Re: Images in source code.

2017-06-04 Thread Martin Gainty
is there anyway to run maven-rat-plugin to make sure ASF licensed assets are *not* being subverted by salesforce Apache Rat™ Plugin for Apache Maven – apache-rat:rat cr

Re: Images in source code.

2017-06-04 Thread James Bognar
That's a good question. I've discovered that images CAN contain metadata that includes ownership information. Rat could check for these. In practice though, these comment fields don't seem to be often used. If I could add a simple "Copyright Apache" message to the metadata, I would, but the too

Re: Images in source code.

2017-06-04 Thread Ted Dunning
What does subverted by Salesforce even mean here? Any Apache licensed material can be "subverted" by pretty much anybody if subverted means use for any purpose they feel like. On Jun 4, 2017 14:49, "Martin Gainty" wrote: > is there anyway to run maven-rat-plugin to make sure ASF licensed assets

Re: Images in source code.

2017-06-04 Thread Mike Drob
Project logos are Apache Licensed, but cannot be used for "any purpose" I thought? They're specifically called out and most uses of trademark logos need to be approved by VP Brand. On Sun, Jun 4, 2017 at 9:09 AM, Ted Dunning wrote: > What does subverted

Re: Images in source code.

2017-06-04 Thread Martin Gainty
From: James Bognar Sent: Sunday, June 4, 2017 9:13 AM To: Subject: Re: Images in source code. That's a good question. I've discovered that images CAN contain metadata that includes ownership information. Rat could check for these

Re: Images in source code.

2017-06-04 Thread Ted Dunning
Mike, Is that what Martin was talking about? Doesn't that seem pretty far off of this thread which is about how to label images created for testing purposes? On Sun, Jun 4, 2017 at 9:12 PM, Mike Drob wrote: > Project logos are Apache Licensed, but cannot be used for "any purpose" I > thought?

Re: Images in source code.

2017-06-04 Thread Shane Curcuru
Mike Drob wrote on 6/4/17 3:12 PM: > Project logos are Apache Licensed, but cannot be used for "any purpose" I > thought? They're specifically called out and most uses of trademark logos > need to be approved by VP Brand. Correct, although not quite exact. The Apache license itself explicitly *ex

Re: [VOTE] Apache HTrace 4.3.0 incubating release (rc3)

2017-06-04 Thread Josh Elser
+1 (binding) * xsums/sigs OK * DISCLAIMER present * LICENSE looks good * NOTICE file has some unnecessary stuff, IMO: - "In addition, this product includes software dependencies. See the accompanying LICENSE.txt for a listing of dependencies that are NOT Apache licensed (with pointers to their

[DISCUSS] Migration of Podling Maintenance Tooling to Whimsy

2017-06-04 Thread John D. Ament
All, I want to bring up this discussion to see others opinions. I would like to move forward on migrating podling status maintenance into Whimsy. Some of the key things I want to improve upon is the overall experience around managing the podling. Sam's done a great job with rosters, but we can

Re: [DISCUSS] Migration of Podling Maintenance Tooling to Whimsy

2017-06-04 Thread Chris Mattmann
+1 from me. Cheers, Chris On 6/4/17, 4:33 PM, "John D. Ament" wrote: All, I want to bring up this discussion to see others opinions. I would like to move forward on migrating podling status maintenance into Whimsy. Some of the key things I want to improve upon is the ove