?
It's crude but it may be useful data to look at to
a first order.
Sergio Fernández
Salzburg Research
+43 662 2288 318
Jakob-Haringer Strasse 5/II
A-5020 Salzburg (Austria)
svn: E175013: Access to
'/repos/asf/!svn/txr/1433969-vcdd/incubator/marmotta' forbidden
Thanks in advance.
Sergio Fernández
Salzburg Research
+43 662 2288 318
Jakob-Haringer Strasse 5/II
A-5020 Salzburg (Austria)
Thanks, Bertrand!
But I still don't have permissions to added anything there :-/
On 16/01/13 16:22, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 4:12 PM, Sergio Fernández
$ svn mkdir https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/marmotta
I'll request our mentors to set up acl. Thanks.
On 16/01/13 16:28, Sergio Fernández wrote:
Thanks, Bertrand!
But I still don't have permissions to added anything there :-/
On 16/01/13 16:22, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 4:12 PM, Sergio Fernández
donation and so on).
Thanks so much.
Kind regards,
[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MARMOTTA-5
Sergio Fernández
Salzburg Research
+43 662 2288 318
Jakob-Haringer Strasse 5/II
A-5020 Salzburg (Austria
[2] -
On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 8:31 AM, Sergio Fernández<
sergio.fernan...@salzburgresearch.at> wrote:
Dear IMPC,
from the Marmotta incubating project we are calling for comments for the
project logo. Yo
n Inference
Nominated mentors
Sponsoring entity
Sergio Fernández
Salzburg Research
+43 662 2288 318
Jakob-Haringer Strasse 5/II
A-5020 Salzburg (Austria)
subscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
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Sergio Fernández
Salzburg Research
+43 662 2288 318
Jakob-Haringer Strasse 5/II
A-5020 Salzburg (Aust
mbered upon the Apache Incubator
Project are hereafter discharged.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
For additional
ity of at
least three +1 Marmotta PMC votes are cast.
[ ] +1 Release this package as Apache Marmotta 3.0.0-incubating
[ ] 0 I don't feel strongly about it, but I'm okay with the release
[ ] -1 Do not release this package because...
Sergio Fernández
Salzburg Research
+43 662 2288 318
ng is slightly different than the
standard one. Actually I don't know where this custom formatting comes
from, but I hope it wouldn't be a blocking issue. I already registered
MARMOTTA-206 on jira to handle it properly; thanks for pointing us such
Kind regards,
Sergio Fer
ndsem" Thanks :)
Could you please add me (wikier) to the hudson-jobadmin group too? This
is an old task for the Marmotta podling (INFRA-5887) that for the moment
we didn't manage to solve it internally.
Thanks in advance.
Sergio Fernández
Salzburg Research
+43 662
operly reviewing the binary releases, in the PPMC we are
discussing if such details we are discussing are something that MUST be
fixed, or just something we SHOULD improve in upcoming releases. This is
something I personally don't have clear now. Of course, we'll be wiling
to fix whatever i
Hi sebb,
On 23/04/13 15:07, sebb wrote:
On 23 April 2013 08:31, Sergio Fernández wrote:
Right this would make the LICENCE files shorter. So, if I understood
correctly, we should switch from licenses text to pointers
No; it's not necessary to switch.
Roy says that pointers are sufficien
Hi Marvin,
On 24/04/13 03:30, Marvin Humphrey wrote:
On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 12:31 AM, Sergio Fernández wrote:
Right this would make the LICENCE files shorter. So, if I understood
correctly, we should switch from licenses text to pointers (...)
Would be that fine?
As sebb notes, it's
e, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
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[ ] +0 no opinion
> [ ] -1 Do not release this package because ...
> best,
> Colin
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
> For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 6602747925
e: sergio.fernan...@redlink.co
w: http://redlink.co
> Vote is open for at least 72 hours. Artifacts will be moved to dist as soon
> as the vote passes.
> [ ] +1, release Apache Groovy 2.4.5-incubating
> [ ] 0, I don't care
> [ ] -1, because...
Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 6602747925
e: sergio.fernan...@redlink.co
w: http://redlink.co
ow to proceed with this given the mentor situation
> > and the state of technology.
> >
> > Please help by chiming in.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Roman.
