Re: [VOTE] Publish Apache Sling Release

2009-05-12 Thread Brian Fox
> > > > I don't think it's OK to expect users to have to trawl through all the > NOTICE and LICENSE files to find all the required information. IMO, > the top-level L & N files need to relate to the entire contents. > Transitively or just for the first level dependencies?

Re: [VOTE] Publish Apache Sling Release

2009-05-15 Thread Brian Fox
On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 6:04 AM, sebb wrote: > On 13/05/2009, Jukka Zitting wrote: > > Hi, > > > > > > On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 12:09 AM, sebb wrote: > > > Of course external dependencies - to first level at least - *ought* to > > > be documented to ensure the consumer knows what else is need

Re: This problem of mine

2009-05-15 Thread Brian Fox
> > > What I don't get is why would anyone want to keep the name if there > are potential overlaps or troubles ahead? My thoughts exactly. > > I mean, there are probably better (coding) and harder (releasing, > graduating) things to do than getting stuck about the name. > Why don't you (as a pod

Re: asc.md5 and asc.sha1 (Was: [VOTE] Release OpenWebBeans 1.0.0-incubating-M2(Third Try))

2009-06-02 Thread Brian Fox
Agreed, there's no harm here, and they are tiny files. The deploy plugin adds hashes to all files that pass through it so it would need special logic to ignore these files. On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 12:38 PM, Jukka Zitting wrote: > Hi, > > On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 9:21 PM, sebb wrote: > > The

Re: [VOTE] Apache JSecurity/Ki Project Rename - Final Vote

2009-06-07 Thread Brian Fox
+1 Apache Shira On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 6:40 AM, Jeremy Haile wrote: > +1 Apache Aseca > > I like the alliteration - it rolls of the tongue a lot easier than Apache > Shiro IMHO. > > - > To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@

Re: incorrect terminology: lead developers

2009-08-13 Thread Brian Fox
The project's PMC is the's not devoid of leadership. On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 11:23 PM, Greg Brown wrote: > OK, then I'll try to provide more clarification. I don't understand how a > project without leadership can succeed. I don't care what you call it, > someone needs to drive the

Re: [PROPOSAL][VOTE] Subversion

2009-11-11 Thread Brian Fox
> What is happening in some Java projects, via Maven's release plugin, > is disturbing since the "source release" only exist in the subversion > repository This problem has been solved and is no longer valid. Any repetition of the old news is total fud. We have for many months now been providing p

Re: [PROPOSAL][VOTE] Subversion

2009-11-11 Thread Brian Fox
On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 5:50 PM, Davanum Srinivas wrote: > I think this is a pretty important issue worth "spamming" but whatever > I think it's worth noting, I've had several projects asking for it to be available so they can use it and ditch their homebrew solutions. When it's promoted to the r

Re: [PROPOSAL][VOTE] Subversion

2009-11-12 Thread Brian Fox
> Why not sent it through bo...@? All Chairs are subscribed to that > list, several board members have in the past raised concerns about the > releases created using maven. This would unequivocally show that maven > has delivered a working solution, and notify all PMC chairs of the > general Apache

Request PMC Karma for IP Process

2010-02-09 Thread Brian Fox
or a Member, please contact your project chair who will find an appropriate volunteer. Incubator karma is also required. Please request karma from the incubator pmc if you do not have it. So I hereby request incubator pmc karma. Thanks, Brian Fox Apache Maven PMC

IP Clearance question

2010-02-09 Thread Brian Fox
Question on Step 3: A software grant must be provided to the ASF. This grant can either be done by the ASF Corporate CLA (via Schedule B) or the traditional License Agreement. Acceptable methods of sending the grant to the ASF includes: snail-mail to the ASF office and/or ASF officer FAXing to the

Re: IP Clearance Question

2010-02-09 Thread Brian Fox
So as I understand it, the old copyright can exist in the NOTICES file and that's ok in conjunction with the standard Apache license headers & copyright? On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 2:10 PM, Robert Burrell Donkin wrote: > On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 11:47 PM, Niclas Hedhman wrote: >> I think this will be

Re: Request PMC Karma for IP Process

2010-02-17 Thread Brian Fox
Misread on my part. Thanks. On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 1:01 AM, Noel J. Bergman wrote: > Brian Fox wrote: > >> 1)IP Clearance processing must be executed either by an Officer or a >> Member of the ASF. If you are not an Officer or a Member, please >> contact your projec

Re: Third party Maven Repository Usage

2010-03-20 Thread Brian Fox
At the Central repository we are restricting the inclusion of external repositories because this generally creates a mess. This is being enforced on new artifacts coming in so I would recommend you do not add them or your artifacts themselves will end up blocked. A better choice is to encourage the

