On Friday 08 August 2008 06:00:57 Doug Cutting wrote:
> Niclas Hedhman wrote:
> > On Tuesday 05 August 2008 01:48:13 Doug Cutting wrote:
> >
> > -1. You get my +1 vote when the proposal text is part of the [VOTE]
> > thread. ;-)
> See below.
+1 for incubation.
> = Tashi Proposal
Simple put: a name change is work. Before I can accept the need to do
work, I want to clearly understand the benefits of doing it.
Etch, while new to open-source, does have some awareness in a technical
community ( http://developer.cisco.com/web/cuae ). We have been publicly
pitching and distribut
On Aug 8, 2008, at 4:28 AM, James Dixson (jadixson) wrote:
Simple put: a name change is work. Before I can accept the need to do
work, I want to clearly understand the benefits of doing it.
Etch, while new to open-source, does have some awareness in a
community ( http://developer.c
Grant is right. Others were making the point about Debian. I was making a
point about it being an overly generic English word. The former may be a short
term problem, the latter a very long term one. If changing the name is such a
problem (work) then...
I, too, like the name Etch
Under http://incubator.apache.org/guides/sites.html I can read that the
preferred mechanism is to update the podling websites is via SVN. I'm
currently preparing the PDFBox website and was surprised to see that not
a single podling has put their generated website in a subdirectory under
PDFBox should have it's own website content place under :
Below is uima website that uses the same pattern you mentioned,
altough the folder names are docs and xdocs.
It's a