Kenneth Knowles wrote on 10/10/18 11:13 PM:
> Hello!
> Apache Beam [1] is welcoming a donation [2] of the Euphoria DSL [3]. As PMC
> chair I am doing IP clearance. I would like advice on the process for a
> name/trademark search for a subproject like this. Is this the right venue
> to ask? Can a
I found that before, so no trouble with discoverability. Reading it again
gives me a clearer idea.
On Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 6:01 AM Shane Curcuru wrote:
> Kenneth Knowles wrote on 10/10/18 11:13 PM:
> > Hello!
> >
> > Apache Beam [1] is welcoming a donation [2] of the Euphoria DSL
Apache Beam has received a code donation of the Euphoria API from, a.s. [1] at
The IP clearance paperwork is ready for review, via a lazy consensus
majority vote, per the IP clearance process [2], open for at least 72 hours.
[1] ht