> >
> > ---------
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
building framework,
>> with a small but well managed community and code base. So, the existing
>> code base might actually be a great starting point for us to be
>> bootstrapped into ASF Incubator, build community and build the existing
>> framework into a much more mature project
ijayakumar Ramdoss
> * Wang Albert
> * Hans-Jurgen Schonig
> * Kris Popat
> * Ayrton Gomesz
> = Affiliations =
> * Roman Shaposhnik (Pivotal)
> * Daniel Dai (HortonWorks)
> * Jake Farrell (Acquia)
> * Lars Hofhansl (Salesforce)
> * Julian Hyde (Horto
> >
> > Result summary: +14 (4 binding, 10 non-binding), 0 (0), -1 (0)
> >
> > The [VOTE] will be open for the next 72 hours --- closing Monday
> > (October 26, 2015) at 8am EST.
> >
nd subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
> and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
> removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be
> it further
> RESOLVED, that the Apache Groovy Project be and hereby is taske
anted others to try, provide feedback and
see if it's feasible its implementation in the target projects:
So our mentors are right. We're in a situation where the project has no
momentum at all, an
> project.
> >>>
> >>> S2Graph is a distributed and scalable OLTP graph database built on
> >>> HBase. It provides interactive queries for vertex/edge/sub-graphs on
> >>> extremely large graph data sets as well as insertion and update
> >>> operations.
> >>>
> >>> S2Graph was already introduced in Apache BigData and HBaseCon this
> year.
> >>>
> >>> The proposal is available at :
> >>> https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/S2GraphProposal
> >>>
> >>> We are looking forward to any feedback. In addition, we are looking
> >>> for volunteers as mentors.
> >>>
> >>> Best regards,
> >>> Hyunsik
> >>>
> >>> -
> >>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
> >>> For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
> >>>
> >>>
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
> For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 6602747925
e: sergio.fernan...@redlink.co
w: http://redlink.co
s on the nominated mentor
> list.
> >> >>
> >> >> @Andrew,
> >> >>
> >> >> I agree with you. S2Graph already has good relationships with other
> >> >> ASF projects, such as HBase and Spark, In addition, they have a pla
Marko, the metrics approach has been discussed in the past, for instance
http://markmail.org/message/ubx3utli3bnltv75 So far my feeling is that the
ASF prefer to deliver of people to build an opinion of projects rather than
based them on pure statistical metrics. But I'd be happy to see something
+1 (binding)
On Nov 16, 2015 03:01, "Marvin Humphrey" wrote:
> Greetings,
> The Corinthia community has voted to retire:
> http://s.apache.org/odN
> This is a vote of the IPMC to confirm the decision to retire the podling.
> [ ] +1 to retire Corinthia from the Incubator
> [ ] -1 to keep
> Finally, the dev@tinkerpop [VOTE] thread can be found at this location:
> https://pony-poc.apache.org/thread.html/Zea70rxds8l66xj
> Result summary: +14 (4 binding, 10 non-binding), 0 (0), -1 (0)
> The [VOTE] will be open for the next 72 hours ---
Resources ==
> >
> >=== Mailing list ===
> >
> >We will migrate our mailing lists to the following:
> > * us...@s2graph.incubator.apache.org
> > * d...@s2graph.incubator.apache.org
> > * priv...@s2graph.incubator.apache.o
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
> For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 6602747925
e: sergio.fernan...@redlink.co
w: http://redlink.co
ation disclaimer etc I don't see that the
> IPMC necessarily needs to continue enforcing the subdomain requirement?
> Rob
> On 01/12/2015 07:21, "Sergio Fernández"
> wrote:
> >They used to have a redirects. But you' re right, looks like not
> &g
Yes, INFRA arguments are completely valid. But rather than the DNS
resolution of the domains, I think Marvin was asking how domains are
handled at the HTTP level.
Thanks for digging up the reference
I knew INFRA had made the change for a reason but couldn't remember the
On 0
On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 4:33 AM, Marvin Humphrey
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 2:02 AM, Sergio Fernández
> wrote:
> > Well, the transition is not that hard if:
> >
> > a) during incubation podling.a.o redirects (302/307) to podling.i.a.o
> >
> > b) afte
. For for this podling what
normally is a RCs are called "attempts". That's was the source I vote -1,
because FMPOV that was not properly handled in the process. Something to
improve, for sure.
Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 6602747925
> * Hadrian Zbarcea [hzbar...@gmail.com]
> == Affiliations ==
> The initial committers are from six organizations. Google developed
> Dataflow and the Dataflow SDK, data Artisans developed the Flink runner,
> and Cloudera (Labs) developed the Spark runner.
