Kenneth Knowles wrote on 10/10/18 11:13 PM:
> Hello!
> Apache Beam [1] is welcoming a donation [2] of the Euphoria DSL [3]. As PMC
> chair I am doing IP clearance. I would like advice on the process for a
> name/trademark search for a subproject like this. Is this the right venue
> to ask? Can anyone give me a pointer?
Branding comes under trademarks, and the official scoop is here:

The trademarks@ team would be happy to take input on 1) ensuring that's
easy to find and 2) patches to make the steps clearer for podlings or
TLPs alike.

> Kenn (Beam PMC Chair)
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]


- Shane
  Director & Member
  The Apache Software Foundation

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