Hi Neeraj,

I'm +1 to putting the API source on xml-commons trunk.  That was 
originally supposed to represent the "latest and greatest" of common XML 
parsing API's; now it'll be able to do so once again.  :)

I think the implementation germane to XML parsing should be put on a 
branch in Xerces. 

Neil Graham
Manager, XML Parser Development
IBM Toronto Lab
Phone:  905-413-3519, T/L 969-3519

Neeraj Bajaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
04/04/2005 01:07 AM
Please respond to

[EMAIL PROTECTED], xerces-j-dev@xml.apache.org, Eduardo 
Pelegri-Llopart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
general@incubator.apache.org, general@xml.apache.org, Janet Breuer 
Re: Donation of JAXP 1.3 Sources to Apache

Thanks Michael for your response.

I was just wondering what would be idle time to wait before i start work 
on this ?
Does anyone has an opinion, Is there any other list where i should send 
this mail
before making changes ?

- Neeraj

Michael Glavassevich wrote:

>Hi Neeraj,
>+1 to putting the JAXP 1.3 sources on the main trunk, tagging it and 
>making a branch for the old JAXP sources on the current main trunk.
>There exists a branch called tck-jaxp-1_2_0 where fixes and other updates 

>have been applied to the JAXP 1.2 sources. This is the branch we've used 
>for generating the xml-apis.jar shipped with Xerces and Xalan. I assume a 

>similar branch will exist for 1.3.
>Neeraj Bajaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 04/03/2005 03:40:57 AM:
>>Hello All,
>>I sent the mail below with JAXP 1.3 APIs source code attached as zip but 

>>mail bounced back with the following message
>> ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
>> (reason: 552 ZIP attachments are not accepted here.)
>>What should i do now ? Is there a way to upload sources on Apache 
>>server somewhere ?
>>Can anyone guide me what is the procedure for such code grants ?
>>I am looking help from the active committers of Xerces & Xalan community 

>>to help put it in a
>>a branch and make it work there. As i think due to large number of 
>>changes it would be a considerable
>>amount of work. This will also help the committers & community to have a 

>>look at the code before
>>it is merged into the main stream work.
>>I think i have commit access at xml-commons so i can commit the sources 
>>in xml-commons branch
>>or main trunk (and create branch for old jaxp sources ).  What is the 
>>opinion of community ? I can
>>start this as soon as i get a consensus from the community. My 
>>preference is to put the sources on
>>xml-commons main trunk.
>>Please let me know how should i proceed.
>>- Neeraj
>>Hello All,
>>*Sun Microsystems donates the source code of JAXP 1.3 APIs + 
>>implementation to Apache XML.*
>>JAXP 1.3 (JSR 206 <http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=206>) is 
>>significant advancement over JAXP 1.2 and adds whole lot of new 
>>* New Schema Validation Framework
>>* New Object Model neutral XPath APIs
>>* New Java datatypes which maps to XML Schema Datatypes.
>>* Reuse parser instance
>>* Security enhancements
>>* Support for the latest standards (DOM L3 Core, DOM L3 Load & Save, SAX 

>>2, XML 1.1 and XInclude)
>>*JAXP 1.3 APIs source code is attached with this mail. *
>>Due to large size of code base i will be sending different mails for the 

>>source code of Xerces & Xalan.
>>I have attached the original mail where i proposed the process of 
>>upgrading xml-commons to JAXP 1.3 APIs and
>>integrating this donation into the main stream work of Xerces & Xalan. 
>>There was a general consensus to my proposal
>>and we can discuss more about the technicalities of merging with in the 
>>appropriate (Xml-commons, Xerces, Xalan)
>>Let's upgrade to JAXP 1.3 :-)
>>- Neeraj
>>Neeraj Bajaj wrote:
>>>Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
>>>>On Mar 31, 2005, at 12:18 PM, Shane Curcuru wrote:
>>>>>Excellent news!  Thank to Sun folk and Geir for picking up the ball 
>>>>>on this one.
>>>>>Note: once the papers are in the Hallowed Halls, I presume that 
>>>>>Neeraj will get some consensus from xml-commons, xalan-dev, and 
>>>>>xerces-j-dev as to how to actually check this in?
>>>>There is no need to wait until Hall Hallowed-ness has been achieved. 
>>>>I have received them on behalf of the ASF, and don't let the process 
>>>>hold things up.
>>>Great... Thanks Geir. No more held up is good
>>>- Neeraj
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>>Donation of JAXP 1.3 Sources to Apache
>>Neeraj Bajaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Tue, 12 Oct 2004 17:32:14 +0530
>>xerces-j-dev <xerces-j-dev@xml.apache.org>, xerces-j-user 
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, xalan-dev@xml.apache.org, 
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED], Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart 
>>Hello All,
>>As most of you already know JSR 206 [1] JAXP 1.3 has become final.  JAXP 

