g the rename is not likely to cause impact.
Thanks for bringing up the topic, Matt.
--Chris Nauroth
On 8/10/15, 2:22 AM, "Stian Soiland-Reyes" wrote:
>I think you should consider the impact and potential gain on a
>per-project basis, and agree this within the podling. I don'
Malhar issue. It might necessitate prefixing the version numbers with
"apex-" and "malhar-" to differentiate.
Based on that, I have a slight preference for separate JIRA projects.
However, I don't object to using a single unified JIRA project if others
feel strongly about it
+1 (binding)
I believe the current proposal covers everything required. Thank you to Amol
for incorporating the community's feedback.
--Chris Nauroth
From: "P. Taylor Goetz" mailto:ptgo...@apache.org>>
Reply-To: mailto:general@incubator.apache.org>>
Date: Thursday,
+1 (binding)
--Chris Nauroth
On 9/12/15, 3:09 PM, "Julian Hyde" wrote:
>The Calcite community has established consensus and held a
>successful vote with 20 +1 votes in favor of proposing
>graduation to a top-level project, including 12 votes from
>committers and 6 v
+1 (binding)
--Chris Nauroth
On 9/14/15, 6:56 PM, "Julian Hyde" wrote:
>This is a vote for Calcite to become a top-level project.
>Since joining the Incubator in May, 2014, the Calcite
>community has:
>* Produced eight IPMC-approved releases under two release
+1 (binding)
--Chris Nauroth
On 9/14/15, 8:17 AM, "Adam Fuchs" wrote:
>Thanks again for the healthy discussion on Rya. With that, I would like to
>call a VOTE for accepting Rya as a new incubator project.
>The proposal text is included below, and is posted on
+1 (binding)
Thank you, Atri.
--Chris Nauroth
On 10/9/15, 8:55 AM, "Atri Sharma" wrote:
>Hi all,
>Following the discussion about Concerted I would like to call a vote for
>accepting Concerted as a new incubator project.
>The proposal text is included belo
+1 (binding)
--Chris Nauroth
On 10/23/15, 7:11 AM, "Manoharan, Arun" wrote:
>Hello Everyone,
>Thanks for all the feedback on the Eagle Proposal.
>I would like to call for a [VOTE] on Eagle joining the ASF as an
>incubation project.
>The vote is o
+1 (binding). My vote is not a repeat from the PPMC [VOTE] thread. I did
not have time to participate in that [VOTE].
-Verified checksums and signatures
-Built from source and ran tests
-Checked source files for correct license headers
--Chris Nauroth
Some projects use the git Signed-off-by field in the commit log to
differentiate the author from the reviewer.
--Chris Nauroth
On 11/19/15, 10:58 AM, "Ralph Goers" wrote:
>And there is another problem I have. Maybe it isn¹t true of all projects,
>but the one I am involv
+1 (binding)
--Chris Nauroth
On 12/3/15, 9:33 AM, "Owen O'Malley" wrote:
>The [DISCUSS] thread has would down, so I'd like to start a VOTE on
>Apache Incubator should accept Metron as a podling. The proposal is pasted
>below and is availab
--Chris Nauroth
From: Ross Gardler
Date: Friday, January 8, 2016 at 7:54 PM
To: "general@incubator.apache.org<mailto:general@incubator.apache.org>"
interpret a
long-term (multi-month) dormant trend as an indicator that the podling
isn't viable.
--Chris Nauroth
On 1/8/16, 8:20 PM, "Chris Nauroth" wrote:
>--Chris Nauroth
>From: Ross Gardler
+1 (binding)
- Verified signatures.
- Verified hashes.
- DISCLAIMER, LICENSE and NOTICE all look good.
- Reviewed sample of source files for license header, and they look good.
- Ran mvn install to build and run tests successfully.
--Chris Nauroth
On 1/15/16, 6:33 PM, "Thomas Weise&qu
+1 (binding)
--Chris Nauroth
On 1/28/16, 6:28 AM, "Jean-Baptiste Onofré" wrote:
>the Beam proposal (initially Dataflow) was proposed last week.
>The complete discussion thread is available here:
+1 (binding), carried over from dev list.
- Verified signatures.
- Verified checksums.
- Full build and test run was clean.
- RAT check found no problems.
- No binary files found in the source distro.
--Chris Nauroth
On 2/4/16, 12:36 AM, "T
+1 (binding), carried over from the vote on the dev list.
- Verified signatures.
- Verified checksums.
- Full build and test run was clean.
- RAT check found no problems.
- No binary files found in the source distro.
--Chris Nauroth
On 2/28/16, 9
+1 (binding)
--Chris Nauroth
On 2/29/16, 9:37 AM, "Patrick Hunt" wrote:
>Hi folks,
>OK the discussion is now completed. Please VOTE to accept Mnemonic
>into the Apache Incubator. I¹ll leave the VOTE open for at least
>the next 72 hours, with hopes to close it T
Can I please be added to the incubator wiki Administrators group? My wiki
login is ChrisNauroth. I would like administrator access so that I can field
requests from contributors to get edit access on incubator proposals.
Thank you,
+1 (binding)
--Chris Nauroth
On 3/17/16, 1:17 PM, "Daniel Dai" wrote:
>I would like to propose Omid as an Apache Incubator project:
>I've posted posted the text of the proposal below:
+1 (binding)
--Chris Nauroth
On 3/22/16, 2:01 PM, "Roman Shaposhnik" wrote:
>Quickstep proposal was made available for discussion last week
>and the feedback so far seems to be positive.
