dress this later this week.
Andrew Phillips
Apache jclouds
To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
ds on Freenode IRC!
https://wiki.apache.org/jclouds/How%20to%20Contribute [1]
http://markmail.org/message/6luklhdm2lpkbccx [2]
https://gist.github.com/adriancole/5592785 (lines 27-38) [3]
Andrew Phillips
Apache jc
ds on *nix only, for
example), but it's at least another approach to throw into the mix...
Andrew Phillips
Apache jclouds
To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
For additional comman
> The Phoenix project has recently come into incubation from it's former
> life as a Github project. I believe other projects have made this same
> transition, so I'm looking to get some advice from them.
Over at Apache jclouds we're running a similar setup, with our main repos in
ASF Git mirror
Hi Mohd
Have you tried emailing general-subscr...@incubator.apache.org?
On Monday, 3 February 2014, 6:07, Mohd Azeem wrote:
>Please add me
>To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
> The other option would be to somehow subscribe dev@ through the standard
> GitHub watcher framework by making it the notification address
jclouds does that for the jclouds-mirror user (which is the one that
periodically mirrors the ASF Git repos which are the source of truth to
GitHub). See
This probably belongs in a [DISCUSS] more than in a [VOTE] thread, but in
response to Andrew's comment:
> Can we add a "Releasing" page
> to http://phoenix.incubator.apache.org/that
> includes step by step instructions for packaging a Phoenix
> release.
...I was wondering if this might be usef
From what I recall, the information in people.a.o is generated from FOAF files,
which are committed to a repo. See [1] for details.
[1] http://people.apache.org/foaf/index.html
Hi all
Apologies in advance if this is not the correct audience for this
question: what is the correct process now for publishing signing keys
for releases? jclouds currently has a KEYS file [1]; there is another
(different) file containing keys in the groups list [2] on
people.apache, an
[ ] +1
[ ] 0
[ ] -1 (explain why)
Please note whether you're voting as an IPMC member, a jclouds PPMC
member, or both. Thanks!
+1, PPMC.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
For additional com
or, indeed, preferable?
Andrew Phillips
To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
... is a lightweight application for composing and executing batch jobs
via a web user interface.
This sounds a lot like Rundeck. Although Rundesk is centered on
running workflows (sequences of commands) on many target servers for
remote administration/automation, it could just as e
Please allow my account "AndrewPhillips" to edit the incubator wiki,
specifically the project reports page.
Andrew Phillips
Apache jclouds
To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apac
Please allow my account "AndrewPhillips" to edit the incubator wiki,
specifically the project reports page.
Thanks, Marvin!
To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
For additional comm
This thread is for discussion of the second release candidate for Apache
jclouds-1.6.2-incubating [1]. Please use this thread for discussion of
issues uncovered in the RC, questions you may have about the RC, etc.
Hi all
This is the second release candidate for Apache jclouds
1.6.2-incubating, the second jclouds release at Apache.
This is the IPMC vote. The PPMC vote [1] passed, with one +1 from
mentors (Olivier Lamy). Please use the separate [DISCUSS] thread for
anything but votes.
It fixes the
[resending as the original email was evidently sent from the wrong
email address]
This thread is for discussion of the second release candidate for Apache
jclouds-1.6.2-incubating [1]. Please use this thread for discussion of
issues uncovered in the RC, questions you may have about the RC, etc.
Due to a blocker uncovered in extra testing, the release of Apache
jclouds-1.6.2-incubating RC1 has been cancelled.
We'll respin RC2 as soon as the issue has been addressed.
Thanks to all the voting IPMC members for your time spent verifying RC1!
[This may accidentally have been sent twice. Apologies.]
Hi all
This is the third release candidate for Apache jclouds
1.6.2-incubating, the second jclouds release at Apache.
This is the IPMC vote. The PPMC vote [1] passed, with one +1 from
mentors (Olivier Lamy). Please use the separate [DISCU
This thread is for discussion of the third release candidate for Apache
jclouds-1.6.2-incubating [1]. Please use this thread for discussion of
issues uncovered in the RC, questions you may have about the RC, etc.
[1] http://apache.markmail.org/thread/wrtpnge22i4byydp
Hi all
This is the third release candidate for Apache jclouds
1.6.2-incubating, the second jclouds release at Apache.
This is the IPMC vote. The PPMC vote [1] passed, with one +1 from
mentors (Olivier Lamy). Please use the separate [DISCUSS] thread for
anything but votes.
It fixes the following
The vote is now closed, and with 8 +1s, 3 of them IPMC, Apache jclouds
1.6.2-incubating RC2 will be released.
Here are the votes:
PPMC binding:
- Andrew Bayer
- Ignasi Barrera
- Andrew Phillips
- Andrew Gaul
- Everett Toews
IPMC binding:
- Olivier Lamy
- Roman Shaposhnik
- Suresh Marru
Thanks to all who tested and verified the release for your time.
Improvement suggestions on how to further simplify and speed up the
verification process appreciated, especially from IPMC/mentors who
have verified many different project releases.
The vote received 9 +1s, 4 of them IPMC. I unfortunately missed Arvind
Prabhakar's vote [1], which did not appear in the jclouds-dev thread.
Here are the votes again:
PPMC binding:
- Andrew Bayer
- Ignasi Barrera
- Andrew Phillips
- Andrew Gaul
- Everett Toews
Take to your Twitter clients, your blogs, your water coolers!
The Apache jclouds (incubating) team is pleased to announce the
release of jclouds 1.6.2-incubating.
This is the second Apache release of jclouds. Apache jclouds is a cloud
agnostic library that enables developers to access a varie
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