> * Cloudera
> * Tom White
> * Data Artisans
> * Aljoscha Krettek
> * Kostas Tzoumas
> * Maximilian Michels
> * Stephan Ewen
> * Google
> * Ben Chambers
> * Dan Halperin
> * Davor Bonaci
> * Frances Perry
> * James Malone
> * Kenneth Knowles
> * Luke Cwik
> * Tyler Akidau
> * Robert Bradshaw
> * PayPal
> * Amit Sela
> * Slack
> * Josh Wills
> * Talend
> * Jean-Baptiste Onofré
> == Sponsors ==
> === Champion ===
> * Jean-Baptiste Onofre [jbono...@apache.org]
> === Nominated Mentors ===
> * Jean-Baptiste Onofre [jbono...@apache.org]
> * Jim Jagielski [j...@apache.org]
> * Venkatesh Seetharam[venkat...@apache.org]
> * Bertrand Delacretaz[bdelacre...@apache.org]
> * Ted Dunning[tdunn...@apache.org]
> === Sponsoring Entity ===
> The Apache Incubator
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
> For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 6602747925
e: sergio.fernan...@redlink.co
w: http://redlink.co
ng is to keep the Incubator up
> > to date and in sync with the efforts of our marketing team. It is not
> > to rework the Incubator's visual identity, so I hope that we can avoid a
> > lengthy bikeshed painting debate.
> >
> > Marvin Humphrey
> >
> > [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INCUBATOR-112
> >
> &g
> Result summary: +12 (5 binding, 7 non-binding), 0 (0), -1 (0)
> The [VOTE] will be open for the next 72 hours --- closing Sunday (February
> 14, 2016) at 11AM EST.
> Thanks,
> Stephen
Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 6602747925
e: sergio.fernan...@redlink.co
w: http://redlink.co
> > > (BSD)]]
> > > * [[https://github.com/testing-cabal/mock/blob/master/LICENSE.txt|mock
> > (BSD)]]
> > > * [[https://github.com/mtth/hdfs/blob/master/LICENSE|hdfs (MIT)]]
> > >
> > > == Cryptography ==
> > >
> > > None
> >
and be it further
> >
> > RESOLVED, that the Apache Johnzon Project be and hereby
> > is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
> > Incubator Johnzon podling; and be it further
> >
> > RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
> > Incubator Johnzon podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
> > Project are hereafter discharged.
> >
> > --
> > Hendrik Saly (salyh, hendrikdev22)
> > @hendrikdev22
> > PGP: 0x22D7F6EC
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
> > For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
> >
> >
Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 6602747925
e: sergio.fernan...@redlink.co
w: http://redlink.co
nd rationalization of the Apache
> Incubator TinkePop podling; and be it further
> RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
> Incubator TinkerPop podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
> Project are hereafter discharged.
Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 6602747925
e: sergio.fernan...@redlink.co
w: http://redlink.co
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
> For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 6602747925
e: sergio.fernan...@redlink.co
w: http://redlink.co
Welcome to Incubator, Daniel!
Was great to meet you in Vancouver!
On May 14, 2016 6:18 PM, wrote:
> Hi, all;
> I've been having a lot of great F2F talks the past few days at the con and
> Marvin has talked me into throwing my hat in the ring to help with the
> incubator project. So, yeah - I'm ga
OpenJDK 1.8.0_66-internal on Debian
64 bits.
KEYS: https://www.apache.org/dist/incubator/commonsrdf/KEYS
The vote at d...@commonsrdf.incubator.apache.org
https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/Z715psnjorf47kz has 3 +4s (Stian
Soiland-Reyes, Sergio Fernández, John D. Ament, Lewis John Mcgibbney) and 1
tin for checking the rc.
Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 6602747925
e: sergio.fernan...@redlink.co
w: http://redlink.co
.org >
> Affiliations
> Daniel Gruno - Quenda IvS
> Tony Stevenson - pctony ltd, VocalIQ Ltd
> Richard Bowen - Redhat, inc.
> Ulises Beresi - Datastax, inc.
> David P Kendal - Quenda IvS
> Francesco Chicchiriccò - Tirasa S.r.l.
> Sam Ruby - IBM
> Shane Curcuru - IBM(?)