+1 (binding)
--Chris Nauroth
On 3/23/16, 3:31 PM, "Daniel Dai" wrote:
>Following the discussion earlier, I'm calling a vote to accept Omid as
>a new Incubator project.
>[ ] +1 Accept Omid into the Incubator
>[ ] +0 Indifferent to the acceptance of Omid
+1 (binding)
--Chris Nauroth
On 3/24/16, 8:00 PM, "Siddharth Anand" wrote:
>Following the discussion earlier:
>I would like to call a VOTE for accepting Airflow as a new incubator
>The p
+1 (binding), carrying over my vote from the Apex dev list. Well done,
Apex community!
--Chris Nauroth
On 3/28/16, 2:20 PM, "Pramod Immaneni" wrote:
>The Apache Apex community has discussed and voted on graduation to top
>level project.
>The vote passed with 42 +1 vote
--Chris Nauroth
On 3/31/16, 7:44 AM, "Marvin Humphrey" wrote:
>On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 3:54 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz
> wrote:
>> As for the patch I suggest a slightly expanded definition of Champion,
>> "A Member of the Apache Software F
by either the
mentors or the wider Incubator community to salvage it, but I'm certainly
open to suggestions if anyone disagrees.
--Chris Nauroth
On 4/7/16, 5:49 AM, "John D. Ament" wrote:
>Sorry to bring back this long dead topic, but wanted to rehash what was
John, I apologize, but I'm delayed in entering my mentor notes for this
month. Is it too late to add the notes below?
Otherwise, +1 for the report, and thank you for doing this.
[X](apex) Chris Nauroth
Chris Nauroth (cnauroth):
There has been no activity on the pr
Perfect, thank you. I made the edits in wiki.
--Chris Nauroth
On 4/8/16, 8:33 AM, "John D. Ament" wrote:
>Here's the relevant sections of the pending report to help you see when
>things are due:
>Sun April 10
>Shepherd reviews due by end of d
+1 (binding)
--Chris Nauroth
On 4/19/16, 4:32 PM, "Julian Hyde" wrote:
>Following a discussion[1], the Concerted community has voted to retire
>the project from incubation[2]. Per the retirement guide[3], the next
>step is an IPMC vote for retirement.
+1 (binding)
--Chris Nauroth
From: "P. Taylor Goetz" mailto:ptgo...@apache.org>>
Reply-To: mailto:general@incubator.apache.org>>
Date: Monday, April 25, 2016 at 11:14 AM
To: Incubator
Subject: [VOTE] Accept Gossip into the Apa
+1 (binding)
--Chris Nauroth
On 5/23/16, 3:22 PM, "Andrew Purtell" wrote:
>Since discussion on the matter of PredictionIO has died down, I would like
>to call a VOTE
>on accepting PredictionIO into the Apache Incubator.
>Proposal: https://wiki.apache.org/incubato
+1 (binding)
--Chris Nauroth
On 6/20/16, 10:11 PM, "Sijie Guo" wrote:
>Hello All,
>Following the discussion thread, I would like to call a VOTE on accepting
>DistributedLog into the Apache Incubator.
>[] +1 Accept DistributedLog into the Apache Incubator
Hello Franck,
I have just added you for access. Please give it a try.
--Chris Nauroth
On 8/3/16, 9:08 AM, "Franck Cuny" wrote:
My username is 'Franck Cuny'. I would like access to edit a podling report
for the DistributedLog project. I need to update the p
ing Ratis into Incubator
> [ ] +0, I don't care either way,
> [ ] -1, do not bring Ratis into Incubator, because...
> The vote will open at least for 72 hours and only votes from the
> Incubator PMC are binding.
> I start with my vote:
> +1 (binding)
Chris Nauroth
+1 (binding)
Chris Nauroth
On Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 4:21 PM, Ramesh Mani wrote:
> Dear Incubator members,
> Apache Ranger Project community has successfully released 0.6.2 version
> and with it there had been a lot of discussion within Apache Ranger
> community to consider gr
+1 (binding)
Chris Nauroth
On Wed, Jan 4, 2017 at 2:48 PM, Ramesh Mani wrote:
> Dear Incubator members,
> Apache Ranger Project community has successfully released 0.6.2 version
> and with it there had been a lot of discussion within Apache Ranger
> community to consider gr
+1 (binding)
--Chris Nauroth
On 5/19/15, 2:27 PM, "Stack" wrote:
>Following the discussion earlier in the thread [1], I would like to call a
>VOTE to accept Trafodion as a new Apache Incubator project.
>The proposal is available on the wiki at [2] and is also
Are there other Apache projects that already use Freemarker?
--Chris Nauroth
On 5/21/15, 9:44 AM, "jler...@apache.org" wrote:
>Le 21/05/2015 16:29, John D. Ament a écrit :
>> On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 10:11 AM Bertrand Delacretaz
>> wrote:
+1 (binding)
--Chris Nauroth
On 6/19/15, 12:15 AM, "Jacopo Cappellato" wrote:
>Following the discussion in the thread [1], I would like to call a VOTE
>to accept Freemarker as a new Apache Incubator project.
>The proposal is available on the wiki at [2] and is also
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