Re: Third party Maven Repository Usage

2010-03-24 Thread Brian Fox
>> Interesting. That's news to me... You have a pointer to more information? > As it turns out, almost all references to external repositories in poms are junk or turn out to be junk after a bit of time. See here for some examples:

[IP Clearance] maven-indexer

2010-04-19 Thread Brian Fox
The indexing code from Sonatype Nexus has been donated to the Maven project. The completed form is here: (once the site refreshes) Lazy Consensus validates the clearance in 72hrs --

Re: [IP Clearance] maven-indexer

2010-04-25 Thread Brian Fox
I'll consider this passed and proceed to commit the code. Thanks, Brian On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 10:00 PM, Brian Fox wrote: > The indexing code from Sonatype Nexus has been donated to the Maven > project. The completed form is here: >

Re: [VOTE] Release Shiro version 1.0.0-incubating

2010-05-26 Thread Brian Fox
This looks correct to me. The way it's setup with the apache parent pom is that the root module will have the fully buildable source, all the individual modules still have their source and jdocs for ide integration. On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 12:39 PM, Les Hazlewood wrote: > On Wed, May 26, 2010 at

Re: [VOTE] Approve the release of Shindig Incubator 1.0

2009-04-26 Thread BRIAN FOX
Why are there two binary release directories? The 017 one only seems to have one archive (.bz2) in it, the rest of the files are hashes or signatures (and even some hashes of sigs, which could be safely deleted, as they serve no purpose) Vincent, if you do multiple mvn builds that should go i

Re: [VOTE] Approve the release of Shindig Incubator 1.0

2009-04-27 Thread Brian Fox
Gotcha, that's unusual i hope since we use ip as part of the uniqueness to sort out potentially simultaneous incoming deployments. Vincent Siveton wrote: Hi Brian, 2009/4/26 BRIAN FOX : Why are there two binary release directories? The 017 one only seems to have one archive (.bz2)

Re: [VOTE] Approve the release of Shindig Incubator 1.0

2009-04-28 Thread Brian Fox
Multiple hosts can share a public IP address. This is often the case for organisations with many hosts on their internal Lan - all the hosts (there could be hundreds) will appear to have the IP address of the internet gateway. But this is getting a bit off-topic. IP is only part of how s

Re: [VOTE] Approve the release of Shindig Incubator 1.0

2009-04-28 Thread Brian Fox
Niclas Hedhman wrote: On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 1:14 PM, Jason van Zyl wrote: Not mocking, just clarifying that on the aggregate level what is distributed via the standard Apache mechanism easily has its analog source equivalent which can be built. Ok, I think we are in general agree

Re: [VOTE] Approve the release of Shindig Incubator 1.0

2009-04-28 Thread Brian Fox
In the time you've spent talking about the problem -- and not with anyone who could probably fix it -- you probably could have altered the organization wide POM to make the assemblies you desire. Not that I'm aware of the concerns, I've started an additional thread at legal-discuss becaus

Re: [VOTE] Approve the release of Shindig Incubator 1.0

2009-04-28 Thread Brian Fox
Henning, I asked some specific questions on the source release over at legal-discuss, can we consolidate the requirements gathering over there? Henning Schmiedehausen wrote: Calm down, Jason. No one was attacking Maven. The Apache Software Foundation requires a project (not just an incubator p

Re: [VOTE] Approve the release of Shindig Incubator 1.0

2009-04-28 Thread Brian Fox
but again that wouldn't qualify as what Henning described as 'a tarbal of the svn tag'. Now if it's a requirement, and one that I can fully understand, that the 'source archive' should be usable as to rebuild release archives, This is what I'm trying to drive some consensus to and get docum

Is Jfuzzylite incubating?

2015-04-19 Thread Brian Fox
I can't find any references on this list, but I got a request to create a repo. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [RESULT] [IP CLEARANCE] Maven Wrapper

2020-02-03 Thread Brian Fox
I think what Robert is highlighting was that collectively, the contributors are still owners and have granted permission to use another license. On Mon, Feb 3, 2020 at 4:59 PM David Nalley wrote: > > On Mon, Feb 3, 2020 at 9:27 PM Justin Mclean wrote: > > > > HI, > > > > I agree with what John w

Re: [RESULT] [IP CLEARANCE] Maven Wrapper

2020-02-03 Thread Brian Fox
h from this thread seems to have been acquired by > Walmart Labs? > > --David > > On Mon, Feb 3, 2020 at 11:01 PM Brian Fox wrote: > > > > I think what Robert is highlighting was that collectively, the > > contributors are still owners and have granted permission to

Re: [DISCUSS] Distribution guidelines for other platforms

2020-06-29 Thread Brian Fox
I independently noticed and added [1] so that's covered. On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 12:06 PM Joey Frazee wrote: > > Justin this is great and I find myself searching mailing lists and INFRA and > LEGAL JIRAs for past guidance like this. > > A few nit-y suggestions: > > - I think it’d be helpful to l