That really sounds good to me.. so i would try to finish it today.
I will send mail to the community when i am done.
Thanks dims for the suggestion.
- Neeraj
Davanum Srinivas wrote:
my 2 cents...upload the whole thing say in xml-commons/contrib/jaxp13
cvs so everyone can take a look (and th
Hi Neeraj,
I'm +1 to putting the API source on xml-commons trunk. That was
originally supposed to represent the "latest and greatest" of common XML
parsing API's; now it'll be able to do so once again. :)
I think the implementation germane to XML parsing should be put on a
branch in Xerces.
With no objections and 9 binding +1's from the Beehive PPMC, we have a
Beehive 1.0 Beta release. Signed binaries are available at:, and the
site content has been updated appropriately.
Rich Feit:+1
Steve Hanson: +1
Ok I just finished uploading JAXP 1.3 sources in
"*xml-commons/contrib/jaxp13"* directory.
There are 3 files,,, which
corresponds to jaxp-api,
xerces & xalan sources respectively.
- Neeraj
Neeraj Bajaj wrote:
That really sounds good to me.. so i would
Hi Neeraj,
I noticed that the JAXP 1.3 source files in have no
license on them. The JAXP 1.2 sources in xml-commons carry the Apache
license. Will this still be the case for JAXP 1.3?
Neeraj Bajaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 04/05/2005 06:48:30 AM:
> Ok I just finishe
On Apr 6, 2005, at 12:44 AM, Michael Glavassevich wrote:
Hi Neeraj,
I noticed that the JAXP 1.3 source files in have no
license on them. The JAXP 1.2 sources in xml-commons carry the Apache
license. Will this still be the case for JAXP 1.3?
yes - these files must be available under