>>1.3 adds lots of new features in the area of XML processing.
>>It introduces new Schema independent validation framework which 
>>decouples the validation as a process independent from parsing.
>>It allows to compile Schema to an immutable memory representation of 
>>Grammar which can validate different instances of XML document thus
>>greatly improving the performance of XML processing.  XPath language 
>>provides a simple, concise syntax for accessing individual parts of an
>>XML document. JAXP 1.3 defines XPath APIs which provides access to the 
>>XPath evaluation environment and expression results independent
>>of the underlying data object model. JAXP 1.3 also adds new Datatypes to 

>>the Java platform which maps to some of  the W3C XML Schema
>>Datatypes, Features for Secured XML processing etc.  JAXP 1.3 also adds 
>>the ability to reset XML Parser and Transformer instance , allowing
>>application to reuse the same instance to process multiple XML 
>>documents.  This also helps in increasing XML processing performance.
>>JAXP 1.3 also upgrades to the W3C stds. like DOM L3 Core DOM L3 L/S, XML 

>>1.1, XInclude.
>>*Sun Microsystems  would like to donate JAXP 1.3 sources (API s + 
>>Reference Implementation) to Apache. *
>>/Details of JAXP 1.3 sources to be donated:/
>>JAXP 1.3 sources contains the new JAXP 1.3 APIs and the RI (Reference 
>>Implementation). RI has been done using
>>Xerces/Xalan as code base. RI contains the implementation of newly 
>>introduced Validation Framework [2], XPath APIs [3]
>>, Datatypes [4] implementation, SAXParser, DocumentBuilder, Transformer 
>>Reset changes, Secured XML Processing changes. 
>>Implementation of W3C stds. DOM L3 Core, DOM L3 L/S, XML 1.1, XInclude 
>>already exist on Apache Xerces. So in the next
>>section I have also proposed the way to merge rest of the JAXP 1.3 RI 
>>changes into Apache Xerces & Xalan project.  I have also
>>suggested where implementation component should reside i.e. Xerces or 
>>Xalan. Any idea or feedback for the smoother and
>>expedited merger of JAXP 1.3 sources into Apache xml-commons, Xerces & 
>>Xalan is very welcome.
>>*JAXP 1.3 APIs: *
>>JAXP APIs has been at xml-commons for a long time as these set of APIs 
>>are used by many different projects.
>>With JSR 206 declared as final and many new standards emerging, we 
>>should update xml-commons to JAXP 1.3
>>APIs. I propose JAXP 1.3 APIs to be committed to xml-commons main trunk 
>>and apply a tag.
>>*JAXP 1.3 RI:  (Implementation components that should be part of 
>>JAXP 1.3 RI contains the implementation of following packages
>>javax.xml.parsers ( reset(), xinclude, etc.)
>>which should reside at Xerces.
>>I propose that we create a branch, and merge JAXP 1.3 RI changes into 
>>that branch.  This will help
>>other Xerces active committers to have a chance to look at it before 
>>these changes being finally
>>committed to main trunk.  This process would require merging changes to 
>>the branch and then committing
>>changes to main trunk, i seek help of active Xerces committers.
>>*JAXP 1.3 RI:  (Implementation components that should be part of Xalan)*
>>JAXP 1.3 RI also has the implementation of newly developed XPath 
>>(javax.xml.xpath.*) APIs which i think, should be part of
>>Xalan/XSLTC project.  Besdies this, JAXP 1.3 RI also contains changes 
>>done in "javax.xml.transform" package
>>for ex. now application can use the same Transformer instance by 
>>invoking reset().
>>I propose the same for the Xalan/XSLTC project that we create a branch 
>>and JAXP 1.3 Reference Implementation changes are
>>put there. This will help other Xalan active committers to have a chance 

>>to look at it before these changes being finally
>>committed to main trunk.  Again i seek help of Xalan committers for this 

>>As always, all  feedbacks are more than welcome.
>>[1] http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=206
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>Michael Glavassevich
>XML Parser Development
>IBM Toronto Lab
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