> Jim Jagielski - Capital One
> Sponsors
> Champion:
> Suneel Marthi < smar...@apache.org >
> Nominated Mentors:
> Andrew Bayer < aba...@apache.org >
> John D. Ament < johndam...@apache.org >
> Sponsoring Entity:
> The Apache Software Foundation
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
> For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 6602747925
e: sergio.fernan...@redlink.co
w: http://redlink.co
after being open for more than 72 hours, the vote for releasing RC3 as
Apache CommonsRDF 0.2.0-incubating
https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/Zgvi38zfo1yumzk has passed 5 +1s (4
binding) and 1 -0, detailed as follows:
Stian Soiland-Reyes
Sergio Fernández
John D. Ament
> Alex Merritt
> Affiliations
> Pat Ferrell - ActionML
> Tamas Jambor - Channel4
> Justin Yip - independent
> Xusen Yin - USC
> Lee Moon Soo - NFLabs
> Donald Szeto - Salesforce
> Kenneth Chan - Salesforce
> Tom Chan - Salesforce
> Simon Chan - Salesforce
> Marco Vivero - Salesforce
> Matthew Tovbin - Salesforce
> Yevgeny Khodorkovsky - Salesforce
> Felipe Oliveira - Salesforce
> Vitaly Gordon - Salesforce
> Alex Merritt - ActionML
> Sponsors
> Champion
> Andrew Purtell
> Nominated Mentors
> Andrew Purtell
> James Taylor
> Lars Hofhansl
> Suneel Marthi
> Xiangrui Meng
> Luciano Resende
> Sponsoring Entity
> Apache Incubator PMC
> --
> Best regards,
>- Andy
> Problems worthy of attack prove their worth by hitting back. - Piet Hein
> (via Tom White)
Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 6602747925
e: sergio.fernan...@redlink.co
w: http://redlink.co
Maven artifacts have also been made available on repository.apache.org and
Maven Central.
Thanks on behalf of the CmmonsRDF PPMC.
Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 6602747925
e: sergio.fernan...@redlink.co
w: http
> === Issue Tracking ===
> * JIRA Project CarbonData (CarbonData)
> === Initial Committers ===
> * Liang Chenliang
> * Jean-Baptiste Onofré
> * Henry Saputra
> * Uma Maheswara Rao G
> * Jenny MA
> * Jacky Likun
> * Vimal Das Kammath
> * Jarray Qiuheng
> === Affiliations ===
> * Huawei: Liang Chenliang
> * Talend: Jean-Baptiste Onofré
> * Ebay: Henry Saputra
> * Intel: Uma Maheswara Rao G
> === Sponsors ===
> === Champion ===
> * Jean-Baptiste Onofré - Apache Member
> === Mentors ===
> * Henry Saputra (eBay)
> * Jean-Baptiste Onofré (Talend)
> * Uma Maheswara Rao G (Intel)
> === Sponsoring Entity ===
> The Apache Incubator
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
> For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 6602747925
e: sergio.fernan...@redlink.co
w: http://redlink.co
incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of
the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the
project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.
Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 6602747925
e: sergio.fernan...@redlink.co
w: http
> ---------
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
> For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 6602747925
e: sergio.fernan...@redlink.co
w: http://redlink.co
> to JSON and some more realistic expectations.
> --
> Nick Kew
> ---------
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
> For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 6602747925
e: sergio.fernan...@redlink.co
w: http://redlink.co
cubator PMC
E-Mail: garydgreg...@gmail.com | ggreg...@apache.org
Java Persistence with Hibernate, Second Edition
JUnit in Action, Second Edition <http://www.manning.com/tahchiev/>
Spring Batch in Action <http://www.manning.com/templier/>
On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 10:25 AM, Nick Burch wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Jun 2016, Sergio Fernández wrote:
>> Can anybody give karma to GaryGregory for editing the incubator wiki?
>> Thanks.
> Karma granted, happy editing!
Thanks, Nick!
Sergio Fernández
> >> For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
> >>
> >
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
> For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 6602747925
e: sergio.fernan...@redlink.co
w: http://redlink.co
ed Juneau project, I wanted to reach
> out to the broader community to see interest in getting mentors setup for
> this project.
> You can find the proposal here:
> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/JuneauProposal
> John
Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
> [6]
> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/e6ffcba94ef4514e8cf5c6fed39100ee359b954c4876d3275b1bc33a@%3Cdev.beam.apache.org%3E
Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 6602747925
e: sergio.fernan...@redlink.co
w: http://redlink.co
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